• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 1993

Verteilte Systeme -- Organisation Und Betrieb: Proceedings Des 10. Gi-Fachgesprächs Über Rechenzentren Am 16.-17. September 1993 in Gießen by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Towards a New World in Computer Communication by
Standards in Rechnernetzen by Prosser, Alexander
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Itg/Gi-Fachtagung München, 3.-5. März 1993 by
Cscw in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies by
Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals by Lee, William C. Y.
EDI Security, Control, and Audit by Marcella Jr, Albert J.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks by Tricomm '93
The Mosix Distributed Operating System: Load Balancing for UNIX by Barak, Amnon, Guday, Shai, Wheeler, Richard G.
Advanced Technologies Applied to Training Design by
Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing by Cichocki, Andrzej, Unbehauen, R.
Supercomputer '93: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends Seminar, Mannheim, 24.-26. Juni 1993 by
Image Representation and Processing: A Recursive Approach by Alexandrov, V. V., Gorsky, Aleksandrov, V. V.
Logic and Algebra of Specification by
Implementing EDI by Hendry, Mike
The Testability of Distributed Real-Time Systems by Schütz, Werner
Messung, Modellierung Und Bewertung Von Rechen- Und Kommunikationssystemen: 7. Itg/Gi-Fachtagung, Aachen, 21.-23. September 1993 by
Distributed Algorithms: 7th International Workshop, Wdag `93, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 27-29, 1993. Proceedings by
DCE - The OSF Distributed Computing Environment, Client/Server Model and Beyond: International DCE Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 7-8, 1993. Pr by
Network Programming Under VMS/DecNet Phases IV and V by Toupin, Edward B.
An Introduction to Photonic Switching Fabrics by Hinton, H. Scott
Europäischer Informatik Kongreß Architektur Von Rechensystemen Euro-Arch '93: München, 18.-19.Oktober 1993 by
Wireless LAN Systems by
High Performance Networks: Technology and Protocols by
High Performance Networks: Frontiers and Experience by
Local Area Network Interconnection by International Conference on Local Area Network Interconnecti
Pearl 93: Workshop Über Realzeitsysteme Fachtagung Der Gi-Fachgruppe 4.4.2 Echtzeitprogrammierung, Pearl Boppard, 2./3. Dezember by
Secure Data Networking by Purser, Michael
Embedded Systems Programming in C and Assembly/Book and Disk by