• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Nature Writing in 2002

The Mexican Treasury: The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández by
The Squirrel's Goblet by Muzeroll, Phyllis Ann
Searching for the Secrets of Nature: The Life and Works of Dr. Francisco Hernández by
The Wild Out Your Window by Montgomery, Sy
The Squirrel's Goblet by Muzeroll, Phyllis Ann
Working the Garden: American Writers and the Industrialization of Agriculture by Conlogue, William
Alaska: Tales of Adventure from the Last Frontier by
My Summer in a Garden by Warner, Charles Dudley
City Wilds: Essays and Stories about Urban Nature by
Messages from the Wild: An Almanac of Suburban Natural and Unnatural History by Gehlbach, Frederick R.
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Gould, Stephen Jay
Mostly Sand and Gravel: Artifact Adventures on the High Plains by Westfall, Tom C.
Unknown Waters in an Unknown Land: Trout and the Soul in Iowa by Clayson, Dennis E.
The Spirit of Hiking in the Hamptons: Poetry of the Soul by Timpson, Paula A.
The Wildest Place on Earth: Italian Gardens and the Invention of Wilderness by Mitchell, John Hanson
The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica by Campbell, David G.
The Essays of Henry D. Thoreau: Selected and Edited by Lewis Hyde by Thoreau, Henry David
Shark: Stories of Life and Death from the World's Most Dangerous Waters by
The Earth Has a Soul: C.G. Jung on Nature, Technology and Modern Life by Jung, Carl G.
The Naturalist in Nicaragua by Belt, Thomas
Essays on Nature and Landscape by Cooper, Susan Fenimore
Wild Apples and Other Natural History Essays by Thoreau, Henry D.
A Religion of Nature by Crosby, Donald A.
My Story as Told by Water: Confessions, Druidic Rants, Reflections, Bird-Watchings, Fish-Stalkings, Visions, Songs and Prayers Refracting Light, by Duncan, David James
Tao of Nature: Earthway's Wisdom of Daily Living from Grandmother Earth by Rain, Mary Summer
Understanding The Rain: Natural Lessons From An Oregon Life by Scarbrough, Allen L.
Living on Wilderness Time by Walker, Melissa
Winter: A Spiritual Biography of the Season by
Winter: A Spiritual Biography of the Season by
Cultivating Delight: A Natural History of My Garden by Ackerman, Diane
Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert by Williams, Terry Tempest
The Best American Science and Nature Writing by
Silent Spring by Carson, Rachel
Points Unknown: The Greatest Adventure Writing of the Twentieth Century by
Dead Caribou Bags Hunter by Evans, Keith