• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Opera in 2018

Revival: Life of Richard Wagner, Vol. I (1900): The Art Work of the Future by Glasenapp, Carl Friedrich
Revival: Handel (1906) by Streatfield, Richard Alexander
Revival: Life of Richard Wagner Vol. II (1902): Opera and Drama by Glasenapp, Carl Friedrich
Revival: Life of Richard Wagner Vol. IV (1904): Art and Politics by Glasenapp, Carl Francis
Revival: Modern Music and Musicians (1906) by Streatfield, Richard Alexander
So You Want to Sing Light Opera: A Guide for Performers by Lister, Linda
Opera and Modern Spectatorship in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy by Campana, Alessandra
Les effets de la haine et de la constance, ou Asmodée diable boîteux, comédie by Verteuil
Les Étoiles Du Chant. Adelina Patti by de Charnace-G
Les Étoiles Du Chant. Gabrielle Krauss by de Charnace-G
Les amours de Bastien et Bastiene, parodie du Devin du village by Favart-J
de l'Opéra En l'An XII by Bonet de Treiches-J-B
Oeuvres Complètes de Eugène Scribe, Comédies, Vaudevilles. Sér. 2, Vol. 16 by Scribe, Eugene
Oeuvres Complètes de Eugène Scribe, Opéras-Comiques. Sér. 4, Vol. 12 by Scribe, Eugene
Oeuvres Complètes de Eugène Scribe, Opéras-Comiques. Sér. 4, Vol. 4 by Scribe, Eugene
Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne, parodie du Devin du village by Favart-J
A l'Opéra aujourd'hui by Jourdaa-F
Helena Citronova: libretto by Somtow, S. P.
The Operas of Maurice Ravel by Kilpatrick, Emily
The Stage 3 Volume Set: Both Before and Behind the Curtain, from Observations Taken on the Spot by Bunn, Alfred
Sentimental Opera by Castelvecchi, Stefano
Tristan et Isolde by Gut-S
Arthur Sullivan: A Musical Reappraisal by Taylor, Benedict
Wagner's Parsifal by Kinderman, William
Eugene Onegin: The Opera Lively Guides # 3 by Gazzola, Luiz
Tannhäuser: Grosse romantische Oper in drei Akten: Tannhäuser und Der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg by Wagner, Richard
Gustav Mahler's Symphonic Landscapes by Peattie, Thomas
Mozart Studies 2 by
Wagner y las tres caras de la Diosa.: Psicologia femenina en las óperas wagnerianas by Alonso Gomez, Maria Lourdes
Mozart's 'La clemenza di Tito': A Reappraisal by
Black Opera: History, Power, Engagement by Andre, Naomi
Inventing the Opera House by Johnson, Eugene J.
Curtain, Gong, Steam: Wagnerian Technologies of Nineteenth-Century Opera by Kreuzer, Gundula
Salome A Tragedy in One Act by Wilde, Oscar
Birgit Nilsson: 100: An Homage by
La Nilsson: My Life in Opera by Nilsson, Birgit
Enjoying the Operatic Voice: A Neuropsychoanalytic Exploration of the Operatic Reception Experience by Zuccarini, Carlo
Le Nozze Di Figaro: Die Hochzeit des Figaro by Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Le Noces Di Figaro by Mozart, W. a.
Female Singers on the French Stage, 1830-1848 by White, Kimberly
Waiting for Verdi: Opera and Political Opinion in Nineteenth-Century Italy, 1815-1848 by Smart, Mary Ann
The Book of the Teatro Real by
Gilbert and Sullivan's 'respectable Capers': Class, Respectability and the Savoy Operas 1877-1909 by Goron, Michael
Rounding Wagner's Mountain by Gilliam, Bryan
At the origins of Classical opera: Carlo Goldoni and the dramma giocoso per musica by Rista, Pervinca
Opera as Opera: The State of the Art by Osborne, Conrad L.
