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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Wars in 2013

La Guerre de Sept Ans: Histoire Diplomatique Et Militaire. Minden, Kunersdorf, Québec by Waddington-R
Narratives of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: Military and Civilian Experience in Britain and Ireland by Kennedy, C.
Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914 by Johnson, M.
Turkey in the Cold War: Ideology and Culture by
Between Flesh and Steel: A History of Military Medicine from the Middle Ages to the War in Afghanistan by Gabriel, Richard A.
Republics at War, 1776-1840: Revolutions, Conflicts, and Geopolitics in Europe and the Atlantic World by
Suicide Warfare: Culture, the Military, and the Individual as a Weapon by Skaine, Rosemarie
Great Commanders by Institute, Combat Studies
The First Two Fort Moultries: A Structural History, Fort Sumter National Monument by Bearss, Edwin C.
BRAC at Fort Belvoir, 1988-2011 by Person, Gustav
Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914 by Johnson, M.
DoD Health Information Privacy Regulation (DoD 6025.18-R) by Defense, Department Of
Occupational Medical Examinations and Surveillance Manual (DoD 6055.05-M) (Incorporating Change 1, September 2008) by Defense, Department Of
Grounds Munitions (Air Force Catalog 21-209, Volume I) by Air Force, Department of the
Safety Standards for Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (DoD 6055.18-M) by Defense, Department Of
Third War: Irregular Warfare on the Western Border, 1861-1865: Leavenworth Papers No. 23 by Institute, Combat Studies, Martin, Ph. D. James B.
Survival Through Adaptation: The Chinese Red Army and The Extermination Campaigns, 1927-1936: Art of War Papers by Hsu, Major Us Army Wilbur W., Institute, Combat Studies
Review of Unified and Specified Command Headquarters by Vander Schaaf, Derek J.
Towards the Development of a Defensive Cyber Damage and Mission Impact Methodology by
Perspectives of Psychological Operations (Psyop) in Contemporary Conflicts: Essays in Winning Hearts and Minds by Schleifer, Ron
An Encyclopedia of American Women at War: From the Home Front to the Battlefields [2 Volumes] by
A Brief History of the 7th Marines by Santelli, James S., Marine Corps, U. S.
A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (TRADOC G2) by Army, Department Of the
A Brief History of the 12th Marines by Smith, Charles R., Marine Corps, U. S.
Dog Tags: The History, Personal Stories, Cultural Impact, and Future of Military Identification by Cucolo, Ginger
People's Liberation Army: Air Force 2010 by Intelligence Center, National Air
Department of Defense Priorities and Allocations Manual (DoD 4400.1-M) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Official Mail Manual (DoD 4525.8-M) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Housing Management (DoD 4165.63-M) by Defense, Department Of
Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence Components That Affect United States Persons (DoD 5240 1-R) by Defense, Department Of
Link 16 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Features Certification Process and Requirements (DoD 4650.1-R1) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Health Information Security Regulation (DoD 8580.02-R) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Glossary (DoD 5000.59-M) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Pest Management Training and Certification (DoD 4150-7-M) by Defense, Department Of
Physical Security Program (DoD 5200.08-R) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Postal Supply and Equipment Catalog (DoD 4525.6-C) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Freedom of Information Act Program (DoD 5400.7-R) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Forms Management Program Procedures Manual (DoD 7750.07-M) by Defense, Department Of
Global Force Management Data Initiative (GFMDI) Implementation: The Organization and Force Structure Construct (OFSC) (DoD 8260.03, Volume 2) by Defense, Department Of
Guidance for Implementing Net-Centric Data Sharing (DoD 8320.02-G) by Defense, Department Of
Instructions for Handling Visual Information (VI) Material (DoD 5040.6-M-2) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Manual for Written Material: Examples and Reference Material (DoD 5110.04-M-V2) by Defense, Department Of
Department of Defense Handbook for Writing Security Classification Guidance (DoD 5200.1-H) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Program Manual (DoD 3150.2-M) by Defense, Department Of
Department of Defense Procedures for Management of Information Requirements (DoD 8910.1-M) by Defense, Department Of
Procedures for the Acquisition and Managment of Technical Data (DoD 5010.12-M) by Defense, Department Of
Regulations on Vessels Owned or Operated by the Department of Defense (DoD 4715.6-R1) by Defense, Department Of
DoD/VA Care Transition Process for Service Members Injured in OIF/OEF by Defense, Department Of, Affairs, Department Of Veterans
Review of Matters Related to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Retired Military Analyst Outreach Activities (DoDIG-201 by Defense, Department Of
DoD Manual for Written Material: Correspondence Management (DoD 5110.04-M-VI) by Defense, Department Of
Marine Corps Aviation: The Early Years 1912-1940 by Johnson Usmc, Edward C.
