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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2002

McOmmerce Security: A Beginner's Guide by Raina, Kapil, Harsh, Anurag
MCSE Windows 2000 Network Administration: Lab Manual by
MCSE Windows 2000 Directory Services Administration: Lab Manual (Exam 70 217) by
Ethernet-Based Metro Area Networks by Minoli, Daniel, Johnson, Peter, Minoli, Emma
High Performance Data Network Design: Design Techniques and Tools [With CDROM] by Kenyon, Tony, Kenyon, Elaina
.Net Mobile Web Developers Guide by Llee, Wei Meng, Cox, Ken, Lee, Wei Meng
Hack Proofing Coldfusion: The Only Way to Stop a Hacker Is to Think Like One by Meyer, Greg
Configuring Symantec AntiVirus by Syngress
Optical Networking: A Beginner's Guide by
Cisco Avvid and IP Telephony Design and Implementation by Lawson, Wayne
Scaling Microsoft Exchange 2000: Create and Optimize High-Performance Exchange Messaging Systems by Bijaoui, Pierre
ASP.Net: Programmer's Reference by
The Telecom Handbook: Understanding Telephone Systems and Services by Laino, Jane
Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks: Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design by Shooman, Martin L.
Consumers Guide to Cell Phones and Wireless Service Plans by Syngress
Connectionism and the Mind: Parallel Processing, Dynamics, and Evolution in Networks by Abrahamsen, Adele, Bechtel, William
Programming Web Services with Soap: Building Distributed Applications by Tidwell, Doug, Snell, James, Kulchenko, Pavel
Satellite Personal Communications for Future-Generation Systems: Final Report: Cosy 252 Action by
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: Third International Conference, Cicling 2002, Mexico City, Mexico, February 17-23, 2002 Pro by
XML Security by
Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing by
Wireless Internet Access Over GSM and Umts by Taferner, Manfred, Bonek, Ernst
The Design of Rijndael: AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard by Daemen, Joan, Rijmen, Vincent
MCSE Windows 2000 Server: Lab Manual (Exam 70 215) by
Java Servlets Developer's Guide by Moss, Karl
Content Delivery Networks: Web Switching for Security, Availability, and Speed by
Solaris 8 Administrator's Guide by Watters, Paul Andrew, Dr
Building .Net Applications & Web Services by
Limited Data Rate in Control Systems with Networks by Ishii, Hideaki, Francis, Bruce a.
Information Spaces: The Architecture of Cyberspace by Colomb, Robert M.
IP Routing by Malhotra, Ravi
Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2001: 4th International Conference Seoul, Korea, December 6-7, 2001 Proceedings by
System Performance Tuning by Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D., Loukides, Mike
Using Sans and NAS: Help for Storage Administrators by Preston, W. Curtis
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 10th International Conference, Dgci 2002, Bordeaux, France, April 3-5, 2002. Proceedings by
Security for Ubiquitous Computing by Stajano, Frank
Coordination Models and Languages: 5th International Conference, Coordination 2002, York, Uk, April 8-11, 2002 Proceedings by
Memory Design Techniques for Low Energy Embedded Systems by Poncino, Massimo, Benini, Luca, Macii, Alberto
Transmission Systems Design Handbook Fo by Lehpamer, Harvey
Enterprise Information Systems III by
Smart Networks: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.7 Seventh International Conference on Intelligence in Networks (Smartnet 2002) April 8-10, 2002, Saaris by
Hardening Cisco Routers by Akin, Thomas
Programming the Network W Perl by Barry, Paul
Artificial Evolution: 5th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2001, Le Creusot, France, October 29-31, 2001. Selected Paper by
Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications: Gprs, Umts and Beyond by Aghvami, Hamid, Brand, Alex
Principles of Secure Network Systems Design by Ghosh, Sumit
Protocols for High Speed Networks: 7th Ifip/IEEE International Workshop, Pfhsn 2002, Berlin, Germany, April 22-24, 2002. Proceedings by
Hackproofing Your Wireless Network by Syngress
Hack Proofing Your Network by Syngress
Networking in the Internet Age by Dennis, Alan
Wireless Security by
Synchronization of Digital Telecommunications Networks by Bregni, Stefano
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III by Kolski, Christophe, Vanderdonckt, Jean
Security in the Information Society: Visions and Perspectives by
CrossTalk in WDM Communication Networks by Monroy, Idelfonso Tafur, Tangdiongga, Eduward
Voice Over Mpls by
Advanced Environments, Tools, and Applications for Cluster Computing: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Iwcc 2001, Mangalia, Romania, September 1-6, 20 by
Checkpoint Next Generation Security Administration by Syngress
TCP/IP Network Administration by Hunt, Craig
Pbx Systems for IP Telephony, Migrating Enterprise Communications by Sulkin, Allan
Securing and Controlling Cisco Routers Ology, and Profits by Davis, Peter T.
