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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2021

Smart Grid and Innovative Frontiers in Telecommunications: 5th Eai International Conference, Smartgift 2020, Chicago, Usa, December 12, 2020, Proceedi by
Big Data Technologies and Applications: 10th Eai International Conference, Bdta 2020, and 13th Eai International Conference on Wireless Internet, Wico by
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 22nd International Conference, Ipco 2021, Atlanta, Ga, Usa, May 19-21, 2021, Proceedings by
Edge Computing and Iot: Systems, Management and Security: First Eai International Conference, Iceci 2020, Virtual Event, November 6, 2020, Proceedings by
Next-Gen Digital Services. a Retrospective and Roadmap for Service Computing of the Future: Essays Dedicated to Michael Papazoglou on the Occasion of by
Interactivity and Game Creation: 9th Eai International Conference, Artsit 2020, Aalborg, Denmark, December 10-11, 2020, Proceedings by
Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies: Select Proceedings of Icaect 2020 by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems: I3cs 2020, Nehu, Shillong, India by
LinkedIn Marketing Business: Manual cómo crear tu estrategia de marketing de contenidos, venta social y generar auténticas relaciones comerciales y by Salerno, Massimiliano
Sustainable Energy for Smart Cities: Second Eai International Conference, Sesc 2020, Viana Do Castelo, Portugal, December 4, 2020, Proceedings by
Cloud Reliability Engineering: Technologies and Tools by
Cloud Reliability Engineering: Technologies and Tools by
Multicast on MikroTik with LABS: Master Multicast on RouterOS using step-by-step LABS by Haddad, Maher
Service Level Management in Emerging Environments by
Network Marketing: La guida completa al marketing online per guadagnare su internet Scopri tutti i segreti del web marketing strategico, by Palmer, Marc A.
NVivo R 1: Handling Qualitative Data II by Park, Chongwon
Transforming Cybersecurity Solutions Using Blockchain by
Internet of Medical Things: Remote Healthcare Systems and Applications by
Intelligence Science III: 4th Ifip Tc 12 International Conference, Icis 2020, Durgapur, India, February 24-27, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
10 CLAVES PARA ADMINISTRAR TU TIEMPO (Productividad): Ideas simples para ser más productivo by Sánchez Isame, Nicolás
Cloud Computing for Beginners by Nalini, N., Thariq Hussan, M. I., Atmakuri, Aparnarajesh
Space Information Network: 5th International Conference Sinc 2020, Shenzhen, China, December 19-20, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Smart Computing and Communication: 5th International Conference, Smartcom 2020, Paris, France, December 29-31, 2020, Proceedings by
Accelerator Programming Using Directives: 7th International Workshop, Waccpd 2020, Virtual Event, November 20, 2020, Proceedings by
Low-Overhead Communications in Iot Networks: Structured Signal Processing Approaches by Zhang, Jun, Shi, Yuanming, Dong, Jialin
Free Space Laser Communication with Ambient Light Compensation by Faruque, Saleh
Innovations for Community Services: 21st International Conference, I4cs 2021, Bamberg, Germany, May 26-28, 2021, Proceedings by
Security Without Obscurity: Frequently Asked Questions (Faq) by Stapleton, Jeff
Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of Coconet 2020, Volume 1 by
​IT-Sicherheit durch Künstliche Intelligenz im Bereich der E-Mobilität. Betrugserkennung und Prävention von unsicheren Ladeinfrastrukturen by Koller, David
Full-Duplex Communications for Future Wireless Networks by
Proceedings of Integrated Intelligence Enable Networks and Computing: Iienc 2020 by
Koha: Pemasangan Mudah by Eusoff, Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir
Mobile Information Service for Networks by Jiang, Changjun, Li, Zhong
Campus Network Architectures and Technologies by Yu, Bin, Huang, Mingxiang, Shen, Ningguo
Simulation Tools and Techniques: 12th Eai International Conference, Simutools 2020, Guiyang, China, August 28-29, 2020, Proceedings, Part I by
Remote Delivery: A Guide to Software Delivery Through Collaboration Between Distributed Teams by Qu, Zhengping
Intelligent Information Processing X: 11th Ifip Tc 12 International Conference, Iip 2020, Hangzhou, China, July 3-6, 2020, Proceedings by
Data-Driven Mining, Learning and Analytics for Secured Smart Cities: Trends and Advances by