Evaluation of DOD Contracts Regarding Combating Trafficking in Persons: U. S. European Command and U. S. Africa Command by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of Security Within the Department of Defense - Training, Certification, and Professionalization (DoDIG-2012-001) by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of the Federal Voting Assistance Program Implementation of the Military and Overseas Voting Empowerment (MOVE) Act (DODIG-2-12-123) by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of the Accountability of Night Vision Devices Provided to the Security Forces of Iraq by Defense, Department Of
Department of Defense Privacy Program (DoD 5400.11-R) by Defense, Department Of
ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Assurance Assessment of Defense Acquisition University Processes (DODIG-2012-143) by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters - Form Drum by Defense, Department Of
Reserve Components Common Personnel Data System (RCCPDS): Reporting Procedures (DoD 7730.54-M, Volume 1) by Defense, Department Of
Reserve Components Common Personnel Data System (RCCPDS): Domain Values for Reserve Component (RC) Personnel Reports (DoD 7730.54-M, Volume 2) by Defense, Department Of
War in Afghanistan: Strategy, Operations, and Issues for Congress by Dale, Catherine
Evaluation of the DoD Safety Program - DoD Guard & Reserves Safety Survey by Defense, Department Of
Evaluation of DoD Contracts Regarding Combating Trafficking in Persons by Defense, Department Of
DoD Information Security Program: Marking of Classified Information (DoD 5200.01, Volume 2) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Information Security Program: Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) (DoD 5200.01, Volume 4) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information (DoD 5200.01, Volume 3) by Defense, Department Of
DoD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification (DoD 5200.01, Volume 1) by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of the DoD Establishment of the Office of Security Cooperation - Iraq by Defense, Department Of
The Duties, Responsibilities and Authority of NCO's (RB 22-600-20) by Academy, U. S. Army Sergeants Major
Fiscal Year 2012 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia by Defense, Department Of
Military Robots and Drones: A Reference Handbook by Springer, Paul
Assessment of DoD Wounded Warrior Matters - Camp Lejeune by Defense, Department Of
Assessment of U. S. Government and Coalition Efforts to Develop the Afghan Local Police by Defense, Department Of
Review of Electrocution Deaths in Iraq: Part I - Electrocution of Staff Sergeant Ryan D. Maseth, U.S. Army by Defense, Department Of
Demolition Munitions (Air Force Catalog 21-209, Volume 2) by Air Force, Department of the
General Flight Rules (Air Force Instruction 11-202, Volume 3) by Air Force, Department of the
Drill and Ceremonies: Air Force Manual 36-2203 by Department of the Air Force, U. S.
U.S. Coast Guard Model Maritime Auxiliary Guide by Security, U. S. Department of Homeland, Guard, U. S. Coast
Gettysburg a Memoir by McCurdy, Charles M.
Franco's International Brigade: Adventurers, Fascists, and Christian Crusaders in the Spanish Civil War (Revised) by Othen, Christopher
The Decisive Battles of India - The Illustrated Edition by Malleson, G. B.
The Indian Mutiny of 1857 by Malleson, G. B.
Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan by Keene, H. G. (Henry George)
Assessment of U.S. Government and Coalition Efforts to Develop the Logistics Sustainment Capability of the Afghan National Army by Defense, Department Of
Irish Rebellion of 1641 and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms by Darcy, Eamon
Contemporary Military Culture and Strategic Studies: Us and UK Armed Forces in the 21st Century by Finlan, Alastair
Bush's Wars by Anderson, Terry H.
To the Shores of Tripoli by Brazee, Jonathan P.
