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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Networking in 2022

Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 17th Eai International Conference, Collaboratecom 2021, Virtual Event, October 16-1 by
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 17th Eai International Conference, Collaboratecom 2021, Virtual Event, October 16-1 by
Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems: 12th Eai International Conference, Broadnets 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Nature of Computation and Communication: 7th Eai International Conference, Ictcc 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Signal Integrity: Applied Electromagnetics and Professional Practice by Russ, Samuel H.
Supercomputing: 7th Russian Supercomputing Days, Ruscdays 2021, Moscow, Russia, September 27-28, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin: Apple Watch als Gesundheitsbegleiter by Anonymous
Critical Infrastructure Protection XV: 15th Ifip Wg 11.10 International Conference, Iccip 2021, Virtual Event, March 15-16, 2021, Revised Selected Pap by
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2021, Volume 1 by
The Tactile Internet by
Index Modulation for Ofdm Communications Systems by Li, Qiang, Cheng, Xiang, Wen, Miaowen
Iot in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living by
Kompatibilitätsverfahren Für Profinet-Hardware Mit Ethernet Time Sensitive Networks by Schriegel, Sebastian
Context-Aware Systems and Applications: 10th Eai International Conference, Iccasa 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
ICT Analysis and Applications by
Modern Digital Radio Communication Signals and Systems by Yang, Sung-Moon Michael
Cognitive Systems and Information Processing: 6th International Conference, Iccsip 2021, Suzhou, China, November 20-21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries: Second International Workshop, UHDL 2019, Dresden, Germany, October 10-11, 20 by
New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications: 5th International Conference, Ntict 2021, Baghdad, Iraq, November 17-18, 2021, P by
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Third International Conference, Icqe 2021, Virtual Event, November 6-11, 2021, Proceedings by
Cyberspace Safety and Security: 13th International Symposium, CSS 2021, Virtual Event, November 9-11, 2021, Proceedings by
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer Guide: Design, implement, manage, and secure a network architecture in Google Cloud by Gilioli, Mirko, Ipsale, Maurizio
Emerging Information Security and Applications: Second International Symposium, EISA 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12-13, 2021, Revised Selected by
Computing and Data Science: Third International Conference, Conf-CDs 2021, Virtual Event, August 12-17, 2021, Proceedings by
Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy by
Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Programming by
Frontiers of Data and Knowledge Management for Convergence of Ict, Healthcare, and Telecommunication Services by
Network and Parallel Computing: 18th Ifip Wg 10.3 International Conference, Npc 2021, Paris, France, November 3-5, 2021, Proceedings by
Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication: 4th International Workshop, Etaa 2021, Darmstadt, Germany, October 8, 2021, Revised Select by
Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Security and Social Implications by
SharePoint Online Essentials: What all users should know about SharePoint Online by Kalmström, Peter, Kalmström, Kate
Big Data: 9th Ccf Conference, Bigdata 2021, Guangzhou, China, January 8-10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII: 22nd International Workshop, Mabs 2021, Virtual Event, May 3-7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
450 MHz - Frequenz Für Kritische Infrastrukturen: Vorteile Und Nutzen Für Versorgungsunternehmen by Sommer, Alexander, Brockmann, Robin, Linnemann, Marcel
High-Performance Computing Systems and Technologies in Scientific Research, Automation of Control and Production: 11th International Conference, Hpcst by
Mobile Networks and Management: 11th Eai International Conference, Monami 2021, Virtual Event, October 27-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies: 24th Italian Conference, Asita 2021, Genoa, Italy, July 1-2, 9, 16, 23, 2021, Proceedings by
Advanced Hybrid Information Processing: 5th Eai International Conference, Adhip 2021, Virtual Event, October 22-24, 2021, Proceedings, Part II by
Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology: 18th International Conference, Icdcit 2022, Bhubaneswar, India, January 19-23, 2022, Proceedings by
Information Systems Security and Privacy: 6th International Conference, Icissp 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 25-27, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Software Foundations for Data Interoperability: 5th International Workshop, Sfdi 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 16, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Distributed Computing: Simply In Depth by Singh, Ajit
Wireless and Satellite Systems: 12th Eai International Conference, Wisats 2021, Virtual Event, China, July 31 - August 2, 2021, Proceedings by
