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Operating Systems in 2005

Peer-To-Peer Systems III: Third International Workshop, Iptps 2004, La Jolla, Ca, Usa, February 26-27, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Topics in Cryptology -- Ct-Rsa 2005: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2005, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 14-18, 2005, Proceedings by
Information Networking: Convergence in Broadband and Mobile Networking. International Conference, Icoin 2005, Jeju Island, Korea, January 31 - by
Theory of Cryptography: Second Theory of Cryptography Conference, Tcc 2005, Cambridge, Ma, Usa, February 10-12. 2005, Proceedings by
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 11th International Workshop, SAC 2004 Waterloo, Canada, August 9-10, 2004 Revised Selected Papers by
Hardening Linux by Turnbull, James
Security in Communication Networks: 4th International Conference, Scn 2004, Amalfi, Italy, September 8-10, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Information Security Applications: 5th International Workshop, Wisa 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Conjugation Conditions by Sergienko, Ivan V., Deineka, Vasyl S.
Windows XP Headaches: How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a Hurry by Simmons, Curt
Digital Watermarking: Third International Workshop, Iwdw 2004, Seoul, Korea, October 30 - November 1, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Linux Server Security by Bauer, Michael D.
Global Computing: Ist/Fet International Workshop, GC 2004, Rovereto, Italy, March 9-12, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Migration to Linux Guide: Better and Less Expensive It with Free Software by Kretschmer, Bernd, Hill, Jay S., Kretschmer, B.
Service-Oriented Software System Engineering: Challenges and Practices by Dahanayake, Ajantha, Stojanovic, Zoran
Grid Computing in Life Science: First International Workshop on Life Science Grid, Lsgrid 2004 Kanazawa, Japan, May 31-June 1, 2004, Revised Selected by
Systems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - Arcs 2005: 18th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Innsbruck, Austria by
AppleScript: The Missing Manual by Goldstein, Adam
Windows XP in a Nutshell by Karp, David A., Mott, Troy, O'Reilly, Tim
Office 2004 for Macintosh by Berkowitz, Paul, Walker, Mark H., Tessler, Franklin
Linux Network Administrator's Guide by Bautts, Tony, Dawson, Terry, Purdy, Gregor N.
Linux Device Drivers by Rubini, Alessandro, Kroah-Hartman, Greg, Corbet, Jonathan
Using SPSS for Windows: Data Analysis and Graphics by Gerber, Susan B., Finn, Kristin Voelkl
Windows XP Hacks by Gralla, Preston
Security in Pervasive Computing: Second International Conference, Spc 2005, Boppard, Germany, April 6-8, 2005, Proceedings by
Embedded Systems Design: The Artist Roadmap for Research and Development by
Operational Semantics for Timed Systems: A Non-Standard Approach to Uniform Modeling of Timed and Hybrid Systems by Rust, Heinrich
Information Security Practice and Experience: First International Conference, Ispec 2005, Singapore, April 11-14, 2005, Proceedings by
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 10th International Workshop, Jsspp 2004, New York, Ny, Usa, June 13, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Beginning UNIX by Zimmerman, Craig, Merlino, Joe, Love, Paul
Windows Server Cookbook by Allen, Robbie
Visual Studio Hacks by Avery, James
Penguin in the Pew by Parris, Donald
Pervasive Computing: Third International Conference, Pervasive 2005, Munich, Germany, May 8-13, 2005, Proceedings by
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: Third International Conference, Wwic 2005, Xanthi, Greece, May 11-13, 2005, Proceedings by
Deploying Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server 3.0 with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services by Craft, Melissa
iPhoto 5: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David, Story, Derrick
Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security by Potter, Bruce, Korff, Yanek, Hope, Paco
Learning the bash Shell by Newham, Cameron
Soft Real-Time Systems: Predictability vs. Efficiency: Predictability vs. Efficiency by Buttazzo, Giorgio C., Lipari, Giuseppe, Abeni, Luca
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2005: 24th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Aarhus, Denm by
Human Interactive Proofs: Second International Workshop, Hip 2005, Bethlehem, Pa, Usa, May 19-20, 2005, Proceedings by
Scientific Applications of Grid Computing: First International Workshop, Sag 2004, Beijing, China, September, Revised Selected and Invited Papers by
Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Methodologies and Applications by
Codes: The Guide to Secrecy from Ancient to Modern Times by Mollin, Richard A.