The Napoleonic Wars: A Very Short Introduction by Rapport, Mike
China's India War, 1962: Looking Back to See the Future by
Role of Indian Air Force in 1971 War by
Logics of War: Explanations for Limited and Unlimited Conflicts by Weisiger, Alex
The Battle for Manchuria and the Fate of China: Siping, 1946 by Tanner, Harold M.
British Secret Service During the Great War: Accounts of Espionage & Counter-Espionage 1914-18 by Everitt, Nicholas
Life of Edward, the Black Prince: A Biography of One of the Most Notable Military Commanders of the Hundred Years War by Creighton, Louise
Life of Edward, the Black Prince: A Biography of One of the Most Notable Military Commanders of the Hundred Years War by Creighton, Louise
British Secret Service During the Great War: Accounts of Espionage & Counter-Espionage 1914-18 by Everitt, Nicholas
Ancient Battlefields: Conflict Sites in North-Western England from the Roman Period to 937 A. D. by Hardwick, Charles
Ancient Battlefields: Conflict Sites in North-Western England from the Roman Period to 937 A. D. by Hardwick, Charles
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany: An American Journalist's View of the First World War from the German Perspective by Fox, Edward Lyell
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany: An American Journalist's View of the First World War from the German Perspective by Fox, Edward Lyell
Wigwam and War-Path: the Modoc Indian War 1872-3, by an Active Eyewitness by Meacham, A. B.
Wigwam and War-Path: The Modoc Indian War 1872-3, by an Active Eyewitness by Meacham, A. B.
Armour & Weapons: A Concise Illustrated History from the 11th to the 17th Centuries by Ffoulkes, Charles
Armour & Weapons: A Concise Illustrated History from the 11th to the 17th Centuries by Ffoulkes, Charles
Fire and Sword in the Sudan: Personal Recollections of Both Fighting and Serving the Mahdists During the Later 19th Century by Slatin Pasha, Rudolf C.
Fire and Sword in the Sudan: Personal Recollections of Both Fighting and Serving the Mahdists During the Later 19th Century by Slatin Pasha, Rudolf C.
Narrative of the Peninsular War: The Experiences of an Aide-de-Camp and Officer in the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment During the Napoleonic Wars in Sp by Hay, Andrew Leith
Narrative of the Peninsular War: The Experiences of an Aide-de-Camp and Officer in the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment During the Napoleonic Wars in Sp by Hay, Andrew Leith
Warriors of Old Japan and Other Stories by Ozaki, Yei Theodora
Histoire de la Guerre 1870-71 by de la Bédollière, Émile
Histoire de la Guerre Du Mexique by de la Bédollière, Émile
The Biafran War: The Struggle for Modern Nigeria by Gould, Michael
Exposing The Government's Best Kept UFO Secrets by Guy, The Ufo
The History of the Zulu War by Durnford, Edward, Colenso, Frances E.
On Campaign with the British Army in the Zulu War of 1879 - The Illustrated Edition by Norris-Newman, Charles
The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China: A History by Silbey, David J.
The First Clash: The Miraculous Greek Victory at Marathon and Its Impact on Western Civilization by Lacey, James
The Battle That Shook Europe: Poltava and the Birth of the Russian Empire by Englund, Peter
The Wars of the Roses by Pollard, Anthony James
The Wars of the Roses by Pollard, Anthony James
Evaluation of the DoD Safety Program: DoD Guard & Reserves Safety Study by Defense, Department Of
Oeuvres Complètes de Flavius Josèphe by Flavius Josèphe, Titus
Oeuvres Complètes de Flavius Josèphe. Antiquités Judaïques. Tome 1 by Flavius Josèphe, Titus
L'Invasion Anglaise En Gévaudan: Notice Historique by André, Ferdinand
The Blood of Heroes: The 13-Day Struggle for the Alamo--And the Sacrifice That Forged a Nation by Donovan, James
Review of Electrocution Deaths in Iraq: Part II - Seventeen Incidents Apart from Staff Sargeant Ryan D. Maseth, U.S. Army by Defense, Department Of, General, Inspector
A History of Violence in the Early Algerian Colony by Gallois, William
Absolute Monarchy on the Frontiers CB: Louis Xivs Military Occupations of Lorraine and Savoy by McCluskey, Phil
L'Armée de l'Est, Relation Anecdotique de la Campagne de 1870-71 by Grenest
Garde Mobile de la Nièvre. Historique Du 12e Régiment de Mobiles. 1er, 2e Et 3e Bataillons (Nièvre): . Campagnes: 1870 Armée de la Loire, 1871 Armée d by de Bourgoing, Philippe, Veyny
Address of the Marquess of Lothian; The Supreme Court and Disputes Between States; Political Ideologies in This Changing World by McGuire, O. R., Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Warren, Charles
Ma Mission En Chine (1893-1897) by Gérard, Auguste
La Guerre de Sept Ans: Histoire Diplomatique Et Militaire. Les Débuts by Waddington, Richard
La Guerre de Sept Ans: Histoire Diplomatique Et Militaire. Pondichéry, Villinghausen, Schweidnitz by Waddington, Richard
After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Cartledge, Paul
Men of Bronze: Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece by
Dialogo del l'Impre Se Militari Et Amorose by Fiorentino, Gabriel Symeoni, Domenichi, Lodovico, Giovio
Territorial Army: Future Challenges by Katoch, H.
