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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2021

Operationalizing Multi-Cloud Environments: Technologies, Tools and Use Cases by
Image and Graphics: 11th International Conference, Icig 2021, Haikou, China, August 6-8, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Image and Graphics: 11th International Conference, Icig 2021, Haikou, China, August 6-8, 2021, Proceedings, Part III by
Sustainability Awareness and Green Information Technologies by
IT-Security für KMU. Praxisnahe Maßnahmen und Empfehlungen zur grundlegenden Absicherung der IT-Systeme in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen by Ohlig, Nico
Stability Analysis of Regenerative Queueing Models: Mathematical Methods and Applications by Steyaert, Bart, Morozov, Evsey
Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis: 8th International Workshop, Omia 2021, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2021, Strasbourg, France, September 27, 2021 by
Research and Innovation Forum 2021: Managing Continuity, Innovation, and Change in the Post-Covid World: Technology, Politics and Society by
Chancen und Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz. SWOT-Analyse und Anwendungsgebiete der Technologie by Anthofer, Simon
Petri Nets for Modeling of Large Discrete Systems by Davidrajuh, Reggie
Open Source Intelligence im Bereich Cyber Security. OSINT-Methoden bei Phishing und Denial of Service by Anonymous
Interactive Collaborative Robotics: 6th International Conference, Icr 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 27-30, 2021, Proceedings by
Society 5.0: First International Conference, Society 5.0 2021, Virtual Event, June 22-24, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Network Games, Control and Optimization: 10th International Conference, Netgcoop 2020, France, September 22-24, 2021, Proceedings by
Have No Fear, Remote Work Is Here!: How To Thrive In A Remote Work Environment by Holden, Elbert
Internet of Things and M2m Communication Technologies: Architecture and Practical Design Approach to Iot in Industry 4.0 by Chakravarthi, Veena S.
The Economics of Telecommunication Services: An Engineering Perspective by Verma, Pramode, Zhang, Fan
Efficient Fuzzing. Wie es bestehende Teststrategien effizient ergänzen kann by Dreher, Markus
Smart Connected World: Technologies and Applications Shaping the Future by
Big Data Platforms and Applications: Case Studies, Methods, Techniques, and Performance Evaluation by
Cook Over IP: Cordless Smart Kitchen Appliance Architectures and Protocols by Rao, Vijay, Venkatesha Prasad, Ranga Rao, Kashyap, Shruthi
Computer Security - Esorics 2021: 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Darmstadt, Germany, October 4-8, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
KI 2021: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 44th German Conference on Ai, Virtual Event, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Proceedings by
Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering: 8th Workshop on Engineering Applications, Wea 2021, Medellín, Colombia, October 6-8, 2021, Proceedings by
Computational Collective Intelligence: 13th International Conference, ICCCI 2021, Rhodes, Greece, September 29 - October 1, 2021, Proceedings by
Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence: 13th International Conference, ICCCI 2021, Kallithea, Rhodes, Greece, September 29 - October 1, 202 by
Communication Protocols: Principles, Methods and Specifications by Hercog, Drago
Software-Defined Networking for Future Internet Technology: Concepts and Applications by
Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Future Directions and Applications by
Modeling and Optimization in Software-Defined Networks by Lakshman, T. V., Poularakis, Konstantinos, Tassiulas, Leandros
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 18th International Conference, Cdve 2021, Virtual Event, October 24-27, 2021, Proceedings by
Computer Security - Esorics 2021: 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Darmstadt, Germany, October 4-8, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Proceedings of Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems: Ettis 2021 by
CompTIA Server+ (Practice Exams) by Karamagi, Robert
Serious Games: Joint International Conference, Jcsg 2021, Virtual Event, January 12-13, 2022, Proceedings by
VoIP с помощью Asterisk by Маачоу, Ам&#
Industrial Cybersecurity - Second Edition: Efficiently monitor the cybersecurity posture of your ICS environment by Ackerman, Pascal
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 4th Chinese Conference, Prcv 2021, Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 4th Chinese Conference, Prcv 2021, Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 4th Chinese Conference, Prcv 2021, Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV by
Information, Communication and Computing Technology: 6th International Conference, Icicct 2021, New Delhi, India, May 8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Windows 10 da riga di comando Part III: Guida rapida alla command-line di Windows 10 by Ruggiu, Riccardo
Modern Problems of Robotics: Second International Conference, Mpor 2020, Moscow, Russia, March 25-26, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Discovery Science: 24th International Conference, DS 2021, Halifax, Ns, Canada, October 11-13, 2021, Proceedings by
Bioengineering and Biomedical Signal and Image Processing: First International Conference, Biomesip 2021, Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Spain, July 19-21, by
