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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Native American History in 2000

Inuit Journey: The Co-Operative Adventure in Canada's North by Iglauer, Edith
Encyclopedia of Georgia Indians by Ricky, Donald
Tribes, Treaties, and Constitutional Tribulations by Deloria, Vine
The National Uncanny: Indian Ghosts and American Subjects by Bergland, Renée L.
Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier by Merrell, James H.
Texas Indian Myths and Legends by Arcger, Jane
Sustaining the Forest, the People, and the Spirit by Davis, Thomas
Muskoxen and Their Hunters, 5: A History by Lent, Peter C.
The Archaeological Northeast by Nassaney, Michael, Sassaman, Kenneth, Levine, Mary Ann
Addictions and Native Americans by French, Laurence
King Philip's War: Civil War in New England, 1675-1676 by Drake, James D.
The Animals Came Dancing: Native American Sacred Ecology and Animal Kinship by Harrod, Howard L.
To Fish in Common: The Ethnohistory of Lummi Indian Salmon Fishing by Boxberger, Daniel L.
Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940 by Child, Brenda J.
Indian Law Enforcement History by Indian Affairs, Bureau Of
Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian, Incorporated by Gidley, Mick
Contemplations of a Primal Mind by Horn, Gabriel
Transmission Difficulties: Franz Boas and Tsimshian Mythology by Maud, Ralph
Traders' Tales: Narratives of Cultural Encounters in the Columbia Plateau, 1807-1846 by Vibert, Elizabeth
Shapers of the Great Debate on Native Americans--Land, Spirit, and Power: A Biographical Dictionary by Johansen, Bruce Elliott
Indian Treaty-Making Policy in the United States and Canada, 1867-1877 by St Germain, Jill
The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America by Wilson, James
The Assiniboine: Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1928-19 by Denig, Edwin Thompson
The Blood of Guatemala: A History of Race and Nation by Grandin, Greg
Night Spirits: The Story of the Relocation of the Sayisi Dene by Bilgen-Reinart, Ustun, Bussidor, Ila
Night Spirits: The Story of the Relocation of the Sayisi Dene by Bussidor, Ila, Bilgen-Reinart, Ustun
Another Country by Camuto, Christopher
Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World by
Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures by Gleach, Frederic W.
C Hist Native Peoples V2 Mesoam P2 by Trigger, Bruce G., Washburn, Wilcomb E.
The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas by
The Sons of the Wind: The Sacred Stories of the Lakota by
Laughter: The Navajo Way by Wilson, Alan
The Native American Oral Tradition: Voices of the Spirit and Soul by Einhorn, Lois
American Indian Population Recovery in the Twentieth Century by Shoemaker, Nancy
The Promise and Peril of Environmental Justice by Foreman, Christopher H.
Legends of the Delaware Indians and Picture Writing (Revised) by Adams, Richard C.
Native American Legends by
Possible Pasts by
Possible Pasts by
Exploration of the Etowah Site in Georgia: The Etowah Papers by Moorehead, Warren King
Ghost Dancing the Law: The Wounded Knee Trials by Sayer, John William
The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas 2 Part Hardback Set by
Indians and English: Facing Off in Early America by Kupperman, Karen Ordahl
Encyclopedia of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) by Johansen, Bruce, Mann, Barbara
An Aztec Herbal: The Classic Codex of 1552 by
The Black Elk Reader by
Hunting Tradition in a Changing World: Yup'ik Lives in Alaska Today by Fienup-Riordan, Ann
Gatewood and Geronimo by Kraft, Louis
The Worlds Between Two Rivers: Perspectives on American Indians in Iowa by
Choctaws at the Crossroads: The Political Economy of Class and Culture in the Oklahoma Timber Region by Faiman-Silva, Sandra
Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England by Love, W. Deloss
A Dictionary of Creek/Muskogee: With Notes on the Florida and Oklahoma Seminole Dialects of Creek by Martin, Jack B., Mauldin, Margaret McKane
Creek Religion and Medicine by Swanton, John R.
Roots of the Iroquois by Tehanetorens
Encyclopedia of Native American Jewelry: A Guide to History, People, and Terms by Bird-Romero, Allison, Baxter, Paula
Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers by
Modern Tribal Development: Paths to Self-Sufficiency and Cultural Integrity in Indian Country by Smith, Dean Howard
Indian Gaming: Tribal Sovereignty and American Politics by Mason, W. Dale
Changing Ones: Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America by Roscoe, William
Colonial Intimacies by Plane, Ann Marie
My Life On The Plains by Custer, George Armstrong
Great Speeches by Native Americans by
"I Will Fight No More Forever": Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War by Beal, Merrill D.
Endangered Peoples of the Arctic: Struggles to Survive and Thrive by Freeman, Milton
The Seminole Indians of Florida by Maccauley, Clay
Indian Traders of the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Panton, Leslie & Company and John Forbes & Company, 1783-1847 by Coker, William S.
Love, Miracles and Medicine Men: Adventures with an Indigenous Healer by Ruehl-Keiser, Mary
An Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology by Kidder, Alfred Vincent
The Way of the Human Being by Martin, Calvin Luther
Native American Voices 2e by
Myths, Legends, and Folktales of America: An Anthology by Leeming, David Adams, Page, Jake
Haughty Conquerors: Amherst and the Great Indian Uprising of 1763 by Nester, William R.