Regular Expression Recipes for Windows Developers: A Problem-Solution Approach by Good, Nathan
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: 4th International Workshop, Pet 2004, Toronto, Canada, May 26-28, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: Third International Conference, Acns 2005, New York, Ny, Usa, June 7-10, 2005, Proceedings by
Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc 2004: 7th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2-3, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems: 7th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Fmoods 2005, Athens, Greece, June 15-17, 2005, Pro by
Gdb Pocket Reference: Debugging Quickly & Painlessly with Gdb by Robbins, Arnold
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: 8th International Conference, SAT 2005, St Andrews, Scotland, June 19-23, 2005, Proceedings by
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th International Conference, Icatpn 2005, Miami, Fl, June 20-25, 2005, Proceedings by
Ssh, the Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide by Byrnes, Robert G., Barrett, Daniel J., Silverman, Richard E.
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: First IEEE International Conference, Dcoss 2005, Marina del Rey, Ca, Usa, June 30-July 1, 2005, Proceedings by
Information Security and Privacy: 10th Australasian Conference, Acisp 2005, Brisbane, Australia, July 4-6, 2005, Proceedings by
Quality of Service - Iwqos 2005: 13th International Workshop, Iwqos 2005, Passau, Germany, June 21-23, 2005. Proceedings by
Designing Embedded Hardware: Create New Computers and Devices by Catsoulis, John
Classic Shell Scripting: Hidden Commands That Unlock the Power of UNIX by Robbins, Arnold, Beebe, Nelson H. F.
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: Second International Conference, Dimva 2005, Vienna, Austria, July 7-8, 2005, Proce by
.Net Gotchas: 75 Ways to Improve Your C# and VB.NET Programs by Subramaniam, Venkat
Deploying Linux on the Desktop by Haletky, Edward
Managing Microsoft's Remote Installation Services by Rasmussen, Soren, Iversen, Michael
Advances in Grid Computing - Egc 2005: European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, February 14-16, 2005, Revised Selected Papers by
Automotive Embedded Systeme: Effizfientes Framework - Vom Design zur Implementierung by Wietzke, Joachim, Tran, Manh Tien
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing by
Das Internet Der Dinge: Ubiquitous Computing Und RFID in Der Praxis: Visionen, Technologien, Anwendungen, Handlungsanleitungen by
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: 7th International Conference, SAT 2004, Vancouver, Bc, Canada, May 10-13, 2004, Revised Selected Pa by
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 9th International Conference, FC 2005, Roseau, the Commonwealth of Dominica, February 28 - March 3, 2005, Re by
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux by Dandamudi, Sivarama P.
Knoppix Pocket Reference: Troubleshoot, Repair, and Disinfect Both Linux and Windows by Rankin, Kyle
Principles of Distributed Systems: 8th International Conference, Opodis 2004, Grenoble, France, December 15-17, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
SharePoint Office Pocket Guide: Document Collaboration in Action by Webb, Jeff
Open Source Messaging Application Development: Building and Extending Gaim by Egan, Sean
Pro Novell Open Enterprise Server by Van Vugt, Sander
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2005: 25th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 14-18, 2005, Proceedings by
Project 2003 Personal Trainer: Become a Project Superhero [With CDROM] by Inc
Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business: Second International Conference, Trustbus 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-26, 2005, Proceedings by
From Specification to Embedded Systems Application by
Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition by Pogue, David
Perl Best Practices: Standards and Styles for Developing Maintainable Code by Conway, Damian
Secure Data Management: Second Vldb Workshop, Sdm 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 30-September 2, 2005, Proceedings by
UbiComp 2005: Ubiquitous Computing: 7th International Conference, UbiComp 2005, Tokyo, Japan, September 11-14, 2005, Proceedings by
Open Source for the Enterprise: Managing Risks, Reaping Rewards by Guliani, Gautam, Woods, Dan
Digital Watermarking: 4th International Workshop, Iwdw 2005, Siena, Italy, September 15-17, 2005, Proceedings by
Programming .Net Components: Design and Build .Net Applications Using Component-Oriented Programming by Lowy, Juval
Car PC Hacks: Tips & Tools for Geeking Your Ride by Stolarz, Damien
How to Do Everything with Mac OS X Tiger by McElhearn, Kirk
Computer Security - Esorics 2005: 10th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Milan, Italy, September 12-14, 2005, Proceedings by
Betriebssysteme: Eine Kompakte Einführung Mit Linux by Achilles, Albrecht
Computer Network Security: Third International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-Acn by
Foundations of Security Analysis and Design III: FOSAD 2004/2005 Tutorial Lectures by
Information Security: 8th International Conference, Isc 2005, Singapore, September 20-23, 2005, Proceedings by
Windows XP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Power Users & Administrators by Allen, Robbie, Gralla, Preston
Embedded Software and Systems: First International Conference, Icess 2004, Hangzhou, China, December 9-10, 2004, Revised Selected Papers by
Architecting Dependable Systems III by
Advanced Distributed Systems: 5th International School and Symposium, Issads 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 24-28, 2005, Revised Selected Papers by
Distributed Computing: 19th International Conference, Disc 2005, Cracow, Poland, September 26-29, 2005, Proceedings by
Eclipse Ide Pocket Guide: Using the Full-Featured Ide by Burnette, Ed
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - Forte 2005: 25th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2-5, 2005, Pr by
GarageBand 2: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David
New Horizons of Parallel and Distributed Computing by
Virtual Machines by Craig, Iain D.