Information and Software Technologies: 27th International Conference, Icist 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 14-16, 2021, Proceedings by
Innovative Computing: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2021) by
PASS the CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-008 by Gaber, Hazim
Goppa Codes und ihr Nutzen im McEliece Kryptosystem by Büscher, Jannik
Advances in Computer Graphics: 38th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2021, Virtual Event, September 6-10, 2021, Proceedings by
Deep Learning for Internet of Things Infrastructure by
Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by
Real-World Cryptography by Wong, David
Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks: A Lecture Note by Hoßfeld, Tobias, Tran-Gia, Phuoc
Datenschutzanalyse, Folgenabschätzung und Gewährleistung eines besseren Datenschutzes für definierte Geschäftsprozesse bei Nutzung von Cloud-Computing by Noesges, Jonas
Application of Big Data, Blockchain, and Internet of Things for Education Informatization: First Eai International Conference, Bigiot-Edu 2021, Virtua by
Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels from Malware to Bitcoin by Van Oorschot, Paul C.
Cognitive Computing for Risk Management by
Advances in Digital Forensics XVII: 17th Ifip Wg 11.9 International Conference, Virtual Event, February 1-2, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Frontier Computing: Proceedings of FC 2020 by
Fundamentals of Software Engineering: 9th International Conference, Fsen 2021, Virtual Event, May 19-21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 14th International Conference, Icira 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 14th International Conference, Icira 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings, Part III by
Human-Robot Interaction Control Using Reinforcement Learning by Yu, Wen, Perrusquia, Adolfo
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 14th International Conference, Icira 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 17th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks, Algosensors 2021, Lisbon, Por by
Comptia Network+ Study Guide: Exam N10-008 by Lammle, Todd
It Virtualization: A simple guide For IT professionals and beginners: COMPTIA-AZURE AND AWS EXAMS by Ngoie, Issa
Internet of Things: Energy, Industry, and Healthcare by
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 14th International Conference, Icira 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV by
Applied Informatics: Fourth International Conference, Icai 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 28-30, 2021, Proceedings by
Digital Signal Processing for Wireless Communication Using MATLAB by Gopi, E. S.
Recent Advances in Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Systems: 7th International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, Lsms 2021 and 7th by
Intelligent Equipment, Robots, and Vehicles: 7th International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, Lsms 2021 and 7th International Conf by
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Ictis 2020, Volume 1 by
Begreifen - Eine technikphilosophische Perspektive auf die Gestaltung von Schnittstellen by Stute, Pia-Marie
Pricai 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pricai 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov by
Blockchain for International Security: The Potential of Distributed Ledger Technology for Nonproliferation and Export Controls by
Comptia Network+ Practice Tests: Exam N10-008 by Zacker, Craig
Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design: 12th International Workshop, Cosade 2021, Lugano, Switzerland, October 25-27, 2021, Proceedings by
Machine-Type Communication for Maritime Internet-Of-Things: From Concept to Practice by Zhang, Jingjing, Wang, Michael Mao
Provable and Practical Security: 15th International Conference, Provsec 2021, Guangzhou, China, November 5-8, 2021, Proceedings by
Question Answering for the Curated Web: Tasks and Methods in Qa Over Knowledge Bases and Text Collections by Saha Roy, Rishiraj, Anand, Avishek
Information and Communication Technologies: 9th Conference of Ecuador, Ticec 2021, Guayaquil, Ecuador, November 24-26, 2021, Proceedings by
Millimeter-Wave Networks: Beamforming Design and Performance Analysis by Zhang, Ning, Yang, Peng, Wu, Wen
Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks by Yan, Jing, Zhao, Haiyan, Meng, Yuan
Image and Graphics Technologies and Applications: 16th Chinese Conference on Image and Graphics Technologies, Igta 2021, Beijing, China, June 6-7, 202 by
Modeling the Power Consumption and Energy Efficiency of Telecommunications Networks by Hinton, Kerry James, Ayre, Robert, Cheong, Jeffrey
Comptia Network+ N10-008 Cert Guide, Deluxe Edition by Taylor, Michael, Sequeira, Anthony
Queuing Theory and Telecommunications: Networks and Applications by Giambene, Giovanni
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: 7th International Conference, Lscm 2020, Tehran, Iran, December 23-24, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Security and Privacy: Second International Conference, Icsp 2021, Jamshedpur, India, November 16-17, 2021, Proceedings by
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Ictis 2020, Volume 2 by
Data Mining and Big Data: 6th International Conference, Dmbd 2021, Guangzhou, China, October 20-22, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Mean Field Game and Its Applications in Wireless Networks by Li, Lixin, Yang, Chungang, Banez, Reginald A.
