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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2004

Analysis and Decision Making in Uncertain Systems by Bubnicki, Zdzislaw
sendmail Cookbook by Hunt, Craig
DNS on Windows Server 2003 by Larson, Matt, Allen, Robbie, Liu, Cricket
Software-Produkt-Management: Nachhaltiger Erfolgsfaktor Bei Herstellern Und Anwendern by Schulz, Jürgen, Kittlaus, Hans-Bernd, Rau, Christoph
Postfix: The Definitive Guide by Dent, Kyle D.
Foundations of Security Analysis and Design II: Fosad 2001/2002 Tutorial Lectures by
Local Access Network Technologies by
Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World by Schneier, Bruce
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 5th International Conference, Cicling 2004, Seoul, Korea, February 15-21, 2004, Proceedings by
Concurrent and Distributed Computing in Java by Garg, Vijay K.
A Practical Approach to Wbem/CIM Management by Hobbs Chris, Chris, Hobbs, Chris, Hobbs, Hobbs
Principles of Network and System Administration by Burgess, Mark
Security Warrior by Peikari, Cyrus, Chuvakin, Anton
Public Key Cryptography -- Pkc 2004: 7th International Workshop on Theory and Practice in Public Key Cryptography, Singapore, March 1-4, 2004 by
Grid Computing: First European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, February 13-14, 2003, Revised Papers by
Cyberculture: The Key Concepts by Loader, Brian D., Pleace, Nicholas, Bell, David J.
Cyberculture: The Key Concepts by Loader, Brian D., Pleace, Nicholas, Bell, David J.
Wireless Operational Security by Rittinghouse Phd Cism, John, Ransome Phd Cism Cissp, James F.
Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications by
Wireless Multimedia by Gilb, James P. K.
Squid: The Definitive Guide by Wessels, Duane
Testing of Communicating Systems: 16th Ifip International Conference, Testcom 2004, Oxford, Uk, March 17-19, 2004., Proceedings by
Introduction to Rare Event Simulation by Bucklew, James
PASS-IT MCSA Managing a Windows 2000 Network Environment (70-218) Exam Preparation by Juern, Neal A.
Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components and Management by Kirikova, Marite, Grundspenkis, Janis, Signell, Karl L.
Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics by Attiya, Hagit, Welch, Jennifer
Resilient Storage Networks: Designing Flexible Scalable Data Infrastructures by Schulz, Greg
Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure by Kenyon, Brian, Andres, Steven
IPv6: Theory, Protocol, and Practice, 2nd Edition by Loshin, Peter
Mastering Phpmyadmin for Effective MySQL Management by Delisle, Marc
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 5th International Workshop, Pam 2004, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 19-20, 2004, Proceedings by
Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems: Revised Tutorial Lectures by
Hacking the Code: ASP.Net Web Application Security by Burnett, Mark
Qmail by Levine, John
Networking 2004: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communicati by
TCP/IP Sockets in C#: Practical Guide for Programmers by Donahoo, Michael J., Calvert, Kenneth L., Makofske, David
Hardening Apache by Mobily, Tony
Process Improvement in Practice: A Handbook for It Companies by Dybå, Tore, Dingsøyr, Torgeir, Moe, Nils Brede
Network Programming in .Net: C# & Visual Basic .Net by Reid, Fiach
Hardening Network Infrastructure by Noonan, Wesley J.
Hardening Windows Systems by Bragg, Roberta
Linux Unwired by Jepson, Brian, Wilder-James, Edd, Weeks, Roger
Storage Networks by Worden, Daniel J.
