• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2000

Windows 2000 DNS Server by
Troubleshooting with SNMP and Analyzing Mibs by
Cisco TCP/IP Routing Professional Reference by
Telecommunications Expense Management: How to Audit Your Bills, Reduce Expenses, and Negotiate Favorable Rates by Brosnan, Michael, Messina, John
Almanac of Online Trading by
The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP by Ambler, Scott
The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the Up by Ambler, Scott
Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems: A Practitioner's Handbook by Poulsen, N. K., Norgaard, M., Ravn, O.
Designing the Total Area Network: Intranets, Vpn's and Enterprise Networks Explained by Norris, Mark, Pretty, Steve
SSP, industrielle Produktion und Pflege von WebSit by Hinz, Michael
Telecommunications Pocket Reference by Russell, Travis
Self-Stabilization by Dolev, Shlomi
IP Addressing and Subnetting Inc Ipv6: Including Ipv6 by Syngress
The Haskell School of Expression by Hudak, Paul
e-Enterprise by Hoque, Faisal
Communication-Based Systems: Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop Held at the Tu Berlin, Germany, 31 March - 1 April 2000 by
Digital Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives by
Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide [With CD-ROM] by Hall, Eric
Videoconferencing: The Whole Picture by Wilcox, James R.
Computer Networks and Open Systems: An Application Development Perspective: An Application Development Perspective by Cassel, L. N., Austing, R. H.
Middleware 2000: Ifip/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing New York, Ny, Usa, by
Telecommunications Internetworking: Delivering Services Across the Networks by Louis, P. J.
Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization by Darte, Alain, Robert, Yves, Vivien, Frederic
Cisco Access Lists Field Guide by Hundley, Kent, Held, Gilbert
Security of Data and Transaction Processing: A Special Issue of Distributed and Parallel Databases Volume 8, No. 1 (2000) by
Thomas' Telecom & Networking Dictionary by
Troubleshooting Windows 2000 TCP/IP by Shinder, Thomas W., Syngress Media Inc, Shinder, Debra Littlejohn
The Elements of Networking Style: And Other Essays & Animadversions on the Art of Intercomputer Networking by Padlipsky, M. a.
A Programmer's Introduction to Windows DNA [With CDROM] by Gross, Christian
Network Algebra by Stefanescu, Gheorghe
Windows 2000 Active Directory by
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 15 Ipdps 2000 Workshops Cancun, Mexico, May 1-5, 2000 Proceedings by
Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network by Toftegaard Nielsen, Thomas, Wigard, Jeroen
Administering SMS by
Polynomial Signal Processing by Sicuranza, Giovanni L., Mathews, V. John
High Speed LAN Technology Handbook by Chowdhury, Dhiman D.
Administering Apache by
Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks by Hammer, Barbara
Cooperative Management of Enterprise Networks by Ray, Pradeep Kumar
Performance Analysis of Communication Systems: Modeling with Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets by German, Reinhard
Computer Networks and Systems: Queueing Theory and Performance Evaluation by Robertazzi, Thomas G.
Networks and Devices Using Planar Transmissions Lines by Di Paolo, Franco
Information Security and Privacy: 5th Australasian Conference, Acisp 2000, Brisbane, Australia, July 10-12, 2000, Proceedings by
HTTP Pocket Reference by Wong, Clinton
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Introduction to Distributed Applications by Schlichter, Johann H., Borghoff, Uwe M.
Advances in Independent Component Analysis by
Internet Address Book with Computer Back Up Files: Professional Version by Russell, James
Semper - Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe by
Windows: System Policy Editor by Anderson-Redick, Stacey
Building Internet Firewalls by Zwicky, Elizabeth D., Cooper, Simon, Chapman, D. Brent
CGI Programming with Perl by Birznieks, Gunther, Guelich, Scott, Gundavaram, Shishir
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2000: 20th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 20-24, 2000. Proceedings by
Japanese Speech Synthesis by Shirai, Jeffry H.
