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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Occult in 2016

Ritos de Felicidad: Secretos, Hechizos y Reflexiones by Leafar, Elhoim
Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans: Using the Planets and the Stars for Effective Spellwork, Rituals, and Magickal Work by Dominguez Jr, Ivo
Ancient Egyptian Magic by Harris, Eleanor L.
Kasa Prapt Karal Ishwarache Margadarshan (Marathi) by Sirshree
Aanandache Rahasya - Sukh Dukhachya Palikade (Marathi) by Sirshree
Mrutyu Uparant Jeevan - Mrutyu Moka Ki Dhoka (Marathi) by Sirshree
Mrutyu Anta Navhe Vatchal... - Partoocha Rahasya (Marathi) by Sirshree
Mrutyunantarche Jeevan (Marathi) by Moody, Raymond A., Jr.
Setting The Table, Laying Down Tricks: Volume Two: Hoodoo Recipes of Domination, Decrease, and Protection by Mabon, Grace
21st Century Magic Spells: Simple Magic For Modern Life by Rose, Lorelai
Witchcraft: A Beginners Guide to Witchcraft by Benson, Gabby
Understanding Asatru by Wilton, Bryan
The Witch's Athame: The Craft, Lore & Magick of Ritual Blades by Mankey, Jason
The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Greer, John Michael, Regardie, Israel
love and marriage of pre-Christian german heathen: love and marriage of pre-Christian german heathen by Neckel, Gustav
A Look at Grimm's Pagan Lore by Neumann, Annette E.
A Look at Wicca: Overview & Reference Source for Pagan Witchcraft by Hume, Helen R.
Marconics: The Clarion Call by Bird, C. Ht Alison David, Wilson, Lisa
The Golden Bough: A Study of Magic and Religion by Sir Frazer, James George
Marconics: The Clarion Call by Bird, C. Ht Alison David, Wilson, Lisa
The Uniform Legion of Occult: The Uniform Power Dominancy Force by Lightbourne, Sylvan
Brother XII: The Strange Odyssey of a 20th-century Prophet by Oliphant, John
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought by Ouspensky, P. D.
Spiritual Practicality: The Seven Keys to the Mysteries of the Ageless Wisdom by Fisichella, Douglas
Spiritual Practicality: The Seven Keys to the Mysteries of the Ageless Wisdom by Fisichella, Douglas
The Gates of Knowledge by Steiner Ph. D., Rudolf
Magickal Servitors: Create Your Own Spirits to Attract Pleasure, Power and Prosperity by Brand, Damon
How To Unleash The Public Speaker In You: 150 Tips That Will Ensure Your Speeches and Presentations are Educational, Engaging and Inspirational by Constantine-Simms, Delroy, Wilson, Karl
Fresh Morning Breaths by Hia, Dony
Hidden Strawberries by Walden, Pamela Charlene
The Pagan Leadership Anthology by
The Petit Albert: The Marvellous Secrets of The Little Albert: English Edition by Author, Unknown
Imagine This ...: Expanded Edition by Dickerson, Steven L., Sr.
Imagine This ...: Expanded Edition by Dickerson, Steven L., Sr.
The Sufferings of the Nathan Soul: Anthroposophic Christology on the Eve of World War I by Steiner, Rudolf, Selg, Peter
Die verborgene Wahrheit: Rückführungen als spiritueller Neubeginn by Leuwer, Horst
Book of Christian Short Stories Vol. 5 by Cole, Delores
An Egyptian Priest Magicianary by Michael, Horus
Weltbilder im Wandel und unser spiritueller Kompass by Weidacher, Alois
A Year in White: Cultural Newcomers to Lukumi and Santería in the United States by Carr, C. Lynn
The Holistic Home: Feng Shui for Mind, Body, Spirit, Space by Benko, Laura
A Year in White: Cultural Newcomers to Lukumi and Santería in the United States by Carr, C. Lynn
Is Magic Wrong?: An Historical and Religious Exploration by Ada, Brother
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern: Meaning, Theory and Lies of Alchemists Across the Ages by Redgrove, H. Stanley
A Life Portrait in Pencil by Russell, Theodore E.
The Ancient Secrets of Astralic Power: Incredible Methods of Psychic Power to Transform Your Life and Satisfy Every Wish at Your Command! by Powell, Roger a.
