• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Opera in 2017

Building the Operatic Museum: Eighteenth-Century Opera in Fin-De-Siècle Paris by Gibbons, William
Music, Theatre and Politics in Germany: 1848 to the Third Reich by
Verdi, Opera, Women by Rutherford, Susan
Italian Opera in the Age of the American Revolution by Polzonetti, Pierpaolo
Harrison Birtwistle's Operas and Music Theatre by Beard, David
Music in Germany since 1968 by Williams, Alastair
Performing Operas for Mozart by Woodfield, Ian
The Orchestral Music of Michael Tippett by Schuttenhelm, Thomas
Masculinity in Opera by
The Women of Quyi: Liminal Voices and Androgynous Bodies by Sborgi Lawson, Francesca R.
Die Gärtnerin: la finta giardiniera - komische Oper in zwei Akten by Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Kalbeck, Max
Die Fledermaus: Operette in drei Akten by Strauss, Johann
The Invention of Beethoven and Rossini by
Carmen by Clément, Murielle Lucie
Cadmus Et Hermione, Tragédie Représentée Devant S. M., À Saint Germain-En-Laye: , Le 5e Jour d'Aoust 1678 by Quinault, Philippe
Gunmetal Blues by Bohmler, Craig, Adler, Marion, Wentworth, Scott
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, William Schwenck
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, William Schwenck
La Traviata: A Lyric Drama in Three Acts by Verdi, Giuseppe
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, William Schwenck
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, William Schwenck
The Lyrical Drama: Essays on subjects, composers, & executants of modern opera. Vol. 2 by Edwards, Henry S.
Manon Lescaut: Lyric Drama in Four Acts by Marras, Mowbray, Puccini, Giacomo
Choral Works with Orchestral Accompaniment by Brahms, Johannes
Grundlegung Einer Librettologie: Musik- Und Lesetext Am Beispiel Der 'Alceste'-Opern Vom Barock Bis Zu C.M. Wieland by Hartmann, Tina
The Romantic Overture and Musical Form from Rossini to Wagner by Vande Moortele, Steven
Wiener Staatsoper - 348 Complete Relays by Hunt, John
The Real Tales of Hoffmann: Origin, History, and Restoration of an Operatic Masterpiece by Kaye, Michael, Giroud, Vincent
The Real Tales of Hoffmann: Origin, History, and Restoration of an Operatic Masterpiece by Kaye, Michael, Giroud, Vincent
French Baroque Opera: A Reader: Revised Edition by Wood, Caroline, Sadler, Graham
The Three Choirs Festival: A History: New and Revised Edition by Hedley, Paul, Boden, Anthony
Musical Debate and Political Culture in France, 1700-1830 by Arnold, R. J.
Experiencing Carl Maria von Weber: A Listener's Companion by Morgan, Joseph E.
History Is Our Mother: Three Libretti: Nixon in China, the Death of Klinghoffer, the Magic Flute by Goodman, Alice
Postopera: Reinventing the Voice-Body by Novak, Jelena
"O ma Carmen": Bizet's Fateful Gypsy in Portrayals from 1875 to the Present by Villamil, Victoria Etnier
Music in the London Theatre from Purcell to Handel by
The Politics of Opera: A History from Monteverdi to Mozart by Cohen, Mitchell
National Identity in Contemporary Australian Opera: Myths Reconsidered by Halliwell, Michael
A Modern Guide to Old World Singing: Concepts of the Swedish-Italian and Italian Singing Schools by Jones, David L.
Animation, Plasticity, and Music in Italy, 1770-1830 by Lockhart, Ellen
Michel-Jean Sedaine: Théâtre de la Révolution by
Paul Bekker's Musical Ethics by Nielsen, Nanette
Italy: An Operatic History by Clauss, Francis J.
Tempesta: Stormy Music in the Eighteenth Century by McClelland, Clive
Die Entstehung der Oper Die Frau ohne Schatten von Richard Strauss by Enderlein, Olaf
Mozart in Vienna: The Final Decade by Keefe, Simon P.
Les Amours de Bastien Et Bastienne, Parodie Du Devin Du Village by Favart, Justine
Die Zauberflöte - Die beliebtesten Opern by Schikaneder, Emanuel, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Jacques Offenbach and the Making of Modern Culture by Senelick, Laurence
Opera for the People: English-Language Opera and Women Managers in Late 19th-Century America by Preston, Katherine K.
Beyond Elite Law by
The Music Dramas of Richard Wagner and His Festival Theatre in Bayreuth by Lavignac, Albert, Singleton, Esther
French Opera in English by Pippin, Donald
European Operetta in English: Volume 2 by Pippin, Donald
Sounding Libretto - Mastersingers: Richard Wagner's complete text of Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg in German and English with leitmotifs, note sampl by Rauch, Frank
Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas by Harris, Ellen T.
Grand Opera Outside Paris: Opera on the Move in Nineteenth-Century Europe by
Understanding the Leitmotif by Bribitzer-Stull, Matthew
French Vocal Literature: Repertoire in Context by Resick, Georgine
French Vocal Literature: Repertoire in Context by Resick, Georgine