Informatics and Intelligent Applications: First International Conference, Iciia 2021, Ota, Nigeria, November 25-27, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Mobile Internet Security: 5th International Symposium, Mobisec 2021, Jeju Island, South Korea, October 7-9, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Wireless Communication Networks Supported by Autonomous Uavs and Mobile Ground Robots by Savkin, Andrey V., Huang, Chao, Huang, Hailong
Physical Layer Security by
Network Connectivity: Concepts, Computation, and Optimization by Tong, Hanghang, Chen, Chen
An Insight into China-US Competition in the Field of Artificial Intelligence by Gul, Sana
Digital Transformation and Global Society: 6th International Conference, Dtgs 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 23-25, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Sustainable Communication Networks and Application: Proceedings of Icscn 2020 by
Information Systems and Design: Second International Conference, ICID 2021, Virtual Event, September 6-7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Internet of Things and Access Control: Sensing, Monitoring and Controlling Access in Iot-Enabled Healthcare Systems by Pal, Shantanu
Visual Inference for Iot Systems: A Practical Approach by Fernández-Berni, Jorge, Velasco-Montero, Delia, Rodríguez-Vázquez, Angel
Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering: 11th International Conference, Space 2021, Kolkata, India, December 10-13, 2021, Proceedings by
Artificial Intelligence Research: Second Southern African Conference, Sacair 2021, Durban, South Africa, December 6-10, 2021, Proceedings by
Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2022: Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2022, Virtual Event, March 1-2, 2022, Proceedings by
Starting Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunication Engineering: A Laboratory-Based Course by Zieliński, Tomasz P.
Systemische Dimensionen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Im Diskurs zwischen wirtschaftsethischer Grundlegung und politischer Umsetzung by Gogolin, Ioanna
Cryptography and Steganography. A multilayer Data Security Approach by Sharma, Hitesh Kumar, Patni, Jagdish Chandra
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 17th International Conference, Adma 2021, Sydney, Nsw, Australia, February 2-4, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by
4th International Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication: Widecom 2021 by
Application of Visible Light Wireless Communication in Underground Mine by Ionica, Andreea Cristina, Riurean, Simona Mirela, Leba, Monica
Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python 3 by Ballmann, Bastian
Access Control Models and Architectures for Iot and Cyber Physical Systems by Bhatt, Smriti, Alshehri, Asma Hassan, Gupta, Maanak
Data Analytics in the Era of the Industrial Internet of Things by Dagnino, Aldo
Künstliche Intelligenz und moralische Urteilsfähigkeit. Welche Fähigkeiten müssen Maschinen erfüllen, um moralisch handeln zu können? by Helm, Magdalena
Smart and Sustainable Approaches for Optimizing Performance of Wireless Networks by
Computer Security. Esorics 2021 International Workshops: Cybericps, Secpre, Adiot, Spose, Cps4cip, and Cdt&secomane, Darmstadt, Germany, October 4-8, by
Advanced Computing: 11th International Conference, Iacc 2021, Msida, Malta, December 18-19, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
DNSSEC Mastery, 2nd Edition by Lucas, Michael W.
Microsoft Power Bi for Dummies by Hyman, Jack A.
Blockchain - Icbc 2021: 4th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 10 by
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services: 18th Eai International Conference, Mobiquitous 2021, Virtual Event, November 8-11, by
Software Defined Networking for AD Hoc Networks by
Artsit, Interactivity and Game Creation: Creative Heritage. New Perspectives from Media Arts and Artificial Intelligence. 10th Eai International Confe by
Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference: Second Conference, Svcc 2021, San Jose, Ca, Usa, December 2-3, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Cognitive Computing - ICCC 2021: 5th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Body Area Networks. Smart Iot and Big Data for Intelligent Health Management: 16th Eai International Conference, Bodynets 2021, Virtual Event, October by
Research and Innovation Forum 2020: Disruptive Technologies in Times of Change by
Services - Services 2021: 17th World Congress, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 10-14, 2021 by
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services - Aims 2021: 10th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, by
Big Data - Bigdata 2021: 10th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 33rd International Workshop, Lcpc 2020, Virtual Event, October 14-16, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Matrix and Analytical Methods for Performance Analysis of Telecommunication Systems by Gaidamaka, Yuliya, Yarkina, Natalia, Naumov, Valeriy
The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Biomedical Engineering: Present Scenario and Challenges by
Green Internet of Things (Iot): Energy Efficiency Perspective by Liao, Haijun, Zhou, Zhenyu, Chang, Zheng
Fundamentals of Multimedia by Liu, Jiangchuan, Li, Ze-Nian, Drew, Mark S.
