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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2022

Le Folklore Flamand: Folklore Mythologique... by Teirlinck, Isidoor
Deutsches Leben Im Xiv. Und Xv.: Jahrhundert by Schultz, Alwin
Das Kind in Brauch Und Sitte Der Völker: Anthropologische Studien by Ploss, Hermann Heinrich
Folk Tales of Andros Island, Bahamas by Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews
Legends Of The Ozarks by Buel, James William
Russian Wonder Tales With a Foreword on the Russian by Wheeler, Post
Russian Folk-Tales by Ralston, William Ralston Shedden
Old Mother Hubbard and her Wonderful Dog by Martin, Sarah Catherine
The Great Mother of the Gods by Showerman, Grant
Lieder Und Geschichten Der Suaheli by Büttner, Carl Gotthilf
The Mabinogion by John, Ivor Bertram
South-African Folk-tales by Honeij, James Albert
Contes Et Romans De L'égypte Chrétienne; Volume 1 by Amélineau, Emile
The Legend of Sir Perceval: Studies Upon Its Origin, Development, and Position in the Arthurian Cycle; Volume 1 by Weston, Jessie Laidlay
Aboriginal Myths and Traditions Concerning the Island of Titicaca, Bolivia by Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse
The Fables of Phaedrus by Ellis, Robinson
Les Mille Et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes; Volume 5 by Nodier, Charles, Destains, Eugène, Galland, Antoine
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom by Rhys, John
Cent Proverbes Japonais... by Steenackers, Francis, Tokunosuké, Ueda
Indian Legends of the Cuyamaca Mountains by Johnson, Mary Elizabeth
Dictionnaire Des Sciences Occultes; Volume 2 by Migne, Jacques-Paul, Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
Legends of Switzerland by Guerber, H. a.
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition by Leland, Charles Godfrey
The Facetious Nights of Straparola; Volume 2 by Morlini, Girolamo, Straparola, Giovanni Francesco, Waters, William George
The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore; the Folklore of North Carolina, Collected by Dr. Frank C. Brown During the Years 1912 to 194 by White, Newman Ivey, Brown, Frank Clyde
The Fables of Æsop by Jacobs, Joseph
Færøske Folkesagn Og Æventyr by Jakobsen, Jakob
Children's Ballads From History and Folklore by Bates, Clara Doty
A Hand-Book of Proverbs: Comprising an Entire Republication of Ray's Collection of English Proverbs, With His Additions From Foreign Languages, by Bohn, Henry George, Ray, John
Les Proverbes Et Locutions De La Langue Française: Leurs Origines Et Leur Concordance Avec Les Proverbes Et Locutions Des Autres Nations by Loubens, Didier
Miti, Leggende E Superstizioni Del Medio Evo: Il Mito Del Paradiso Terrestre. Il Riposo Dei Dannati. La Credenza Nella Fatalità... by Graf, Arturo
The Golden Fleece: A Book of Jewish Cabalism by Page, Thomas Frederick
Irish Fairy Tales by Yeats, William Butler, Yeats, Jack Butler
Raccolta Di Proverbi Toscani by Capponi, Gino, Giusti, Giuseppe
The Proverbs of Solomon; by Myers, Isidore
The Voyages and Travels of Sindbad the Sailor: Giving a Full Account of his Seven Wonderful Voyages by Anonymous
Kinderlied Und Kinderspiel Im Kanton Bern... by Züricher, Gertrud
Das Tierleben im Sprichwort der Griechen und Römer Nach Quellen und Stellen in Parallele mit dem Deu by Köhler, Carl Sylvio
Indian Story and Song From North America by Fletcher, Alice C.
Annuario Para O Estudo Das Tradicoes Populares Portuguezas by Leite de Vasconcellos, J.
Der Neu-aramäische Dialekt Des Tur Abdin, Volumes 1-2... by Prym, Eugen
A Study of the Greek Pæan: With Appendixes Containing the Hymns Found at Delphi, and the Other Extant Fragments of Pæans by Fairbanks, Arthur
Del folklore asturiano: Mitos, supersticiones, costumbres by
The Wit And Wisdom Of The Haytians by Bigelow, John
A Dictionary in Hindi and English by Thompson, Joseph Thomas
In the Reign of Coyote: Folklore From the Pacific Coast by Chandler, Katherine
Sancho Panza's Proverbs, And Others Which Occur In Don Quixote by
Reynard the Fox is South Africa by Bleek, W. H. I.
