• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Operating Systems in 1996

Lions' Commentary on Unix by Lions, John
ADA in Europe: Second International Eurospace-Ada-Europe Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, October 2-6, 1995 by
Object-Technologies for Advanced Software: Second Jssst International Symposium, Isotas '96, Kanazawa, Japan, March 11-15, 1996. Proceedings by
Bounded Incremental Computation by Ramalingam, G.
Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation: France-Japan Workshop, Obpdc'95, Tokyo, Japan, June 21 - 23, 1995, Selected Papers by
Intelligent Integration of Information: A Special Double Issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Sytems Volume 6, Numbers 2/3 May, 1996 by
Fuzzy Expert System Tools by Schneider, Moti, Langholz, Gideon, Kandel, Abraham
AIX UNIX System V.4: Begriffe, Konzepte, Kommandos by Obermayr, Karl, Gulbins, Jürgen
The Craft of Windows 95(tm) Interface Design: Click Here to Begin by Calvo, Alex
Computer Security - Esorics 96: 4th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Rome, Italy, September 25 - 27, 1996, Proceedings by
Dependable Computing - Edcc-2: Second European Dependable Computing Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 2 - 4, 1996. Proceedings by
The Complete Linux Kit [With *] by Strobel, S., Strobel, Stefan, Strobel, Stephan
Pthreads Programming: A Posix Standard for Better Multiprocessing by Nichols, Bradford, Buttlar, Dick, Farrell, Jacqueline
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Ipps '96 Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 16, 1996. Proceedings by
Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt '96: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Crypotology and Information Security, Kyongju, Kore by
Das REXX Lexikon: Begriffe, Anweisungen, Funktionen by Leibrock, Gerhard
Information Hiding: First International Workshop, Cambridge, U.K., May 30 - June 1, 1996. Proceedings by