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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2011

Internet and Network Economics: 6th International Workshop, Wine 2010, Stanford, Ca, Usa, December 13-17, 2010, Proceedings by
Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks by
Agents for Games and Simulations II: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design by
Voice Over IP Networks: Quality of Service, Pricing and Security by Verma, Pramode K., Wang, Ling
Mpls-Enabled Applications: Emerging Developments and New Technologies by Minei, Ina, Lucek, Julian
Knowledge Management (Km) Processes in Organizations: Theoretical Foundations and Practice by McInerney, Claire, Koenig, Michael E. D.
Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook by Van Zoggel, Jan, Schmutz, Guido, Biemond, Edwin
New Developments and Applications in Sensing Technology by
Protecting Against The Unknown: A guide to improving network security to protect the Internet against future forms of security hazards by Akman, Kemal
Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization of Complex Systems: Second TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2010, Singapore, September 13-17, by
Microsoft Forefront Uag 2010 Administrator's Handbook by Dolev, Ran, Ben-Ari, Erez
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: Third International Symposium, ESSoS 2011, Madrid, Spain, February 9-10, 2011, Proceedings by
Building Wireless Sensor Networks by Faludi, Robert
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: First International Joint Conference, IC3K 2009, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Octo by
Technological Innovation for Sustainability: Second IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2 by
Emerging Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks by
Building High Availability Windows Server 2003 Solutions by Shapiro, Jeffrey R., Policht, Marcin
Self-Organizing Systems: 5th International Workshop, IWSOS 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 23-24, 2011, Proceedings by
Open Source Development, Communities and Quality: Ifip 20th World Computer Congress, Working Group 2.3 on Open Source Software, September 7-10, 2008, by
The Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience: Ifip Tc8 Wg 8.6 International Working Conference, June 7-10, 2006, by
Challenges in AD Hoc Networking: Fourth Annual Mediterranean AD Hoc Networking Workshop, June 21-24, 2005, Île de Porquerolles, France by
VoIP Technologies by
Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 25 by
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 10th International Symposium, W2GIS 2011 Kyoto, Japan, March 3-4, 2011 Proceedings by
Wireless Sensor Networks: 8th European Conference, EWSN 2011 Bonn, Germany, February 23-25, 2011 Proceedings by
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 12th International Conference, CICLing 2011 Tokyo, Japan, Februaary 20-26, 2011 Proceedings by
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 12th International Conference, CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, February 20-26, 2011 Proceedings by
Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications by
Squid Proxy Server 3.1: Beginner's Guide by Saini, Kulbir
Industrial Communication Systems by
AD Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications (2nd Edition) by de Morais Cordeiro, Carlos, Agrawal, Dharma Prakash
ICT Innovations 2010: Second International Conference, ICT Innovations 2010, Ohrid Macedonia, September 12-15, 2010. Revised Selected Papers by
AD Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications (2nd Edition) by de Morais Cordeiro, Carlos, Agrawal, Dharma Prakash
Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems by Singhal, Mukesh, Kshemkalyani, Ajay D.
Computer Networks and Information Technologies: Second International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing, CNC 2011, Bangal by
Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet by
Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensors with IEEE 802.15.4 by Gutierrez, Jose A., Callaway, Edgar H., Winkel, Ludwig
Vmware Vsphere for Dummies by Mitchell, Daniel, Keegan, Tom
Cloud Computing: Web-Basierte Dynamische It-Services by Baun, Christian, Kunze, Marcel, Nimis, Jens
Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide by Crystal, David
Migratory Interactive Applications for Ubiquitous Environments by
Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems by Fu, Mengyin, Liu, Guo-Ping, Xia, Yuanqing
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications: 7th International Symposium, ARC 2011, Belfast, Uk, March 23-25, 2011, Proceedings by
Rechnerarchitektur: Aufbau, Organisation Und Implementierung, Inklusive 64-Bit-Technologie Und Parallelrechner by Herrmann, Paul
Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming II: Special Issue on Applying Patterns by
Social Network Data Analytics by
Cacti 0.8 Beginner's Guide by Urban, Thomas
Programming Languages and Systems: 20th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and Prac by
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 14th International Conference, Fase 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and by
Compiler Construction: 20th International Conference, CC 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Softwa by
Intrusion Detection Systems by
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks Kompendium: Über 50 Rahmenwerke Für Das It-Management by Matthes, Dirk
Data Center Storage: Cost-Effective Strategies, Implementation, and Management by Smith, Hubbert
Engineering Reliable Service Oriented Architecture: Managing Complexity and Service Level Agreements by
Non-Functional Properties in Service Oriented Architecture: Requirements, Models and Methods by
Web Services and Formal Methods: 7th International Workshop, Ws-FM 2010, Hoboken, Nj, Usa, September 16-17, 2010. Revised Selected Papers by
Technology Systems and Management: First International Conference, Ictsm 2011, Mumbai, India, February 25-27, 2011. Selected Papers by
Sensor Networks with IEEE 802.15.4 Systems: Distributed Processing, Mac, and Connectivity by Buratti, Chiara, Martalo', Marco, Verdone, Roberto
Look-Ahead Based Sigma-Delta Modulation by Janssen, Erwin, Van Roermund, Arthur
SharePoint 2010 branding in practice: a guide for web developers by Pentsarskyy, Yaroslav
Algorithms and Parallel Computing by Gebali, Fayez
Home Networking Do-It-Yourself for Dummies by Miller, Lawrence C.
