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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 1995

Telecommunications: Present Status & Future Trends by Linfield, Robert F.
Digital Pictures: Representation, Compression, and Standards by Netravali, Arun N.
Electronic Mail by Palme, Jacob
Digital Pictures: Representation, Compression and Standards by Netravali, Arun N., Haskell, Barry G.
Sendmail: Theory and Practice by Avolio, Frederick M., Vixie, Paul
Formal Description Techniques VII by
Der Turing Omnibus: Eine Reise Durch Die Informatik Mit 66 Stationen by Dewdney, A. K.
Telecommunications Network Management Into the 21st Century: Techniques, Standards, Technologies, and Applications by
Networks in Action: Communication, Economics and Human Knowledge by Batten, D.
Models of Neural Networks: Temporal Aspects of Coding and Information Processing in Biological Systems by
Mobile Data Communications Systems by Wong, Peter
Protocols for High Speed Networks IV by
Learning Without Boundaries: Technology to Support Distance/Distributed Learning by
Computer Networks, Architecture and Applications: Proceedings of the Ifip Tc6 Conference 1994 by
Network Optimization by Balakrishnan, V.
The Web Empowerment Book: An Introduction and Connection Guide to the Internet and the World-Wide Web by Jas, Frank, Russell, Willard, Abraham, Ralph
Integrated Network Management IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 1995 by
Network Models: Volume 7 by
From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation: International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, Malaga-Torremolinos, Spain, June 7 - 9, 1995 Proc by
Intelligent Networks: Proceedings of the Ifip Workshop on Intelligent Networks 1994 by Karttunen, Tapani, Martikainen, Olli, Harju, Jarmo
Interactive Media by Rada, Roy
Mosaic(tm) for Windows(r): A Hands-On Configuration and Set-Up Guide to Popular Web Browsers by Raucci, Richard
Fast Simulation of Computer Architectures by
Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks by
Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems by
Protocol Test Systems: 7th Workshop 7th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Workshop on Protocol Text Systems by
Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems: International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, September 5 - 9, 1994. Selected Papers by
Open Distributed Processing: Experiences with Distributed Environments by
Computer System and Network Security by White, Gregory B., Fisch, Eric A., Pooch, Udo W.
Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto '95: 15th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 27-31, 1995. Proceedings by
Distributed Algorithms: 9th International Workshop, Wdag '95, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France, September 13 - 15, 1995. Proceedings by
High Performance Networking: Ifip Sixth International Conference on High Performance Networking, 1995 by
Quantitative Evaluation of Computing and Communication Systems: 8th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performanc by
Control and Performance in Packet, Circuit, and ATM Networks by Vaman, Dhadesugoor R., Xuedao Gu, Sohraby, Kazem
Performance Modeling Computer Architect by
Handbook of Visual Communications by
Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++ by Pandya, Abhijit S., Macy, Robert B.
Beyond Competition: The Future of Telecommunications by
UNIX Internetworking by Ali Pabrai, Uday O.
Data Communications and Their Performance: Proceedings of the Sixth Ifip Wg6.3 Conference on Performance of Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, 1995 by
EDI in Europe: How It Works in Practice by
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: First International Workshop, Tacas '95, Aarhus, Denmark, May 19 - 20, 1995. Select by
Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XV by
Service Management in Computing and Telecommunications by Hallows, Richard
Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System by