• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 1997

Voice Over Frame Relay by Flanagan, William
Intelligent Agents III. Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: Ecai'96 Workshop (Atal), Budapest, Hungary, August 12-13, 1996, Proceedings by
Net Gain: Expanding Markets Through Virtual Communities by Hagel, John, Armstrong, Arthur G.
Digital Video Communications by Riley, Martyn J.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Gi/Itg-Fachtagung Braunschweig, 19.-21. Februar 1997 by
Communication Complexity and Parallel Computing: The Application of Communication Complexity in Parallel Computing by Hromkovič, Juraj
Intelligent Agent Systems: Theoretical and Practical Issues: Theoretical and Practical Issues. Based on a Workshop Held at Pricai '96, Cairns, Austral by
Java(r) Für Fortgeschrittene by Hendrich, Norman
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: Third International Workshop, Tacas'97, Enschede, the Netherlands, April 2-4, 1997, by
Networking Security and Standards by Weidong Kou
Linux Universe: Installation and Configuration [With CDROM] by Maurer, Rainer, Strobel, Stefan
Security, ID Systems and Locks: The Book on Electronic Access Control by Konicek, Joel, Little, Karen
Access Networks Technology and V5 Interfacing by Gillespie, Alex
High Performance Networking VII: Ifip Tc6 Seventh International Conference on High Performance Networks (Hpn ' 97), 28th April - 2nd May 1997, White P by Tantawy, A.
Integrated Network Management V: Integrated Management in a Virtual World Proceedings of the Fifth Ifip/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Net by
Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing: Proceedings of the Ifip Tc5/Wg5.3/Wg5.7 International Conference on the Design of Information In by
Convolutional Coding: Fundamentals and Applications by Lee, L. H. Charles, Lee, Charles
Multi-Agent Rationality: 8th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, Maamaw'97, Ronneby, Sweden, May 13-16, 19 by
Linux - Unleashing the Workstation in Your PC by Strobel, Stefan
On Concurrent Programming by Schneider, Fred B.
Netizens History Impact Usenet Internet by Hauben, Michael, Hauben, Ronda
Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Technology: International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, Iwann by
Neural Network Models: Theory and Projects by Wilde, Philippe De
Groupware and the World Wide Web by
Open Distributed Processing and Distributed Platforms by
Advances in High Performance Computing by Grandinetti, Lucio, Kowalik, Janusz S., NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Performance Computin
Engineering Networks for Synchronization, CCS 7, and ISDN: Standards, Protocols, Planning and Testing by Bhatnagar, P. K.
Traffic Management for High-Speed Networks by Kung, H. T.
Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area Networks by
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems: Volume 2 by
Weakly Connected Neural Networks by Izhikevich, Eugene M., Hoppensteadt, Frank C.
Worldwide Computing and Its Applications: International Conference, Wwca '97, Tsukuba, Japan, March 10-11, 1997 Proceedings. by
Information Systems and Data Compression by Seidler, Jerzy A.
Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing: Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany, August 26-29, 1997, Proceedings by
Information Extraction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to an Emerging Information Technology: A Multidisciplinary Approach to an Emerging Information Te by
Evolutionary Learning Algorithms for Neural Adaptive Control by Dracopoulos, Dimitris C.
Broadband Networking ATM, Adh and SONET by Sexton, Mike, Reid, Andy
Auditory User Interfaces: Toward the Speaking Computer by Raman, T. V.
Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks: Ifip Tc6 Wg6.7 International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks, 2-5 S by Gaïti, Dominique
Testing of Communicating Systems: Ifip Tc6 10th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, 8-10 September 1997, Cheju Island, Korea by Myungchul Kim, Sungwon Kang, Keesoo Hong
Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum by Fazel, Khaled
Distributed Algorithms: 11th International Workshop, Wdag '97, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 24-26, 1997, Proceedings by
The Power Linux Kit by Hantelmann, Fred, Probst, Stefan, Flaxa, Ralf
Transmission Network Protection: Theory and Practice by Paithankar, Yeshwant G.
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems by
Engineering Intelligent Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems by Khosla, Rajiv
Intelligent Hybrid Systems: Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms by
Buffering Techniques for Delivery of Compressed Video in Video-On-Demand Systems by Wu-Chi Feng
Feldbustechnik in Forschung, Entwicklung Und Anwendung: Beiträge Zur Feldbustagung Fet '97 in Wien, Österreich, 13.-14. Oktober 1997 by
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface: 4th European Pvm/Mpi User's Group Meeting Cracow, Poland, November 3-5, 199 by
High Performance Computing: International Symposium, Ishpc'97, Fukuoka, Japan, November 4-6, 1997, Proceedings by
Internet for Scientists by O'Donnell, Kevin, Winger, Larry
Optimization Techniques: Volume 2 by Leondes, Cornelius T.
Opening Networks to Competition: The Regulation and Pricing of Access by
Life Cycle Networks: Proceedings of the 4th Cirp International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering 26-27 June 1997, Berlin, Germany by Krause, Frank-Louthar, Seliger, G.
Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification: Forte X / Pstv XVII '97 by Togashi, Atsushi, Mizuno, Tadanori, Shiratori, Norio
Mastering Global Information Systems by Buchanan, William J.
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems: Volume 4 by Leondes, Cornelius T.
ISDN Am Computer by Schulz, Torsten
Building Qos Into Distributed Systems: Ifip Tc6 Wg6.1 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Service (Iwqos '97), 21-23 May 1997, New York, USA by
An Ethical Global Information Society: Culture and Democracy Revisited by
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Volume 5 by Leondes, Cornelius T.
Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems Applications: Volume 6 by Leondes, Cornelius T.
Neural Network Systems Techniques and Applications: Advances in Theory and Applications Volume 7 by
Neural Network Data Analysis Using Simulnet(tm) [With CDROM] by Rzempoluck, Edward J.
Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic: Advances in Wireless Networks by
Telecommunications Network Management: Technologies and Implementations by