The Ecology of Oneness: A Preparation and Guide to Awakening in a Free World by Sachs, Robert
Fill in the Spellbook: A spellbook workbook by YOU by Halcon, R. W.
Passage to Peace: A Quiet Life Guidebook by Deshmukh Ranadive, Joy
Ritual Magic for Conservative Christians by Ada, Brother
Die Wiederkunft Christi by Zeranski, Ronald Michael
Die Wiederkunft Christi by Zeranski, Ronald Michael
Herb Magick by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
Elementary Theosophy by Rogers, L. W.
Aradia: The Gospel of the Witches by Leland, Charles
Contemporary Paganism: Minority Religions in a Majoritarian America by Barner-Barry, Carol, Barner-Barry, C.
The Most Holy Trinosophia - with 24 additional illustrations, omitted from the original 1933 edition (Aziloth Books) by St -Germain, Le Comte De
Born Again- From Darkness to Light by Rebecca Ekufu: The truth will Set your free by Ekufu, Rebecca, Reilly, Cheryl Ann
Our Identity in Christ by Achenchi, Kefa G.
Mensajes que iluminan y consuelan by Barsanulfo, Eurípedes, Dos Santos, Eliana
Reclaiming Your Sacred Path: Using Divination, Manifestation and Healing to Resume Your Spiritual Journey by Anastasio, Jon Martin
Icelandic Magic: Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires by Flowers, Stephen E.
Wicca: The Essential Wicca Beginner's Guide - Wicca Magick & Spell Casting, Wicca Beliefs, Wicca Symbols & Witchcraft Rituals by Moore, Kevin
Our Existence is Mind by Alper, Frank
La Magia de los Elementos by Tuileva, Harwe
The Bridge of No Time by Almine
Rites of Happiness: Secrets, Spells & Reflections by Leafar, Elhoim
Beowulf's Ecstatic Trance Magic: Accessing the Archaic Powers of the Universal Mind by Brink, Nicholas E.
La verdadera historia de Jesús: El manuscrito de Sofía by C, Logan G.
Wicca for Beginners: 2 in 1 Wicca Guide by Nolan, Gillian
A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer by Wildermuth, Rhyd, Valkyrie, Alley
Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light: 1887-1920 by Wingett, Matt
The Road I Know by White, Stewart Edward
The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon by Kadmon, Baal
¡Yo... el Espíritu!: La psicología trascendental espiritista by Serrano-Lebron, Pablo
Armanenschaft: The Levels of Membership of Gallows Tree by Whiteson, Ragnar
In the World by Wiggins, Al
Prayer Breaths: 100 Days of Prayer Power, As Close As Your Next Breath by Napper, Keva Brooks, Brooks, Bishop George W., Brooks, Edna
The Darkened Path;The Witch Of Lone Oak.: The Witch Of Lone Oak. by Tillson, S. M.
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Hermetische Zeitschrift Nr. 13/2105 by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Indian Conjuring by Branson, L. H.
Northern Bedework: Book of Blots - the 1st by Robinson, Steven P.
Das magische Gleichgewicht by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Hermetische Zeitschrift Nr. 14/2015 by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Hermetische Zeitschrift Nr. 15/2015 by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
The Children of Set: The Confessions of Michael Kelly Vol. 3 by Kelly, Michael
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Hermetische Zeitschrift Nr. 16/2016 by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics by Furie, Michael
Summoning Spirits: The Heptameron of Peter de Abano by Belanger, Michelle
The Tree of the Shadows: Lilith: The Woman of the Night by Barzai, Daemon
Introduction to Hermeticism - Its Theory and Practice: Institute for Hermetic Studies Monograph Series by Stavish M. a., Mark
The Real Osho: (Being a Perspective) by Aeri, Saindass
A Call from the Beyond by Bhandari, Narinder
Tree of Qliphoth by Mason, Asenath
A Spiritual Journey by Woolford, Sandie
Abundance Spells by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
The Magic of Space Clearing by Harvala, Jodie
Shamballa - Der goldene Tempel des Lichts by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Wicca Herbal Magic: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Wiccan Herbal Magic (with Magical Oils, Baths, Teas and Spells) by Silvervine, Sophia
Divorce Procedures for the Hairdressers of a Metallic and Inconstant Goddess by Isis, Justin
Leaving Lucifer: Part I/The Beginning by Romig, Elizabeth
Leaving Lucifer: Part I/The Beginning by Romig, Elizabeth
The Three Elixirs of Alchemy by Hollandus, Johann Isaac
Wicca: White Magic Spells: White Magic Spells for Peace, Harmony and Protection! Live a Life That Is Full of Harmony by Bonderud, Karen
True Ghost Stories And Hauntings: Disturbing Legends Of Unexplained Phenomena, Ghastly True Ghost Stories And True Paranormal Hauntings by Kennedy, Travis S.
