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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Native American History in 2011

The Lost Atlantis; And Other Ethnographic Studies. by Wilson, Daniel
Reservation Reelism: Redfacing, Visual Sovereignty, and Representations of Native Americans in Film by Raheja, Michelle H.
Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy and the American Indian by Sheehan, Bernard W.
Anishinaabe Syndicated: A View from the Rez by Northrup, Jim
Boy's Book of Indian Warriors and Heroic Indian Women by Sabin, Edwin L.
Reservation Reelism: Redfacing, Visual Sovereignty, and Representations of Native Americans in Film by Raheja, Michelle H.
The Myths of the Opossum: Pathways of Mesoamerican Mythology by Austin, Alfredo López
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science: The Integration of Native Knowledge in Math and Science at Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities by
The First Maya Civilization: Ritual and Power Before the Classic Period by Estrada-Belli, Francisco
The First Maya Civilization: Ritual and Power Before the Classic Period by Estrada-Belli, Francisco
Climate, Culture, Change: Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North by Leduc, Timothy B.
First in Canada: An Aboriginal Book of Days by Anuik, Jonathan
Suicide Case Study, Theories, Application and Solutions: Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects on Public Behavior: The Case of Inuit Suicide by Egeni Ph. D., Camilius Chike, Egeni, Camilius Chike
Suicide Case Study, Theories, Application and Solutions: Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects on Public Behavior: The Case of Inuit Suicide by Egeni, Camilius Chike
Thus Fell Tecumseh by Kuron, Frank E.
The American Indian Intellectual Tradition by
Visualizing the Sacred: Cosmic Visions, Regionalism, and the Art of the Mississippian World by
Lethal Encounters: Englishmen and Indians in Colonial Virginia by Cave, Alfred
When Did Indians Become Straight?: Kinship, the History of Sexuality, and Native Sovereignty by Rifkin, Mark
True Tales of a Cowboy: The Life & Times of Dale Sims by Magee, Marilyn
Tribe, Race, History: Native Americans in Southern New England, 1780-1880 by Mandell, Daniel R.
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain - North Carolina Edition by Jones, Randell
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain (South Carolina Edition) by Jones, Randell
The Cherokee Nation in the Civil War by Confer, Clarissa W.
Along the Nez Perce Trail: A Coloring and Activity Book by Atherley, Louanne
Land of the Shapeshifter by Berwick, Stephen W. F.
Empire of Law and Indian Justice in Colonial Mexico by Owensby, Brian P.
The Huron-Wendat Feast of the Dead: Indian-European Encounters in Early North America by Seeman, Erik R.
The Seneca Restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy by Jordan, Kurt A.
First Nations Gaming in Canada by
Before They Were Heroes at King's Mountain (Virginia Edition) by Jones, Randell
Trust in the Land: New Directions in Tribal Conservation by Middleton Manning, Beth Rose
The Lipan Apaches: People of Wind and Lightning by Britten, Thomas A.
Imperial Entanglements: Iroquois Change and Persistence on the Frontiers of Empire by Macleitch, Gail D.
The Spokan Indians by Ross, John Alan
Historical Notes Respecting the Indians of North America, with Remarks on the Attempts Made to Convert and Civilize Them by Halkett, John
The Book of the Indians of North America, Comprising Details in the Lives of about Five Hundred Chiefs and Others the Most Distinguished Among Them, E by Drake, Samuel Gardner
Red Power Rising: The Indian Youth Council and the Origins of Native Activism by Shreve, Bradley G.
Bathtubs But No Water: A Tribute to the Mushuau Innu by Steele, Gerry
Jar of Severed Hands: Spanish Deportation of Apache Prisoners of War, 1770-1810 by Santiago, Mark
Deconstructing the Cherokee Nation: Town, Region, and Nation Among Eighteenth-Century Cherokees by Boulware, Tyler
Violent Encounters: Interviews on Western Massacres by Lawrence, Deborah, Lawrence, Jon
Recognition Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race, and Federal Tribal Recognition Policy in Three Louisiana Indian Communities by Klopotek, Brian
The Power of Ceremony by Neale, Linda
The Four Hills of Life: Ojibwe Wisdom by Wisuri, Marlene, Peacock, Thomas
The Peyote Cult by La Barre, Weston
Petroglyphs (Rock Carvings) in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania by Cadzow, Donald
Indigenous Albuquerque by Carpio, Myla Vicenti
The Sacred Oral Tradition of the Havasupai: As Retold by Elders and Headmen Manakaja and Sinyella 1918-1921 by
Great Sioux War Orders of Battle: How the United States Waged War on the Northern Plains, 1876-1877 by Hedren, Paul L.
Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory, Politics, and Literature by
Fifty Years On The Trail: The True Story of John Y. Nelson, Frontiersman, Scout, and Guide by O'Reilly, Harrington, Nelson, John Y.
The Last Pow-Wow - Death of a Spirit: Indian Summer by Lariviere, Michael E.
The Conquest All Over Again: Nahuas and Zapotecs Thinking, Writing, and Painting Spanish Colonialism by
The Marvellous Country; or, Three years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' home ... Illustrated, etc. by Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth
The Marvellous Country; Or, Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' Home ... Illustrated, Etc. by Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth
Forced to Abandon Our Fields: The 1914 Clay Southworth Gila River Pima Interviews by Dejong, David H.
Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists by
Explore the River Educational Project (2-Book, 1-DVD Set): Bull Trout, Tribal People, and the Jocko River [With DVD] by Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
After the First Full Moon in April: A Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine from a California Indian Elder by Peters, Josephine Grant, Ortiz, Beverly
A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World by Bringhurst, Robert
Shapeshifter's Peace by Berwick, Stephen W. F.
Cherokee Pottery: From the Hands of Our Elders by Fariello, M. Anna
Cherokee Pottery: From the Hands of Our Elders by Fariello, M. Anna
The Medicine-Men of the Apache by Bourke, John G.
Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian Cities: Transformations and Continuities by
The Ruling Elite: A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation by Spingola, Deanna
The Ruling Elite: A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation by Spingola, Deanna
First Manhattans: A History of the Indians of Greater New York by Grumet, Robert
People of Pascua by Spicer, Edward H.
The Maya World of Communicating Objects: Quadripartite Crosses, Trees, and Stones by Astor-Aguilera, Miguel Angel
Dancing on Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence by Simpson, Leanne
Aboriginal Navigation Off the West Coast of South America by Lothrop, S. K.
Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery, with an Engraved Map of Each District by Smith, James F.
Masks, Mantas, and Moccasins: Dance Costumes of the Pueblo Indians by Brown, Donald N.
The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Philbrick, Nathaniel
The Supreme Court and Tribal Gaming: California V. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians by Rossum, Ralph A.
The Supreme Court and Tribal Gaming: California V. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians by Rossum, Ralph A.
Constructing Lives at Mission San Francisco: Native Californians and Hispanic Colonists, 1776-1821 by Newell, Quincy D.
The Tree of Life by Evans-Crisman, Linda
The Sun Maid: A Story of Fort Dearborn by Raymond, Evelyn
A History of the Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island: Keepers of the Bay by Geake, Robert A.
Three Hundred Years in Thirty: Memoir of Transition with the Cree Indians of Lake Mistassini by Smith, Nicholas N.
A History of the Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island: Keepers of the Bay by Geake, Robert A.
Custer on Canvas: Representing Indians, Memory, and Violence in the New West by Denzin, Norman K.
Traditions of de-Coo-Dah, and Antiquarian Researches: Comprising Extensive Explorations of the Earthen Remains of the Mound Builders in America; The T by Pidgeon, William
The Pollen Path: A Collection of Navajo Myths by
The Hardy Site at Fort Lowell Park, Tucson, Arizona: Revised Edition by Gregonis, Linda M.
Three Fires Unity: The Anishnaabeg of the Lake Huron Borderlands by Bellfy, Phil
Tribal Wars of the Southern Plains by Hoig, Stan
A Grammar of Creek (Muskogee) by Martin, Jack B.
Every Day Is a Good Day: Reflections by Contemporary Indigenous Women by Mankiller, Wilma, Steinem, Gloria
Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory. Prepared by the [Dawes] Commission and Commissioner to the Five by Dawes Commission
Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory. Prepared by the [Dawes] Commission and Commissione by Dawes Commission
Slavery in the West: The Untold Story of the Slavery of Native Americans in the West by Guy Nixon (Red Corn)
Slavery in the West: The Untold Story of the Slavery of Native Americans in the West by Guy Nixon (Red Corn)
The State of North Carolina with Native American Ancestry: The Formation of the Eastern and Coastal Counties in North Carolina by Campbell, Milton E.
The State of North Carolina with Native American Ancestry: The Formation of the Eastern and Coastal Counties in North Carolina by Campbell, Milton E.
