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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Animals in 2013

Neurotransmitter Receptors: Part 1 Amino Acids, Peptides and Benzodiazepines by
How to catch a mole: A professional molecatcher of a quarter of a century shares his secrets and tips by Roberts, Armour
Know You, Know Your Horse: An Intimate Look at Human and Horse Personalities: Identifying "types" and Matchmaking to Ensure Long-Term Relationshi by Morrow, Marry, Rush, Eunice
Spirit of a Rare Breed by Howell, Sandra J.
A Book of Famous Dogs by Terhune, Albert Payson
Equine Nutrition: From a Species Appropriate Perspective by Reagan, Sarah L.
Drinking Behavior: Oral Stimulation, Reinforcement, and Preference by
Cell and Muscle Motility by Dowben, Robert M., Shay, Jerry W.
Pancreatic Cancer: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Human Genetics 11 by Hirschhorn, Kurt, Harris, Harry
More Than a Mirror: Horses, Humans & Therapeutic Practices by Knapp, Shannon C.
The Hidden Life of Wolves by Dutcher, Jamie
One Step Ahead Equine Studies - Stable Management And Showing by Tarplin, Samantha S.
The Breath of the Horse: Reflections on Nature, Presence and Partnership by Angin, Charlotte L.
Steroid Hormone Receptor Systems by
Sunrise by Chamberlin, Elizabeth
Axonal Transport in Neuronal Growth and Regeneration by
Sister Chromatid Exchanges: 25 Years of Experimental Research Part B Genetic Toxicology and Human Studies by
Social Behavior and Communication by
Neurotransmitter Interaction and Compartmentation by
Felid Bibliography 1781-1988 by Foreman, Gail E.
Bear Encounters: True Stories to Entertain and Educate by
The Birds of Cuba: Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, No. 6 by Barbour, Thomas
Gene Regulation: Methods and Protocols by
Wild Horse Annie and the Last of the Mustangs: The Life of Velma Johnston by Cruise, David, Griffiths, Alison
The Septal Nuclei by
Hormonal Correlates of Behavior: Volume 1: A Lifespan View / Volume 2: An Organismic View by Eleftheriou, Basil
Javelinas and Other Peccaries: Their Biology, Management, and Use, Second Edition by Sowls, Lyle K.
The Dispersion of Races: According to The Urantia Book by Thomas, Walker
Mammal Phylogeny: Mesozoic Differentiation, Multituberculates, Monotremes, Early Therians, and Marsupials by
Structure and Function of the Circulation by
Horses & Stress - Eliminating The Root Cause of Most Health, Hoof, and Behavior Problems: From The Soul of a Horse by Camp, Joe
The Neural Basis of Oral and Facial Function by
The Pig That Is Not A Pig/El cerdo que no es cerdo by Retana, Maria L.
Wild Dog Dreaming: Love and Extinction by Rose, Deborah Bird
Antioxidant Nutrients and Immune Functions by
Wolf by Schurr, Bob, Fletcher, Mark S.
The Nine-Banded Armadillo: A Natural History Volume 11 by McDonough, Colleen M., Loughry, W. J.
Biological Regulation and Development: Molecular Organization and Cell Function by
Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments: An International Perspective by
Hoofed Mammals of British Columbia by Shackleton, David
The Physical Anthropology of Southern Nigeria: A Biometric Study in Statistical Method by Amaury Talbot, P., Mulhall, H., Talbot, Percy Amaury
The Embryology of the Opossum: American Anatomical Memoirs, No. 16 by McCrady, Edward, Jr.
The Horses of Proud Spirit by Bowles, Melanie Sue
Bison by Ballard, Jack
Bears: Black, Brown & Polar Bears by Tekiela, Stan
Bear Safety Primer: A Back Pocket Guide by Hernley, Cj
The Systematics of North American Daphnia: Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, V13 by Brooks, John Langdon
Rough and Tumble: Aggression, Hunting, and Human Evolution by Pickering, Travis
Processing of Sensory Information in the Superficial Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord by Headley, P. M., Cervero, F., Bennett, G. J.
