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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Opera in 2010

Overtones of Opera in American Literature from Whitman to Wharton by Skaggs, Carmen Trammell
The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring, Volume 13 by Shaw, Bernard
Gioachino Rossini: A Research and Information Guide by
Dizionario Di Opere Anonime E Pseudonime: In Supplemento a Quello Di Gaetano Melzi, Compilato Da Giambattista Passano by Passano, Giambattista
Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg in Full Score by Wagner, Richard
The Italian Opera In 1839: Its Latest Improvements And Existing Defects, Impartially Considered (1840) by J. Alfred Novello Publisher
Thomae Sydenham Opera Medica V1 (1769) by Sydenham, Thomas
The Daughter Of St. Mark: A Grand Opera Seria, In Three Acts (1844) by Balfe, Michael William, Bunn, Alfred
The Princess Of Trebizonde: An Opera Bouffe, In Three Acts (1870) by Kenney, Charles Lamb, Offenbach, Jacques
The Singing Girl: Comic Opera In Three Acts (1899) by Herbert, Victor, Stange, Stanislaus, Smith, Harry Bache
Xenophontis Opera V5: Oeconomicus, Apologia Socratis, Convivium, Hiero, Agesilaus (1819) by Xenophon
The Isle Of Spice Or His Majesty Of Nicobar! Opera Comique In Three Acts (1903) by Lowe, Allen, Stoddard, George E.
The Tattooed Man: A Comic Opera (1907) by Herbert, Victor, Fowler, A. N. C., Smith, Harry Bache
The Filibuster: A Comic Opera (1905) by Loraine, William, Wilson, John P.
The Somnambulist: An Opera, In Three Acts (1854) by Bellini, Vincenzo
The Doctor Of Alcantara: Opera Bouffe, In Two Acts (1862) by Woolf, Benjamin E., Eichberg, Julius
The Songs, Duets, Trios And Choruses In Maritana: A Grand Opera, In Three Acts (1847) by Wallace, William Vincent
The Lyrics Of Dorothy: A Comedy Opera, In Three Acts (1887) by Stephenson, B. C., Cellier, Alfred
The Serenade: Comic Opera (1897) by Herbert, Victor, Smith, Harry Bache
The Idol's Eye: Comic Opera In Three Acts (1897) by Smith, Harry Bache, Herbert, Victor
The Pipe Of Desire: Romantic Grand Opera In One Act (1907) by Barton, George Edward, Converse, Frederick Shepherd
The Piper Of Hamelin: A Fantastic Opera, In Two Acts (1893) by Buchanan, Robert Williams
Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii Opera Omnia Ludovici Dutens V5 (1768) by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Opera Theologica E. D. Joannis Opstraet S. T. Licentiati Lovan V5 (1783) by Opstraet, Jan
Opera Jacobi Marchantii V4: Pastoris Et Decani (1868) by Marchant, Jacques
Venerabilis Viri Josephi Mariae Thomasii Opera Omnia V2 (1747) by Tommasi, Giuseppe Maria
Thomae Sydenham Opera Medica V2 (1769) by Sydenham, Thomas
Wagner & Cinema by
Operas: Their Writers and Their Plots. by Notelrac. by Carleton, Fanny E.
24 Italian Songs and Arias - Medium Low Voice by
Aristotelis Opera Cum Averrois Commentariis V8, Part 1: Venetiis Apud Junctas, 1562-1574 (1562) by Zimara, Marco Antonio, Aristotle, Averroes
Thomae Sydenham Opera Omnia Medica V2 (1714) by Sydenham, Thomas
Jo. Augusti Ernesti Clavis Ciceroniana Sive Indices: Rerum Et Verborum Philologico-Critici In Opera Ciceronis V2 (1757) by Ernst, Johann August
Aristotelis Opera Cum Averrois Commentariis V8, Part 2: Venetiis Apud Junctas, 1562-1574 (1562) by Aristotle, Averroes, Zimara, Marco Antonio
Thomae Sydenham Opera Omnia Medica V1 (1714) by Sydenham, Thomas
Catalogo Del Museo Dell' Opera Del Duomo (1904) by Tipografia Barbera Publisher
Historia De La Opera En Buenos Aires (1905) by Bosch, Mariano G.
