• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Occult in 1996

Concepts of Transmigration Perspectives on Reincarnation by Kaplan, Steven J.
Wylundt's Book of Incense by Wylundt
The Book of Sacraments by Gold, E. J.
Wicca: A comprehensive guide to the Old Religion in the modern world by Crowley, Vivianne
Magician's Workbook: A Modern Grimoire by Savedow, Steve
Seven Principles of Man by Besant, Annie
Alchemy of Light and Color by Reiser, Oliver L.
Bible Application of Freemasonry by Huie, W. G.
Forgotten Books of Eden by
Gem Stones of the Seven Rays by Stewart, C. Nelson
Initiation: The Perfecting of Man by Besant, Annie Wood
People of the Blue Mountains by Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna
Bulwer Lytton as Occultist by Stewart, C. Nelson
The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development by Wilber, Ken
The Other Side of Death by Price, Jan
God's World: A Treatise on Spiritualism by Jones, Lloyd Kenyon
Philosophy of Living Fire by Clymer, R. Swinburne
How to Attain Success Through the Strength of Vibration by Balliett, L. Dow
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by Grumbine, J. C. F.
Magic Seven by Churchill, Lida a.
Spiritism and the Beginnings of Christianity by Morrell, James Russell Lowell
Brief Course in Mediumship by Khei
Rosicrucian Symbology: A Treatise Wherein the Discerning Ones Will Find the Elements of Constructive Symbology and Certain Other Things by Khei, F. R.
Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy by Arcane Book Company
Mission of Spiritual Science and of Its Building at Dornach Switzerland by Steiner, Rudolf
Aesch Mezareph or Purifying Fire by
Occult Family Physician and Botanic Guide to Health by Matteson, Antonette
Mystics of the Renaissance and Their Relation to Modern Thought by Steiner, Rudolf
Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way by Phylos the Thibetan
Studies in Mysticism and Certain Aspects of the Secret Tradition by Waite, Arthur Edward
Key of Destiny by Curtiss, Frank Homer, Curtiss, Harriette Augusta, Curtiss, F. Homer
Law of the Rhythmic Breath: Teaching the Generation, Conservation, and Control of Vital Force by Fletcher, Ella Adelia
Studies in Occultism by Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna
Studies in the Lesser Mysteries by Powell, F. G. Montagu
Transcendental Physics by Zollner, Johann
Principles of Occult Healing: A Working Hypothesis Which Includes All Cures by Burnett, Mary W.
Astrologer's Guide: Anima Astrologle by Serjeant, William C. Eldon
Way: A Text Book for the Student of the Rosicrucian Philosophy by Dowd, Freeman B.
Rose Cross College by Clymer, R. Swinburne
Thoughts Are Things by Mulford, Prentice
Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry by Clymer, R. Swinburne
Way to Life and Immortality by Clymer, R. Swinburne
Mental Alchemy or the Wonders of Thought-Force by Hara, O. Hashnu, Hara, Hashnu O.
Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians by David, William K.
Practical Treatise of Astral Medicine and Therapeutics by Duz, M.
Mysteries of Astrology and the Wonders of Magic by Roback, Charles W.
Abridgment of H.P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine by Hillard, Katharine
Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus by Kingsford, Anna B., Maitland, Edward
Cheiro's Language of the Hand by Cheiro
Blossom and the Fruit a True Story of a Black Magician by Collins, Mabel
Sepharial's Astrology: How to Make and Read Your Own Horoscope by Sepharial, A.
Mystic Test Book of the Hindu Occult Chambers by de Laurence, L. W.
Science of Foreknowledge by Sepharial, A.
Spiritual Reconstruction by Wallace, Mary Bruce
Manual of Occultism by Sepharial, A.
Pioneer Teachers by Behncke, F. H.
From Sphinx to Christ: An Occult History by Schure, Edouard
Aryan Sun-Myths the Origin of Religion by Morris, Charles
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment by Steiner, Rudolf
Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses by Egyptian Publishing Co
People from Other Worlds by Olcott, Henry Steel
The Fourth Dimension by Hinton, Charles Howard
Work of Invisible Helpers by Tuttle, Amber M.
Great Pyramid in Fact and Theory by Kingsland, William
Just Law of Compensation by Parchment, S. R.
Masters and the Path by Leadbeater, Charles Webster
Science of Love with Key to Immortality by Mingle, Ida
All the Spiritualism of the Christian Bible and the Scripture Directly Opposing It by Sprague, E. W.
Rosicrucians, Past and Present, at Home and Abroad by Westcott, W. Wynn
Wonders of the World: Trials of the Soul and Revelations of the Spirit by Steiner, Rudolf
A-B-C of Truth: 35 Lessons for Beginners in New Thought Study by Landone, Brown
Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ or Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry by Massey, Gerald
Light, Colors, Tones and Nature's Finer Forces by Stevens, Ernest J.
