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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2022

A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs by Collins, John
The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard, and her Dog: In Which is Shewn the Wonderful Powers That Good old Lady Possessed In the Education of her F by Martin, Sarah Catherine
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs: Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and Other Languages. the Whole M by Ray, John
Les Fabliaux: Études De Littérature Populaire Et D'histoire Littéraire Du Moyen Âge by Bédier, Joseph
Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Simpson, Eve Blantyre
Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie Volume 1: 2 by Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich
Les Fabliaux: Études De Littérature Populaire Et D'histoire Littéraire Du Moyen Âge by Bédier, Joseph
Schlesischer Sagen-, Historien- Und Legendschatz by Retcliffe, John
Tales Of The Old Sind: By C. A. Kincaid by Kincaid, Charles Augustus
The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland by Squire, Charles
Der Böse Blick und Verwandtes: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Aberglaubens Aller Zeiten und Völker, zweiter Band by Seligmann, Siegfried
The Land Of Rip Van Winkle: A Tour Through The Romantic Parts Of The Catskills, Its Legends And Traditions by
Journal Of American Folklore; Volume 25 by Society, American Folklore
The Melanesians: Studies in Their Anthropology and Folklore by Codrington, Robert Henry
Old Norse Fairy Tales: Gathered From The Swedish Folk by Stephens, George
Journal Of American Folklore; Volume 25 by Society, American Folklore
Origines Du Droit Français Cherchées Dans Les Symboles Et Formulas Du Droit Universel by Michelet, Jules
Studier Över Svanjungfrumotivet I Volundarkvida Och Annorstädes... by Holmström, Helge
The Hand Book Of Illustrated Proverbs: Comprising Also A Selection Of Approved Proverbs Of Various Nations And Languages, Ancient And Modern by Barber, John Warner
The Melanesians: Studies in Their Anthropology and Folklore by Codrington, Robert Henry
The Fetish Folk of West Africa by Milligan, Robert H.
Der Böse Blick und Verwandtes: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Aberglaubens Aller Zeiten und Völker, zweiter Band by Seligmann, Siegfried
The Stories of the Months and Days by Couzens, Reginald C.
A Study of Bagobo Ceremonial Magic and Myth by Benedict, Laura Watson
A Dialogue of the Effectual Proverbs by Heywood, John
A Book of Myths by Lang, Jean
A Book of Myths by Lang, Jean
1000 Mythological Characters by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
Transactions of the Ossianic Society for the Year 1853; Volume I by Society, Ossianic
Legends and Tales of old Munich by Franz, Trautmann
Lincoln in Story: The Life of the Martyr-President Told in Authenticated by Pratt, Silas Gamaliel
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations; Volume 1 by Clouston, William Alexander
More Australian Legendary Tales by Parker, Katie Langloh
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations; Volume 1 by Clouston, William Alexander
Fables, of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflections by L'Estrange, Roger
Dictionnaire De La Mythologie D'homère by LeRoux, Élie
Demeter und Persephone: Ein Cyclus Mythologischer Untersuchungen by Preller, Ludwig
Primitive Athens as Described by Thucydides by Harrison, Jane Ellen
More Australian Legendary Tales by Parker, Katie Langloh
Proverbes Chinois by Perny, Paul Hubert
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations; Volume 2 by Clouston, William Alexander
Der Baumkultus Der Germanen Und Ihrer Nachbarstämme: Mythologische Untersuchungen by Mannhardt, Wilhelm
Demeter und Persephone: Ein Cyclus Mythologischer Untersuchungen by Preller, Ludwig
Fables, of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflections by L'Estrange, Roger
Contes Populaires De La Haute-Bretagne by Sébillot, Paul
Sitte, Brauch Und Volksglaube in Schlesien by Drechsler, Paul
Proverbes Chinois by Perny, Paul Hubert