Hans, Le Joueur De Flute: Opera-Comique En Trois Actes (1910) by Ganne, Louis, Vaucaire, Maurice, Mitchell, Georges
De Hesiodi Carmine: Quod Opera Et Dies Inscribitur (1856) by Kappotas, Angelus Demetrius
Sigurd Opera En Quatre Actes Et Neuf Tableaux (1888) by Du Locle, Camille, Blau, Alfred, Reyer, Ernest
Gustave III Ou Le Bal Masque Opera Historique En Cinq Actes (1833) by Auber, Daniel Francois Esprit, Scribe, Eugene
Denunzia Di Nuova Opera E Di Danno Temuto (1902) by Apicella, Giuseppe
Marie Malibran Histoire D'Une Cantatrice (1911) by Pougin, Arthur
Nights At The Opera: Verdi's Il Trovatore (1906) by Burgess, Francis
Le Cadi Dupe: Opera-Comique En Un Acte (1761) by Lemonnier, Pierre Rene
Le Mariage De Don Lope: Opera Comique En Un Acte (1865) by De Hartog, Edouard, Barbier, Jules
Beniowski, Ou Les Exiles Du Kamchattka: Opera En Trois Actes (1802) by Duval, Alexandre
Barbe-Bleue: Opera-Bouffe En Trois Actes (1869) by Meilhac, Henri, Halevy, Ludovic, Offenbach, Jacques
Bellini And The Opera Of La Sonnambula (1880) by Phipson, Thomas Lamb
Antonio Panizzi E La Sua Opera (1897) by Corradini, Venturo
Della Nunciazione Di Nuova Opera: Qual Era, Qual E, Quale Potrebbe Essere (1845) by De Martino, Martinangelo
La Denunzia Di Nuova Opera (1867) by Russomanno, N. A.
Del Foro Napoletano: E Della Sua Efficacia Nella Legislazione E In Generale Nell' Opera Della Civilta Dell' Intera Nazione (1877) by LoMonaco, Giovanni
Della Denunzia Di Nuova Opera (1867) by Gagliardi, Elia
Catulli, Tibulli, Et Propertii Opera: Ex Optimis Editionibus Sedulo Accurata (1816) by Catullus, Caius Valerius
Le Olimpiche La Prima E Seconda Pizia La Terza Istmia Di Pindaro, Et Dell' Instituzione Della Vera Tragedia Greca Per Opera D'Eschilo (1826) by
Dell' Opera Di Alessandro Manzoni Letterato E Patriotta: Discorso Storico Critico (1886) by Petrocchi, Policarpo
Les Pres Saint-Gervais Opera-Bouffe En Trois Actes (1875) by Lecocq, Charles
Erostrate: Opera En Deux Actes Et Trois Tableaux (1871) by Mery, Joseph, Pacini, Em, Reyer, Ernest
Le Chien Du Jardinier: Opera-Comique En Un Acte (1890) by Lockroy, M., Grisar, Albert, Cormon, Eugene
Le Comte Ory: Opera En Deux Actes (1849) by Delaistre-Poirson, M., Scribe, Eugene
Le Corricolo Opera Comique En Trois Actes (1868) by Labiche, Eugene, Delacour, Alfred
Osservazioni Sull' Italia Risguardanti Principalmente Le Belle Arti Opera Postuma (1828) by Bell, Giovanni
Ad Benedicti De Spinoza Opera Quae Supersunt Omnia Supplementum (1862) by De Spinoza, Benedicti
Athenagorae Philosophi Atheniensis Opera (1857) by Otto, Johann Carol Theodor
Le Coeur Et La Main: Opera-Comique En Trois Actes (1882) by Nuitter, Charles, Beaumont, Alexandre, Lecocq, Charles
Le Caid: Opera-Bouffon En Deux Actes (1875) by Sauvage, Thomas, Thomas, Ambroise
Le Mage: Opera En Cinq Actes Et Six Tableaux (1891) by Massenet, Jules, Richepin, Jean
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia (1874) by Macleane, A. J.
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia (1858) by Macleane, A. J.
De Libro: Qui Inter Philonis Alexandrini Opera Fertur (1887) by Ausfeld, Ricardus
Memoirs of the Opera in Italy, France, Germany, and England, Volume 1 by Hogarth, George
The Opera, Past and Present: An Historical Sketch by Apthorp, William Foster
Blumenfeld's Dictionary of Musical Theater: Opera, Operetta, Musical Comedy by Blumenfeld, Robert
Dog Park: The Musical by Beecham, Jahnna, Hillgartner, Malcolm, Hume, Michael J.