Fieldbus and Networking in Process Automation by Sen, Sunit Kumar
Kreditkartenbetrug. Einbruch in Kreditkarten-Server by Oswald, Gerald
Internet of Things in Smart Technologies for Sustainable Urban Development by
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 8th International Conference, Ssvm 2021, Virtual Event, May 16-20, 2021, Proceedings by
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2021: 24th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, Virtual Event, May 10-13, 20 by
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2021: 24th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, Virtual Event, May 10-13, 20 by
Enterprise Wireless Local Area Network Architectures and Technologies by Yang, Xun, Zhou, Xia, Wu, Rihai
Mobile Technology and Social Transformations: Access to Knowledge in Global Contexts by
Mobile Technology and Social Transformations: Access to Knowledge in Global Contexts by
Managing IoT and Mobile Technologies with Innovation, Trust, and Sustainable Computing by
Managing IoT and Mobile Technologies with Innovation, Trust, and Sustainable Computing by
Networking All-In-One for Dummies by Lowe, Doug
Cissp: Estrategias Simples y Eficaces para Dominar la Seguridad de los Sistemas Información desde la A Hasta la Z (Libro En E by Schmidt, Walker
Cissp: Consejos y Trucos para Aprender y Estudiar sobre la Seguridad de los Sistemas de Información Desde la A Hasta la Z (Li by Schmidt, Walker
Cissp: 3 en 1- Guía para Principiantes+ Consejos y Trucos+ Estrategias Sencillas y Eficaces para Aprender Sobre la Seguridad by Schmidt, Walker
Cisco Networks: Engineers' Handbook of Routing, Switching, and Security with Ios, Nx-Os, and Asa by Wilson, William, Rivera, Noel, Carthern, Chris
Cognitive Systems and Signal Processing: 5th International Conference, Iccsip 2020, Zhuhai, China, December 25-27, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Computer Science - Cacic 2020: 26th Argentine Congress, Cacic 2020, San Justo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 5-9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Wearables in Healthcare: Second Eai International Conference, Healthwear 2020, Virtual Event, December 10-11, 2020, Proceedings by
Können Maschinen denken? Ein mediengeschichtlicher Exkurs in das Forschungsgebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz by Anonymous
Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2021: Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2021, Virtual Event, May 17-20, 2021, Proceedings by
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Diagnostik. Zukünftige Herausforderungen und Chancen im Gesundheitswesen by Beyer, Tim
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing: 15th Ccf Conference, Chinesecscw 2020, Shenzhen, China, November 7-9, 2020, Revised Selected by
Seeing Smart Cities Through a Multi-Dimensional Lens: Perspectives, Relationships, and Patterns for Success by McKenna, H. Patricia
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 25th Pacific-Asia Conference, Pakdd 2021, Virtual Event, May 11-14, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Inside the World of Computing: Technologies, Uses, Challenges by
Intelligent Network Management and Control: Intelligent Security, Multi-Criteria Optimization, Cloud Computing, Internet of Vehicles, Intelligent Radi by Benmammar, Badr
Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust: 9th International Workshop, Stast 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26, 2019, Revised Select by
Systematik und Prinzipien des Sozialdatenschutzes by Kleefeldt, Martin
Digital Democracy - It for Change: 53rd Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India, Csi 2020, Bhubaneswar, India, January 16-18, 2020, Revised by
17th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (Itng 2020) by
Information Management and Big Data: 7th Annual International Conference, Simbig 2020, Lima, Peru, October 1-3, 2020, Proceedings by
Production Research: 10th International Conference of Production Research - Americas, Icpr-Americas 2020, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, December by
Production Research: 10th International Conference of Production Research - Americas, Icpr-Americas 2020, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, December by
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer by Rodeiro Iglesias, Javier, Añel, Juan A., Montes, Diego P.
