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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Occult in 2022

Mental Health, Spirituality and Well-Being: A Handbook for Health and Social Care Professionals, Service Users and Carers by Garraway, Hilary, Gilbert, Hannah, Aris, Sarajane
Coach Your Senses: Discover the Inner Secrets of Outer Success by Sirshree
The Forbidden Alchemies of Frater PVN by Siebert, Bill
My Soul Contract: A Teaching Memoir of Trauma, Truth, and Transformation by Abels, Micki
Moon spells for beginners, a step-by-step guide to moon magic, spells lunar phases and rituals by Danice, Noel
Pagan Portals - Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess by Clarke, Natalia
The Book of Practical Witchcraft: A Compendium of Spells, Rituals and Occult Knowledge by Ball, Pamela
Eastern Stories and Legends by Shedlock, Marie
The Consecrations by Clark, Kevin
Lessons from the Mahabharat by Pranay
Divine Teachings of RAM by Pranay
Le Grand Tarot de L'amour by Hubert, Karina
Guia de la Buena Bruja by Robbins, Shawn
Pagan Sigils by Jackson, Mark B.
La Luna parlò al Sole. Messaggi dall'Anima by Marighelli, Giacomo
The Secrets of Doctor Taverner: Esoteric Classics: Occult Fiction by Fortune, Dion
What Is Occultism? by Papus
Saint Mathew Wealth Magick by Rob, S.
The Phoenix and other Stellar Rites of Initiation by St John, Oliver
Cosmic Laws: Motivational by Moghadasi Bayat, Soudabeh
Seeds for Enlightenment 101 by James, Joann
The Illustrated Grimorium Verum by Overman, Arundell
My Gut is my BFF by Chau, Linda
Witches, Heretics & Warrior Women: Ignite Your Rebel Spirit Through Magick & Ritual by Lefae, Phoenix
Warrior Magic: Justice Spirituality and Culture from Around the World by Prower, Tomás
Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements by Michelle, Heron
The Witches' Sabbath: An Exploration of History, Folklore & Modern Practice by Kelden
Empty Cauldrons: Navigating Depression Through Magic and Ritual by Ward, Terence P.
Witch Life: A Practical Guide to Making Every Day Magical by Kathryn, Emma
Elemental Powers for Witches: Energy Magic Simplified by Barrabbas, Frater
Pagan Curious: A Beginner's Guide to Nature, Magic & Spirituality by Deangelo, Debra
The Secret Psychic: Embrace the Magic of Subtle Intuition, Natural Spirit Communication, and Your Hidden Spiritual Life by Wix, Angela A.
Horus Ka-Nakht Tut-Mesut: His Worship and Magic by Michael, Horus
The Mystic Birth by Thakkar, Sonia Viral
Larva: The Book of Transformation by Connolly, S., Pithas, Ene
The Spiritual Philosophy of Tagore by Pranay
The Dark Shepherd's Grimoire: Vol 1 by Noir, Shepherd
Something to Ponder by Rank, Kim, Tellez, Mike, Rank, Rory
Astral Projection: A beginner's guide to astral travel and having an out-of-body experience by Lingard, Lauren
Lilith: sus Máscaras, Rituales y Manifestaciones: Black Edition by Barzai, Daemon
Crystal Tips and Cures: 101 Crystals for Health, Harmony, and Happiness by Permutt, Philip
General Book of the Tarot by Thierens, A. E.
Myung Sung: The Korean Art of Living Meditation by Kim, Jenelle
Aleister Crowley in England: The Return of the Great Beast by Churton, Tobias
Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals by Farmer, Steven D.
Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals by Farmer, Steven D.
The Watkins Tarot Handbook: A Practical System of Self-Discovery by Ozaniec, Naomi
Introduction to the Occult: Your Guide to Subjects Ranging from Atlantis, Magic, and UFOs to Witchcraft, Psychedelics, and Thought Power by Smoley, Richard
Das Leben Ist Nichts!: Nichts Als Eine Erinnerung! by Trombino, Reverend Felice
The Fourth State of Consciousness - How to Reach Turiya by Kyan, Ishan
EscribanÍA 777Sol Ópera Zafiro by Miguel Ángel
Traveller by Shah, U. K.
Le Tombeau de la Pauvreté: Traité l'alchimie pour la transmutation des métaux en or by D'Atremont, Sieur
Take Heart, Seeker: Non-dual Poetry Revealing What the Mind Cannot Know and the Heart Has Never Forgotten by Cecchini, Walter S.