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages: By S. Baring-Gould by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Myths and Tales From the San Carlos Apache by Goddard, Plinty Earle
The Deluge and Its Cause: Being an Explanation of the Annular Theory of the Formation of the Earth, With Special Reference to the Flood and the by Vail, Isaac Newton 1840-1912
Oll Synnwyr Pen Kembero Ygyd... by Hiraethog, Gruffudd, Salesbury, William
Russian Fairy Tales From The Skazki of Polevoi by Bain, R. Nisbet
Chansons populaires recueillies en Franche-Comté, par Charles Beauquier by Beauquier, Charles
Libro de refranes by Vallés, Pedro
Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition: Argyllshire Series by Campbell, Archibald
Motif-index of Medieval Spanish Folk Narratives by Goldberg, Harriet
Folklore of Wells. by Masani, R. P.
Short Sketches From Oldest America by Driggs, John Beach
Caractère Des Inscriptions Aztèques Et Mayas by Seler, Eduard
Les Lutins Du Chateau De Kernosy: Nouvelle Historique by
Les Mille Et Une Nuits, Volume 1... by Galland, Antoine
The Fables of Phaedrus by Ellis, Robinson
Proverbs From the Almanac of One Richard Saunders (Benjamin Franklin) by Franklin, Benjamin 1706-1790
Chary na Ukraïni by Hnatiuk, V. M. 1871-1926
The Book Arran by MacKenzie, W. M. 1871-1952, Balfour, J. A. Ed
Indische Sprüche: Sanskrit und Deutsch, Zweiter Teil by Böhtlingk, Otto Von
The Fians; or Stories, Poems, and Traditions of Fionn and his Warrior Band by Nutt, Alfred, Campbell, John Gregorson
The Grateful Dead by Gerould, Gordon Hall
Old-World Japan: Legends of the Land of the Gods by 1863-1937, Rinder Frank
The Story of Rustem: And Other Persian Hero Tales From Firdusi by Renninger, Elizabeth D., English, English
Household Stories From the Land of Hofer: Or Popular Myths of Tirol by Busk, Rachel Harriette
Magana Hausa: Hausa Stories and Fables by Schön, James Frederick, Robinson, Charles Henry
Bayerische Sagen und Bräuche: Beitrag zur Deutschen Mythologie, erster Band by Panzer, Friedrich
Strange Stories From a Chinese Studio, Tr. [From the Liao-Chai-Chih-I of P'U Sung-Ling] and Annotated by H.a. Giles by Sung-Ling, P'u
Birds in Legend, Fable and Folklore by Ernest, Ingersoll
A Collection Of Telugu Proverbs Translated, Illustrated And Explained by Carr, M. W.
Popular Romances of the West of England, or, The Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of old Cornwa by Hunt, Robert
Old Norse Fairy Tales: Gathered From The Swedish Folk by Stephens, George
Ausführliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie. by Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich
The Original Fables of La Fontaine by De La Fontaine, Jean
Die Sprichwörter Und Sprichwörtlichen Redensarten Der Römer by Otto, A.
The Fetish Folk of West Africa by Milligan, Robert H.
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken From the Adagia of Erasmus, With Explanations; and Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples From the Spanish, Italian, Fr by Bland, Robert, Erasmus, Desiderius
A Miscellany of Irish Proverbs by Francis, O'Rahilly Thomas
Folk-tales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes by Boas, Franz
Legends Of The Ozarks by Buel, James William
The Delphic Oracle, its Early History, Influence and Fall by Dempsey, T.
Tales and Legends From the Land of the Tzar: Collection of Russian Stories by Hodgetts, Edith M. S.
Tales of the Cochiti Indians by Benedict, Ruth
Silesian Folk Tales (The Book of Rübezahl) by Lee, James
Russian Wonder Tales With a Foreword on the Russian by Wheeler, Post
Legends and Romances of Brittany by Spence, Lewis
Das Matriarchat, das Mutterrecht, bei den Alten Arabern. Übersetzung by Wilken, George Alexander
A Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Familiar Phrases, Based on Macintosh's Collection by Alexander, Nicolson
La Formation Des Légendes by Van Gennep, Arnold
Grimms' Complete Fairy Tales by Grimm, Wilhelm, 1785-1863, Grimm Jacob
The Folk-Literature of Bengal (being Lectures Delivered to the Calcutta University in 1917, as Ramta by Dineshchandra, Rai Saheb, Gourlay, W. R.