Zenoss 2.5 Core Network and System Monitoring by Badger, Michael
Designing Green Networks and Network Operations: Saving Run-the-Engine Costs by Minoli, Daniel
Technische Informatik 3: Grundlagen Der Pc-Technologie by Schiffmann, Wolfram, Hönig, Udo, Bähring, Helmut
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design by Dollimore, Jean, Kindberg, Tim, Coulouris, George
Design and Implementation of an Embedded Firewall by Dalk L. C., Gokhan, Demir, Necati, Dalk L., G. Khan
Microsoft Windows Networking Essentials by Gibson, Darril
The Complete One-Week Preparation for the Cisco Ccent/CCNA Icnd1 Exam 640-822: Second Edition (March 2011) by Al_taiey, Thaar
Eine Dezentrale Informations- Und Kollaborationsarchitektur Für Die Unternehmensübergreifende Produktentwicklung by Stiefel, Patrick
Organic Computing -- A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems by
Eingebettete Systeme: Echtzeit 2010 by
Network Design Cookbook: Architecting Cisco Networks by Thomatis, Ccie #6778 Michel
Asterisk Cookbook: Solutions to Everyday Telephony Problems by Bryant, Russell, Madsen, Leif
Peer-To-Peer Data Management: For Clouds and Data-Intensive and Scalable Computing Environments by Aberer, Karl
Pro SharePoint 2010 Search by Bakmand-Mikalski, Dan, Noble, Josh, Piddocke, Robert
Networks for Pervasive Services: Six Ways to Upgrade the Internet by Exarchakos, George, Liotta, Antonio
Interdisciplinary and Multidimensional Perspectives in Telecommunications and Networking: Emerging Findings by
Network Planning and Traffic Engineering: Translucent Optical Wdm Networks by Kuri, Josue, Koubaa, Mohamed, Gagnaire, Maurice
Cracking Windows Phone and Blackberry Native Development: Cross-Platform Mobile Apps Without the Kludge by Baxter-Reynolds, Matthew
Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: Second International ICST Conference, Mobihealth 2010, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, October 18 - 20, 2010, Revised by
Multimedia Communications, Services and Security by
Multi-Core Cache Hierarchies by Muralimanohar, Naveen, Jouppi, Norman P., Balasubramonian, Rajeev
IT-Sicherheit in Firmennetzwerken: Vergleich der IT-Governance Modelle Cobit(R), ITIL(R) und MOF(R) by Wiedner, Stefan
Management in der Malware-Industrie: Die zunehmende Professionalisierung auf Seiten der Malware-Industrie und ihrer Gegner by Kexel, Sebastian
Multimedia Data Hiding by Wu, Min, Liu, Bede
An Introduction to the Dlna Architecture: Network Technologies for Media Devices by Heredia, Edwin A.