Wagner's Ring Cycle and the Greeks by Foster, Daniel H.
Musikdrama Oder Oper? Eine Beleuchtung Der Bayreuther Buhnenfestspiele (1876) by Naumann, Emil
Catulli, Tibulli, Et Propertii Opera: Ex Optimis Editiionibus (1822) by Catullus, Gaius Valerius, Tibulli, M., Propertius, Sextus
M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera Omnia V3, Part 2 (1810) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
El Novio Pasado Por Agua: Zarzuela De Figuron, En Tres Actos (1852) by de Los Herreros, Manuel Breton, Hernando, Rafael
Alceste Ou Le Triomphe D'alcide: Tragédie. Representée Deuant Sa Majesté À Fontainebleau by Lully, Jean Baptiste, Quinault, Philippe
Les Barbares: Tragédie Lyrique En 3 Actes Et Un Prologue by Sardou, Victorien, Saint-Saëns, Camille, Gheusi, Pierre-Barthélemy
Fashions and Legacies of Nineteenth-Century Italian Opera by
Il Mezenzio; Le Nozze Di Figaro; Il Don Diovanni; Assur, Re D'Ormus (1834) by Da Ponte, Lorenzo
Die Wibelungen: Weltgeschichte Aus Der Sage (1850) by Wagner, Richard
Fredegonde Opera En Cinq Actes (1895) by Saint-Saens, Camille, Gallet, Louis, Guiraud, Ernest
Goyescas: An Opera In Three Tableaux (1915) by Johnson, James Weldon, Granados, Enrique, Perique, Fernando
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia: Ex Recensione (1877) by Macleane, A. J.
Cenni Biografici Sulla Straordinaria Carriera Teatrale Percorsa Da Gio. Battista Rubini Da Romano (1844) by Agostino, Locatelli
Enciclopedia Ecclesiastica, E Morale V1: Opera Periodica (1821) by G V T
Operette Bibliografiche Del Cav. Giuseppe Molini (1858) by Molini, Giuseppe
The Beggar's Opera by Gay, John
The Japan of Pure Invention: Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado by Lee, Josephine
Opera In English by Lahee, Henry C.
Grand Opera Librettos: Rigoletto, Italian and English Text and Music of the Principal Airs by Verdi, Giuseppe
Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado by
Moliere Et L'Opera-Comique (1882) by Pougin, Arthur
Orestes: A Dramatic Opera (1731) by Theobald, Lewis
Ballad And English Opera by Lahee, Henry C.
German Opera by Lahee, Henry C.
Cenni Biografici Sulla Straordinaria Carriera Teatrale Percorsa Da Gio. Battista Rubini Da Romano (1844) by Agostino, Locatelli
Die Wibelungen: Weltgeschichte Aus Der Sage (1850) by Wagner, Richard
The Sources And Text Of Richard Wagner's Opera Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg (1897) by Bowen, Anna Maude
Betly: Opera En Deux Actes (1854) by Donizetti, Gaetano
Opera Hactenus Inedita Rogeri Baconi: Metaphysica Fratris Bogeri (1905) by Bacon, Roger
The Buffoon: The Substance Of Leoncavallo's Opera, I Pagliacci by Von Keler, Theodore M. R.
The Opera And Oratorio: A Study In Music Appreciation by Faulkner, Anne Shaw
Goyescas: An Opera In Three Tableaux (1915) by Johnson, James Weldon, Granados, Enrique, Perique, Fernando
The Beggar's Opera by Gay, John
Polly by Gay, John
A Second Book Of Operas by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Opera Mystica V. Ac Mystici Doctoris B. Joannis A Cruce (1710) by Cruz, Juan De La, Maria, Nicolaus A. Jesu
Opera Stories From Wagner by Akin, Florence
Fredegonde Opera En Cinq Actes (1895) by Saint-Saens, Camille, Gallet, Louis, Guiraud, Ernest
Mysteries Of The Opera Faust by Heindel, Max
Chapters Of Opera by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
The Legends of the Wagner Drama by Weston, Jessie L.
An Adventure of Don Quixote (1846) by Macfarren, George Alexander
A Companion to Wagner's Parsifal by
Wagner and the Romantic Hero by Williams, Simon
The Metropolitan Opera on Record: A Discography of the Commercial Recordings by Fellers, Frederick P.
Mamontov's Private Opera: The Search for Modernism in Russian Theater by Haldey, Olga
When Opera Meets Film by Citron, Marcia J.