Your Fyre Shall Burn No More: Iroquois Policy Toward New France and Its Native Allies to 1701 by Brandao, Jose Antonio
Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World by
From the Heart of the Crow Country: The Crow Indians' Own Stories by Medicine Crow, Joseph
The Social Life of Stories: Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory by Cruikshank, Julie
Behind the Frontier: Indians in Eighteenth-Century Eastern Massachusetts by Mandell, Daniel R.
Mountain Meadows Massacre: A Special Report by J.H. Carleton, Bvt. Major U.S.A. Captain 1st Dragoons, 1859 by Carleton, James Henry
Where the Pavement Ends: Five Native American Plays by Yellow Robe, William S.
Spirit Wars: Native North American Religions in the Age of Nation Building by Niezen, Ronald
Tribal Territory, Sovereignty, and Governance: A Study of the Cheyenne River and Lake Traverse Indian Reservations by Fouberg, Erin
Natives and Newcomers: The Cultural Origins of North America by Axtell, James
Indians in the Making: Ethnic Relations and Indian Identities Around Puget Sound Volume 3 by Harmon, Alexandra
Native Peoples of the Southwest by Griffin-Pierce, Trudy
When the Night Bird Sings by Hifler, Joyce Sequichie
The Urban Indian Experience in America by Fixico, Donald L.
The Great West by Lavender, David
Redskins, Ruffleshirts, and Rednecks by Young, Mary Elizabeth
Talking to the Moon: Wildlife Adventures on the Plains and Prairies of Osage Country by Mathews, John Joseph
Jesse Chisholm: Ambassador of the Plains by Hoig, Stan
She's Tricky Like Coyote: Annie Miner Peterson, an Oregon Coast Indian Woman by Youst, Lionel
Chipeta -- Queen of the Utes by Smith, P. David, Becker, Cynthia S.
The Utes: A Forgotten People by Rockwell, Wilson
A Few Acres of Snow: The Saga of the French and Indian Wars by Leckie, Robert
The Ecological Indian: Myth and History by Krech, Shepard
Ojibwe Singers: Hymns, Grief, and a Native Culture in Motion by McNally, Michael D.
Sun Dancing: A Spiritual Journey on the Red Road by Hull, Michael
Contested Territory: Whites, Native Americans, and African Americans in Oklahoma, 1865-1907 by Wickett, Murray R.
Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains? by
Mysteries of the Hopewell: Astronomers, Geometers, and Magicians of the Eastern Woodlands by Romain, William F.
Documents of United States Indian Policy: Third Edition by
Tsimshian Culture: A Light Through the Ages by Miller, Jay
Coosa: The Rise and Fall of a Southeastern Mississippian Chiefdom by Smith, Marvin T.
Native North America by Zimmerman, Larry J., Molyneaux, Brian Leigh
Honor the Grandmothers: Dakota and Lakota Women Tell Their Stories by
The Skulking Way of War: Technology and Tactics Among the New England Indians by Malone, Patrick M.
Social Complexity in the Making: A Case Study Among the Arapesh of New Guinea by Tuzin, Donald
American Indians by
Trying to Get It Back: Indigenous Women, Education and Culture by
Endangered Peoples of Oceania: Struggles to Survive and Thrive by
Life in a Longhouse Village by Kalman, Bobbie
The Last Ghost Dance: A Guide for Earth Mages by Medicine Eagle, Brooke
Pueblo Indian Wisdom: Native American Legends and Mythology by Pijoan, Teresa
Pueblo Indian Wisdom: Native American Legends and Mythology by Pijoan, Teresa
The Heiltsuks: Dialogues of Culture and History on the Northwest Coast by Harkin, Michael E.
Native American Spirituality: A Critical Reader by
North American Indians: Volume 2 by Catlin, George
North American Indians: Volume 1 by Catlin, George
Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks by Spence, Mark David
Mari Sandoz's Native Nebraska: The Plains Indian Country by Harrell Clark, Laverne
Mari Sandoz's Native Nebraska: The Plains Indian Country by Clark, Laverne Harrell, Harrell Clark, Laverne
Native Americans and the Law: A Dictionary by Sokolow, Gary A.
Contrary Neighbors, Volume 237: Southern Plains and Removed Indians in Indian Territory by La Vere, David
North American Indians: Being Letters and Notes on Their Manners, Customs, and Conditions, Written During Eight Years' Travel Amongst the Wild by Catlin, George
They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew by
Indian Reservations: A State and Federal Handbook by
Warm Springs Millennium: Voices from the Reservation by Baughman, Michael
Monacans and Miners: Native American and Coal Mining Communities in Appalachia by Cook, Samuel R.
Telling a Good One: The Process of a Native American Collaborative Biography by Sands, Kathleen Mullen, Rios, Theodore
The Murder of Crazy Horse: An American Tragedy by Walker, Raven
Captive Selves, Captivating Others: The Politics and Poetics of Colonial American Captivity Narratives by Strong, Pauline Turner
Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak about the Earth by McFadden, Steven
North American Indians, Volume I: Being Letters and Notes on Their Manners, Customs, and Conditions, Written During Eight Years' Travel Amongst the Wi by Catlin, George
The Wagon Box Fight: An Episode of Red Cloud's War by Keenan, Keenan, Jerry
Encyclopedia of South Carolina Indians (Volume Two) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of South Carolina Indians (Volume One) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Mississippi Indians by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Nevada Indians by Ricky, Donald