Fuzzy Control: Theory and Practice by
ASP in a Nutshell by Weissinger, Keyton
Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing: 6th International Euro-Par Conference Munich, Germany, August 29 - September 1, 2000 Proceedings by
Oracle8i: Networking 101 by
Information Design by
Telecommunication Network Intelligence: Ifip Tc6/Wg6.7 Sixth International Conference on Intelligence in Networks (Smartnet 2000), September 18-22, 20 by
Windows 2000 Tcp/IP Black Book: An Essential Guide to Enhanced Tcp/IP in Microsoft Windows 2000 by McLean, Ian
Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation by
Bluetooth Demystified by Muller, Nathan J.
Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing: Second International Symposium, Huc 2000 Bristol, Uk, September 25-27, 2000 Proceedings by
Internet Programming with Visual Basic by Kurniawan, Budi
Computational Intelligence in Telecommunications Networks by
Distributed Computing: 14th International Conference, Disc 2000 Toledo, Spain, October 4-6, 2000 Proceedings by
Issues in Agent Communication by
Managing Qos in Multimedia Networks and Services: IEEE / Ifip Tc6 -- Wg6.4 & Wg6.6 Third International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks by
Multichannel Optical Networks by Peng-Jun Wan
Personal Wireless Communications: Ifip Tc6/Wg6.8 Working Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (Pwc'2000), September 14-15, 2000, Gdańsk by
Formal Methods for Distributed System Development: Forte / Pstv 2000 Ifip Tc6 Wg6.1 Joint International Conference on Formal Description Techniques fo by
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: Ifip Tc8 / Wg8.8 Fourth Working Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications September 2 by
Broadband Wireless Access by Bing, Benny
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions by
Online Communities: Designing Usability and Supporting Sociability by Preece, Jennifer
Admin911: Windows 2000 Registry by
Introduction to Distributed Algorithms by Tel, Gerard, Gerard, Tel
Neural Networks and Intellect: Using Model-Based Concepts by Perlovsky, Leonid
Managing IMAP: Help for Email Administrators by Mullet, Dianna, Mullet, Kevin
Active Middleware Services: From the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Workshop on Active Middleware Services by
Neural Networks in Optimization by Xiang-Sun Zhang
Simulation of Communication Systems: Modeling, Methodology and Techniques by Balaban, Philip, Shanmugan, K. Sam, Jeruchim, Michel C.
Design of Survivable Networks with Bounded Rings by Fortz, B.
Pearl 2000: Echtzeitbetriebssysteme Und Linux Workshop Über Realzeitsysteme Fachtagung Der Gi-Fachgruppe 4.4.2 Echtzeitprogrammier by
Admin911: Windows 2000 Terminal Services by
Wireless Intelligent Networking by Christensen, Gerry
Databases in Networked Information Systems: International Workshop Dnis 2000 Aizu, Japan, December 4-6, 2000 Proceedings by
Services Management in Intelligent Networks: 11th Ifip/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, Dsom 2000 Austin by
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction: Foundations of Cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems by Yokoo, Makoto
Grid Computing - Grid 2000: First Ieee/ACM International Workshop Bangalore, India, December 17, 2000 Proceedings by
Analysis of Queueing Networks with Blocking by Balsamo, Simonetta, de Nitto Persone, Vittoria, Onvural, Raif
Next Generation Wireless Networks by
Conflicting Agents: Conflict Management in Multi-Agent Systems by
Computers and Networks in the Age of Globalization: Ifip Tc9 Fifth World Conference on Human Choice and Computers August 25-28, 1998, Geneva, Switzerl by
Information Security: Third International Workshop, Isw 2000, Wollongong, Australia, December 20-21, 2000. Proceedings by
A Programmer's Guide to Jini Technology by Newmarch, Jan
Pattern Classification: Neuro-Fuzzy Methods and Their Comparison by Abe, Shigeo
Mobile Data Management: Second International Conference, MDM 2001 Hong Kong, China, January 8-10, 2001 Proceedings by
Machine Design: A CAD Approach by Dimarogonas, Andrew D.
Delivering Mpeg-4 Based Audio-Visual Services by Kalva, Hari
Computer Science and Communications Dictionary by Weik, Martin