The Opera Singer's Career Guide: Understanding the European Fach System by Yeadon McGinnis, Pearl
Handel's Path to Covent Garden by Bucchianeri, E. A.
Río de Sangre by Gale, Kate
Ballet and Opera in the Age of "Giselle" by Smith, Marian
Il Trittico, Turandot, and Puccini's Late Style by Davis, Andrew
What The FACH?! Second Edition: The Definitive Guide for Opera Professionals Auditioning and Working in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by Shepard, Philip
Verdi's Opera: The Masked Ball (1891) by Verdi, Giuseppe
Lucia Di Lammermoor, Lucie of Lammermoor: An Opera, in Three Acts (1848) by Donizetti, Gaetano, Scott, Walter, Cammarano, Salvatore
Songs, Duets, Glees, Chorusses, Etc. In The Historical Opera Of Maid Marian: Or The Huntress Of Arlingford (1822) by Bishop, Henry Rowley
Catalogo Del Museo Dell' Opera Del Duomo (1904) by Tipografia Barbera Publisher
I Libri Poetici Della Bibbia V1: Opera (1766) by Mattei, Saverio
El Cid Campeador: An Opera In Three Acts, Eight Scenes (1917) by Lee, Henry Washington
Tychonis Brahe Mathim, Eminent, Dani Opera Omnia Sive Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata (1648) by Brahe, Tycho
Prince Igor: An Opera in Four Acts with a Prologue (1915) by Borodin, Aleksandr Porfir
Andreae Naugerii, Opera Omnia Quae Quidem Magna Adhibita Diligentia Colligi Potuerunt (1718) by Fracastoro, Girolamo, Volpi, Gio Antonio, Navagero, Andrea
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia Cum Indicibus Locupletissimis (1826) by Doring, F. W., Horace
Fasciculus Geomanticus, In Quo Varia Variorum Opera Geomantica (1687) by Fludd, Robert
Die Walkure, the Valkyr: First Opera of the Rhinegold Trilogy (1885) by Wagner, Richard
S. Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Opera Omnia (1798) by Lorenzana, Franciscus, Isidorus, Hispalensis
Aristotelis Opera Omnia V4 (1886) by Aristotle, Mauro, Silvestro
Stories Of Popular Operas by Guerber, Helen A.
De Hesiodi Carmine: Quod Opera Et Dies Inscribitur (1856) by Kappotas, Angelus Demetrius
The Italian Opera In 1839: Its Latest Improvements And Existing Defects, Impartially Considered (1840) by J. Alfred Novello Publisher
De Libro: Qui Inter Philonis Alexandrini Opera Fertur (1887) by Ausfeld, Ricardus
Opera Theologica E. D. Joannis Opstraet S. T. Licentiati Lovan V5 (1783) by Opstraet, Jan
Thomae Sydenham Opera Medica V2 (1769) by Sydenham, Thomas
Florinda Or The Moors In Spain: A New Grand Opera, In Four Acts (1851) by Giannone, Pietro, Scribe, Eugene, Thalberg, Sigismond
Betly: Opera En Deux Actes (1854) by Donizetti, Gaetano
Xenophontis Opera V5: Oeconomicus, Apologia Socratis, Convivium, Hiero, Agesilaus (1819) by Xenophon
A Madcap Princess: Comedy Opera In Three Acts (1904) by Major, Charles, Smith, Harry Bache, Englander, Ludwig
Romeo And Juliet: Opera In Five Acts (1911) by Barbier, Jules, Carre, Michel
Les Pres Saint-Gervais Opera-Bouffe En Trois Actes (1875) by Lecocq, Charles
Antonio Panizzi E La Sua Opera (1897) by Corradini, Venturo
Hans, Le Joueur De Flute: Opera-Comique En Trois Actes (1910) by Vaucaire, Maurice, Mitchell, Georges, Ganne, Louis
Le Coeur Et La Main: Opera-Comique En Trois Actes (1882) by Nuitter, Charles, Beaumont, Alexandre, Lecocq, Charles
Catalogo Del Museo Dell' Opera Del Duomo (1904) by Tipografia Barbera Publisher
Le Corricolo Opera Comique En Trois Actes (1868) by Delacour, Alfred, Labiche, Eugene
Johannis Secundi Opera: Accurate Recognita Ex Museo P. Scriverii (1631) by Second, Jan Everaerts
Victorini Poetarum Hujus Seculi Principis: Opera Poetica (1696) by Santeul, Jean Baptiste