Contes Populaires De La Haute-Bretagne by Sébillot, Paul
Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie Volume 1: 2 by Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich
Endres Tuchers Baumeisterbuch der Stadt Nürnberg (1464-1475) by Tucher, Endres
Der Baumkultus Der Germanen Und Ihrer Nachbarstämme: Mythologische Untersuchungen by Mannhardt, Wilhelm
A Glossary of Important Symbols in Their Hebrew, Pagan and Christian Forms by Hall, Adelaide Susan
Endres Tuchers Baumeisterbuch der Stadt Nürnberg (1464-1475) by Tucher, Endres
Perrault's Popular Tales by Perrault, Charles, Lang, Andrew
Primitive Athens as Described by Thucydides by Harrison, Jane Ellen
A Study of Bagobo Ceremonial Magic and Myth by Benedict, Laura Watson
Schlesischer Sagen-, Historien- Und Legendschatz by Retcliffe, John
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs: Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and Other Languages. the Whole M by Ray, John
Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, Called Hybrides: With the Genealogies of the Chief Clans of the Isles by Monro, Donald
North Cornwall Fairies And Legends by Tregarthen, Enys
Histoire Critique Du Gnosticisme Et De Son Influence Sur Les Sectes Religieuses Et Philosophiques Des 6 Premiers Siècles; Volume 3 by Matter, Jacques
Diccionario de refranes, adagios, proverbios modismos, locuciones y frases proverbiales de la lengua espanola: 2 by Sbarbi Y. Osuna, José María
North Cornwall Fairies And Legends by Tregarthen, Enys
Traditions Populaires de L'Asie Mineure by Carnoy, E. Henry
North Indian Notes And Queries, Volumes 4-5 by Crooke, William
Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia: 2 by Littmann, Enno, Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia, 19
Histoire Critique Du Gnosticisme Et De Son Influence Sur Les Sectes Religieuses Et Philosophiques Des 6 Premiers Siècles; Volume 3 by Matter, Jacques
Tales Of The Old Sind: By C. A. Kincaid by Kincaid, Charles Augustus
Birds Of Omen In Shetland: (inaugural Address To The Viking Club, London, October 13, 1892.) by Club, Viking
Mitologia: História do paganismo de vários povos da antiguidade, Egípcios, Assírios, Babilónios, Persas, Gregos, Romanos, Indús, by Magno, Albino Pereira
Diccionario de refranes, adagios, proverbios modismos, locuciones y frases proverbiales de la lengua espanola: 1 by Sbarbi Y. Osuna, José María
Studier Över Svanjungfrumotivet I Volundarkvida Och Annorstädes... by Holmström, Helge
Die Giganten und Titanen in der antiken Sage und Kunst. by Mayer, Maximilian
The Proverbs of Solomon; by Myers, Isidore
Lincoln in Story: The Life of the Martyr-President Told in Authenticated by Pratt, Silas Gamaliel
Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Simpson, Eve Blantyre
Tales and Traditions of Ayrshire and Galloway by Glass, Andrew
1000 Mythological Characters by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
Faune Populaire de la France by Rolland, Eugène
Folk-Lore and Fable: Aesop, Grimm, Andersen by Andersen, Aesop Grimm
Tales and Traditions of Ayrshire and Galloway by Glass, Andrew
English Heraldry by Boutell, Charles
A Dialogue of the Effectual Proverbs by Heywood, John
Notes on Superstition and Folk Lore by Laing, Jeanie M.
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 1635-36; Volume XXV by Blair, E. H., Various
Das Pelasgische Orakel des Zeus zu Dodona. by Lasaulx, Ernst Von
The Stories of the Months and Days by Couzens, Reginald C.
Some Chinese Ghosts by Hearn, Lafcadio
Folk-Lore and Fable: Aesop, Grimm, Andersen by Andersen, Aesop Grimm
Notes on Superstition and Folk Lore by Laing, Jeanie M.
Faune Populaire de la France by Rolland, Eugène
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland; Volume I by Wilde, William Robert
Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition: Argyllshire Series by Campbell, Archibald
Algic Researches by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
The Melanesians: Studies in Their Anthropology and Folk-Lore by Codrington, Robert Henry
Comparative Studies in Nursery Rhymes by Eckenstein, Lina
Hero-Tales of Ireland by Curtin, Jeremiah
Tibetan Folk Tales by Shelton, A. L.