Animal Sonar Systems by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue: Instrumentation, Methods, and Physiology by Bruley, Duane F., Bicher, Haim I.
Somatic Cell Genetics by
Biological Regulation and Development: Hormone Action by Goldberger, Robert F., Yamamoto, Keith R.
Invertebrates of Genetic Interest by King, Robert
Going Somewhere by Moates, Tom
Neurobiology of the Trace Elements: Volume 2: Neurotoxicology and Neuropharmacology by Dreosti, Ivor E., Smith, Richard M.
Enzymes of Lipid Metabolism II by Freysz, Louis, Dreyfus, Henri, Massarelli, Raphaël
Anthropological Perspectives on Tooth Morphology by
Cholesterol Autoxidation by Smith, Leland L.
One Step Ahead Equine Studies - Stable Management And Showing by Tarplin, Samantha Sarah
One Step Ahead Equine Studies - Stable Management And Showing by Tarplin, Samantha Sarah
Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates by
Model Neural Networks and Behavior by Selverston, Allen
Where the Bear Walks: From Fear to Understanding by Nunnally, Chris
The Braided Horses Are Coming by Monroe, Donald L.
Folyl and Antifolyl Polyglutamates by
Ridden: Dressage from the Horse's Point of View by Thiel, Ulrike
The Pineal Gland and Its Endocrine Role by
Oligodendroglia by
A Comparative Overview of Mammalian Fertilization by
Mammals of China by
Sensory Nerves and Neuropeptides in Gastroenterology: From Basic Science to Clinical Perspectives by
Mammals of Wisconsin Mammals of Wisconsin Mammals of Wisconsin by Lepage, Jody, Jackson, Hartley H. T.
Principles of Genetic Toxicology by Brusick, D.
Sex and Behavior: Status and Prospectus by McGill
The Inconstant Gene by Dillon, Lawrence
Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse: Volume 1, Genetics of Behavioral Phenotypes by
A General History of Quadrupeds by Bewick, Thomas
Oscillatory Event-Related Brain Dynamics by
Evolutionary Relationships Among Rodents: A Multidisciplinary Analysis by
Genetic Variants in Alzheimer's Disease by
Sexual Differentiation by
Fat-Soluble Vitamins by
Lost Whale by Parfit, Michael
The Odyssey of KP2: An Orphan Seal and a Marine Biologist s Fight to Save a Species by Williams, Terrie M.
Protein Metabolism of the Brain by
Chilly The Very Warm-Blooded Polar Bear by Ford, Don G.
In the Presence of Buffalo: Working to Stop the Yellowstone Slaughter by Brister, Daniel
In the Presence of Buffalo: Working to Stop the Yellowstone Slaughter by Brister, Daniel
Flying Squirrels as Pets. Facts and Information. Including Japanese, Northern and Southern Flying Squirrels. Habitat, Diet, Adaptations, Health, Care by Lang, Elliot
Homo Imperii: A History of Physical Anthropology in Russia by Mogilner, Marina
Death at Seaworld: Shamu and the Dark Side of Killer Whales in Captivity by Kirby, David
Pharmacogenomics: Methods and Protocols by
The Alpaca Breeding Book: Alpaca Reproduction and Behavior by Galbraith, K. D.
SOP for Conducting Marine Bird and Mammal Surveys - Version 4.1: Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network by Bodkin, James L.
Yellowstone Bear Tales: Adventures, Mishaps, and Discoveries Among the World's Most Famous Bears by Schullery, Paul
Genotoxicity Assessment: Methods and Protocols by
Vital Signs Monitoring of Wolf (Canis lupus) Distribution and Abundance in Denali National Park and Preserve, Central Alaska Network: 2011 Report by Meier, Thomas
Inventory of Mammals (Excluding Bats) of Colonial National Historical Park by National Park Service
Watching Over My-GIRL by Porter, Mikey
Horns and Antlers by Bronson, Wilfrid S.