At Home in Fiji by Cumming, Constance Frederica Gordon
Folk-dances From old Homelands: A Third Volume of Folk-dances and Singing Games, Containing Thirty-three Folk-dances From Belgium, Czecho-Slovakia, De by Burchenal, Elizabeth, Burchenal, Emma Howells
South-African Folk-tales by Honeij, James Albert
Dravidian Gods in Modern Hinduism: A Study of the Local and Village Deities of Southern India by Elmore, Wilber Theodore
Tales of the sun; or, Folklore of Southern India by Kingscote, Georgiana, Sástrî, Pandit Natêesa
Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi by
Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk Tales by Bain, Robert Nisbet
The Anglo-saxon Charms by 1882-, Grendon Felix
Fairy Tales of Eastern Europe by Curtin, Jeremiah
Das Buch Von Den Polnischen Juden. Hrsg. Von S.j. Agnon Und Ahron Eliasberg by 1879-, Eliasberg Ahron
The Sister's son and the Conte del Graal by Nitze, William Albert
Tort Law and How It's Tied to Our Culture by Madden, Esq M. Stuart
Tort Law and How It's Tied to Our Culture by Madden, Esq M. Stuart
Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk Tales by Bain, Robert Nisbet
A Compleat Collection Of English Proverbs. To Which Is Added, A Collection Of English Words Not Generally Used. Repr. Verbatim From The Ed. Of 1768 by Ray, John
Danske Ordsprog og Mundheld by Bresemann, Friederich
Filipino Popular Tales by Fansler, Dean S.
Proverbs: Chiefly Taken From the Adagia of Erasmus, With Explanations; and Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples From th by Erasmus, Desiderius
Echt Evangelische Auslegung Der Sonn-Und Festtags-Evangelien Des Kirchenjahrs: Übersetzt Und Ausgezogen Aus Der Evangelien-Harmonie Der Lutherischen T by Gerhard, Johann, Leyser, Polycarp, Chemnitz, Martin
An Outline of Greek and Roman Mythology by Kelsey, Francis Willey
Myths & Legends of Japan by Paul, Evelyn, Davis, F. Hadland
Bayerische Sagen und Bräuche: Beitrag zur Deutschen Mythologie, erster Band by Panzer, Friedrich
Folk Tales of Andros Island, Bahamas by Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews
The Delphic Oracle, its Early History, Influence and Fall by Dempsey, T.
Kentucky Superstitions by Thomas, Daniel Lindsey, Thomas, Lucy Blayney
Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria: West Africa by Dayrell, Elphinstone
The Book Arran by MacKenzie, W. M. 1871-1952, Balfour, J. A. Ed
Notes on the Language and Folk-usage of the Rio Grande Valley (with Especial Regard to Survivals of Arabic Custom) by Bourke, John Gregory 1846-1896
Reynard the Fox is South Africa by Bleek, W. H. I.
A Century of Scottish Proverbs and Sayings, in Prose and Rhyme: Current in Fife and Chiefly of Fife Origin by MacKay, Ae J. G. 1839-1911
Select Fables of Esop and Other Fabulists: In Three Books by Dodsley, Robert
Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry by Allan, Cunningham
Aboriginal Myths and Traditions Concerning the Island of Titicaca, Bolivia by Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse
Norse Stories by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
A Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore by Drake, Samuel Adams
The Four Ancient Books of Wales Containing the Cymric Poems Attributed to the Bards of the Sixth Century, Volume 1, part 2 by Skene, William Forbes
Serbian Folk-lore by Lawton, Mijatovic Elodie
Biblioteca Delle Tradizioni Popolari Siciliane by Pitrè, Giuseppe
The Myths of the North American Indians by Spence, Lewis
Folk-lore of the Musquakie Indians of North America and Catalogue of Musquakie Beadwork and Other Ob by Owen, Mary Alicia
Aphorisms of Wisdom, or, A Complete Collection of the Most Celebrated Proverbs, in the English, Scotch, French, Spanish, Italian and Other Languages: by Ramsay, Allan 1686-1758, Fuller, Thomas 1654-1734
The Mediaeval Legend of Judas Iscariot by Baum, Paull Franklin
Zeitschrift für Deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde, erster Band by Mannhardt, Wilhelm, Wolf, Johann Wilhelm
The Dramas and Dramatic Dances of Non-European Races in Special Reference to the Origin of Greek Tragedy, With an Appendix on the Origin of Greek Come by Ridgeway, William
The Babylonian Conception of Heaven and Hell by Jeremias, Alfred
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 1635-36; Volume XXV by Blair, E. H., Various
How to Fish: A Treatise On Trout & Trout-Fishers by Hodgson, William Earl
Mona Miscellany a Selection of Proverbs Sayings Ballads Customs Superstitions and Legends Pe by Harrison, William
The Diamond: A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic Folk-Lore; Volume 15 by Laufer, Berthold
The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon of Ovid by Ovid, Riley, Henry T.
