• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Operating Systems in 2009

Leistungsbewertung Bei Computersystemen: Praktische Performance-Analyse Von Rechnern Und Ihrer Kommunikation by Kruse, Hans Günther
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: First International Symposium, ESSoS 2009 Leuven, Belgium, February 4-6, 2009 Proceedings by
Mac for Linux Geeks by Steidler-Dennison, Tony
Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2009: 22nd International Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, March 10-13, 2009, Proceedings by
Grep Pocket Reference: A Quick Pocket Reference for a Utility Every UNIX User Needs by Bambenek, John, Klus, Agnieszka
Information Security and Cryptoloy - ICISC 2008: 11th International Conference Seoul, Korea, December 3-5, 2008 Revised Selected Papers by
Storage Management in Data Centers: Understanding, Exploiting, Tuning, and Troubleshooting Veritas Storage Foundation by Scriba, Albrecht, Herminghaus, Volker
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Bible by Kinkoph Gunter, Sherry, Kettell, Jennifer Ackerman, Kettell, Greg
Embedded Linux: Das Praxisbuch by Schröder, Joachim, Dillmann, Rüdiger, Gockel, Tilo
Software & Systems Requirements Engineering: In Practice by Kazmeier, Juergen, Paulish, Daniel J., Berenbach, Brian
User Modeling of Parallel Workloads by Talby, David
Pro Opensolaris: A New Open Source OS for Linux Developers and Administrators by Tran, Hung, Foxwell, Harry
Beginning the Linux Command Line by Van Vugt, Sander
Reg's Practical Guide To Understanding Computers by Prior, Reginald T.
Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud by Reese, George
Dynamic Extent-Based Allocation Technique for Multimedia File Systems by Sokolov, Stanislav
iMovie '09 and IDVD: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David, Miller, Aaron
Applied Combinatorics by Roberts, Fred, Tesman, Barry
McTs Windows Server Virtualization Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-652 [With CDROM] by Panek, William
iWork '09: The Missing Manual by Clark, Josh
Basics of Windows 7 by Corcoran, Nancy, Corcoran, Jeffrey S.
Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence by
Information Security and Privacy: 14th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2009 Brisbane, Australia, July 1-3, 2009 Proceedings by
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2009: 12th International Conference, SAT 2009, Swansea, Uk, June 30 - July 3, 2009. Proceeding by
Basics of Windows 7 with color images by Corcoran, Jeffrey, Corcoran, Nancy
Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants by Hinek, M. Jason
Organized Adaption in Multi-Agent Systems: First International Workshop, OAMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 13, 2008, Revised and Invited Papers by
Red Hat(R) Certified Technician & Engineer by Ghori, Asghar
Euro-Par 2009 - Parallel Processing: 15th International Euro-Par Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, August 25-28, 2009, Proceedings by
Distributed Intelligent Systems: A Coordination Perspective by Bedrouni, Abdellah, Mittu, Ranjeev, Boukhtouta, Abdeslem
Advanced Number Theory with Applications by Mollin, Richard A.
Secure Data Management: 6th Vldb Workshop, Sdm 2009, Lyon, France, August 28, 2009, Proceedings by
uC/OS-III: The Real-Time Kernel by Labrosse, Jean J.
Pearls of Discrete Mathematics by Erickson, Martin
Windows 7 for Seniors for Dummies by Hinton, Mark Justice
Mac OS X Snow Leopard for Dummies by LeVitus, Bob
Scheduling for Parallel Processing by Drozdowski, Maciej
Learn Mac OS X Snow Leopard by Lee, Mike, Meyers, Scott
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Fogel, Karl
Advanced Operating Systems and Kernel Applications: Techniques and Technologies by
Advances in Information and Computer Security: 4th International Workshop on Security, Iwsec 2009 Toyama, Japan, October 28-30, 2009 Proceedings by
Exchange 2010 - A Practical Approach by Wesselius, Jaap
Reg's Practical Guide To Understanding Windows 7 by Prior, Reginald T.
Security Protocols: 14th International Workshop, Cambridge, Uk, March 27-29, 2006, Revised Selected Papers by
Linux System Administration Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Kemp, Juliet
Suncluster: Serververfügbarkeit Unter Solaris by Dietze, Rolf
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Pocket Guide: The Ultimate Quick Guide to Mac OS X by Seibold, Chris
Linux in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference by Siever, Ellen, Love, Robert, Figgins, Stephen
An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp: Edition 3.10 by Chassell, Robert J.
Getting Started with Windows 7 by Moran, Joseph, Otnes, Kevin
Eleventh Hour Linux+: Exam Xk0-003 Study Guide by Speake, Graham, Barber, Brian, Lillard, Terrence V.
iPhone Application Sketch Book by Kaplan, Dean
Middleware 2009: Acm/Ifip/Usenix, 10th International Conference, Urbana, Il, Usa, November 30 - December 4, 2009, Proceedings by
Advances in Information Technology: Third International Conference, Iait 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1-5, 2009, Proceedings by
Windows 7 for the Over 50s in Simple Steps by Ballew, Joli
Foundations of CentOS Linux: Enterprise Linux on the Cheap by Sicam, Chivas, Baclit, Ryan, Membrey, Peter
Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David
Peer-To-Peer Computing: Principles and Applications by Lupu, Mihai, Ooi, Beng Chin, Vu, Quang Hieu
Information and Communications Security: 11th International Conference, Icics 2009 by
Discrete Mathematics: Proofs, Structures and Applications, Third Edition by Taylor, John, Garnier, Rowan
Networking Systems Design and Development by Chao, Lee
Introducing Windows Azure: An Introduction to Cloud Computing Using Microsoft Windows Azure by Li, Henry
Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development by Piper, Ian