E-Business and Telecommunications: 17th International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, Icete 2020, Online Event, July 8-10, 2020, Revi by
Data Mining and Big Data: 6th International Conference, Dmbd 2021, Guangzhou, China, October 20-22, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 22nd Annual Conference, Taros 2021, Lincoln, Uk, September 8-10, 2021, Proceedings by
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 19th International Conference, Caip 2021, Virtual Event, September 28-30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Nanoelectronic Devices for Hardware and Software Security by
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Cloud Computing by Friesen, Steffen
Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability: First International Conference, Artiis 2021, La Libertad, Ecuador, Nove by
Social Robotics: 13th International Conference, Icsr 2021, Singapore, Singapore, November 10-13, 2021, Proceedings by
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Localization, Tracking, and Formation by Yan, Jing, Yang, Xian, Zhao, Haiyan
The EU Data Protection Code of Conduct for Cloud Service Providers: A guide to compliance by Calder, Alan
Artificial Intelligence in order to facilitate Diagnoses and Treatment. The Opportunity Smart Cities give Subjects by Kiene, Sina
Mobile Multimedia Communications: 14th Eai International Conference, Mobimedia 2021, Virtual Event, July 23-25, 2021, Proceedings by
Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 17th Eai International Conference, Securecomm 2021, Virtual Event, September 6-9, 2021, Proceedings, P by
Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks: Third Eai International Conference, Aicon 2021, Xining, China, October 23-24, 2021, Proceedin by
Advances in Web-Based Learning - Icwl 2021: 20th International Conference, Icwl 2021, Macau, China, November 13-14, 2021, Proceedings by
Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 17th Eai International Conference, Securecomm 2021, Virtual Event, September 6-9, 2021, Proceedings, P by
Research in Computer Science and Its Applications: 11th International Conference, Cnria 2021, Virtual Event, June 17-19, 2021, Proceedings by
Windows 11: Guida pratica alle novità del nuovo sistema operativo di Microsoft by Ruggiu, Riccardo
Emerging Technologies in Computing: 4th Eai/Iaer International Conference, Icetic 2021, Virtual Event, August 18-19, 2021, Proceedings by
Theory of Cryptography: 19th International Conference, Tcc 2021, Raleigh, Nc, Usa, November 8-11, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Dynamic Resource Management in Service-Oriented Core Networks by Qu, Kaige, Zhuang, Weihua
Comptia Network+ N10-008 Cert Guide by Sequeira, Anthony
Enabling 6g Mobile Networks by
Hci International 2021 - Late Breaking Posters: 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Hci International 2021 - Late Breaking Posters: 23rd Hci International Conference, Hcii 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Handbook of Integration of Cloud Computing, Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things by
Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Systems by Xiao, Gaoxi, Li, Beibei, Lu, Rongxing
Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0: 21st Ifip Wg 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Pro-Ve 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 23-25, 2020, P by
Theory of Cryptography: 19th International Conference, Tcc 2021, Raleigh, Nc, Usa, November 8-11, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering: A Cloud-Based Context by
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 23rd International Symposium, SSS 2021, Virtual Event, November 17-20, 2021, Proceedings by
Comptia Network+ Certification Kit: Exam N10-008 by Lammle, Todd, Zacker, Craig, Buhagiar, Jon
Cybersecurity for Connected Medical Devices by Ray, Arnab