Betroffenheit - die Nahtstelle zwischen meiner Seele und meinem freien Willen by Braun, Stephan
Der immanente Konstruktivismus by Lenke, Peter
Der immanente Konstruktivismus by Lenke, Peter
Love Spells by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
The Sunshine of a Pagan Heart by Wilton, Bryan
Doreen Valiente Witch by Heselton, Philip
Doreen Valiente Witch by Heselton, Philip
The Theory and Practice of Enochian Magic: Institute for Hermetic Studies Monograph Series by Stavish, Mark
The Shaman's Journey by Francis, Liz
The Shaman's Journey by Francis, Liz
Pagan Portals - Candle Magic: A Witch's Guide to Spells and Rituals by Starza, Lucya
Tobe and the River Is: A Strange and Most Peculiar Tale by Sanger, Micah
Magitians Discovered Volume 2: The Core Texts by Scot, Reginald, Irvine, Chrisistopher
Magitians Discovered Vol. 1: Analysis by Madziarczyk, John
Magitians Discovered Volume 3: Supplementary Texts by Magnus, Olaus, Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, Dee, John
The Damned Art (RLE Witchcraft): Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft by
El Viaje Interior by Alseret, Ayra, Estrella de la Tarde, Tiné
Intuitive Communication With Your Baby's Soul by Jones-Keller, Sandra K.
Planos de Existencia, Dimensiones de Conciencia: El viaje del alma hacia la plenitud del Ser by Santolaria, Ricard Barrufet
Liber DADA by Eidson, Alice S.
The ADF Dedicant Path Through the Wheel of the Year by Dangler, Michael J.
Communing with the Ancestors: Your Spirit Guides, Bloodline Allies, and the Cycle of Reincarnation by Grimassi, Raven
Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light, 1887-1920 (Hardback Edition) by Wingett, Matt
Magic: An Occult Primer by Conway, David
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads: Reveal the Answer to Every Question about Work, Home, Fortune, and Love by Dean, Liz
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by Leland, Charles Godfrey
The Marie Laveau Corpus Text: Explorations into the Magical Arts of Ninzuwu as Dictated by Marie Laveau by Asylum, Warlock
Etruscan Magic & Occult Remedies by Leland, Charles Godfrey
Essential Oils for Witchcraft, Magic and Spells by Willis, Sandra
Taboo, Magic, Spirits: A study of primitive elements in Roman religion by Burriss, Eli Edward
Devil-worship in France: or The Question of Lucifer by Waite, Arthur Edward
My Camino, My Life by Arledge, Cindy
A nossa casa de luz by Amor Luz Alegria, Ritinha -.
30 Positive Candle Spells for 30 Days: Blessing, Curse Breaking, Spell Reversing, Healing, Negativity Release, Love, Money, Health, Protection, Diet, by Collins, Sebastian
El Legado de San Diablo by Barzai, Daemon
When Spirits Visit: A Collection of Stories by Indigenous Writers by Moore, Marijo
How to Be the Master of Mystic Yoga by Nach, Mike
Rituals for Beginners: Simple Ways to Connect to Your Spiritual Side by Webster, Richard
The Goddess and the Shaman: The Art & Science of Magical Healing by Kent, J. A.