Hoodoo Your Love: Conjure the Love You Want (and Keep It) by Casas, Starr
Self2self by Brookes, Martin
Trafficking with Demons: Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000 by Rampton, Martha
Beauty Is an Inside Job: 30 Practical Magic Lessons from the Be-Witching World of Burlesque by DeMille, Kitty Kat, Nichols, Julia Reed
Swinging With the Spirits: The Pendulum Papers by Williams, Thomas E.
Moon Spells for Witchcraft: A Guide to Using the Lunar Phases for Magic and Rituals by Berg, Sebastian
La magie. VOUS L'ÊTES. SOYEZ-LA. (French) by Douglas, Gary M., Heer, Dain
Protection Spells of a Wicked Witch: Witchcraft for Protection from Negative Energy, Harmful Spirits, and Magical Attacks by Thorne, Thalia
Protection Spells of a Wicked Witch: Witchcraft for Protection from Negative Energy, Harmful Spirits, and Magical Attacks by Thorne, Thalia
The Flowers of Gratitude by Kamlesh Aunty Ji
Curso de Runas by Krumm-Heller, Arnold
Yesterday's Voices on the Inner Life: Volume Two: A Prose and Poetry Anthology by Willis, A. a.
The Holy Death Bible with Altars, Rituals and Prayers by Paulo, S.
The Empires of Atlantis: The Origins of Ancient Civilizations and Mystery Traditions Throughout the Ages by Vigato, Marco M.
The Attunement Rituals of Paul Foster Case: Ceremonial Magic by Case, Paul Foster, Coleman, Wade
One Life is Not Enough by Bishop, Mary
The Flowers of Gratitude by Kamlesh Aunty Ji
Kitchen Witch: Recipes & Spells by Myths, Modern
Los Archivos de la Criptozoología: La Enciclopedia de los Mitos, Leyendas y las Criaturas más Raras Jamás antes Vistas by Venkman, John
The Reluctant Messenger-Tales from Beyond Belief: An ordinary person's extraordinary journey into the unknown by Sanderson, Candice M.
Cómo Comunicarse con Espíritus: Efectivas Maneras para Hablar y Conectar con el más Allá by Romero, France
La Reencarnación: Todo lo que Querías Saber Acerca de Vidas Pasadas, el Karma y las Nuevas Oportunidades by Merck, Raphael
La magia svelata by Du Potet, Barone
Magie noire by Fontaine, Pierre
Whispers from Heaven by Barbara S Gore
Alice A. Bailey, Vida e Legado by Blackthorn, Isobel
Alice A. Bailey, Vida e Legado by Blackthorn, Isobel
Alice A. Bailey, Vida e Legado by Blackthorn, Isobel
Alice A. Bailey, Vida e Legado (Large Print Edition) by Blackthorn, Isobel
Alice A. Bailey, Vida e Legado (Large Print Edition) by Blackthorn, Isobel
into the Blue: An expression of Spontaneous Life by Coates, Susan
Wild Women: Modern tale of ordinary women who are witches by Hodgkinson, Moira
The Christian Satanic Book: An Introduction To Christian Satanism by Jeremy White, Lucifer
Deep Self Magic: A Step-By-Step Roadmap to Spiritual Authenticity by Owens, Bridget
The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion by Frazer, James George
The Numbers & The Words: English Qaballa and the Book of the Law by Thompson, Cath
I Am Not Nitin by Srivastava, Nitin
The Wheel: A Witch's Path Back to the Ancient Self by Lane, Jennifer
The Little Book of Earth Magic by Bartlett, Sarah
The Numbers & The Words: English Qaballa and the Book of the Law by Thompson, Cath
Wisdom That Transcends the Border of Time by Guerra, D. E.
A Briefe Historie of Magi by Fraser, Zan
Numerology Explained: Numerology Guide for Beginners by Star, Riley
Glory: A Little Handbook of the Psychic LIfe by Augustine, C.
Failure To Yield: A Memoir for God by James, Lisa
Les Lois Cosmiques: Motivational by Moghadasi Bayat, Soudabeh
Brujeria: An Introduction to Mexican Magic and Witchcraft by Lopez, Renata
Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies: Esoteric Classics by Hall, Manly P.