Tales and Popular Fictions: Their Resemblance, and Transmission From Country to Country by Keightley, Thomas
Divine and Moral Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, for the Use of Children by Watts, Isaac
La mythologie des plantes; ou, Les légendes du règne végétal; Tome t.1 by
Folk Lore and Genealogies of Uppermost Nithsdale by Wilson, William
English Folk-lore by Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas Firminger
Les petites ignorances de la conversation by Rozan, Charles
Shetland Folk-Lore by Spence, John
Biblioteca Delle Tradizioni Popolari Siciliane by Pitrè, Giuseppe
The Salt-Cellars: Being a Collection of Proverbs, Together With Homely Notes Thereon by Anonymous
Dictionnaire Étymologique, Historique, Et Anecdotique Des Proverbes Et Des Locutions Proverbiales De La Langue Française, En Rapport Avec Des Proverbe by Quitard, Pierre-Marie
National Proverbs: India by Minhas, Abdul Hamid
Anthropological Report on the Ibo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria Volume pt.1 by Thomas, Northcote Whitridge
The Translation of Part of the Remains of the Ramayanam of Bodhayanam. With an Appendix and Critical and Explanatory Notes as Also the Bhishma Parvum by Baudhayana, Baudhayana
Traditions, Superstitions, and Folklore, (Chiefly Lancashire and the North of England: ) Their Affinity to Others in Widely-Distributed Localities; Th by Hardwick, Charles
My Dark Companions and Their Strange Stories by Anonymous
The Traditional Poetry of the Finns by Comparetti, Domenico
An Introduction to Mythology by Spence, Lewis
Modern Arabic Tales; Volume 1 by Anonymous
My Dark Companions and Their Strange Stories by Anonymous
Credulities Past and Present: Including the Sea and Seamen, Miners, Amulets and Talismans, Rings, Word and Letter Divination, Numbers, Trials, Exorc by Jones, William
Odyssee und Argonautika; Untersuchungen zur griechischen Sagengeschichte und zum Epos by Meuli, Karl
National Proverbs: India by Minhas, Abdul Hamid
The Proverbs of Alfred by Alfred, Walter William, Skeat, Walter William
La Normandie Romanesque Et Merveilleuse by Bosquet, Amélie
Wörterbuch Zu Ovid's Metamorphosen, Dritte Auflage by Meineke, Albert Christian
Mythologie Der Germanen by Meyer, Elard Hugo
Wonder Tales From the Greek & Roman Myths by Davidson, Gladys
Wonder Tales From the Greek & Roman Myths by Davidson, Gladys
The Works of Callimachus, Translated Into English Verse. The Hymns and Epigrams From the Greek; With the Coma Berenices From the Latin of Catallus: Wi by Callimachus, Callimachus, Tytler, H. W. 1752-1808
The Proverbs of Alfred by Alfred, Walter William, Skeat, Walter William
Credulities Past and Present: Including the Sea and Seamen, Miners, Amulets and Talismans, Rings, Word and Letter Divination, Numbers, Trials, Exorc by Jones, William
Legends of the Konkan by Crawford, Arthur Travers
Valitud eesti rahvalaulud: Keelelise ja värsiõpetusliku sissejuhatuse ning sõnastikuga by Saareste, Andrus
The Translation of Part of the Remains of the Ramayanam of Bodhayanam. With an Appendix and Critical and Explanatory Notes as Also the Bhishma Parvum by Baudhayana, Baudhayana
Old Friends and new Fables by Morris, Alice Talwin
Littérature Orale De La Basse-Normandie: (Hague Et Val-De-Saire) by Fleury, Jean François Bonaventure
Legends of the Konkan by Crawford, Arthur Travers
Anthropological Report on the Ibo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria Volume pt.1 by Thomas, Northcote Whitridge
Tales of Old Japan: The Ghost of Sakura. How Tajima Shumé Was Tormented by a Devil of His Own Creation. Concerning Certain Superstitions. by Redesdale, Baron Algernon Bertram Fre
Traditions, Superstitions, and Folklore, (Chiefly Lancashire and the North of England: ) Their Affinity to Others in Widely-Distributed Localities; Th by Hardwick, Charles
An Introduction to Mythology by Spence, Lewis
Tales of Languedoc by Brun, Samuel Jacques, Peixotto, Ernest Clifford
Valitud eesti rahvalaulud: Keelelise ja värsiõpetusliku sissejuhatuse ning sõnastikuga by Saareste, Andrus
La Normandie Romanesque Et Merveilleuse by Bosquet, Amélie
Modern Arabic Tales; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Bengal Fairy Tales by
Volksmedizin und medizinischer Aberglaube: In Bayern und den angrenzenden Bezirken, begründet auf die Geschichte der Medizin und Cultur by Lammert, Gottfried
Raccolta Di Proverbi Toscani by Capponi, Gino, Giusti, Giuseppe
The Works of Callimachus, Translated Into English Verse. The Hymns and Epigrams From the Greek; With the Coma Berenices From the Latin of Catallus: Wi by Tytler, H. W. 1752-1808, Callimachus, Callimachus
Volksmedizin und medizinischer Aberglaube: In Bayern und den angrenzenden Bezirken, begründet auf die Geschichte der Medizin und Cultur by Lammert, Gottfried
Boanerges by Harris, Rendel
The Life of the Universe as Conceived by Man From the Earliest Ages to the Present Times by Arrhenius, Svante
Ethnology in Folklore by Gomme, George Laurence
Odyssee und Argonautika; Untersuchungen zur griechischen Sagengeschichte und zum Epos by Meuli, Karl
Stimmen Der Weissagung Über Babel Und Das Volk Gottes: Aus Dem Wort Gottes Geschöpft Und Auf Die Gegenwart Und Nächste Zukunst Angewendet by Hoffmann, Christoph
Æsop's Fables by Stickney, Jenny H.
