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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Native American History in 2024

Historia de los indios de la Nueva España by Motolinía, Toribio de Benavente
La Florida del Inca by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Siete ensayos de interpretación de la realidad peruana by Mariategui, José Carlos
Lessons from Fort Apache: Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance by
Myths of the CHEROKEE and Sacred Formulas of the CHEROKEES by Mooney, James
Bayou Harvest: Subsistence Practice in Coastal Louisiana by Regis, Helen a., Walton, Shana
Stories from the Land: A Navajo Reader about Monument Valley by McPherson, Robert S.
Decoding Orinoco Shamans by Cook, Federico
The Lettered Indian: Race, Nation, and Indigenous Education in Twentieth-Century Bolivia by Larson, Brooke
The Lettered Indian: Race, Nation, and Indigenous Education in Twentieth-Century Bolivia by Larson, Brooke
Piratas do Vaticano: Saga Nao Contada by Basco, Maximus, Rodriguex, Andre
Great Basin Indians: An Encyclopedic History by Hittman, Michael
Tiná7 Cht Ti Temíxw: We Come from This Land: A Walk Through the History of the Squamish People by Squamish Nation
To Banish Forever: A Secret Society, the Ho-Chunk, and Ethnic Cleansing in Minnesota by Coats, Cathy
The Spaces in Between: Indigenous Sovereignty Within the Canadian State by Schouls, Tim
The Spaces in Between: Indigenous Sovereignty Within the Canadian State by Schouls, Tim
Águila: The Vision, Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Two-Spirit Shaman in the Ozark Mountains by Moroles, María Cristina, Umansky, Lauri
Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875-1928 by Adams, David Wallace
Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875-1928 by Adams, David Wallace
Treaty Justice: The Northwest Tribes, the Boldt Decision, and the Recognition of Fishing Rights by Wilkinson, Charles
Cherokee History and the Spirit Family by Barnes, James Neil
Never Broken: Visualizing Lenape Histories by
Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements by Wilson, Raymond, Wilson, Nathan
Jim Crow: A Historical Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic by Stentiford, Barry M., Brown, Nikki
Sharp Knife: Andrew Jackson and the American Indians by Cave, Alfred A.
Bureau of Indian Affairs by Fixico, Donald L.
Native American Boarding Schools by Stout, Mary A.
Once the Smudge Is Lit by Borgford, Kelsey, Forrest, Cole
The Routledge Companion to Gender and the American West by
Indigenous Health Equity and Wellness by
Comanches: The History of a People by Fehrenbach, T. R.
Sins of the Shovel: Looting, Murder, and the Evolution of American Archaeology by Morgan, Rachel
Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South by Dubcovsky, Alejandra
Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South by Dubcovsky, Alejandra
Comanches: The History of a People by Fehrenbach, T. R.
Sins of the Shovel: Looting, Murder, and the Evolution of American Archaeology by Morgan, Rachel
Bayou Harvest: Subsistence Practice in Coastal Louisiana by Walton, Shana, Regis, Helen a.
To Educate American Indians: Selected Writings from the National Educational Association's Department of Indian Education, 1900-1904 Volume 1 by
People of the Garden by Hamill, Toni
The Selected Works of Ora Eddleman Reed: Author, Editor, and Activist for Cherokee Rights by Eddleman Reed, Ora
Mixed Emotions and Indigenous Language Maintenance in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Communities by Chen, Chun-Mei
The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance by Rifkin, Mark
The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance by Rifkin, Mark
Empty Spaces by Abel, Jordan
The Seminole Nation of Oklahoma: A Legal History Volume 4 by Work, L. Susan
Rivers of Power: Creek Political Culture in the Native South, 1750-1815 by Peach, Steven
Rivers of Power: Creek Political Culture in the Native South, 1750-1815 by Peach, Steven
Conversations with a Dead Man: Indigenous Rights and the Legacy of Duncan Campbell Scott by Abley, Mark
Amazonian Indigenous Cultures in Art and Anthropological Exhibitions by Lana, Cinthya
Das Ultimative Kodex - Schamanische Initiation: Enthüllung des Weges zur schamanischen Meisterschaft und zum Goldenen Zeitalter by Zaupa, Thiago
Killing Over Land: Murder and Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier by Owens, Robert M.
History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians by Cushman, H. B.
