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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Operating Systems in 2003

Unix for OpenVMS Users by Holstein, Richard, McMullen, Joseph, Bourne, Philip E.
Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems by Li, Qing, Yao, Caroline
Mobile Data Management: 4th International Conference, MDM 2003, Melbourne, Australia, January 21-24, 2003, Proceedings by
Security in Communication Networks: Third International Conference, Scn 2002, Amalfi, Italy, September 11-13, 2002, Revised Papers by
Managing Raid on Linux: Fast, Scalable, Reliable Data Storage by Vadala, Derek
Information Hiding: 5th International Workshop, Ih 2002, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, October 7-9, 2002, Revised Papers by
A+ Technician's On-The-Job Guide to Windows XP by
Objective-C Pocket Reference: A Guide to Language Fundamentals by Duncan, Andrew
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - Ches 2002: 4th International Workshop, Redwood Shores, Ca, Usa, August 13-15, 2002, Revised Papers by
Understanding Wmi Scripting: Exploiting Microsoft's Windows Management Instrumentation in Mission-Critical Computing Infrastructures by Lissoir, Alain
Start! Windows XP by
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Second International Workshop, Pet 2002, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, April 14-15, 2002, Revised Papers by
Software Security -- Theories and Systems: Mext-Nsf-Jsps International Symposium, Isss 2002, Tokyo, Japan, November 8-10, 2002, Revised Papers by
Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2002: 5th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 28-29, 2002, Revised Papers by
Objects, Components, Architectures, Services, and Applications for a Networked World: International Conference Netobjectdays, Node 2002, Erfurt, Germa by
Financial Cryptography: 6th International Conference, FC 2002, Southampton, Bermuda, March 11-14, 2002, Revised Papers by
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 9th Annual International Workshop, Sac 2002, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, August 15-16, 2002, Revised Papers by
Linux Server Hacks by Flickenger, Rob
Mac Osx Headaches: How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a Hurry by
How to Do Everything with JavaScript by Duffy, Scott
Topics in Cryptology -- Ct-Rsa 2003: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2003, San Francisco, Ca, USA April 13-17, 2003, Proceedings by
Getting Started with OpenVMS System Management by Miller, David, Duffy, Michael D.
Practical Unix and Internet Security by Garfinkel, Simson, Spafford, Gene, Schwartz, Alan
Windows Server 2003: Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments by Ruest, Nelson, Ruest, Danielle
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2003: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Warsaw, Poland, May 4-8, by
Leveraging Wmi Scripting: Using Windows Management Instrumentation to Solve Windows Management Problems by Lissoir, Alain
Windows Server 2003 by Matthews, Martin S.
Total Vernetzt: Szenarien Einer Informatisierten Welt by
Quality of Service - Iwqos 2003: 11th International Workshop, Berkeley, Ca, Usa, June 2-4, 2003, Proceedings by
Samba Pocket Reference by Eckstein, Robert, Ts, Jay, Collier-Brown, David
How to Do Everything with Paint Shop Pro 8 by Huss, David
Middleware 2003: Acm/Ifip/Usenix International Middleware Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 16-20, 2003, Proceedings by
Real World ASP.Net Best Practices by Muhammad, Farhan, Milner, Mathew
The Complete FreeBSD: Documentation from the Source by Lehey, Greg
Linux: Konzepte, Kommandos, Oberflächen by Snoopy, Gulbins, Jürgen, Obermayr, Karl
Cocoa in a Nutshell by Beam, Michael, Davidson, James Duncan
Information Security and Privacy: 8th Australasian Conference, Acisp 2003, Wollongong, Australia, July 9-11, 2003, Proceedings by
Hierarchical Scheduling in Parallel and Cluster Systems by Dandamudi, Sivarama
Linux and the Unix Philosophy: Operating Systems by Gancarz, Mike
Digital Rights Management: ACM Ccs-9 Workshop, Drm 2002, Washington, DC, Usa, November 18, 2002, Revised Papers by
Red Hat Linux Pocket Administrator by Petersen, Richard, Haddad, Ibrahim
Financial Cryptography: 7th International Conference, FC 2003, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, January 27-30, 2003, Revised Papers by
Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto 2003: 23rd Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 17-21, 2003, Proceeding by
Security Engineering with Patterns: Origins, Theoretical Models, and New Applications by Schumacher, Markus
Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP by Rosenberg, Don, Stephens, Matt
Learn VB .Net Through Game Programming by Tagliaferri, Matthew
Peer-To-Peer Systems II: Second International Workshop, Iptps 2003, Berkeley, Ca, Usa, February 21-22,2003, Revised Papers by
Windows Media 9 Series by Example by Johnson, Nels
RTF Pocket Guide by Burke, Sean M.
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 6th International Symposium, Raid 2003, Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa, September 8-10, 2003, Proceedings by
Information Networking: Networking Technologies for Enhanced Internet Services, International Conference, ICOIN 2003 Cheju Island, Korea, Febr by
Computer Network Security: Second International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-Ac by
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2003: 23rd Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 29 -- Octo by
CVS Pocket Reference by Purdy, Gregor N.
The Art of UNIX Programming by Raymond, Eric
Information Security: 6th International Conference, Isc 2003, Bristol, Uk, October 1-3, 2003, Proceedings by
Communications and Multimedia Security. Advanced Techniques for Network and Data Protection: 7th Ifip Tc-6 Tc-11 International Conference, CMS 2003, T by
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications: 5th International Workshop, Mata 2003, Marrakech, Morocco, October 8-10, 2003 Proceedings by
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: Second International Conference, Adhoc-Now 2003, Montreal, Canada, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings by
Computer Security - Esorics 2003: 8th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Gjovik, Norway, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings by
Embedded Software: Third International Conference, Emsoft 2003, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings by
Ubicomp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing: 5th International Conference, Seattle, Wa, Usa, October 12-15, 2003, Proceedings by
Compilers and Operating Systems for Low Power by
Embedded Software for Soc by
OpenVMS System Management Guide by Miller, David, Baldwin, Lawrence, Hoffman, Steve
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: First International Conference, Acns 2003. Kunming, China, October 16-19, 2003, Proceedings by
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 9th International Workshop, Jsspp 2003, Seattle, Wa, Usa, June 24, 2003, Revised Papers by
Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell by Tulloch, Mitch
Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects by
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 4th Ifip Wg6.1 International Conference, Dais 2003, Paris, France, November 17-21, 2003, Proceedin by
Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2003: 9th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Taipei, Ta by
Algorithm Design for Networked Information Technology Systems by Ghosh, Sumit
Global Computing. Programming Environments, Languages, Security, and Analysis of Systems: Ist/Fet International Workshop, GC 2003, Rovereto, Italy, Fe by
Testing Computers Systems for FDA/MHRA Compliance by Stokes, David
Progress in Cryptology -- Indocrypt 2003: 4th International Conference on Cryptology in India, New Delhi, India, December 8-10, 2003, Proceedings by
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Third International Workshop, Pet 2003, Dresden, Germany, March 26-28, 2003, Revised Papers by
Distributed Computing - IWDC 2003: 5th International Workshop, Kolkata, India, December 27-30, 2003, Proceedings by