Astrología: Desvelando los secretos del zodiaco, el tarot y la numerología junto con la luna, el sol y los signos ascendentes by Hill, Silvia
Proyección astral para principiantes: La guía del viaje astral para una experiencia fuera del cuerpo intencional by Hill, Silvia
Fire Magic: Secrets of Witchcraft, Spells, Candle Burning Rituals, Norse Paganism, and Divination by Silva, Mari
Woman of Worth in the Making by Hankins, C.
Magic & Myth: Corpse Candle - The Lost Works of Charlie Wright by Wright, Blake E.
Pan's Girl by Syrinx, Soror
Martinésisme, Willermosisme, Martinisme et Franc-Maçonnerie: la quatre piliers de l'ésotérisme: édition intégrale annotée by Papus
The Moon Power Boxed Set: Featuring: Moon Spells and Moon Magic by Ahlquist, Diane
Moon Manifestation Vol. 2: Creating Your Reality by Scott, K. S.
TalesOfTheGods & Practical Witchcraft 1st Anniversary Special Edition by
Man: The Grand Symbol of the Mysteries Essays in Occult Anatomy Hardcover by Hall, Manly
Espiritismo: Puerto Rican Mediumship & Magic by Salva, Hector
The Witchcraft Boxed Set: Featuring the Green Witch and the House Witch by Murphy-Hiscock, Arin
Mood Magick: Wellness Spells and Rituals to Find Balance in an Uncertain World by North, Ora
The Mystical Qabalah by Fortune, Dion
Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans by Alvarado, Denise
Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection by Mickaharic, Draja
Witchcraft Coloring Book for Adults: Nourish the Spirit and Channel Creative Energy by Rockridge Press
The Healing Power of African-American Spirituality: A Celebration of Ancestor Worship, Herbs and Hoodoo, Ritual and Conjure by Bird, Stephanie Rose
On Chanting, Presence and Releasing by Das, Satyadeva
Grand Invocations and Other Papers by Marek, Joseph William
Journal of Witchy Things by Cole, Night
Ce que doit savoir un Maître Maçon: les Rites, l'origine des Grades, la Légende d'Hiram: édition complète et définitive by Papus
Heathen Imperialism by Evola, Julius
Tarot Journal - The Devil: Personal Journal by Books, Mystic
Cinquante Merveilleux Secrets d'Alchimie by Descormiers, Georges, Phaneg, Papus
The Collected Edition of The All-Seing-Eye For The Year 1924. Vol. 1. Numbers: 1-6: Modern Problems in the Light of Ancient Wisdom by Hall, Manly P.
Vovin: Reflections on the Temple of Ascending Flame by Erzebet, Denerah
The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus: Edgar Leoni Translation by de Nostradame, Michel
Swedenborg Bifrons: Esoteric Classics by Blavatsky, Helena P.
The Journey Continues: A sequel to Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master by M, Sri
Embodying Your Soul: A Detailed Guide for Merging with Your Higher Self and the Absolute by Obando, Fernando A.
Witchcraft Today by Gardner, Gerald B.
The Life and Legend of Michael Scot by Brown, J. Wood
Nature Spirits and Elementals: Esoteric Classics by Off, Louise
Early Masonic Symbolism: Foundations of Freemasonry Series by Hall, Manly P.
Psychic Skills for Magic & Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition & Clairvoyance by Cole, Cat Gina
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter & Loyalty from the Norse Gods by Svendsen, Lea
The Magic of Astrology: What Your Zodiac Sign Says about You (and Everyone You Know) by Allen, Jessica
Inner Order Teachings of the Golden Dawn by Zalewski, Pat
Welsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales by Starling, Mhara
Everyday Mantras: 365 Affirmations for Happiness, Strength, and Peace by Gunar, Aysel
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Runes: Your Complete Guide to the Divination Power of Runes by Nock, Judy Ann
Noxobnia: Feminine Deities of the Left Hand Path by Mason, Asenath, Duvendack, Bill, Connolly, S.
Gratitude Journal: A daily journal for practicing gratitude and receiving happiness, designed by a spiritual specialist. Start the day wi by Bhangu, Mike
Gratitude Journal: A daily journal for practicing gratitude and receiving happiness, designed by a spiritual specialist. Start the day wi by Bhangu, Mike
The Star and the Labyrinth: Essays on Occultism by Bertelsen, Violet
Awakening Lucifer by Mason, Asenath, Duvendack, Bill
Magia Nera e Stregoneria by Cavendish, Rainman
Theosophical Basics: Esoteric Classics by Judge, William Q.