Searching for Savanna: The Murder of One Native American Woman and the Violence Against the Many by Gable, Mona
Echoes from the Heartland: The untold story of the Osage nation past to present. by Press, Benny
Power, Prayers, and Protection: A Cultural History of the Utah San Juan River Navajo by McPherson, Robert S.
Tribus nativas americanas: Una guía apasionante de los cheroquis, chickasaw, choctaw, creek y seminolas by Wellman, Billy
Daily Life of Native Americans from Post-Columbian Through Nineteenth-Century America by Nash, Alice, Strobel, Christoph
Many Nations Under Many Gods: Public Land Management and American Indian Sacred Sites by Morman, Todd Allin
Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Empowering Indigenous Communities in the Digital Age by Dennis, Megan
Águila: The Vision, Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Two-Spirit Shaman in the Ozark Mountains by Moroles, María Cristina
The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History (the Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity) by Blackhawk, Ned
The Deerfield Massacre: A Surprise Attack, a Forced March, and the Fight for Survival in Early America by Swanson, James L.
Nahganne: Tales of the Northern Sasquatch by Grossinger, Red
Honoring Native Warriors by Robinson, Gary
Honoring Native Warriors by Robinson, Gary
Birchbark Canoe: Living Among the Algonquin by Gidmark, David
Warrior Woman: The Story of Mo-CHI a Southern Cheyenne by Linda Wommack
The Haidas: Original Notebook and Sketches 1878 by Dawson, George Mercer
My Grandfather's Altar: Five Generations of Lakota Holy Men by Moves Camp, Richard
Skidegate House Models: From Haida Gwaii to the Chicago World's Fair and Beyond by Wright, Robin K.
Unbound: Narrative Art of the Plains by
Red Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy by Marmolejo, Christopher
Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations by Cusick, David
Plains Apache Ethnobotany by Jordan, Julia a.
National Parks, Native Sovereignty: Experiments in Collaboration Volume 7 by
National Parks, Native Sovereignty: Experiments in Collaboration Volume 7 by
Native American Bilingual Education: An Ethnography of Powerful Forces by Crawley, Cheryl K.
Carry Forth the Stories [Expanded Edition]: A Journey Into Indigenous Oral Traditions with Implications for Our Humanity by Frey, Rodney
Return to Center by Two Elk, Tokala
The Enduring Seminoles: From Alligator Wrestling to Casino Gaming by West, Patsy
When Hollywood Came to Utah Centennial Edition by D'Arc, James V.
The Clovis Culture: The History and Legacy of the Prehistoric Paleoamericans by Charles River
Uncovering the Untold History of Native America: A Comprehensive History of the Indigenous People of America by Press, Verity
Aquash's Murder: Hermeneutical and Post-Modern Legal Analysis in Light of the Murder of Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash by Wager, Gregg
Bravery in the Saddle: The Tale of a South Dakota Indian Reservation Native Cowboy's Rise by Slickhorns, Julio
The Slow Rush of Colonization: Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680-1790 by Peace, Thomas
Native Nations: Cultures and Histories of Native North America by Bonvillain, Nancy
Great Water: The Lost Mines of Lake Superior by Pompeani, David P.
Before Ishi by Schoonover, Steve
Becoming Story: A Journey Among Seasons, Places, Trees, and Ancestors by Sarris, Greg
Becoming Story: A Journey Among Seasons, Places, Trees, and Ancestors by Sarris, Greg
Good Medicine: we grew up riding wild horses by Cody, Allen
The Days of Augusta by Evans, Mary Augusta Tappage
Being in Being: The Collected Works of a Master Haida Mythteller by Skaay
Historical Archaeology and Indigenous Collaboration: Discovering Histories That Have Futures by Herbster, Holly, Law Pezzarossi, Heather, Gould, D. Rae
Spearthrower Owl: A Teotihuacan Ruler in Maya History by Stuart, David
Nine Visits to the Mythworld: Told by Ghandl of the Qayahl Llaanas by Ghandl
On the Swamp: Fighting for Indigenous Environmental Justice by Emanuel, Ryan
On the Swamp: Fighting for Indigenous Environmental Justice by Emanuel, Ryan
Puerto Rico: Historia de Una Nación / Puerto Rico: A National History by Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell
Michigan Indian Boarding School Survivors Speak Out: A Narrative History by Brunner, Sharon Marie
Michigan Indian Boarding School Survivors Speak Out: A Narrative History by Brunner, Sharon Marie
Native Nations: Cultures and Histories of Native North America by Bonvillain, Nancy
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Parable of the Moorish Sardine by Dey, Cush
Native Nations: A Millennium in North America by Duval, Kathleen
We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth by
Raw Deal: The Indians of the Midwest and the Theft of Native Lands by Downes, Robert
Being Indigenous in Jim Crow Virginia: Powhatan People and the Color Line by Feller, Laura J.