L'Invasion Allemande À Mondoubleau Et La Bastonnade d'Epuisay by Gohier, G.
Souvenirs Du Siège de Strasbourg, 1870. Le Combat Du Pont d'Illkirch (Sortie Du 16 Août): , Récit d'Un Témoin by Caïn, Léon
Souvenirs de la Morée, Pour Servir À l'Histoire de l'Expédition Française En 1828-1829 by Duheaume, Alexandre-André
Guerre de 1870-1871. Campagne de la Garde Mobile de l'Ardèche En Normandie by Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel
Anecdotes, Épisodes. Les Prussiens En France Pendant La Campagne de 1870-71 by Lebrun, E.
Etudes Militaires Historiques. Les Français En Italie de 1494 À 1559 by Hardy-E
Soldat En 1709. Nouveaux Documents Sur La Bataille de Malplaquet by de Molenes-P
Relation Historique Et Critique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande En 1870-1871. Tome 4 by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Relation Historique Et Critique de la Campagne d'Italie En 1859. 2e Édition. Tome 1 by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Relation Historique Et Critique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande En 1870-1871. Tome 1 by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Relation Historique Et Critique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande En 1870-1871. Tome 2 by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Relation Historique Et Critique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande En 1870-1871. Tome 3 by Lecomte, Ferdinand
Journal Du Bombardement de Châtillon (Avril-Mai 1871) by LaTour, Amédée
Military Manpower, Armies and Warfare in South Asia by Roy, Kaushik
War of Independence in Kildare by Durney, James
The French Foreign Legion: David King's Ten Thousand Shall Fall by King, David
Turkey in the Cold War: Ideology and Culture by
At the Western Front: Two Classic Accounts of the First World War by an American Correspondent-At the Front with Three Armies & France Bears by Fortescue, Granville
Fighting with Edge & Point: Two Guides to Use of the Broad Sword, Small Sword, Fencing and Other Martial Weapons & Exercises by Warford, Aaron A., Stephens, Thomas
At the Western Front: Two Classic Accounts of the First World War by an American Correspondent-At the Front with Three Armies & France Bears by Fortescue, Granville
The Illustrated Cavalry Versus Infantry: An Evaluation of the Practices of the Armies of the 18th & 19th Centuries from the Perspective of the Early 2 by Maude, F. N.
Battles, Engagements, Actions, Skirmishes and Expeditions of the American Civil War, 1861-66: A Comprehensive List of Conflicts on Land and at Sea by Strickler, Theodore D.
The Illustrated Cavalry Versus Infantry: An Evaluation of the Practices of the Armies of the 18th & 19th Centuries from the Perspective of the Early 2 by Maude, F. N.
The Egyptian Campaign, 1882 & the Mahdist Campaigns, Sudan 1884-98 Two Books in One Edition: The British Army at War in North Africa During the 19th C by Royle, Charles
Battles, Engagements, Actions, Skirmishes and Expeditions of the American Civil War, 1861-66: A Comprehensive List of Conflicts on Land and at Sea by Strickler, Theodore D.