New Presentation of the Prometheus Bound of Aischylos Wherein Is Set Forth the Hidden Meaning of the Myth by Pryse, James Morgan
Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood by Richmond, Arline L.
Rising Zodiacal Sign: Its Meaning and Prognostics by Turnbull, Coulson
Astrology and Its Practical Application by Parker, E.
Lifting the Veil: How You Yourself May Acquire Mystic Power and Develop Mind, Body, and Spirit by Wahletka, Princess
What Makes a Master? by McCollum, Harriet Luella
Private Lessons: Interpreting the Inner Meaning of Masonry by Phylotus
Studies in Symbology by Lidstone, Ronald a.
Entering the Kingdom by Allen, James
My Visit to the Sun by Holmes, Phoebe Marie
Misread Record: or the Deluge and Its Cause by Vail, Isaac Newton
New and Authentic History of the Rosicrucians by Wittemann, Frank
Great Pyramid: Its Construction, Symbolism and Chronology by Davidson, D., Stewart, Basil
Riddle of the Ages by Peake, Frank Allen
Discovery of Francis Bacon's Cipher Signatures in James Anderson's Constitution of the Freemasons by Tudhope, George V.
Personal Magnetism by Seven Authors
Psychic Science and Survival by Carrington, Hereward
Experimental Spiritism: Book on Mediums or a Guide for Mediums and Invocators by Kardec, Allan, Wood, Emma a.
Astrology of the Old Testament or the Lost Word Regained by Anderson, Karl
Course of Advanced Lessons in Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Panchadasi, Swami
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz by Joseph, Isya
Divine Language of Celestial Correspondences by Turnbull, Coulson
Napoleon's Book of Fate and Oraculum by Anonymous
Ancient Operative Masonry and the Mysteries of Antiquity by Parchment, S. R.
Occult Chemistry: Investigations by Clairvoyant Magnification Into the Structure of the Atoms of the Periodic Table and Some Compounds by Leadbeater, Charles Webster, Besant, Annie Wood
Gates of Knowledge by Steiner, Rudolf
Temple Lectures of the Order of the Magi by Richmond, Olney H.
Occult Significance of Blood by Steiner, Rudolf
Four Gospels Esoterically Interpreted by Scott, John Paul
Return of the Dove by Storm, Margaret
Royal Road: A Study in the Egyptian Tarot, Key to Sacred Numbers and Symbols by Fatham, George
Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft by
The Third Millennium by Carey, Ken
Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution by Yin, Amorah Quan
Masonry Dissected by Prichard, Samuel
Reprints of Old Rituals by Pike, Albert
Shibboleth: or Every Man a Free-Mason by Anonymous
I.N.R.I - De Mysteriis Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis by Jones, Stansford
Bristol Masonic Ritual: The Oldest and Most Unique Craft Ritual Used in England by Cohoughlyn-Burroughs, Charles E.
Women's Masonry or Masonry of Adoption by Anonymous
Irish Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Worked Under Warrant of The Grand Lodge of Ireland by Anonymous
Mahabone or The Grand Lodge Door Open'd Wherein is Discovered The Whole Secrets of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern by Anonymous
Ordo ab Chao: The Original and Complete Rituals, 4th-33rd Degrees of the first Supreme Council, 33rd Degree at Charleston, South Car by Anonymous
Adventures Beyond the Body: Proving Your Immortality Through Out-Of-Body Travel by Buhlman, William L.
Spiritual Tarot by Various
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe: Studies in Culture and Belief by
Divine Revelation (Original) by Shumsky, Susan G.
The Ultimate Journey by Monroe, Robert A.
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook by Farrar, Stewart
Ghost Stories of British Columbia by Christensen, Jo-Anne
Haunted Toronto by Colombo, John Robert
Songs of the Arcturians: Arcturian Star Chronicles Book 1 by Pereira, Patricia
The Light and Shadow Tarot by Williams, Brian, Goepferd, Michael
The Golden Volcano: of Divine Love by Sridhar, Swami B. R.
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 by Walsch, Neale Donald
The Witch in History: Early Modern and Twentieth-Century Representations by Purkiss, Diane
The Witch in History: Early Modern and Twentieth-Century Representations by Purkiss, Diane
Prayers and Graces by
Practical Solitary Magic by Cone, Nancy B.
The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit by Evola, Julius
The Arcturus Probe: Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation /]Cjosae Argeuelles by Arguelles, Jose
When, Why ...If: An Ethics Workbook by Wood, Robin
Eucharist by Frieling, Rudolf