Buried Treasure: A break time devotional by Prithika
Book of Shadows: Green Leather Dragon Pentagram by Purdy, Genevieve Kiger
Grace Diaries: I Ask Only One Thing by Grace, Beloved
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Sonderausgabe Nr. IX: Wilhelm "Rah Omir" Quintscher by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Symbole, Sex und die Sterne: Einen Überblick über die Ursprünge von Mond-und Sonnenanbetung, Astrologie, Sex Symbolismus, Mystische Bedeutung der Z by Busenbark, Ernest
Der Rabbi von Majdanek: Bitte um Vergebung by Hardo, Trutz
Der Rabbi von Majdanek: Bitte um Vergebung by Hardo, Trutz
Un Mensajero by Shadow, Long
Conspiracy Theories: The Controversial Stories, Deception And Beliefs Of Our Worlds Most Mystifying Conspiracy Theories by Balfour, Seth
Der hermetische Bund teilt mit: Hermetische Zeitschrift Nr. 17/2016 by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
Creating Union: The Pathwork of Relationship by Pierrakos, Eva
Angel Or Devil by Stevens, E. W., Vogl, Carl, Booth, Christopher Saint
Strange but True by Bridgford, Barbara
Goddess Reveals Your Enchanted Light: Peace, Prosperity, Possibility Along Your Wiccan Path by Silverclaw, Moonwater
True Ghost Stories And Hauntings: Incredible True Paranormal Accounts: True Ghost Stories And Hauntings From The Past by Kennedy, Travis S.
True Ghost Stories And Hauntings: Spooky Stories Of The Creepiest Places On Earth: True Paranormal Hauntings, Unexplained Phenomena And True Ghost Sto by Kennedy, Travis S.
True Paranormal: Weird Tales And True Paranormal Stories Of The Worlds Most Unexplained Phenomena by Hunter, Max Mason
Breath of Light by Baker, Justin
Magitians Discovered Volume 1: Analysis by Madziarczyk, John
Awaken The Christ Mind: Universal Healing For Humanity by Schreckhise, Rob
The Complete Magickal, Spiritual And Occult Oils Workbook From A-Z by Andrea, Maria D.
Magitians Discovered Volume 2: The Core Texts by Irvine, Chirstopher, Scot, Reginald
Magitians Discovered Volume 3: Supplementary Texts by Dee, John, Magnus, Olaus, Agrippa, Henry Cornelius
Thought-Forms; with entire complement of original colour illustrations (Aziloth Books) by Besant, Annie, Leadbeater, Charles Webster
La sorcellerie by Louandre, Charles
Regression: A Journey to the Beginning of Your (Current/Past) Life!: Regression Handbook Including Case Studies. by Casteleyn, Helen
Regression: A Journey to the Beginning of Your (Current/Past) Life!: Regression Handbook Including Case Studies. by Casteleyn, Helen
Survival of Death by Beard, Paul
I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal by Savage, C. J.
I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal by Savage, C. J.
9 Building Blocks of Kingdom Success: Workbook Devotional by Simpson, Davon M.
Avatar: Lord from Heaven by Jain, Rajesh
Avatar: Lord from Heaven by Jain, Rajesh
Goddesses of the Americas: Spirit Banners of the Divine Feminine by Ruyle, Lydia
The Jungle Within by M, Charles
Seasons of Change by Corter, Melissa, Harvala, Jodie
Astrologie und die 4 Elemente by Hohenstätten, Johannes H. Von
La sonate des âmes: L'essence by Dumeix, Sandra
JULIANNA, à la conquête des mystérieuses lunettes pour voir dans l'invisible by Primeau, Nadine
Voodoos and Obeahs: Phases of West India Witchcraft by Williams, Joseph J.
Ophiolatreia: Rites and mysteries of serpent worship by Jennings, Hargrave
The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon the Goddess of the Left Hand Path by Kadmon, Baal
Motherhood's Not for Punks: A Badass Mom's Guide To Self Mastery, Mindful Mothering And Having It All When You Do It All by Wisdom, Patrina
Deception, Envy, and Defeat: My Story of Confusion, Spiritual Warfare, Disappointment and how Family, Faith, Love and God's Grace Kept Me Sane in a by Houston, Carla
Wicca Living a Magical Life: A Guide to Initiation and Navigating Your Journey in the Craft by Chamberlain, Lisa
Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy: Of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa by Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius
Locurna: Star Traveller by Pierce, Wendy
God Stepped In by Almighty, Walter A. Carter the Servant
Das große Pendelhandbuch by Pordiáz, Jana
History's Most Powerful Witches: Their Life, Witchcraft and Spells by Wilde, Desmond
Spells in Focus by Fenton, Sasha Roberta
Brigid: Meeting the Celtic Goddess of Poetry, Forge, and Healing Well by Daimler, Morgan
Demonology and Devil-Lore 1 by Conway, Moncure Daniel
Demonology and Devil-Lore 2 by Conway, Moncure Daniel
Confituras de Nostradamus by Sanchez, Manuel
Wicca: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Wicca by Thompson, Megan
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