Seneca Myths and Folk Tales by Parker, Arthur Caswell
The Saukie Indians And Their Great Chiefs Black Hawk And Keokuk by Stocking, Amer Mills
Wooden Leg: A Warrior Who Fought Custer by
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History by Gwynne, S. C.
All Is Beautiful All Around Me by Hausman, Gerald
All Is Beautiful by Hausman, Gerald
Peaceable Kingdom Lost: The Paxton Boys and the Destruction of William Penn's Holy Experiment by Kenny, Kevin
Apache Vengeance: True Story Of Apache Kid by Hayes, Jess G.
Black Feather: Trapper Jim's Fables Of Sheepeater Indians In The Yellowstone by Fitzgerald, Laverne Harriet
Bitter Water: Diné Oral Histories of the Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute by
Ilagiinniq: Interviews on Inuit Family Values by Tulugarjuk, Leo
Culture and Customs of the Sioux Indians by Gagnon, Gregory
Indian Women Chiefs by Foreman, Carolyn Thomas
Indians Of The High Plains: From The Prehistoric Period To The Coming Of Europeans by Hyde, George E.
Early History of the Cherokees, Embracing Aboriginal Customs, Religion, Laws, Folk Lore, and Civilization. Illustrated by Starr, Emmet
The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by Mooney, James
The Last Indian War: The Nez Perce Story by West, Elliott
A Symposium in Honor of the Ancestors: Why Many Native Nations Look to the Hopi by Jeffery, Johanna I.
Kuuvanmiut Subsistence: Traditional Eskimo Life in the Latter Twentieth Century by Anderson, Wanni W., National Park Service, Anderson, Douglas B.
Alvarez, a Spanish Colonial Family by Torbert, Wayne E.
Phantom Past, Indigenous Presence: Native Ghosts in North American Culture and History by
The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha's Vineyard:: Colonization to Recognition by Dresser, Thomas
The Wampanoag Tribe of Martha's Vineyard: Colonization to Recognition by Dresser, Thomas
Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation by
Indian from the Inside: Native American Philosophy and Cultural Renewal, 2d ed. by McPherson, Dennis H., Rabb, J. Douglas
Alaska's Totem Poles by Kramer, Pat
Memoirs Or A Quick Glance At My Various Travels And My Sojourn In The Creek Nation by Milfort, Louis Le Clerc
Pratt: The Red Man's Moses by Eastman, Elaine Goodale
Indian Why Stories by Co Skee See Co Cot, Linderman, Frank B.
Legends of American Indian Resistance by Rielly, Edward
North American Projectile Points by Hranicky Rpa, Wm Jack
Pahute Indian Legends by Palmer, William R.
The Art of Americanization at the Carlisle Indian School by Mauro, Hayes Peter
Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest by Turner, Christy G.
The Indians of North Florida: From Carolina to Florida, The Story of the Survival of a Distinct American Indian Community by Sewell, Christopher Scott, Hill, S. Pony
Tales of Ten Moons, the Invisible Indian by Watters, Cora Tula
Tales of Ten Moons, the Invisible Indian by Watters, Cora Tula
The 1870 Ghost Dance: Anthropological Records V3, No. 1 by Du Bois, Cora
Defensive Architecture and the Depopulation of the Mesa Verde Region: Utah-Colorado in the Thirteenth Century A.D. by Palonka, Radoslaw
Lincoln by Robbins, Pearne
Lincoln by Robbins, Pearne
Defying the Odds by Frank, Gelya
The Horse In Blackfoot Indian Culture: With Comparative Material From Other Western Tribes by Ewers, John C.
The Lakotas and the Black Hills: The Struggle for Sacred Ground by Ostler, Jeffrey
Studies of the Yaqui Indians of Sonora, Mexico by Studhalter, R. a., Wagner, C. J., Seltzer, C. C.
Contemporary Native Fiction of the US and Canada: A Postcolonial Study by Panda, Punyashree
Topic and Discourse Structure in West Greenlandic Agreement Constructions by Berge, Anna
Sacajawea's People: The Lemhi Shoshones and the Salmon River Country by Mann, John W. W.
The Graded Catechism In Innuit by Lonneux, Martin J.
The Story Of Geronimo by Kjelgaard, Jim
The Wolf Ritual of the Northwest Coast by Ernst, Alice Henson
The Song Of The Tekakwitha: The Lily Of The Mohawks by Holland, Robert E.