Krilof and His Fables by Ralston Shedden Ralston, William
Paganism In Roumanian Folklore by Beza, Marcu
Field Notes by
Gammer Gurton's Garland of Nursery Songs: And Toby Tickle's Collection of Riddles by Bewick, Thomas, Puzzlecap, Peter
Les Fables De Phèdre: Affranchi D'auguste, Traduites En Français... by
Geschichte der Reliquien in der Schweiz. by Stückelberg, Ernst Alfred
A Biographic Outline of Homer as he Reveals Himself in his Works by Snider, Denton Jaques
Les Avadânas: Contes Et Apologues Indiens Inconnus Jusqu'à Ce Jour, Suivis De Fables, De Poésies Et De Nouvelles Chinoises; Volume 2 by Julien, Stanislas
Journal Of American Folklore; Volume 30 by Society, American Folklore
Marathi Proverbs by Anonymous
The Valley of the Nile: Its Tombs, Temples, and Monuments by Henry Davenport Adams, William
A Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings Relating to the Seasons, the Weather, and Agricultural Pursuits by Denham, Ma
Kinderspel & Kinderlust in Zuid-Nederland by Teirlinck, Isidoor, De Cock, Alfons
Remains Concerning Britain by Philipot, John, Lower, Mark Antony, Camden, William
Riccia Nella Storia E Nel Folk-lore... by Amorosa, Berengario G.
An Alphabet of Tales: An English 15Th Century Translation of the Alphabetum Narrationum of Étienne De Besançon. from Additional Ms. 25, 719 by Etienne
Tunnicius. Die älteste niederdeutsche Sprichwörtersammlung by Hoffmann Von Fallersleben, August Hei, Tunnicius, Antonius
Les Avadânas: Contes Et Apologues Indiens Inconnus Jusqu'à Ce Jour, Suivis De Fables, De Poésies Et De Nouvelles Chinoises; Volume 2 by Julien, Stanislas
Stories of India's Gods and Heroes by Monro, W. D.
The Journal Of American Folk-lore, Volume 29... by Society, American Folklore
Classic Myths by Judd, Mary Catherine
The Folklore Journal by (Organization), Jstor
Samling af swenska ordspråk, i ordning ställe efter alfabetet, med tillägg af någre utur latinen och andre språk, liklydande eller motsvarande by Rhodin, Lars
The Spanish Pastoral Romances by Rennert, Hugo Albert
Rasavahini by Vedeha, Thera
Paganism In Roumanian Folklore by Beza, Marcu
The Golden Touch: Told to the Children by Wilson, Patten, Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Molbo- Og Aggerbohistorier Samt Andre Dermed Beslaegtede Fortaellinger: Samlede Af Folkemunde... by Kristensen, Evald Tang
Volksthümliches Aus Graubünden by Jecklin, Dietrich
Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry by Conybeare, John Josias
The Folklore by Stoudt, John Baer, Society, Pennsylvania-German
South Mountain Sketches; Folk Tales and Legends Collected in the Mountains of Southern Pennsylvania by
Hill-Side and Border Sketches: With Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir; Volume I by Maxwell, William Hamilton
A Collection of Chinese Proverbs by Scarborough, William
La chanson populaire et la vie rurale des Pyrénées à la Vendée. Préface de Paul Sébillot; Tome 1 by Trébucq, Sylv
Folk-Lore Bourbonnais: Anciens Usages, Sorciers Et Rebouteurs, Meneurs De Loups, Vielles Et Musettes, Jeux Du Temps Passé, Les Fées, Les Noce by Pérot, Francis
Eros and Psyche: A Fairy-Tale of Ancient Greece by Carus, Paul, Apuleius, Paul
Contes Bretons by Bruce, Charles A., Le Braz, Anatole
The Creation-Story of Genesis I. A Sumerian Theogony and Cosmogony by Radau, Hugo
Origin of Architectural Design: Or, the Archaeology of Astronomy by McCoy, Lee Herbert
The First Nine Books Of The Danish History Of Saxo Grammaticus by Elton, Oliver
The Fairy Mythology: Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries by Keightley, Thomas
Asgard And The Gods by Wägner, Wilhelm
Folk-Lore by Moss, Fletcher
Legends of Charlemagne by Bulfinch, Thomas
Serbian Folk-lore Popular Tales Selected and Translated by Mijatovich, Madam Csedomille, Denton, W.
Legends of Strathisla, Inverness-Shire, and Strathbogie: With an Appendix. 3D. Ed., to Which Is Added a Walk From Keith to Rothiemay by the Same Autho by Sim, R.
Negro Culture in West Africa by Ellis, George Washington
Sinbad the Sailor & Other Stories From the Arabian Nights by Ill, Dulac Edmund
New Light From the Great Pyramid: The Astronomico-Geographical System of the Ancients Recovered and Applied to the Elucidation of History, Ceremony, S by Parsons, Albert Ross
The Origin of the Icelandic Family Sagas by Liestøl, Knut, Jayne, Arthur Garland
Bannú: Or Our Afghan Frontier by Thorburn, Septimus Smet
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