Ceremony (Large Print Edition) by Orange, Tommy, Silko, Leslie Marmon
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina by La Vere, David
The Nahua: Language and Culture from the 16th Century to the Present by
Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina by La Vere, David
Indigenous Archival Activism: Mohican Interventions in Public History and Memory by Miron, Rose
American Indians and the American Dream: Policies, Place, and Property in Minnesota by Keeler, Kasey R.
Indigenous Archival Activism: Mohican Interventions in Public History and Memory by Miron, Rose
Of Living Stone: Perspectives on Continuous Knowledge and the Work of Vine Deloria, Jr. by
The City of Rainbows: A Colourful History of Prince Rupert by Mirau, Blair
Origins of Crow Agencies in Montana: Transitioning Beyond the Buffalo by Molinaro, Patty
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison by Seaver, James E., Jemison, Mary
We Stay the Same: Subsistence, Logging, and Enduring Hopes for Development in Papua New Guinea by Roberts, Jason
An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, Concerning the Discovery of America by John Williams
Selling Vero Beach: Settler Myths in the Land of the Aís and Seminole by Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison by Seaver, James E.
Selling Vero Beach: Settler Myths in the Land of the Aís and Seminole by Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie
Blackfoot Lodge Tales by Bird Grinnell, George
Blackfoot Lodge Tales by Bird Grinnell, George
Against Extraction: Indigenous Modernism in the Twin Cities by Hooley, Matt
Against Extraction: Indigenous Modernism in the Twin Cities by Hooley, Matt
Daughters of Copper Woman by Cameron, Anne
Vital Relations: How the Osage Nation Moves Indigenous Nationhood Into the Future by Dennison, Jean
People of Kituwah: The Old Ways of the Eastern Cherokees by Loftin, John D., Frey, Benjamin E.
What Jane Knew: Anishinaabe Stories and American Imperialism, 1815-1845 by Konkle, Maureen
Daughters of Copper Woman by Cameron, Anne
People of Kituwah: The Old Ways of the Eastern Cherokees by Loftin, John D., Frey, Benjamin E.
What Jane Knew: Anishinaabe Stories and American Imperialism, 1815-1845 by Konkle, Maureen
Vital Relations: How the Osage Nation Moves Indigenous Nationhood Into the Future by Dennison, Jean
Fur Trade Nation: An Ojibwe's Graphic History by Gawboy, Carl
They Came But Could Not Conquer: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Alaska Native Communities by Purvis, Diane J.
Spirit Animals: Harnessing the Power of Spirit Guides and Their Messages by Ripley, Sarah
Resisting Oklahoma's Reign of Terror: The Society of Oklahoma Indians and the Fight for Native Rights, 1923-1928 by Clough, Joshua
The Education of Clarence Three Stars: A Lakota American Life by Burnham, Philip
We Are Not Animals: Indigenous Politics of Survival, Rebellion, and Reconstitution in Nineteenth-Century California by Rizzo-Martinez, Martin
The Boy Who Promised Me Horses by Charpentier, David Joseph
Cast Out of Eden: The Untold Story of John Muir, Indigenous Peoples, and the American Wilderness by McNally, Robert Aquinas
Bribed with Our Own Money: Federal Abuse of American Indian Funds in the Termination Era by Beck, David R. M.
Seizing the Ohio Country: The Expulsion of Native Populations Under the Northwest Ordinance, 1787-1794 by Alexander, Robert
Land Back: Relational Landscapes of Indigenous Resistance Across the Americas by
Native American Ways: Four Paths to Enlightenment by Mooney, James
Native American Ways: Four Paths to Enlightenment by Mooney, James
The Soldiers Fell Like Autumn Leaves: The Battle of the Wabash, the United States' Greatest Defeat in the Wars Against Indigenous Peoples by Schoenfield, Rick M.