Dependable Computing: Second Latin-American Symposium, Ladc 2005, Salvador, Brazil, October 25-28, 2005, Proceedings by
Debian Gnu/Linux in Der PRAXIS: Anwendungen, Konzepte, Werkzeuge by Alex, Wulf
Windows Server 2003 Network Administration: Building and Maintaining Problem-Free Windows Networks by Hunt, Craig, Bragg, Roberta
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition by Goldstein, Adam, Pogue, David
Ambient Networks: 16th Ifip/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, Dsom 2005, Barcelona, Spain, by
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications: Third International Symposium, Ispa 2005, Nanjing, China, November 2-5, 2005, Proceedings by
Programming Languages and Systems: Third Asian Symposium, Aplas 2005, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2-5, 2005, Proceedings by
Informatik: Grundlagen by Schildt, Gerhard Helge, Blieberger, Johann, Burgstaller, Bernd
Linux Desktop Pocket Guide: Advice for Running Five Popular Distributions on a Desktop or Laptop by Brickner, David
Hardening Windows by Hassell, Jonathan
Dynamics Ax: A Guide to Microsoft Axapta by Weiner, David
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Fogel, Karl
Network and Parallel Computing: IFIP International Conference, NPC 2005, Beijing, China, November 30 - December 3, 2005, Proceedings by
Peer-To-Peer Systems IV: 4th International Workshop, Iptps 2005, Ithaca, Ny, Usa, February 24-25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers by
Component Deployment: Third International Working Conference, CD 2005, Grenoble, France, November 28-29, 2005, Proceedings by
Middleware 2005: Acm/Ifip/Usenix 6th International Middleware Conference, Grenoble, France, November 28 - December 2, 2005, Proceedings by
Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005: 4th International Conference, Beijing, China, November 30 - December 3, 2005, Proceedings by
Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2005: 11th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Chennai, by
Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2005: 6th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Bangalore, India, December 10-12, 2005, Proceedings by
Distributed Multimedia Retrieval Strategies for Large Scale Networked Systems by Barlas, Gerassimos, Veeravalli, Bharadwaj
UNIX in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference - Covers Gnu/Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris by Robbins, Arnold
Cryptology and Network Security: 4th International Conference, Cans 2005, Xiamen, China, December 14-16, 2005, Proceedings by
Information and Communications Security: 7th International Conference, Icics 2005, Beijing, China, December 10-13, 2005, Proceedings by
Mac OS X Tiger: Netzwerkgrundlagen, Netzwerkanwendungen, Verzeichnisdienste by Kobylinski, Rafael
Embedded Software and Systems: Second International Conference, Icess 2005, Xi'an, China, December 16-18, 2005, Proceedings by
Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual by Palmer, Scott, Chase, Kate J.
Information Security and Cryptology: First Sklois Conference, CISC 2005, Beijing, China, December 15-17, 2005, Proceedings by
Sicheres Netzwerkmanagement: Konzepte, Protokolle, Tools by Schwenkler, Thomas
Operating System: Concepts and Techniques by Naghibzadeh, M.
Information Systems Security: First International Conference, Iciss 2005, Kolkata, India, December 19-21, 2005, Proceedings by
Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and Trust Models by Benantar, Messaoud
Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends by
Distributed Computing - Iwdc 2005: 7th International Workshop, Kharagpur, India, December 27-30, 2005, Proceedings by
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 11th International Workshop, Jsspp 2005, Cambridge, Ma, Usa, June 19, 2005, Revised Selected Papers by
Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David
Embedded Linux System Design and Development by Lad, Amol, Neelakandan, Sriram, Raghavan, P.
Linux Multimedia Hacks: Tips & Tools for Taming Images, Audio, and Video by Rankin, Kyle
Understanding the Linux Kernel: From I/O Ports to Process Management by Cesati, Marco, Bovet, Daniel P.