Broadband Networking by
Elements of Distributed Computing by Garg, Vijay K.
Broadband Network and Device Security by
Managing & Using MySQL: Open Source SQL Databases for Managing Information & Web Sites by Yarger, Randy, Reese, George, King, Tim
Build Your Own Wireless LAN with Projects by Spencer, M.
Probability Distributions Involving Gaussian Random Variables: A Handbook for Engineers and Scientists by Simon, Marvin K.
Conductor: Distributed Adaptation for Heterogeneous Networks by Reiher, Peter, Popek, Gerald J., Yarvis, Mark D.
Integrated Broadband Networks: Tcp/Ip, by Lee, Byeong G., Kim, Woojune
Data Networks: Routing, Security, and Performance Optimization by Kenyon, Tony
Telecom Management Crash Course by Louis, P. J.
Local Area Network Management, by Mikalsen, Arne, Borgesen, Per
SONET-Based Metro Area Networks by
802.11 Demystified: Wi-Fi Made Easy by
Cellular Neural Networks and Visual Computing: Foundations and Applications by Chua, Leon O., Roska, Tamas
Information Technology Encyclopedia and Acronyms by Kajan, Ejub
Service and Device Discovery by Richard, Golden G., III, Spencer, M.
MCSE Windows XP Professional Lab Manual by
Apache Server 2.0 the Complete Reference by
SNMP at the Edge by
Managing Cisco Network Security by Syngress
Geographic Location in the Internet by
Customer-Based IP Service Monitoring with Mobile Software Agents by Günter, Manuel
MySQL Reference Manual: Documentation from the Source by Arno, Kaj, Widenius, Michael, Axmark, David
Internet Security Dictionary by Phoha, Vir V.
Wireless LANs by
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: Ukmas Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers by
Schaum's Outline of Computer Networking by Tittel, Ed
Network Security with OpenSSL: Cryptography for Secure Communications by Viega, John, Messier, Matt, Chandra, Pravir
Unix System Administration: A Beginner's Guide by
Solaris 9 Administration: A Beginner's Guide by
IIS Security by
McSa Managing a Windows 2000 Network Environment Lab Manual (Exam 70-218) by
Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile Computing: Ifip 17th World Computer Congress -- Tc1 Stream / 2nd Ifip Internati by
Enterprise Directory and Security Implementation Guide: Designing and Implementing Directories in Your Organization by Speed, Tim, Ellis, Juanita, Carrington, Charles
The Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Battle for the LAN Standard by Von Burg, Urs
People and Computers XVI - Memorable Yet Invisible: Proceedings of Hci 2002 by
Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Battle for the LAN Standard by Von Burg, Urs
Symbian OS Communications Programming by Jipping, Michael J.
Neural Networks and the Financial Markets: Predicting, Combining and Portfolio Optimisation by Shadbolt, Jimmy
Pervasive Computing: First International Conference, Pervasive 2002, Zürich, Switzerland, August 26-28, 2002. Proceedings by
Euro-Par 2002. Parallel Processing: 8th International Euro-Par Conference Paderborn, Germany, August 27-30, 2002 Proceedings by
Structured Cable Systems by Strizhakov, S. K., Semenov, A. B.
AIX 5l Administration by Michael, Randal K.
Windows XP Professional Network Administration by
Communication Systems: The State of the Art Ifip 17th World Computer Congress - Tc6 Stream on Communication Systems: The State of the Art Aug by
Multiwavelength Optical Networks by Ding-Zhu Du, Xiaohua Jia, Xiao-Dong Hu
Advanced Communications and Multimedia Security: Ifip Tc6 / Tc11 Sixth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security September 26 by
OpenVMS with Apache, Wasd, and Osu: The Nonstop Webserver by Winston, Alan
Gprs Demystified by Hoffman, John
Hotspot Networks by Minoli, Daniel
Configuring Ipv6 for Cisco IOS by Syngress
Developing Ip-Based Services: Solutions for Service Providers and Vendors by Morrow, Monique, Vijayananda, Kateel
Information Networking: Wireless Communications Technologies and Network Applications: International Conference, Icoin 2002, Cheju Island, Korea, Janu by
Rechnerstrukturen: Grundlagen Der Technischen Informatik by Moeller, Dietmar
Relay Feedback: Analysis, Identification and Control by Lee, Tong H., Chong, Lin, Wang, Qing-Guo
Patterns and Skeletons for Parallel and Distributed Computing by
Hacking Exposed J2ee & Java: Developing Secure Web Applications with Java Technology by
Cellular Automata: 5th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Acri 2002, Geneva, Switzerland, October 9 by
Learning and Generalisation: With Applications to Neural Networks by Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli
Sans Demystified by
Optical Networks: Architecture and Survivability by Ho, Pin-Han, Mouftah, Hussein T.