Enterprise Digital Transformation: Technology, Tools, and Use Cases by
Enterprise Digital Transformation: Technology, Tools, and Use Cases by
Social Networks: Modelling and Analysis by Aggrawal, Niyati, Anand, Adarsh
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing: First International Conference, Antic 2021, Varanasi, India, December 17-18, 2021, Proceeding by
Internet of Things - Iciot 2021: 6th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Web Services - Icws 2021: 28th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering: 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Bda 2021, Virtual Event, December 7-9, by
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International Workshops of Ecml Pkdd 2021, Virtual Event, September by
Welche Beziehung haben wir zu Computern und wie können wir mit ihnen kommunizieren? Die Entwicklung von NLP, Chatbots und VUI und wie sie in den User- by Di Mitrio, Brigida
The Home Network Manual: The Complete Guide to Setting Up, Upgrading, and Securing Your Home Network by Buchanan, Marlon
The Internet of Mechanical Things: The IoT Framework for Mechanical Engineers by Hajjaj, Sami Salama Hussen, Gsangaya, Kisheen Rao
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 21st International Conference, Ica3pp 2021, Virtual Event, December 3-5, 2021, Proceedings, Part by
Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future: 17th International Conference, Iconference 2022, Virtual Event, February 28 - March 4, 2022 by
Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future: 17th International Conference, Iconference 2022, Virtual Event, February 28 - March 4, 2022 by
Secure Knowledge Management in the Artificial Intelligence Era: 9th International Conference, Skm 2021, San Antonio, Tx, Usa, October 8-9, 2021, Proce by
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 21st International Conference, Ica3pp 2021, Virtual Event, December 3-5, 2021, Proceedings, Part by
Smart Buildings Digitalization: Case Studies on Data Centers and Automation by
Services Computing - Scc 2021: 18th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Smart Buildings Digitalization: IoT and Energy Efficient Smart Buildings Architecture and Applications by
The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Second Edition: Perform advanced penetration testing using Nmap, Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, and Empire by Singh, Glen D.
Data Center Networking: Network Topologies and Traffic Management in Large-Scale Data Centers by Guo, Deke
Network Science: 7th International Winter Conference, Netsci-X 2022, Porto, Portugal, February 8-11, 2022, Proceedings by
Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: 24th International Conference, Dccn 2021, Moscow, Russia, September 20-24, 2021, Revised Selected Pap by
Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application: Proceedings of Icidca 2021 by
Cloud Computing - Cloud 2021: 14th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 1 by
Smart Cities: 4th Ibero-American Congress, Icsc-Cities 2021, Cancún, Mexico, November 29 - December 1, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Highly-Distributed Systems: Iot, Robotics, Mobile Apps, Energy Efficiency, Security by Luntovskyy, Andriy, Gütter, Dietbert
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2022: 25th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Virtual Event, March 8-11, 2 by
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2022: 25th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Virtual Event, March 8-11, 2 by
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy, and Sustainability: 9th Ifip Wg 12.6 and 1st Ifip Wg 12.11 International Workshop, Ai4kmes 2 by
Desintoxicación Digital: Una Guía para Minimizar el Uso o la Adicción a Redes Sociales, Videojuegos y Otros Tipos de Tecnología by Lina, Alphonso
Minimalismo Digital: Una Guía para Simplificar tu Vida Digital y Vivir con Menos Estrés by Serna, Iago
Open Radio Access Network (O-Ran) Systems Architecture and Design by Rouwet, Wim
Frontiers in Cyber Security: 4th International Conference, Fcs 2021, Haikou, China, December 17-19, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems by
Computer Networking: Principles and Practice by
Applications of Computational Intelligence: 4th IEEE Colombian Conference, Colcaci 2021, Virtual Event, May 27-28, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Systems, Signals and Image Processing: 28th International Conference, Iwssip 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2-4, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Linux Administration Best Practices: Practical solutions to approaching the design and management of Linux systems by Miller, Scott Alan