Theoretical Computer Science: 39th National Conference of Theoretical Computer Science, Nctcs 2021, Yinchuan, China, July 23-25, 2021, Revised Selec by
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities by
Kafka Up and Running for Network DevOps: Set Your Network Data in Motion by Chou, Eric
Machine Vision and Augmented Intelligence--Theory and Applications: Select Proceedings of Mai 2021 by
Linux for Networking Professionals: Securely configure and operate Linux network services for the enterprise by Vandenbrink, Rob
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Administration: Master Linux administration skills and prepare for the RHCSA certification exam by McCarty, Scott, Colino, Miguel Pérez, Gómez, Pablo Iranzo
Secure It Systems: 26th Nordic Conference, Nordsec 2021, Virtual Event, November 29-30, 2021, Proceedings by
High Performance Computing: Isc High Performance Digital 2021 International Workshops, Frankfurt Am Main, Germany, June 24 - July 2, 2021, Revised by
The Next Generation Vehicular Networks, Modeling, Algorithm and Applications by Luan, Tom H., Su, Zhou, Hui, Yilong
Clinical Image-Based Procedures, Distributed and Collaborative Learning, Artificial Intelligence for Combating Covid-19 and Secure and Privacy-Preserv by
Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications: 7th International Symposium, Setta 2021, Beijing, China, November 25-27, 2021, Pro by
Bring Your Own Device. Einsatz und Sicherung sowie Alternativen von BYOD by Rittmeier, Nikolas
Technologies and Innovation: 7th International Conference, Citi 2021, Guayaquil, Ecuador, November 22-25, 2021, Proceedings by
Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving by Shi, Weisong, Liu, Liangkai
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications: Ercica 2020, Volume 1 by
Key 5g Physical Layer Technologies: Enabling Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access by Morais, Douglas H.
Industrie 4.0, China 2025, Iot: Der Hype Um Die Welt Der Automatisierung by Babel, Wolfgang
Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data: 7th International Symposium, Socialsec 2021, Fuzhou, China, November 19-21, 2021, Proceedings by
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems: 17th Eai International Conference, Qshine 2021, Virtual Event, November 29-30, by
Optimal Localization of Internet of Things Nodes by Ghorpade, Sheetal N., Zennaro, Marco, Chaudhari, Bharat S.
Mean-Field-Type Games for Engineers by Barreiro-Gomez, Julian, Tembine, Hamidou
Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz zur Analyse des Photovoltaik-Potenzials von Städten. Eine prototypbasierte Untersuchung by Widholm, Kevin
Internet Access in Vehicular Networks by Xu, Wenchao, Shen, Zhou, Haibo
Mobile Edge Computing by
A Holistic Solution for Smart Grids Based on Link- Paradigm: Architecture, Energy Systems Integration, Volt/Var Chain Process by Ilo, Albana, Schultis, Daniel-Leon
Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good: 7th Eai International Conference, Goodtechs 2021, Virtual Event, September 15-17, 2021, Proceedings by
Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications: 5th International Symposium, H-Workload 2021, Virtual Event, November 24-26, 2021, Proceedings by
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2021, Volume 2 by
Learning-Based Reconfigurable Multiple Access Schemes for Virtualized Mtc Networks by Le-Ngoc, Tho, Dalili Shoaei, Atoosa
Chancen und Risiken von künstlicher Intelligenz für Unternehmen by Jonigkeit, Theeravat
Wireless Sensor Networks: 15th China Conference, Cwsn 2021, Guilin, China, October 22-25, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 22nd International Conference, Profes 2021, Turin, Italy, November 26, 2021, Proceedings by
Strategic Monoliths and Microservices: Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture by Vernon, Vaughn, Jaskula, Tomasz
Simplifying Service Management with Consul: Overcome connectivity and security challenges within dynamic service architectures by Jackson, Robert E.