Wireless Sensor Networks by
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Second Symposium on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Isi 2004, Tucson, Az, Usa, June 10-11, 2004, Proceed by
Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach by Guibas, Leonidas, Zhao, Feng
Advanced Verification Techniques: A Systemc Based Approach for Successful Tapeout by Singh, Leena, Drucker, Leonard
Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent by Grand, Joe, Craig, Tom, Russell, Ryan
Code Complete by McConnell, Steve
Black Hat: Misfits, Criminals, and Scammers in the Internet Age by Biggs, Dup John
Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 11th International Colloquium, Sirocco 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slowakia, June 21-23, 2004, Procee by
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference, Icatpn 2004, Bologna, Italy, June 21-25, 2004, Proceedings by
Designing Software for the Mobile Context: A Practitioner's Guide by
Environmental Online Communication by
High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications: 7th IEEE International Conference, Hsnmc 2004, Toulouse, France, June 30- July 2, 2004, Proceedings by
Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind by Parker, Tom, Devost, Matthew G., Sachs, Marcus H.
Toward an International Virtual Observatory: Proceedings of the Eso/Esa/Nasa/Nsf Conference Held at Garching, Germany, 10-14 June 2002 by
The Expert Guide to PeopleSoft Security by Carter, Jason
The Expert Guide to PeopleSoft Security by Carter, Jason
Implementing 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 Wireless Networks: Planning, Troubleshooting, and Operations [With CD-ROM] by Olexa, Ron
Technological Aspects of Virtual Organizations: Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise by Fairchild, Alea M.
Telecommunications and Networking -- Ict 2004: 11th International Conference on Telecommunications Fortaleza, Brazil, August 1-6, 2004 Proceedings by
Network Recovery: Protection and Restoration of Optical, Sonet-Sdh, Ip, and MPLS by Demeester, Piet, Vasseur, Jean-Philippe, Pickavet, Mario
E-Government and Public Sector Process Rebuilding: Dilettantes, Wheel Barrows, and Diamonds by Andersen, Kim Viborg
Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks: Ifip 18th World Computer Congress Tc5/Wg5.5 -- 5th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises 22-27 Aug by
Hardening Linux by
The Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming by Yocom, Nathan, Turner, John, Davis, Keir
Computing and Combinatorics: 10th Annual International Conference, Cocoon 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 17-20, 2004, Proceedings by
OSS for Telecom Networks: An Introduction to Network Management by Misra, Kundan
Field Programmable Logic and Application: 14th International Conference, Fpl 2004, Leuven, Belgium, August 30-September 1, 2004, Proceedings by
Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing: 10th International Euro-Par Conference, Pisa, Italy, August 31-September 3, 2004, Proceedings by
Protocols by Invariants by Schoone, Anneke A., Anneke a., Schoone, Schoone, A. A.
SpamAssassin by Schwartz, Alan
Mono by Wilder-James, Edd, Bornstein, Niel M.
Mobile Information Systems: Ifip Tc 8 Working Conference on Mobile Information Systems (Mobis) 15-17 September 2004, Oslo, Norway by
Ubicomp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing: 6th International Conference, Nottingham, Uk, September 7-10, 2004, Proceedings by
IRC Hacks by Mutton, Paul
Inter-Organizational Information Systems in the Internet Age by
XML Hacks by Fitzgerald, Michael
The Handbook of Data Communications and Networks: Volume 1. Volume 2 by Buchanan, B.
Content Networking in the Mobile Internet by
Microsoft Exchange 2003 Deployment and Migration by McCorry, Kieran
Mobile Human-Computer Interaction - Mobile Hci 2004: 6th International Symposium, Glasgow, Uk, September 13-16, 2004, Proceedings by
Smart Business Networks by
Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools by Cox, Kerry J., Gerg, Christopher
Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks by
Streaming Media To Mobile Devices with Reflective Middleware: The Chameleon Framework by Curran, Kevin
WiFi Security by Curran, Kevin
Grid Services Engineering and Management: First International Conference, Gsem 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004, Proceedings by
How to Cheat at Managing Windows Small Business Server 2003 by Snedaker, Susan
Planar Graph Drawing by Nishizeki, Takao, Rahman, MD Saidur
Logical Data Modeling: What It Is and How to Do It by Heumann, J. Mark, Chmura, Alan
Pro .Net 1.1 Network Programming by Serban, Alexandru, Nagel, Christian, Mungale, Ajit
Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia by
Ipv6 Network Programming by Hagino, Jun-Ichiro
Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks by
Emerging Location Aware Broadband Wireless AD Hoc Networks by
Grundkurs Mediengestaltung: Praxisorientierte Lerneinheiten Für Compositing, Paint Und Animation -- Realisiert Mit Discreet Combustion by Starmann, David
Optical Networks and Technologies: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.10 First Optical Networks & Technologies Conference (Opnetec), October 18-20, 2004, Pisa, Italy by
Optical Communication Theory and Techniques by
QoS in Packet Networks by Park, Kun I.
Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (Mwcn 2004) October 25-27, 2004 by
Kompendium der Informationstechnologie: Hardware, Software, Client-Server-Systeme, Netzwerke, Datenbanken by Brause, Rüdiger
Deploying OpenLDAP by Jackiewicz, Tom
Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives by Piliouras, Teresa C.
Disruptive Security Technologies with Mobile Code and Peer-to-Peer Networks by Brooks, R. R.
Trojans, Worms, and Spyware: A Computer Security Professional's Guide to Malicious Code by Erbschloe, Michael
Microsoft Sharepoint Technologies: Planning, Design and Implementation by Laahs, Kevin, McKenna, Emer, Vanamo, Veli-Matti
Physical Security for IT by Erbschloe, Michael
Voice Over Internet Protocol (Voip) Security by Rittinghouse, John, Ransome, James F.
Mobile Computing Principles: Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML by Behravanfar, Reza, Lindsay, Phillip, B'Far, Reza
Developmental Biology of Teleost Fishes by Kunz-Ramsay, Yvette
Advances in Pervasive Computing and Networking by
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Aggelou, George
Implementing Successful Wireless LANs: Important Considerations in Deploying a Wireless Solution by Zimmerman, Timothy M.
Microelectronics Education: Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Held in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 15-16, 20 by
Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications: Proceedings of the Workshop on Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications Held June 26, 20 by
Optical Burst Switched Networks by Jue, Jason P., Vokkarane, Vinod M.
RF Engineering for Wireless Networks: Hardware, Antennas, and Propagation [With CDROM] by Dobkin, Daniel M.
TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach by Ryoo, Jeong-Dong, Panwar, Shivendra, Mao, Shiwen
Eingebettete Systeme: Fachtagung Der Gi-Fachgruppe Real-Time, Echtzeitsysteme Und Pearl, Boppard, 25./26. November 2004 by
Embedded Systems Design Using the Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor: Interfacing, Networking, and Application Development by Perrin, Bob, Hyder, Kamal
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2004: 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Jeju Isla by
Smart Home Hacks by Meyer, Gordon
Server Architectures: Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, and Storage Solutions by Chevance, Rene J.
Algebraic Theory of Automata Networks: A Introduction by Dõmõsi, Pál, Nehaniv, Chrystopher L.
Hardening Network Security by McMullin, Robert, Mallery, John, Kelly, Patrick
Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices by Varghese, George
Configuring Netscreen Firewalls by Cameron, Rob
Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies: 5th International Conference, Pdcat 2004, Singapore, December 8-10, 2004, Proceedin by
Creating Web-Based Laboratories by Chen, Ben M., Ko, C. C., Chen, Jianping
Agents and Peer-To-Peer Computing: Second International Workshop, AP2PC 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers by
High Performance Computing - HIPC 2004: 11th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 19-22, 2004, Proceedings by
Knowledge and Skill Chains in Engineering and Manufacturing: Information Infrastructure in the Era of Global Communications by
Distributed Computing -- Iwdc 2004: 6th International Workshop, Kolkata, India, December 27-30, 2004, Proceedings by
Quantitative Measure for Discrete Event Supervisory Control by
Information Hiding: 6th International Workshop, Ih 2004, Toronto, Canada, May 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Wireless Information Highways by Katsaros, Dimitrios, Nanopoulos, Alexandros
Peer-To-Peer Computing: The Evolution of a Disruptive Technology by Subramaniam, Ramesh, Goodman, Brian D.