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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 1998

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1998: Proceedings of the International Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 1998 by
The Cache Memory Book by Handy, Jim
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet by Hafner, Katie
Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems by
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services by
Ospf: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol by Moy, John
Java Distributed Computing by Farley, Jim
Worldwide Computing and Its Applications - Wwca'98: Second International Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, March 4-5, 1998, Proceedings by
Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia by
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 10th International Ipps/Spdp'98 Workshops, Held in Conjunction with the 12th International Parallel Processing Sy by
Broadband Communications: The Future of Telecommunications by Kühn, Paul J., Ulrich, Roya
Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.3 & Wg7.3 International Conference on the Performance and Management of C by
Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF [With Cross Platform CDROM] by Merz, Thomas
Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide by
Elements of Network Protocol Design by Gouda, Mohamed G.
Optical Network Design and Modelling: Ifip Tc6 Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling 24-25 February 1997, Vienna, Austria by
Broadband Communications by Kumar, Balaji
Advanced Data Communications and Networks by Buchanan, Bill
Universal Routing Strategies for Interconnection Networks by
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 10th International Conference, Caise'98, Pisa, Italy, June 8-12, 1998, Proceedings by
Multi-Threaded Object-Oriented Mpi-Based Message Passing Interface: The Arch Library by Adamo, Jean-Marc
Performance of Information and Communication Systems: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.3 Seventh International Conference on Performance of Information and Communicatio by
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1998: 19th International Conference, Icatpn'98, Lisbon, Portugal, June 22-26, 1998 Proceedings by
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications: Based on the Ai'97 Workshops on Commonsense Reasoning, Intelligent Agents, by
Internetworking LANs and WANs: Concepts, Techniques and Methods by Held, Gilbert
Multimedia Communications Networks by Tatipamula, Mallikarjun
Multimedia Information Systems by
Phase-Locked Loops for Wireless Communications: Digital and Analog Implementations by Stephens, Donald R.
Computing and Combinatorics: 4th Annual International Conference, Cocoon'98, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., August 12-14, 1998 by
Advances in Pattern Recognition: Joint Iapr International Workshops, Sspr'98 and Spr'98, Sydney, Australia, August 11-13, 1998, Proceedings by
Open Security: Von Den Grundlagen Zu Den Anwendungen by Bertram, Reinhard, Fischer, Stephan, Steinacker, Achim
Internet E-mail Protocols, Standards and Implementation by Hughes, Lawrence
Guide to the TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Wilder, Floyd
Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets by Antsaklis, Panos J., Moody, John O.
Interconnecting Heterogeneous Information Systems by Benatallah, Boualem, Elmagarmid, Ahmed K., Bouguettaya, Athman
Wide Area Workflow Management: Creating Partnerships for the 21st Century by Riempp, Gerold
Online Algorithms by
Elements of Distributed Algorithms: Modeling and Analysis with Petri Nets by Reisig, Wolfgang
Testing of Communicating Systems: Proceedings of the Ifip Tc6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (Iwtcs'98) August 31-Sep by
Digitaltechnik Interaktiv!: Mit Designlab 8.0 Und 7.1 (Evaluation Version) by Bremer, Hans-Georg
Distributed Computing: 12th International Symposium, Disc'98, Andros, Greece, September 24 -26, 1998, Proceedings by
Custom Memory Management Methodology: Exploration of Memory Organisation for Embedded Multimedia System Design by Wuytack, Sven, De Greef, G. E., Catthoor, Francky
Communication Protocol Specification and Verification by Lai, Richard, Jirachiefpattana, Ajin
Science on the Web: A Connoisseur's Guide to Over 500 of the Best, Most Useful, and Most Fun Science Websites by Renehan, Edward J. Jr.
Distributed Applications Engineering: Building New Applications and Managing Legacy Applications with Distributed Technologies by Wijegunaratne, Inji, Fernandez, George
Introduction to Telecommunications Netw by Anttalainen, Tarmo
Parallel Computing Using Optical Interconnections by
Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification: Forte XI/Pstv Xviii'98 Ifip Tc6 Wg6.1 Joint International Conferen by
High Performance Networking: Ifip Tc-6 Eighth International Conference on High Performance Networking (Hpn'98) Vienna, Austria, September 21-25, 19 by
Jit'98 Java-Informations-Tage 1998: Frankfurt/Main, 12./13. November 1998 by
Finance for It Decision Makers: A Practical Handbook for Buyers, Sellers and Managers by Blackstaff, Michael
Descriptive Complexity by Immerman, Neil
Interactive Video-On-Demand Systems: Resource Management and Scheduling Strategies by To, T. P. Jimmy, Hamidzadeh, Babak
Telepresence by
Survivable Networks: Algorithms for Diverse Routing by Bhandari, Ramesh
Token Ring Troubleshooting Guide by Nassar, Daniel J.
Performance of Computer Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach by Haverkort, Boudewijn R.
Planning Telecommunication Networks by Robertazzi, Thomas G.
Tried and True Object Development: Industry-Proven Approaches with UML by Jaaksi, Ari, Jaaski, Ari, Aalto, Juha-Markus
GSM: Evolution Towards 3rd Generation Systems by