Concepts, Applications, Experimentation and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks by Fahmy, Hossam Mahmoud Ahmad
ITIL(R) 4 Create, Deliver and Support (CDS): Your companion to the ITIL 4 Managing Professional CDS certification by Agutter, Claire
Connectivity and Edge Computing in Iot: Customized Designs and Ai-Based Solutions by Li, Mushu, Gao, Jie, Zhuang, Weihua
Fundamentals of Internet of Things by Kumar, Sudhir
Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling: 17th European Workshop, Epew 2021, and 26th International Conference, Asmta 2021, Virtual Event, Dece by
Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Internet of Things Services Market: Design Incentive Mechanisms to Facilitate the Efficiency and Sustainability of Io by Jiao, Yutao, Wang, Ping, Niyato, Dusit
Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems: Third International Conference, Blocksys 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 5-6, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Wireless Technology, Intelligent Network Technologies, Smart Services and Applications: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wireless Commun by
Evolving Technologies for Computing, Communication and Smart World: Proceedings of Etccs 2020 by
Mobile Edge Caching in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks by Lyu, Feng, Shen, Xuemin, Wu, Huaqing
Advances in Cyber Security: Third International Conference, Aces 2021, Penang, Malaysia, August 24-25, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Meganet: How the Global Communications Network Will Connect Everyone on Earth by Dizard Jr, Wilson P.
Algorithms for Data and Computation Privacy by Liu, Alex X., Li, Rui
Bio-Inspired Information and Communications Technologies: 13th Eai International Conference, Bict 2021, Virtual Event, September 1-2, 2021, Proceeding by
Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data: 6th Ecml Pkdd Workshop, Aaltd 2021, Bilbao, Spain, September 13, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Visual Computing: 16th International Symposium, Isvc 2021, Virtual Event, October 4-6, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Networked Systems: 9th International Conference, Netys 2021, Virtual Event, May 19-21, 2021, Proceedings by
Web Information Systems Engineering - Wise 2021: 22nd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Wise 2021, Melbourne, Vic, Aust by
Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2021: 27th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Singapore by
Contemporary Issues in Communication, Cloud and Big Data Analytics: Proceedings of Ccb 2020 by
Intelligent Resource Management for Network Slicing in 5g and Beyond by Zhuang, Weihua, Ye, Qiang
Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications: First International Conference, Ol2a 2021, Bragança, Portugal, July 19-21, 2021, Revised Selected by
Human-Computer Interaction: 7th Iberoamerican Workshop, Hci-Collab 2021, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 8-10, 2021, Proceedings by
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications: Ercica 2020, Volume 2 by
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics: Icmcsi 2020 by
Federated Learning for Wireless Networks by Hong, Choong Seon, Khan, Latif U., Chen, Mingzhe
Web and Big Data. Apweb-Waim 2021 International Workshops: Kgma 2021, Semibdma 2021, Deepluda 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 23-25, 2021, Revised Sele by
Cybersecurity Risk of Iot on Smart Cities by Andrade, Roberto O., Tello-Oquendo, Luis, Ortiz, Iván
Security and Trust Management: 17th International Workshop, STM 2021, Darmstadt, Germany, October 8, 2021, Proceedings by
Computational Data and Social Networks: 10th International Conference, Csonet 2021, Virtual Event, November 15-17, 2021, Proceedings by
Qos-Aware Virtual Network Embedding by Jiang, Chunxiao, Zhang, Peiying
The Future of Digital Work: The Challenge of Inequality: Ifip Wg 8.2, 9.1, 9.4 Joint Working Conference, Ifipjwc 2020, Hyderabad, India, December 10-1 by
Information Systems Security: 17th International Conference, Iciss 2021, Patna, India, December 16-20, 2021, Proceedings by
Computational Thinking: A Perspective on Computer Science by Xu, Zhiwei, Zhang, Jialin
Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools: 14th Eai International Conference, Valuetools 2021, Virtual Event, October 30-31, 2021, Proceedings by
Icwe 2021 Workshops: Icwe 2021 International Workshops, Becs and Invited Papers, Biarritz, France, May 18-21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 18th International Conference, Gecon 2021, Virtual Event, September 21-23, 2021, Proceedings by
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 15th International Conference, Lion 15, Athens, Greece, June 20-25, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
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