Hands-On Azure Digital Twins: A practical guide to building distributed IoT solutions by Meijers, Alexander
Edge Computing - Edge 2021: 5th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2021, Virtual Event, December 10 by
CompTIA CASP+ CAS-004 Certification Guide: Develop CASP+ skills and learn all the key topics needed to prepare for the certification exam by Birch, Mark
ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing: First International Conference, Ihaw 2021, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 8-9, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
IT-Sicherheit. Das "Bring your own Device" Konzept by Bader, Jens
Einfluss des IT-Sicherheitsgesetzes auf die Aufbauorganisation von Krankenhäusern by Hellinger, Karsten
Computer Networking: The Complete Guide by
Computer Networking: An Innovative Approach by
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 20th International Conference, Cardis 2021, Lübeck, Germany, November 11-12, 2021, Revised Selected Pap by
Digital Coherent Optical Systems: Architecture and Algorithms by de Arruda Mello, Darli Augusto, Barbosa, Fabio Aparecido
Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Sixth Edition by Linn, Ryan, Sims, Stephen, Harper, Allen
Driving Scientific and Engineering Discoveries Through the Integration of Experiment, Big Data, and Modeling and Simulation: 21st Smoky Mountains Comp by
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: 9th International Workshop, Emas 2021, Virtual Event, May 3-4, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 12th International Conference, Atis 2021, Virtual Event, December 16-17, 2021, Revised Selected P by
Persuasive Technology: 17th International Conference, Persuasive 2022, Virtual Event, March 29-31, 2022, Proceedings by
Pan-African Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems: First International Conference, Paaiss 2021, Windhoek, Namibia, September 6-8, 2021, Proceeding by
Cyber Security in Intelligent Computing and Communications by
Handbook of Real-Time Computing by
Code-Based Cryptography: 9th International Workshop, Cbcrypto 2021 Munich, Germany, June 21-22, 2021 Revised Selected Papers by
Intelligent Transport Systems: 5th Eai International Conference, Intsys 2021, Virtual Event, November 24-26, 2021, Proceedings by
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 31st International Symposium, Lopstr 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, September 7-8, 2021, Proceedings by
Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments: 4th Eai International Conference, Spnce 2021, Virtual Event, December 10-11, 2021, Proceedings by
Handbook of Real-Time Computing by
Privacy and Security Challenges in Cloud Computing: A Holistic Approach by
Multimedia Modeling: 28th International Conference, MMM 2022, Phu Quoc, Vietnam, June 6-10, 2022, Proceedings, Part II by
Multimedia Modeling: 28th International Conference, MMM 2022, Phu Quoc, Vietnam, June 6-10, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by
Smart Computing and Communication: 6th International Conference, Smartcom 2021, New York City, Ny, Usa, December 29-31, 2021, Proceedings by
Security in Iot: The Changing Perspective by
Enterprise Architecture for Strategic Management of Modern IT Solutions by Iyamu, Tiko
Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems: 21st International Conference, New2an 2021, and 14th Conference, Rusmart 2 by
Performance Evaluation Models for Distributed Service Networks by
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies: 22nd International Conference, Pdcat 2021, Guangzhou, China, December 17-19, 2021, by
Resource Management and Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Networks by Yue, Wuyi, Jin, Shunfu
Intelligent Computing Systems: 4th International Symposium, Isics 2022, Santiago, Chile, March 23-25, 2022, Proceedings by
Zabbix 6 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Cookbook - Second Edition: Explore the new features of Zabbix 6 for designing, building, and maintaining your Za by Baekel, Brian Van, Liefting, Nathan
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 13th International Conference, Lssc 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 7-11, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Fluctuation-Induced Network Control and Learning: Applying the Yuragi Principle of Brain and Biological Systems by
Pattern Recognition and Information Processing: 15th International Conference, Prip 2021, Minsk, Belarus, September 21-24, 2021, Revised Selected Pape by
Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 15th International Conference, Vecos 2021, Virtual Event, November 22-23, 2021, Rev by
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction: 13th International Conference, Ihci 2021, Kent, Oh, Usa, December 20-22, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Sense, Feel, Design: Interact 2021 Ifip Tc 13 Workshops, Bari, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Cloud Computing Enabled Big-Data Analytics in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks by
Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks: Proceedings of Icecmsn 2021 by
Robocup 2021: Robot World Cup XXIV by
Passive and Active Measurement: 23rd International Conference, Pam 2022, Virtual Event, March 28-30, 2022, Proceedings by
High Performance Computing and Networking: Select Proceedings of Chsn 2021 by
Causes and Symptoms of Socio-Cultural Polarization: Role of Information and Communication Technologies by
Cloud Computing: 11th Eai International Conference, Cloudcomp 2021, Virtual Event, December 9-10, 2021, Proceedings by
Machine Learning for Networking: 4th International Conference, Mln 2021, Virtual Event, December 1-3, 2021, Proceedings by
Computer Networking for Beginners: The Essential Guide to Master Network Security, Wireless Technology, Computer Architecture and Communications Syste by Finch, Jerry N.
Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: 12th Eai International Conference, Mobicase 2021, Virtual Event, November 13-14, 2021, Proceedings by
Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 16th International Conference, Bic-Ta 2021, Taiyuan, China, December 17-19, 2021, Revised Selected by
Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 16th International Conference, Bic-Ta 2021, Taiyuan, China, December 17-19, 2021, Revised Selected by
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 34th International Workshop, Lcpc 2021, Newark, De, Usa, October 13-14, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Emerging Technology Trends in Internet of Things and Computing: First International Conference, Tiotc 2021, Erbil, Iraq, June 6-8, 2021, Revised Selec by
Advanced Python Programming - Second Edition: Accelerate your Python programs using proven techniques and design patterns by Nguyen, Quan
Understanding and Evaluating Search Experience by Stone, Maria
Cómo Dejar De Ser Empleado Para Siempre: Descubre Cómo Dejar tu Trabajo y No Regresar Nunca más a la Vida del Empleado by Ball, Alban
Comptia Network+ Certification All-In-One Exam Guide, Eighth Edition (Exam N10-008) by Jernigan, Scott
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Science and Technology: Iccst 2021, Labuan, Malaysia, 28-29 August by
5g and Beyond: Fundamentals and Standards by
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 28th International Conference, Virtual Event, September 29 - October 1, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
AD Hoc Networks and Tools for It: 13th Eai International Conference, Adhocnets 2021, Virtual Event, December 6-7, 2021, and 16th Eai International Con by
Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung Mit Java: Anwendungen Entwickeln Mit Standard-Technologien by Abts, Dietmar
Cognitive Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases by Subramanian, Harihara, Raj, Pethuru, Raman, Anupama C.
Cognitive Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases by Raman, Anupama C., Subramanian, Harihara, Raj, Pethuru
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 28th International Conference, Tacas 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Confe by
Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security: 16th Ifip Wg 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/Sig 9.2.2 International Summer School, Privacy by
Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications: Second International Conference, Smarttech-IC 2021, Quito, Ecuador, December 1-3, 2021, Revised Selected by
Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Wireless Internet: 16th Eai International Conference, Crowncom 2021, Virtual Event, December 11, 2021, by
Simulation Tools and Techniques: 13th Eai International Conference, Simutools 2021, Virtual Event, November 5-6, 2021, Proceedings by
Mike Meyers' Comptia Network+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Networks, Sixth Edition (Exam N10-008) by Jernigan, Scott
Introduction to Wireless Communications and Networks: A Practical Perspective by Raghunandan, Krishnamurthy
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