Empath: A Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People (The Science of Highly Sensitive People - Master Your Personality) by Perkins, Gloria
Lucifer's Satanic Bible by Damuel White, Lucifer
Flying Saucers from the Earth's Interior by Bernard, Raymond
Wicca Candle Magic by Oliver, Wendy
Les origines du grade de maître dans la franc-maçonnerie: un classique de la littérature maçonnique by Goblet d'Alviella, Eugène
Travelling Parallel Worlds: The Hidden Reality Beyond the Physical Dimension by P. H. D. P. H. D., Henda Zaghouani
Wicca for Beginners: The essential guide to witchcraft, for the modern wiccans and witches by G. Watts, Jennifer, Publishing, Easy Wicca and Green Witchcr
Siddhartha: An Indian Tale by Hesse, Hermann
The Philosophy of Self-Knowledge: Esoteric Classics by Hartmann, Franz
Shinto: The Ancient Religion of Japan by Aston, William
Spirit Work: A Guide to Communicating & Forming Relationships with Spirits by Shadow, Sirian
Shackled to Creation: A Collection of Poetry by Simrit, Avtar
The Dedalus Book of the 1960s: Turn Off Your Mind by Lachman, Gary
Spirit Work by Shadow, Sirian
Lost Keys of Freemasonry: The Legend of Hiram Abiff Hardcover by Hall, Manly P.
El Lenguaje del No Saber: The Language of Not-knowing by Shaheed, Jameel
Le strane creature e i misteri in Italia e nel mondo by Di Cuonzo, Erika
Old World Psychic Medium by Nicholas, Greg, Rodgers, Kat
Saint Sebastian Magick: A Werevamp Media Ltd Book by Rob, S.
The History of the Devil by Carus, Paul
The Spiritual Path by Roberts, Gregory David
A Beginner's Guide to Chakras: Open the Path to Positivity, Wellness and Purpose by Butterworth, Lisa
Principles of Qabalah by
Plantas Sagradas by Fra
The Witchcraft Handbook: Unleash Your Magickal Powers to Create the Life You Want by Star, Midia
Service and Spirit: Discipleship and Spiritual Training in Wiccan Temples by Wagar, Samuel Eldon Charles
The Gift of the Magi by Henry, O.
AIDS to Identification of Flying Objects by Scientific Advisory Board, Air Force
Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Initiates, Three
Kvinnors magiska kraft: Sagor och visdom om kvinnors magiska kraft by Öhrström, Helena
Positive Proof - Book One of TSC Mind Series by Gilbert, Ana-Lana
Climbing the Tree of Life: A Manual of Practical Magical Qabalah by Rankine, David
Norse Paganism: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn about Norse Pagan Paths, Asatru, and the Viking Religion by Williams, Anniken
Saint Expeditus Magick: A Werevamp Media Ltd Book by Rob, S.
Grimoire du Pape Honorius: l'édition complète & définitive by Ricard, Marc-André
The Upanishads: Katha - Prashna - Mundaka by M, Sri
Bibliographie Méthodique de la Science Occulte (Éd.1892) by Sans Auteur
La Sorcière (Nouvelle Édition) (Éd.1878) by Michelet J
The Deeper Arts of the Volva: Self-Discovery Through Ancient Paths in the Modern World by Mulligan, Ivy
Twin Flames, the Essence of the Heart by Noel, Virginie
The Priestess Transmissions by Belair, Amy, Bevels, Amron
Goetic Evocation by Savedow, Steve
Wicca Per Principianti: Una guida pratica alla magia wicca e alla magia bianca - Per la strega moderna by Pressb, La Cripta Della Magia Wicca
Wicca Para Principiantes: Guía práctica de magia wiccana e de magia blanca para la bruja moderna - Historia, creencias, rituales, hechizos, mate by Pressb, Wiccana Crypta
The Fenris Wolf 9 by Duff, Graham, Lachman, Gary
Cours de franc-maçonnerie symbolique: 12 séances pour tout comprendre sur les obédiences maçonniques, les loges, degrés et grades by Cauchois, Henri
Hecate & The Black Arts: Liber Necromantia by
Hecate & The Black Arts: Liber Necromantia by
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