The Struts Framework: Practical Guide for Java Programmers by Spielman, Sue
Network Processor Design: Issues and Practices, Volume 1 by
Essential System Administration by Frisch, Æleen
Digital Typography Using Latex by Syropoulos, Apostolos, Tsolomitis, Antonis, Sofroniou, Nick
Programming Methodology by
Management Technologies for E-Commerce and E-Business Applications: 13th Ifip/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Manag by
Network Manager's Handbook: Building, Budgeting, Planning, Procuring, Staffing, and Scheduling the System by
M-Profits: Making Money from 3g Services by Ahonen, Tomi T.
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications: 4th International Workshop, Mata 2002 Barcelona, Spain, October 23-24, 2002, Proceedings by
Bgp: Building Reliable Networks with the Border Gateway Protocol by Beijnum, Iljitsch Van
Build Your Own Wi-Fi Network by
Windows XP Professional Security by
Wireless Messaging Demystified: SMS, EMS, Mms, Im, and Others by Longueuil, Donald
Metro Area Networking by
Packet Broadband Networking Handbook by Wang, Haojin
Bea Weblogic 7 Server Administration by
Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding by Wicker, Stephen B., Saejoon Kim
Networking Infrastructure for Pervasive Computing: Enabling Technologies and Systems by Bandyopadhyay, Somprakash, Saha, Debashis, Mukherjee, Amitava
System-Level Power Optimization for Wireless Multimedia Communication: Power Aware Computing by
Sicherheit Und Verfügbarkeit in Echtzeit- Und Automatisierungssystemen: Fachtagung Der Gi-Fachgruppe 4.4.2 Echtzeitprogrammierung, Pearl Boppard, 28./ by
Multicast Sockets: Practical Guide for Programmers by Makofske, David, Almeroth, Kevin C.
Getting Started with OpenVMS: A Guide for New Users by Duffy, Michael D.
Grid Computing - Grid 2002: Third International Workshop, Baltimore, MD, Usa, November 18, 2002, Proceedings by
Radius: Securing Public Access to Private Resources by Hassell, Jonathan
IP Telephone Demystified by Camp, Ken
BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation by Chen, Xin
Production Methods: Behind the Scenes of Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds by Madsen, Kim H., Qvortrup, Lars
Advances in Computing Science - Asian 2002: Internet Computing and Modeling, Grid Computing, Peer-To-Peer Computing, and Cluster Computing: 7th Asian by
Active Networks: Ifip-Tc6 4th International Working Conference, Iwan 2002, Zurich, Switzerland, December 4-6, 2002, Proceedings by
Least Squares Support Vector Machines by Johan a. K. Suykens, Et Al
Networking A to Z by
Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advances in Petri Nets by
Network Interdiction and Stochastic Integer Programming by
Disseminating Security Updates at Internet Scale by Reiher, Peter, Popek, Gerald J., Jun Li
Implementing Electronic Card Payment Sy by Radu, Cristian
Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries by
High Performance Computing - HIPC 2002: 9th International Conference Bangalore, India, December 18-21, 2002, Proceedings by
Wi-Fi (802.11) Network Handbook by
Softswitch by Ohrtman, Frank
Distributed Communities on the Web: 4th International Workshop, Dcw 2002 Sydney, Australia, April 3-5, 2002, Revised Papers by
Implementing Intrusion Detection Systems by Crothers, Tim
An Agent-Based Approach for Coordinated Multi-Provider Service Provisioning by Calisti, Monique
Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems: Nsf Workshop Imws 2001, Scottsdale, Az, October 15, 2001, Revised Papers by
Disaster Proofing Information Systems by Buchanan, Robert W.
Web Theory: An Introduction by Marshall, David, Burnett, Robert
Biometrics by
TCP/IP Clearly Explained by Loshin, Pete, Loshin, Loshin, Peter
Essential System Administration Pocket Reference: Commands and File Formats by Frisch, Æleen
Web Theory: An Introduction by Marshall, David, Burnett, Robert
The Handbook of AD Hoc Wireless Networks by
Wireless Networks by Papadimitriou, Georgios I., Pomportsis, Andreas S., Nicopolitidis, P.
Ethernet Networks 4e by Held, Gilbert
Multiscalar Processors by Franklin, Manoj
Photonic Slot Routing in Optical Transport Networks by Wedzinga, Gosse
Routing and Quality-Of-Service in Broadband Leo Satellite Networks by Hoang Nam Nguyen
Protocols for High-Efficiency Wireless Networks by Andreadis, Alessandro, Giambene, Giovanni
Secure Electronic Voting by Gritzalis, Dimitris A.