Singer's Guide to German Diction by Lanzrein, Valentin, Cross, Richard
Lessons in Love and Violence: Libretto for Opera in Two Parts, Libretto by
Nabucodonosor: Dramma Sacro In Quattro Parti... by Verdi, Giuseppe
Boosey's Guide to the Opera - Containing the Plots and Incidents of all the Best Known Operas Performed in England, With Short Sketches of the Lives o by Gatty, Alfred Scott, Gatty, Nicolas
The Opera Book - The Stories of the Operas, Together with 410 of the Leading Airs and Motives in Musical notation by Kobbé, Gustav
Angel of the Amazon: A New American Opera by Mack, Evan
The World of Italian Opera by Vesce, Thomas E.
Rimsky-Korsakov and His World by
Rimsky-Korsakov and His World by
Médée by Corneille, Thomas
Mad Love: An Introduction to Opera by Schweitzer, Vivien
Composing History: National Identities and the English Masque Revival, 1860-1920 by Heckert, Deborah
Alceste Ou Le Triomphe d'Alcide, Tragedie. Fontainebleau, Aoust 1677 by Quinault, Philippe
The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity: Vol. 4: Picture That: Making a Show of the Jongleur by Jan, Ziolkowski M.
French Musical Culture and the Coming of Sound Cinema by Lewis, Hannah
Opera Siam 2001-2018: The First Sixty Productions by Somtow, S. P.
Parsifal - Die beliebtesten Opern: Die Legende um den Heiligen Gral by Wagner, Richard
Middlebrow Modernism: Britten's Operas and the Great Divide Volume 24 by Chowrimootoo, Christopher
Opera Siam 2001-2018: The First Sixty Productions by
The Ring of the Nibelung by Wagner, Richard
Ideology in Britten's Operas by Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
Which Craft?: W.A. Mozart and THE MAGIC FLUTE by Besack, Michael
The La Traviata Affair: Opera in the Age of Apartheid Volume 20 by Roos, Hilde
The La Traviata Affair: Opera in the Age of Apartheid Volume 20 by Roos, Hilde
Opera in Postwar Venice: Cultural Politics and the Avant-Garde by Boyd-Bennett, Harriet
Die Walkure by Wagner, Richard
Aïda by Verdi, Giuseppe, Ghislanzoni, Antonio
Lakmé: An Opera in Three Acts by Delibes, Leo, Gille, Philippe, Gondinet, Edmond
Mozart's Operas: A Companion by Hunter, Mary
Fruits of the Cross: Passiontide Music Theater in Habsburg Vienna by Kendrick, Robert L.
The Last Troubadours: Poetic Drama in Italian Opera, 1597-1887 by O'Grady, Deirdre
English Opera from 1834 to 1864 with Particular Reference to the Works of Michael Balfe by Biddlecombe, George
Bewitching Russian Opera: The Tsarina from State to Stage by Naroditskaya, Inna
Embodying Voice: Singing Verdi, Singing Wagner by Medlyn, Margaret
Embodying Voice: Singing Verdi, Singing Wagner by Medlyn, Margaret
Opera in Paris from the Empire to the Commune by Everist, Mark
Carmen and the Staging of Spain: Recasting Bizet's Opera in the Belle Epoque by Christoforidis, Michael, Kertesz, Elizabeth
The Great Operas of Richard Wagner - An Account of the Life and Work of this Distinguished Composer, with Particular Attention to his Operas - Illustr by Kobbé, Gustav
The Great Operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - An Account of the Life and Work of this Distinguished Composer, with Particular Attention to his Operas by Kobbé, Gustav
The Great Operas of Giacomo Puccini - An Account of the Life and Work of this Distinguished Composer, with Particular Attention to his Operas by Kobbé, Gustav
The Great Operas of Vincenzo Bellini - An Account of the Life and Work of this Distinguished Composer, with Particular Attention to his Operas by Kobbé, Gustav
A View from the Podium: A Memoir by Queler, Eve
A View from the Podium: A Memoir by Queler, Eve