The Egyptian Campaign, 1882 & the Mahdist Campaigns, Sudan 1884-98 Two Books in One Edition: The British Army at War in North Africa During the 19th C by Royle, Charles
Fighting with Edge & Point: Two Guides to Use of the Broad Sword, Small Sword, Fencing and Other Martial Weapons & Exercises by Stephens, Thomas, Warford, Aaron A.
'Side-Show' Theatres of the Great War: British Campaigns in Africa & the Far East During the First World War by Dane, Edmund, Jones, Jefferson
Napoleon: His Wives, Lovers & Women-Two Accounts of the Women in Napoleon's Life by Hopkins, Tighe, Masson, Frederic
'Side-Show' Theatres of the Great War: British Campaigns in Africa & the Far East During the First World War by Dane, Edmund, Jones, Jefferson
Massacre on the River Raisin: Three Accounts of the Disastrous Michigan Campaign During the War of 1812 by Cruikshank, E. a., Atherton, William, Darnell, Elias
Napoleon: His Wives, Lovers & Women-Two Accounts of the Women in Napoleon's Life by Hopkins, Tighe, Masson, Frederic
Massacre on the River Raisin: Three Accounts of the Disastrous Michigan Campaign During the War of 1812 by Cruikshank, E. a., Atherton, William, Darnell, Elias
Conflict at Plevna: Two Accounts of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 by Herbert, William V., Ryan, Charles
Conflict at Plevna: Two Accounts of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 by Ryan, Charles, Herbert, William V.
The Failure of Counterinsurgency: Why Hearts and Minds Are Seldom Won by Eland, Ivan
The Ethiopian Revolution: War in the Horn of Africa by Tareke, Gebru
Two-Party Treason! by Lohbeck, Don
Histoire Anecdotique de l'Armée Du Rhin, Par Un Officier de Cavalerie by Sans Auteur
Histoire de la Guerre de 1870-1871, Du Siége de Paris Et de la Commune by Sans Auteur
Histoire Des Mobiles Du Finistère (2e Bataillon) À Brest Et Au Siège de Paris, Par Un Capitaine by Sans Auteur
M. Lavergne, Colonel Du 9e Régiment de Dragons by Sans Auteur
Observations Pour Le Citoyen Baruch Cerf-Berr, Régisseur Des Achats Des Substances Militaires: À l'Armée Du Rhin En Réponse Au Général Custines by Cerfberr, Baruch
Histoire Complète de l'Empereur Napoléon Et de la Grande Armée, Avec Les Pensées de Béranger: Sur CE Grand Homme Et Sur La République... by Sans Auteur
Journal de Guerre Du Deuxième Régiment d'Artillerie de Forteresse Russe d'Erzeroum: Depuis Sa Formation Jusqu'à La Reprise de la Ville Par Les Turcs, by Sans Auteur
Journal Du Général Gordon, Siège de Khartoum by Gordon, Charles George
Music & the British Military in the Long Nineteenth Century by Herbert, Trevor
Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory Over the West by Andrade, Tonio
The Tragedy of the Templars: The Rise and Fall of the Crusader States by Haag, Michael
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln, and the 1846 U.S. Invasion of Mexico by Greenberg, Amy S.
Airpower by Williams, Alford Joseph
Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern by Rhodes, P. J.
Castor Guards by Decuir, R.
Twin Forts of the Popolopen: Forts Clinton and Montgomery, New York, 1775-1777 by Carr, William H., Koke, Richard J.
Short Stories from the History of the Indian Army Since August 1947 by Francis, J.
Les Alsaciens-Lorrains Contre l'Allemagne: l'Alsace-Lorraine Pendant La Guerre by Matter, Florent
Soldier's Study Guide, Seventh Edition by Jackson, Walter J.
L'Artillerie Allemande Pendant Les Combats Des 29, 30 Et 31 Août 1870 by Lucas, André
Siège de Strasbourg. Journal d'Un Assiégé. Notes Et Dessins by Piton, Frédéric
The Great Illusion a Study of the Relation of Military Power in Nations to Their Economic and Social Advantage by Baldwin, Simeon Eben, Angell, Norman, Sir
Evaluation of DoD Contracts Regarding Combating Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Central Command: Report No. SPO-2011-002 by Defense, Department Of
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