Standing Tall: The Lumbee Tribe's Journey Towards Federal Recognition by Locklear, Aaron
Till the Extinction of This Rebellion: George Rogers Clark, Frontier Warfare, and the Illinois Campaign of 1778-1779 by Sterner, Eric
Census of the Northern Navajo Navajo Reservation, New Mexico, 1931 Volume II: with Births, Deaths and Additions by
Indigenous Science and Technology: Nahuas and the World Around Them by McDonough, Kelly S.
Indigenous Science and Technology: Nahuas and the World Around Them by McDonough, Kelly S.
Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference, and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls by McDiarmid, Jessica
Truth of a Hopi: Stories Relating to the Origin, Myths and Clan Histories of the Hopi by Nequatewa, Edmund
Truth of a Hopi: Stories Relating to the Origin, Myths and Clan Histories of the Hopi by Nequatewa, Edmund
The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by Mooney, James
The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by Mooney, James
Cigar Box Lithographs Volume VI: Serenading America's Indigenous Peoples by Humber, Charles J.
Cigar Box Lithographs Volume VI: Serenading America's Indigenous Peoples by Humber, Charles J.
A New Deal for Navajo Weaving: Reform and Revival of Diné Textiles by McLerran, Jennifer
Exploring Ontologies of the Precontact Americas: From Individual Bodies to Bodies of Social Theory by
Oregon Indians: Voices from Two Centuries by Beckham, Stephen Dow
Heart of American Darkness: Bewilderment and Horror on the Early Frontier by Parkinson, Robert G.
The Mythic Indian: The Native in French and Québécois Cultural Imaginaries by Boucher, James
Listening for Change: Letting Native American Voices Unsettle Our Avoidance by Lang, M. B.
Every Vote Is a Prayer by
Art Effects: Image, Agency, and Ritual in Amazonia by Fausto, Carlos
The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West by Crease, Craig
No Friday Night Lights: Reservation Football on the Edge of America by Glionna, John M.
Wardship and the Welfare State: Native Americans and the Formation of First-Class Citizenship in Mid-Twentieth-Century America by Klann, Mary
On Our Own Terms: Indigenous Histories of School Funding and Policy by McCoy, Meredith
Forward Without Fear: Native Hawaiians and American Education in Territorial Hawai'i, 1900-1941 by Taira, Derek
What Side Are You On?: A Tohono O'Odham Life Across Borders by Lucero, José Antonio, Wilson, Michael Steven
What Side Are You On?: A Tohono O'Odham Life Across Borders by Wilson, Michael Steven, Lucero, José Antonio
Mound City: The Place of the Indigenous Past and Present in St. Louis by Cleary, Patricia
On the Warpath: My Battles with Indians, Pretendians, and Woke Warriors by Weiss, Elizabeth
On the Warpath: My Battles with Indians, Pretendians, and Woke Warriors by Weiss, Elizabeth
Damming the Gila: The Gila River Indian Community and the San Carlos Irrigation Project, 1900-1942 by Dejong, David H.
Mississippian Women by
Rediscovering Turtle Island: A First Peoples' Account of the Sacred Geography of America by Keen, Taylor
North of Nowhere: Song of a Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner by Wilson, Marie
Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance by Blanco, Victoria
Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Authors Going Deeper With Holistic Education by
Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Authors Going Deeper With Holistic Education by
Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts from a Dakota Garden by Peterson, Teresa
Unbroken: My Fight for Survival, Hope, and Justice for Indigenous Women and Girls by Sterritt, Angela
Canada and Colonialism: An Unfinished History by Reynolds, Jim
Myths and Legends of the New York State Iroquois (Yesterday's Classics) by Converse, Harriet Maxwell
The Temecula Massacre: A Forgotten Battlefield Landscape of the Mexican-American War by Woodward, Lisa, DuBois, Gary
The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology by Radin, Paul
An Introduction to Native North America by Sutton, Mark Q.
An Introduction to Native North America by Sutton, Mark Q.
Being Indian and Walking Proud: American Indian Identity and Reality by Fixico, Donald L.
Walking to Magdalena: Personhood and Place in Tohono O'Odham Songs, Sticks, and Stories by Schermerhorn, Seth
Reversible America: Cowboys, Clowns, and Bullfighters by Maudet, Jean-Baptiste, Saumade, Frédéric
Being Indian and Walking Proud: American Indian Identity and Reality by Fixico, Donald L.
Unrecognized in California: Federal Acknowledgment and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians by Chilcote, Olivia
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