• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Wars in 2001

Russian Revolution Readings by
The Russian Revolution: The Essential Readings by
Franco and the Spanish Civil War by Ribeiro de Meneses, Filipe
War Crimes and Collective Wrongdoing by
Prosopographia Militiarum Equestrium Quae Fuerunt AB Augusto AD Gallienum: Laterculi Alarum, Cohortium, Legionum by Devijver, Hubert
Modern Chinese Warfare, 1795-1989 by Elleman, Bruce A.
Armies of the Poor: Determinants of Working-class Participation in in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848 by Traugott, Mark
After Clausewitz: German Military Thinkers Before the Great War by Echevarria II, Antulio J.
The Real Contra War by Brown, Timothy C.
A Testament of Revolution by Liptak, Bela G., Lipt K., B. La
Hidden War: A Russian Journalist's Account of the Soviet War in Afghanistan by Borovik, Artyom
Russian Way of War by Harrison, Richard W.
The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny by Hanson, Victor Davis
Another Day of Life by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
Tolerance and Intolerance: Social Conflict in the Age of the Crusades by
Chienne de Guerre a Woman Reporter Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya by Nivat, Anne
Mi6: Fifty Years of Special Operations by Dorril, Stephen
Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond by Ignatieff, Michael
Napoleon on the Art of War by Luvaas, Jay
Boxer Rebellion: The Dramatic Story of China's War on Foreigners that Shook the World in the Summ er of 1900 by Preston, Diana
The Art of War by Machiavelli, Niccolò
The 1956 War: Collusion and Rivalry in the Middle East by
France, the United States, and the Algerian War by Wall, Irwin M.
War, Peace and World Orders in European History by
Toward the Rising Sun by Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, David
War, Peace and World Orders in European History by
Thucydides and Internal War by Price, Jonathan J.
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror, Jaume I, 1257-1276. III: Transition in Crusader Valencia: by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Mao's Generals Remember Korea by
The Jewish Threat by Bendersky, Joseph W.
Richelieu's Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624 1642 by Parrott, David
The Spanish Ulcer: A History of Peninsular War by Gates, David
Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000: Lessons from the Urban Combat by Oliker, Olga
Redcoats by Brumwell, Stephen
Afghanistan: A Russian Soldier's Story by Tamarov, Vladislav
Glorious First of June 1794 by
Warriors of the Steppe: Military History of Central Asia, 500 BC to 1700 Ad by Hildinger, Erik
The Hundred Years War by Neillands, Robin
The Second Crusade: Scope and Consequences by Phillips, Jonathan, Hoch, Martin
Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World by Armstrong, Karen
CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 by
Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present by Burg, B. R.
Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present by Burg, B. R.
Beyond the Mountains of the Damned: The War Inside Kosovo by McAllester, Matthew
From Guerrillas To Government: The Eritrean People's Liberation Front by Pool, David
Impact of the South African War by
Conspiracy and the Spanish Civil War: The Brainwashing of Francisco Franco by Southworth, Herbert R.
The Development of the Komnenian Army: 1081-1180 by Birkenmeier, John
Japan's Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War II and the Us Occupation by Tanaka, Yuki