Pervasive Computing and Communications Design and Deployment: Technologies, Trends and Applications by
Recent Advances in Broadband Integrated Network Operations and Services Management by
Probabilistic Databases by Olteanu, Dan, Re, Christopher, Suciu, Dan
Information Retrieval Evaluation by Harman, Donna
Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing by
IT-Security und Botnetze. Aktuelle Angriffs- und Abwehrmethoden by Wagner, Dominik
Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks by
Trust Management V: 5th Ifip Wg 11.11 International Conference, Ifiptm 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 29 - July 1, 2011, Proceedings by
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development VIII by
Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking by
Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 18th International Colloquium, Sirocco 2011, Gdańsk, Poland, June 26-29, 2011 by
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services: 6th International Conference, Uahci 2011, Held as Part of Hci International by
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity: 6th International Conference, Uahci 2011, Held as Part of Hci International 2011, O by
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and Einclusion: 6th International Conference, Uahci 2011, Held as Part of Hci Internati by
Grid Computing: Towards a Global Interconnected Infrastructure by
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity: 6th International Conference, Uahci 2011, Held as Part of Hci International 2011, Orl by
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information: Symposium on Human Interface 2011, Held as Part of Hci International by
Methods for Mining and Summarizing Text Conversations by Ng, Raymond, Murray, Gabriel, Carenini​], Giuseppe
DNS and Bind on Ipv6: DNS for the Next-Generation Internet by Liu, Cricket
Information Communication Technologies and the Virtual Public Sphere: Impacts of Network Structures on Civil Society by
Cloud, Grid and High Performance Computing: Emerging Applications by
Network Warrior: Everything You Need to Know That Wasn't on the CCNA Exam by Donahue, Gary A.
Information Security and Cryptology by
Privacy Enhancing Technologies by
Understanding Lte and Its Performance by Ali-Yahiya, Tara
Packet Guide to Core Network Protocols by Hartpence, Bruce
Cloud Computing: Web-Based Dynamic IT Services by Nimis, Jens, Baun, Christian, Kunze, Marcel
Data Communication and Computer Network by Mondal, Krishnendu, Mondal, Subhendu, Nargass, Rishu
Formal Methods for Distributed Processing: A Survey of Object-Oriented Approaches by
Dependability of Networked Computer-Based Systems by Kumar, Manoj, Verma, Ajit Kumar, Ajit, Srividya
Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto 2011: 31st Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa, August 14-18, 2011, Proceedings by
Haxe 2 Beginner's Guide by Dasnois, Benjamin
Junos Enterprise Routing: A Practical Guide to Junos Routing and Certification by Marschke, Doug, Southwick, Peter, Reynolds, Harry
Ultra Wideband Communications by
Advanced Design Approaches to Emerging Software Systems: Principles, Methodologies and Tools by
Virtualization: A Manager's Guide: Big Picture of the Who, What, and Where of Virtualization by Kusnetzky, Dan
Cooperative Task-Oriented Computing: Algorithms and Complexity by Georgiou, Chryssis, Shvartsman, Alexander
FPGA Based Network Security Architecture for High Speed Networks by Sahoo, Bibhudatta, Mukherjee, Sourav
Managing Event Information by Gupta, Amarnath, Jain, Ramesh
Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends - Antennas and Propagation by
Information Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050 by
Peer-To-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges by Kwok, Yu-Kwong Ricky
Data Management in Grid and Peer-To-Peer Systems: 4th International Conference, Globe 2011, Toulouse, France, September 1-2, 2011, Proceedings by
Electronic Government: 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2011, Delft, Thenetherlands, August 28-September 2, 2011, Proceedings by
Database Repairing and Consistent Query Answering by Bertossi, Leopoldo
Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks by
Freeradius Beginner's Guide by Van Der Walt, Dirk
Cloud and Virtual Data Storage Networking: Your Journey to Efficient and Effective Information Services by Schulz, Greg
Bootstrapping Trust in Modern Computers by Perrig, Adrian, Parno, Bryan, McCune, Jonathan M.
Biologically Inspired Networking and Sensing: Algorithms and Architectures by
Forensics in Telecommunications, Information and Multimedia: Third International Icst Conference, E-Forensics 2010, Shanghai, China, November 11-12, 2 by
Personal Satellite Services: Third International Icst Conference, Psats 2011, Malaga, Spain, Februrary 17-18, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Building Enterprise Systems with ODP: An Introduction to Open Distributed Processing by Tanaka, Akira, Linington, Peter F., Milosevic, Zoran
Ultra-Wideband Radio Frequency Identification Systems by Nekoogar, Faranak, Dowla, Farid
Provable Security: 5th International Conference, ProvSec 2011, Xi'an, China, October 16-18, 2011, Proceedings by
Distributed Computing: 25th International Symposium, DISC 2011, Rome, Italy, September 20-22, 2011, Proceedings by
Making Your Data Center Energy Efficient by Held, Gilbert
Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology: 5th International Conference, ICHIT 2011 Daejeon, Korea, September 22-24, 2011 Proceedings by
Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications: 7th European Workshop, Europki 2010, Athens, Greece, September 23-24, 2010. Revised Selected Pa by
Switching Networks: Recent Advances by
C/TCP-IP, the Embedded Protocol Stack for the Kinetis Arm Cortex-M4 by Legare, Christian
Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control by Braslavsky, Julio H., Goodwin, Graham C., Seron, Maria M.