Black Rhinos of Namibia: Searching for Survivors in the African Desert by Bass, Rick
A Cooperative Multi-Agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral Reef Ecosystem by National Park Service
Equine Cushing's Disease: Nutritional Management by Getty Ph. D., Juliet M.
How to Draw Horses (Facsimile Reprint) by Skeaping, John
Carbohydrates and Energy Metabolism by
Protocols in Molecular Neurobiology by Longstaff, Alan, Revest, Patricia
The Goat Owner's Scrap Book by
Amines and Their Metabolites by
Au-delà du Cheval de Rêve: Comment créer une relation authentique avec votre cheval by
Receptor Binding by
Molecular Neurobiological Techniques by
The Great Dane by Hale, Dwight Edward
The Gorgeous Sourmug: A Treatise on Bulldogs by Nugent, J. Ross
Tiling Arrays: Methods and Protocols by
Horse & Dog Adventures in Early California: Short Stories & Poems by Wilcox, Ransom
Tall Tails From A Mountain Slope/Los rabos altos de la ladera by Retana, Maria
Bat Inventory of Four Eastern Rivers and Mountains Network National Parks by National Park Service, Johnson, Joshua B., Gates, J. Edward
Comprehensive Inventory of Birds and Mammals at Fort Necessity National Battlefield and Friendship Hill National Historic Site by National Park Service, Ross, B. D., Kubel, R. H. Yahner B. D. Ross and J.
Brumby: A Celebration of Australia's Wild Horses (16pt Large Print Edition) by Sun, Mae Lee, Massey, Kathryn
In the Company of Moose by Vanballenberghe, Victor
Urban Bestiary: Encountering the Everyday Wild by Haupt, Lyanda Lynn
Giraffe Reflections by Peterson, Dale
Bone Remains: Cold Cases in Forensic Anthropology by Manhein, Mary H.
The Magnificent Majestic Moose by Ullrich, Nancy
The Bottlenose Dolphin: Biology and Conservation by Wells, Randall S., Eide, Samantha D., Reynolds, John E.
Morphology by Friedman, Herman
Water Quality and Ecology of Great South Bay (Fire Island National Seashore Science Synthesis Paper) by Kenneth R. Hinga
Lead Isotopes in Geology by Farquhar, Ronald McCunn, Russell, Richard Doncaster
Molecular Genetics of Axial Patterning, Growth and Disease in the Drosophila Eye by
El cuidado de los gatos by Agusti, Adolfo Perez
Mammal Inventory of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve 2003: Upper Columbia Basin Network: Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/UCBN/ by Garrett, Lisa K., Rodhouse, Thomas J.
Bear in the Back Seat: Adventures of a Wildlife Ranger in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park by DeLozier, Kim, Jourdan, Carolyn
Wild at Heart: Adolescents, Horses & Other Kindred Spirits by Kirby, Heather H.
Targeted Mammal Inventory for the Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River by Willaims, Shannon M., Whidden, Howard P.
Neurotransmitter Enzymes by
For the Love of Horses: An Animal Communicator's Guide to Helping Our Horses and Healing Our Lives by Green, Heather
Lost Race of the Giants: The Mystery of Their Culture, Influence, and Decline Throughout the World by Chouinard, Patrick
Michael Nichols: Earth to Sky: Among Africa's Elephants, a Species in Crisis by Nichols, Michael
Hormones and Energy Metabolism by
Dominion of Bears: Living with Wildlife in Alaska by Simpson, Sherry
Activity Patterns in Small Mammals: An Ecological Approach by
Heterotypical Behaviour in Man and Animals by
Temporal Variations of the Cardiovascular System by
Molecular Genetics of Inflammatory Bowel Disease by
Savannah Cats and Kittens: Personality, Temperament, Breeding, Training, Health, Diet, Life Expectancy, Buying, by David, Taylor
Small Mammal Inventory and Bat Reconnaissance at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site/ Vancouver National Historic Reserve by National Park Service
Behemoth PB by Tobias, Ronald B.