The Cheyenne in Plains Indian Trade Relations, 1795-1840 by Jablow, Joseph
Ancient Aliens of the Americas by Hawkes, Logan
Yellow Dirt: A Poisoned Land and the Betrayal of the Navajos by Pasternak, Judy
Daily Life of the Aztecs by Carrasco, David, Sessions, Scott
True Indian Tales from American History: In the Stirring Days of the Early Colonists by Otis, James
The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians by Wissler, Clark
The Southern Indians: The Story Of The Civilized Tribes Before Removal by Cotterill, R. S.
Acculturation And Personality Among The Wisconsin Chippewa: American Anthropologist, V52, No. 4, Part 2, October, 1950 by Barnouw, Victor
Texas Indian Troubles by Bedford, Hilory G.
The Eskimos and Aleuts (Large Print Edition) by Dumond, Don
Imagined Destinies: Aboriginal Australians and the Doomed Race Theory, 1880-1939 (Large Print Edition) by McGregor, Russell
The American West and the Nazi East: A Comparative and Interpretive Perspective by Kakel, C.
Finding Your Native American Ancestors by Nixon, Guy (Red Corn)
Finding Your Native American Ancestors by Nixon, Guy (Red Corn)
The Medicine-Men of the Apache by Bourke, John G.
The Roles Of Men And Women In Eskimo Culture by Giffen, Naomi Musmaker
Chief Joseph: The Biography Of A Great Indian by Fee, Chester Anders
Conservatism Among The Iroquois At Six Nations Reserve: Yale University Publications In Anthropology, V65 by Shimony, Annemarie Anrod
Prehistoric Projectile Points Found Along the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Third Edition by Hranicky, Wm Jack
Kivalina: A Climate Change Story by Shearer, Christine
In the Shadow of Agiocochook: Stories from the Land of the Shapeshifter by Berwick, Stephen W. F.
Fist Full of Sand: Stories of Indian Immigrants in America by Gkranji, Ranjeet Grover a. K. a.
Fist Full of Sand: Stories of Indian Immigrants in America by Gkranji, Ranjeet Grover a. K. a.
Chan Kom: A Maya Village by Redfield, Robert, Rojas, Alfonso Villa
Taking Indian Lands: The Cherokee (Jerome) Commission, 1889-1893 by Hagan, William T.
Why The North Star Stands Still And Other Indian Legends by Palmer, William R.
New Worlds of Violence: Cultures and Conquests in the Early American Southeast by Jennings, Matthew
Natives Making Nation: Gender, Indigeneity, and the State in the Andes by
Delaware Indian Language of 1824 by Trowbridge, C. C.
The Assassination of Hole in the Day by Treuer, Anton
Lakota Portraits: Lives Of The Legendary Plains People by Agonito, Joseph
The Religion Of The Kwakiutl Indians V1-2: Texts, Translations by Boas, Franz
The Ojibwa Woman by Landes, Ruth
Indian Friends and Foes: A Baker's Dozen Portraits from Pocahontas to Geronimo by Heiderstadt, Dorothy
The Virgin's Children: Life in an Aztec Village Today by Madsen, William
Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity by Barker, Joanne
Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park by Schultz, James Willard
Dine Tah: My Reservation Days 1923?1939 by Girdner, Alwin
The History of the Pony Club by Henderson, Ray
Iroquois Supernatural: Talking Animals and Medicine People by Winfield, Mason, Bastine, Michael
Life Of Chief Washakie And Shoshone Indians by Del Monte, H. D.
Northwestern Fights & Fighters: The Nez Perce & Modoc Indian Wars 1872-77 by Brady, Cyrus Townsend
Government of the Crooks, by the Crooks, for the Crooks: Kleptocracy Nigeria Expose by Owah, Emmanuel Onyemaghani
Government of the Crooks, by the Crooks, for the Crooks: Kleptocracy Nigeria Expose by Owah, Emmanuel Onyemaghani
The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade, and Feasting Among Complex Hunter-Gatherers by Gamble, Lynn H.
Oka: A Political Crisis and Its Legacy by Swain, Harry
Red Moon Called Me: Memoirs of a School Teacher in the Government Indian Service by Golden, Gertrude
Redman Echoes: Comprising The Writings Of Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance And Biographical Sketches By His Friends by Lance, Buffalo Child Long
The Last Days of Sitting Bull: Sioux Medicine Chief by Burdick, Usher L.
Papago Indiánok: AZ Óriáskaktusz Országában by Mihaly Dfe, Marta
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