Opera Omnia In Compendium Redacta (1702) by Ettmuller, Michael
Operas That Every Child Should Know (1913) by Bacon, Dolores
Oeuvres de M. Vade V1-2: Ou Recueil Des Opera-Comiques, Parodies Et Pieces Fugitives de CET Auteur (1785) by Vade, Jean Joseph
Animadversiones In Plutarchi Opera Moralia V1 (1820) by Wyttenbach, Daniel Albert
Le Rossignol: Opera Comique En Un Acte (1756) by L'Attaignant, Gabriel Charles, Fleury, Jacques
Philonis Judaei Opera Omnia V4: Graece Et Latine (1788) by Mangey, Thomas, Judaeus, Philo, Pfeiffer, August Friedrich
Comedia Intitolato Il Filosofo Opera (1549) by Aretino, Pietro
L. Apvleii Madavrensis Opera Omnia Quae Exstant: Ad Bonaventvae Vvlcanii, Petri Colvii, Ac Aliorum Editiones Recognita Et Emendata (1610) by Apuleius
Nasonis Opera Omnia (1662) by Schrevel, Cornelis, Naso, Publius Ovidius
D. Caecilii Cypriani Episcopi Carthaginensis Et Martyris Opera (1547) by Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius
Pyramus And Thisbe: An Opera And Tragedy, In Two Acts, In Rhyme (1854) by Chadwick, Adam
Het Verlooren Lam: Opera Bouffon, In Een Deel (1768) by Neyts, Jacques Toussaint
Le Memorie Bresciane, Opera Historica, E Simbolica Di Ottavio Rossi (1693) by Rossi, Ottavio, Vinaccesi, Fortunato
Opera Physico-Medica V1 (1764) by Huxham, John, Reichel, Georg Christian
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera Philosophica V5: Quae Latine Scripsit Omnia (1845) by Molesworth, William, Hobbes, Thomas
Joannis Clerici Opera Philosophica V2: Pneumatologia (1704) by Le Clerc, Jean
Archiatri, Opera Omnia Medica (1735) by Freind, John
Poetic Gems From English Opera (1877) by J. Walter Stoops Publisher
Opera Ad Philosophiam Criticam (1797) by Born, Friedrich Gottlob, Kant, Immanuel
Opera, Comoediae (1669) by Plautus, Titus Maccius
Hippocrates Contractus, In Quo Hippocratis Medicorum Principis, Opera Omnia (1765) by Hippocrates, Burnet, Thomas
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Studiis Societatis Bipontinae Accurata V4 (1780) by Tacitus, Cornelius
Zaira: A Serious Opera (1805) by Winter, Peter Von
B. Sulpicii Severi Archiepiscopi Quondam Bituricensis, Quae Exstant Opera (1574) by Severus, Sulpicius
Il Forestiere Informato Delle Cose Di Lucca, Opera (1721) by Marchio, Vincenzo
Dionysii Gothofredi I. C. in L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi Opera (1590) by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Godefroy-Menilglaise, Denis Charles
Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, In Tres Tomos Divisa (1662) by Ovid
The Office Boy: A Comedy Opera In Two Acts (1903) by Smith, Harry Bache
Le Comte Ory: Opera En Deux Actes (1849) by Delaistre-Poirson, M., Scribe, Eugene
Xenophontis Opera Graece Et Latine (1763) by Wells, Edward
P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera, Veterum Exemplarium Auxilio Ab Infinitis Mendis Emendata (1553) by Ovid, Glareanus, Henricus, De Longueil, Christophe
P. Vergili Maronis Opera V3, Containing The Last Six Books Of The Aeneid: The Works Of Virgil, With A Commentary (1871) by Virgil
The Opera Goer V2: Or Studies Of The Town (1852) by Marvell, Ike, Lorgnette, Donald Grant Mitchell
Storia Sacra Della Chiesa Metropolitana Di Capua Opera V1-2 (1766) by Granata, Francesco
Natoma: An Opera, In Three Acts (1911) by Redding, Joseph D., Herbert, Victor
I Salarj E La Classe Operaja In Italia: Opera Premiata Al Concorso Ravizza (1874) by Garelli, Alessandro
Enciclopedia Ecclesiastica, E Morale V1: Opera Periodica (1821) by G. V. T.
Tancred: A Heroic Opera, In Two Acts (1825) by Rossini, Gioacchino
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