Fast and Scalable Cloud Data Management by Wingerath, Wolfram, Ritter, Norbert, Gessert, Felix
NASA Formal Methods: 13th International Symposium, Nfm 2021, Virtual Event, May 24-28, 2021, Proceedings by
Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management: 6th International Conference, Gistam 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, May 7-9, 2020 by
Mediengeschichtlicher Exkurs in das Forschungsgebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Können Maschinen denken? by Anonymous
Internet of Things: Concepts and System Design by Milenkovic, Milan
Privacy Technologies and Policy: 9th Annual Privacy Forum, Apf 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 17-18, 2021, Proceedings by
Eingebettete Systeme: Grundlagen Eingebetteter Systeme in Cyber-Physikalischen Systemen by Marwedel, Peter
Die Diagnose von Covid-19 mittels Künstlicher Intelligenzen: Die Nutzung von Künstlichen Intelligenzen für die Covid-19-Erkennung in Computertomograph by Werger, Maik
Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications by
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 32nd Benelux Conference, Bnaic/Benelearn 2020, Leiden, the Netherlands, November 19-20, 2020, Revised Se by
Computing Science, Communication and Security: Second International Conference, Coms2 2021, Gujarat, India, February 6-7, 2021, Revised Selected Paper by
Hardware-Aware Probabilistic Machine Learning Models: Learning, Inference and Use Cases by Meert, Wannes, Verhelst, Marian, Galindez Olascoaga, Laura Isabel
Infosec Strategies and Best Practices: Gain proficiency in information security using expert-level strategies and best practices by MacMillan, Joseph
Data Engineering 4.0: Kompositionale Informationsmodelle Für Industrielle Anwendungen by Weber, Herbert
Inclusive Radio Communications for 5g and Beyond by
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Aime 2021, Virtual Event, June 15-18, 2021, by
Tools for Design, Implementation and Verification of Emerging Information Technologies: 15th Eai International Conference, Tridentcom 2020, Virtual Ev by
Rigorous State-Based Methods: 8th International Conference, Abz 2021, Ulm, Germany, June 9-11, 2021, Proceedings by
Chance, Calculation and Life by
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security: Ic4s 2020 by
Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications: Second International Conference, Mobile 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Co by
Cross-Cultural Design. Experience and Product Design Across Cultures: 13th International Conference, CCD 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci Internatio by
Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Arts, Learning, Well-Being, and Social Development: 13th International Conference, CCD 2021, Held as Part of th by
Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Vehicles, and Intelligent Agents: 13th International Conference, CCD 202 by
IP Routing Protocols: Fundamentals and Distance-Vector Routing Protocols by Aweya, James
IP Routing Protocols: Link-State and Path-Vector Routing Protocols by Aweya, James
IP Routing Protocols: Link-State and Path-Vector Routing Protocols by Aweya, James
Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics: Third International Conference, Cicba 2021, Santiniketan, India, January 7-8, 202 by
IP Routing Protocols: Fundamentals and Distance-Vector Routing Protocols by Aweya, James
Network Tomography by Ma, Liang, Swami, Ananthram, He, Ting
Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems: 7th Eai International Conference, Iniscom 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, April 22-23, 2021, Proceedings by
Hci in Business, Government and Organizations: 8th International Conference, Hcibgo 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii by
Massively Multiplayer Game Programming With Unity 3d and Mirror: The Ultimate Guide to Building and Hosting Your MMOGS by Chiu, Chihming
Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 4th Icmete 2020 by
Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning: 8th International Conference, Lct 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 16th Ifip Wg 12.5 International Conference, Aiai 2020, Neos Marmaras, Greece, June 5-7, 2020, Pr by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 16th Ifip Wg 12.5 International Conference, Aiai 2020, Neos Marmaras, Greece, June 5-7, 2020, Pr by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Aiai 2020 Ifip Wg 12.5 International Workshops: Mhdw 2020 and 5g-Pine 2020, Neos Marmaras, Greec by
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered 6g by Zhang, Hongliang, Di, Boya, Song, Lingyang
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 13th International Conference, Vamr 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virt by
Social Computing and Social Media: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis: 13th International Conference, Scsm 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd H by
Service-Oriented Computing - Icsoc 2020 Workshops: Aiops, Cftic, Straps, Ai-Pa, Ai-Iots, and Satellite Events, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 1 by