AD Hoc Wireless Networking by
High Quality Messaging and Electronic Commerce: Technical Foundations, Standards and Protocols by Schmied, Gerhard
Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks: 12th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Octo by
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 18th European Mpi Users' Group Meeting, Eurompi 2011, Santorini, Greece, September 18-21, 2011. Proc by
Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers by Tummala, Murali, Therrien, Charles
Security and Trust Management: 6th International Workshop, STM 2010, Athens, Greece, September 23-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Near Field Communications Handbook by
Frontiers of Computing Systems Research: Essays on Emerging Technologies, Architectures, and Theories by
Wireless Information Networks: Architecture, Resource Management, and Mobile Data by
Das OSF Distributed Computing Environment: Grundlagen Und Anwendung by Schill, Alexander
Cyber Foraging: Bridging Mobile and Cloud Computing by Flinn, Jason
Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Personal Communications by
Cognitive Radio Mobile AD Hoc Networks by
Quantitative Measure for Discrete Event Supervisory Control by
Optimal Load Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems by Li, Jie, Kim, Chonggun, Kameda, Hisao
High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications by
Computer Communications and Networks by Freer, John R.
Computational and Data Grids: Principles, Applications and Design by
Continuous Authentication Using Biometrics: Data, Models, and Metrics by
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction: Foundations of Cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems by Yokoo, Makoto
Packet Guide to Routing and Switching: Exploring the Network Layer by Hartpence, Bruce
Multimedia Information Storage and Management by
Data Organization in Parallel Computers by Wijshoff, Harry A. G.
Modern Telemetry by
Communications and Multimedia Security: 12th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2011, Ghent, Belgium, October 19-21, 2011, Proceedings by
Bmc Control-M 7: A Journey from Traditional Batch Scheduling to Workload Automation by Ding, Qiang
Planning for Ipv6: Ipv6 Is Now. Join the New Internet. by Hagen, Silvia
Herausforderungen Durch Echtzeitbetrieb: Echtzeit 2011 by
Middleware'98: Ifip International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing by
Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Power User Cookbook by Colquhoun, Adrian
Digitale Forensik und Werkzeuge zur Untersuchung wirtschaftskrimineller Aktivitäten im Umfeld von Kreditinstituten by Schimpf, Ralph
Puppet 2.7 Cookbook by Arundel, John
Network Coding: Fundamentals and Applications by
Intermittently Connected Mobile AD Hoc Networks: From Routing to Content Distribution by Jamalipour, Abbas, Ma, Yaozhou
Multimedia Database Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies by
A Failure to Network: Is the social network online better then, being social in person? Or has it mad human less communicative with each oth by Burge, Sarah Marrie
Designing a New Class of Distributed Systems by Mikkilineni, Rao
The Design of Cloud Workflow Systems by Liu, Xiao, Yuan, Dong, Zhang, Gaofeng
Cloud Computing und Datenschutz by Janisch, Fabian
Beyond Redundancy by Adams, Randee, Eustace, Daniel, Bauer, Eric
High Performance Networking, Computing, and Communication Systems: Second International Conference ICHCC 2011, Singapore, May 5-6, 2011, Selected Pape by
Basics of Computer Networking by Robertazzi, Thomas
Quantitative Security Risk Assessment of Enterprise Networks by Singhal, Anoop, Ou, Xinming
Service Level Agreements for Cloud Computing by
Mastering Fiber Optic Connector Installation: A Guide To Low Loss, Low Cost, And High Reliability by Pearson, Eric R.
Delay Tolerant Networks: Protocols and Applications by
Rechnergesteuerte Vermittlungssysteme by Gerke, Peter R.
A critical analysis of Google's behavior towards its users in relation to the EU Data Protection Act and the US Safe Harbour Act by Elmers, Sven
Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 and Windows Powershell 2.0: Expert Cookbook by Pentsarskyy, Yaroslav
Haptic Systems Architecture Modeling by Weber, Anton, Dustdar, Schahram
TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols, Volume 1 by Fall, Kevin, Stevens, W.
See More