Boanerges by Harris, Rendel
Tales of Old Japan: The Ghost of Sakura. How Tajima Shumé Was Tormented by a Devil of His Own Creation. Concerning Certain Superstitions. by Redesdale, Baron Algernon Bertram Fre
Tales of Languedoc by Brun, Samuel Jacques, Peixotto, Ernest Clifford
A Collection Of Popular Tales From The Norse And North German by
The Folk-Literature of Bengal (being Lectures Delivered to the Calcutta University in 1917, as Ramta by Dineshchandra, Rai Saheb, Gourlay, W. R.
In Chimney Corners: Merry Tales of Irish Folk-Lore by MacManus, Seumas, Smith, Pamela Colman
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations by Clouston, William Alexander
Outa Karel's Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales by Sanni, Metelerkamp
Hercule Et Cacus: Étude De Mythologie Comparée by Breal, Michel
Symbolik und Mythologie oder die Naturreligion des Alterthums, Erster Theil by Baur, Ferdinand Christian
More Celtic Fairy Tales by Jacobs, Joseph
Rudra by Arbman, Ernst
The Vale of Strathmore; Its Scenes and Legends by Guthrie, James Cargill
Legends of Louisiana: The Romance of the Royal oak: The Brother of the Sultan by Schertz, Helen Pitkin
Outa Karel's Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales by Sanni, Metelerkamp
Les Contes Populaires De L'île De Corse by Ortoli, Jean-Baptiste Frédéric
Shetland Fireside Tales; Or, the Hermit of Trosswickness by Stewart, George
Fables De La Fontaine, Livres Vii À Xii. Nouvelle Éd., Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes, Une Grammaire Et Un Lexique De La Langue De La Fontaine... by
Symbolik und Mythologie oder die Naturreligion des Alterthums, Erster Theil by Baur, Ferdinand Christian
Rudra by Arbman, Ernst
Stories About Cats by Surr, Elizabeth
Popular Traditions of Glasgow by Wallace, Andrew
Traditions Populaires de L'Asie Mineure by Carnoy, E. Henry
A Christian Wreath for the Pagan Deities Or An Introduction to the Greek and Roman Mythology by Rowden, Frances Arabella
Sancho Panza's Proverbs, and Others Which Occur in Don Quixote, With a Tr., Notes, and Intr., by U.R. Burke by Anonymous
Sitten, Bräuche Und Meinungen Des Tiroler Volkes by Zingerle, Ignaz Vinzenz
Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia: With Illustrative Clan Songs by Gill, William Wyatt
Philippine Folklore Stories by Miller, John Maurice
Folk-Lore of Modern Greece: The Tales of the People by Geldart, Edmund Martin
North Indian Notes And Queries, Volumes 4-5 by Crooke, William
Refranes de Sancho Panza. Aventuras y Desventuras Malicias y Agudezas del Escudero de don Quijote by Anonymous
Popular Studies In Mythology, Romance And Folklore by Nutt, Alfred
Folk Tales From Tibet by Frederick Travers O'Connor, William
Altspanische Sprichwörter und Sprichwörtliche Redensarten by Haller, Joseph
Atlas linguistique de la France. Suppléments par J. Gilliéron et E. Edmont by Edmont, Edmond, Gilliéron, Jules
The Story of the Stick in All Ages and Lands by Réal, Antony
The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland: With Tunes, Singing-Rhymes, and Methods of Playing Accoring to the Variants Extant and Record by Gomme, Alice Bertha
The Medea of Euripides by A. W. Verrall, Edited
Sebastian Franck's Erste Namenlose Sprichwörtersammlung Vom Jahre 1532 in Getreuem Abdruck Mit Erläuterungen Und Cultur- Und Literargeschichtlichen Be by Franck, Sebastian
More Celtic Fairy Tales by Jacobs, Joseph
Folk-Lore of Modern Greece: The Tales of the People by Geldart, Edmund Martin
Legends of Louisiana: The Romance of the Royal oak: The Brother of the Sultan by Schertz, Helen Pitkin
Legends of Switzerland by Guerber, H. a.
The Medea of Euripides by A. W. Verrall, Edited
Folk-games Of Jamaica, Issues 1-7 by Beckwith, Martha Warren
Altspanische Sprichwörter und Sprichwörtliche Redensarten by Haller, Joseph
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