Cyber Threat Intelligence for the Internet of Things by Neshenko, Nataliia, Bou-Harb, Elias
Künstliche Intelligenz und E-Commerce im mittelständischen Gewerbe. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen by Pearce, David
Learning and Collaboration Technologies: New Challenges and Learning Experiences: 8th International Conference, Lct 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci by
Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Ai, Product and Service: 12th International Conference, Dhm by
Internet of Energy Handbook by
Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing by Luan, Tom H., Gu, Bruce, Gao, Longxiang
Technological Innovation for Applied AI Systems: 12th Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial System by
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems: 16th Eai International Conference, Qshine 2020, Virtual Event, November 29-30, by
Culture and Computing. Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts: 9th International Conference, C&c 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conf by
Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing: 9th International Conference, C&c 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conf by
Implementing VxRail HCI Solutions: A complete guide to VxRail Appliance administration and configuration by Wu, Victor
Artificial Intelligence in Hci: Second International Conference, Ai-Hci 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virtua by
Coordination Models and Languages: 23rd Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Coordination 2021, Held as Part of the 16th International Federated Conf by
Network Programmability and Automation Fundamentals by Karneliuk, Anton, Doyle, Jeff, Abuelenain, Khaled
IoT Protocols and Applications for Improving Industry, Environment, and Society by
Enabling Blockchain Technology for Secure Networking and Communications by
Visual Analysis of Multilayer Networks by Archambault, Daniel, McGee, Fintan, Renoust, Benjamin
Augmented Cognition: 15th International Conference, AC 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virtual Even by
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information Presentation and Visualization: Thematic Area, Himi 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci by
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information-Rich and Intelligent Environments: Thematic Area, Himi 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd H by
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 19th International Conference, Acns 2021, Kamakura, Japan, June 21-24, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Model and Data Engineering: 10th International Conference, Medi 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21-23, 2021, Proceedings by
Business Intelligence for Enterprise Internet of Things by
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part V by
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part VI by
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 19th International Conference, Acns 2021, Kamakura, Japan, June 21-24, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Zscaler Cloud Security Essentials: Discover how to securely embrace cloud efficiency, intelligence, and agility with Zscaler by Devarasetty, Ravi
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part III by
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV by
Computational Science - Iccs 2021: 21st International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 16-18, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Human Aspects of It for the Aged Population. Supporting Everyday Life Activities: 7th International Conference, Itap 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hc by
Artificial Intelligence and Security: 7th International Conference, Icais 2021, Dublin, Ireland, July 19-23, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Artificial Intelligence and Security: 7th International Conference, Icais 2021, Dublin, Ireland, July 19-23, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Ubuntu 21.04 Server: Administration and Reference by Petersen, Richard
Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of Coconet 2020, Volume 2 by
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2021: 40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croa by
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2021: 40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croa by
Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications: 17th International Symposium, ARC 2021, Virtual Event, June 29-30, 2021, Pro by
Running Microsoft Workloads on AWS: Active Directory, Databases, Development, and More by Pothecary, Ryan
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 18th International Conference, Cpaior 2021, Vienna, Austria, by
Die Notwendigkeit von ethischen Richtlinien für künstliche Intelligenz. Eine kurze Darstellung by Steindl, Sebastian
Mastering Linux Administration: A comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, and maintaining Linux systems in the modern data center by Balog, Julian, Calcatinge, Alexandru
Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools: Thematic Area, Hci 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virt by
Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Novel Applications: Thematic Area, Hci 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd Hci International Confere by
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: 11th International Conference, Fimh 2021, Stanford, Ca, Usa, June 21-25, 2021, Proceedings by
IoT Protocols and Applications for Improving Industry, Environment, and Society by
Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning: 5th International Symposium, Cscml 2021, Be'er Sheva, Israel, July 8-9, 2021, Proceedings by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 17th Ifip Wg 12.5 International Conference, Aiai 2021, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 25-27, 2 by
Advanced Informatics for Computing Research: 4th International Conference, Icaicr 2020, Gurugram, India, December 26-27, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Advanced Informatics for Computing Research: 4th International Conference, Icaicr 2020, Gurugram, India, December 26-27, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 28th International Colloquium, Sirocco 2021, Wroclaw, Poland, June 28 - July 1, 2021, Proceedings by
Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures: 5th Eai International Conference, Fabulous 2021, Virtual Event, May 6-7, 2021, by
IT-Sicherheit in der Industrie 4.0: Wie gelingt der sichere Austausch und die Verknüpfung von Daten zwischen Unternehmen, sodass die Datensouveränität by Rebers, Mona
Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust: 10th International Workshop, Stast 2020, Virtual Event, September 14, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Swarm Intelligence: 12th International Conference, Icsi 2021, Qingdao, China, July 17-21, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Persuasive Technology: 16th International Conference, Persuasive 2021, Virtual Event, April 12-14, 2021, Proceedings by
Network and Parallel Computing: 17th Ifip Wg 10.3 International Conference, Npc 2020, Zhengzhou, China, September 28-30, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Custom Search - Discover more: A Complete Guide to Google Programmable Search Engines by Shamaeva, Irina, Galley, David Michael
Custom Search - Discover more: A Complete Guide to Google Programmable Search Engines by Shamaeva, Irina, Galley, David Michael
The Future of the Automotive Industry: The Disruptive Forces of Ai, Data Analytics, and Digitization by Martínez, Inma
Mobile Service Computing by Deng, Shuiguang, Wu, Hongyue, Yin, Jianwei
3rd International Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication: Widecom 2020 by
End-User Development: 8th International Symposium, Is-Eud 2021, Virtual Event, July 6-8, 2021, Proceedings by
Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 20th International Conference, Mmst 2020, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, November 23 - 27, 2020, Revis by
Artificial Intelligence and Anthropomorphism. Does Alan Turings Imitation Game Enhance Anthropomorphism in AI Research? by Mauch, Tim
Die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie. Ein Überblick by Meinl, Lukas
Datadog Cloud Monitoring Quick Start Guide: Proactively create dashboards, write scripts, manage alerts, and monitor containers using Datadog by Theakanath, Thomas Kurian
5g Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction by Stallings, William
Handbook of Research on 5G Networks and Advancements in Computing, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Aiai 2021 Ifip Wg 12.5 International Workshops: 5g-Pine 2021, Ai-Bio 2021, Daai 2021, Dare 2021, by
Design, Learning, and Innovation: 5th Eai International Conference, DLI 2020, Virtual Event, December 10-11, 2020, Proceedings by
Digitale Sprachassistenten am Arbeitsplatz und ihr Weg zur Nutzerakzeptanz. Hindernisse und Treiber beim Anwender by Güldali, Onur
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Security: 7th International Conference, Icais 2021, Dublin, Ireland, July 19-23, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Security: 7th International Conference, Icais 2021, Dublin, Ireland, July 19-23, 2021, Proceedings, Part III by
Die Informationssicherheit in der Cloud. Einsatzmöglichkeiten von CASB-Lösungen by Güldali, Onur
The comprehensive guide you need to take full advantage of the limitless opportunities the digital age provides. by Kris, Evans
Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials: Cloud, Converged, and Virtual Fundamental Server Storage I/O Tradecraft by Schulz, Greg
Communication Protocol Engineering by Popovic, Miroslav
Networking Argument by
Cyber-Enabled Intelligence by
Nonlinear Control Systems Using Matlab(r) by Boufadene, Mourad
Git for Programmers: Master Git for effective implementation of version control for your programming projects by Liberty, Jesse
Industrial Iot: Challenges, Design Principles, Applications, and Security by
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