Neuromuscular Disorders in Clinical Practice by
The Horse Connection by Gonzalez, Armando R.
El cuidado del caballo by Agusti, Adolfo Perez
Bear: Spirit of the Wild by Nicklen, Paul
Among Wolves: Gordon Haber's Insights Into Alaska's Most Misunderstood Animal by Haber, Gordon, Holleman, Marybeth
Viral Vector Approaches in Neurobiology and Brain Diseases by
Next Generation Sequencing Technologies in Medical Genetics by Valencia, C. Alexander, Pervaiz, M. Ali, Husami, Ammar
Elephant Talks: The Challenge by Dissanayake, S. B. Asoka
Born Wild - The Soul of a Horse by Camp, Joe
The Business of Horses: Creating a Successful Horse Business Second Edition by Bain, M. R.
Equine Digestion: It's Decidedly Different by Getty Ph. D., Juliet M.
Cavalcade of American Horses by Crowell, Pers
Riding and Schooling Horses by Chamberlin, Harry D.
Bibi: The Baker's Horse by Steward, Anna Bird
The Horse and the Sword by Peake, Harold, Fleure, Herbert John
Jumping the Horse by Littauer, Vladimir S., French, Phyllis
The History and Romance of the Horse by Vernon, Arthur
To Horse! by Hitchcock, F. C., Laurie, Percy
A World of Horses by Reynolds, James
The American Saddle Horse by Farshler, Earl R.
Riding and Horsemanship by Fawcett, William
The Horses of the Sun by Whitten, Kathryn M.
The Western Horse: Its Types and Training by Gorman, John A.
Horse Thief Canyon by Nutting, George
Famous Running Horses: Their Forebears and Descendants by Wall, John F.
Growing Up in the Horse and Buggy Days by Ladd, C. E., Eastman, E. R.
The Way of a Man with a Horse: A Practical Book on Horsemanship by Todd, Col, Brooke, Geoffrey
Gods on Horseback by Baggett, Samuel G.
Horses, Horses, Horses: Palominos and Pintos, Polo Ponies and Plow Horses, Morgans and Mustangs by Fenner, Phyllis R., Crowell, Pers
A Horseman and the West by Trotter, Beecham, Hawkes, Arthur
Elementary Horsemanship by Young Jr, Ford E.
Animal Outlaws by Graham, Gid
The Dynasty of Abu: A History and Natural History of the Elephants and Their Relatives, Past and Present by Sanderson, Ivan T.
How to Draw Horses: Horses in Action, Horse Anatomy by Foster, Walter T.
Whalers and Whaling by Chatterton, E. Keble
Jumping the Horse by Littauer, Vladimir S., French, Phyllis
An Eye for a Horse: A Guide to Buying and Judging by Goldschmidt, Sidney G.
The Horses of the Conquest by Graham, R. B. Cunninghame
Horse Bound: The View from the Top of Mount Manure by Friedman, Joanne M.
Elephant Talks: Baby Elephant Corner by Dissanayake, S. B. Asoka
Mirna Maturation: Methods and Protocols by
The Mind of the Horse: An Introduction to Equine Cognition by LeBlanc, Michel-Antoine
Tigers Forever: Saving the World's Most Endangered Big Cat by Guynup, Sharon
Among the Islands: Adventures in the Pacific by Flannery, Tim
Gene Function Analysis by
JoJo and Me II: Introducing Lemon Lips by Sargent, Jay
Frontiers of Fear: Tigers and People in the Malay World, 1600-1950 by Boomgaard, Peter
In the Temple of Wolves: A Winter's Immersion in Wild Yellowstone by Lamplugh, Rick
The Diary of Oreo Van Tyke: An Unusual Paint Stallion by Tidwell, Eileen Sammons
The Diary of Oreo Van Tyke with color photographs by Tidwell, Eileen Sammons
Stability and Switching in Cellular Differentiation by
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