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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Wars in 2021

The Fighting 30th Division: They Called Them Roosevelt's SS by Collins, Michael, Hilborn, David, King, Martin
Les Armes à Feu Portatives by Figuier, Louis
The Causes of War: Volume IV: 1650 - 1800 by Gillespie, Alexander
Tubal-Cain by Cherian, Joseph
The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon by Pichichero, Christy L.
Sally Scull and Texas by Newman Wauer, Betty
Patriots, Prostitutes, and Spies: Women and the Mexican-American War by Belohlavek, John M.
Never Mind, We'll Do It Ourselves: The Inside Story of How a Team of Renegades Broke Rules, Shattered Barriers, and Launched a Drone Warfare Revolutio by Alec, Bierbauer, Cooter, Mark, Marks, Michael E.
Outer Space - A New Dimension of the Arms Race by
Outer Space - Battlefield of the Future? by Sipri
Soviet National Security Policy Under Perestroika by
The Security Watershed: Russians Debating Defense and Foreign Policy after the Cold War by
Burden-sharing in NATO by Lunn, Simon
US Troops in Europe by Williams, Phil
Red Army and Society: A Sociology of the Soviet Military by Jones, Ellen
Semialignment and Western Security by
The Defense of Western Europe by
The Cold War and its Origins, 1917-1960: Volume Two 1950-1960 by Fleming, D. F.
Conventional Warfare in the Nuclear Age by Heilbrunn, Otto
Contemporary Soviet Military Affairs: The Legacy of World War II by
Space Weapons and U.S. Strategy: Origins and Development by Stares, Paul B.
The Soviet View of War, Peace and Neutrality by Vigor
Soviet Strategy by
The USSR and the Western Alliance by
British Security Policy: The Thatcher Years and the End of the Cold War by
Securing Europe's Future: A Research Volume from the Center of Science and International Affairs, Harvard University by
The Public and Atlantic Defense by
European Security without the Soviet Union by
NATO's Northern Allies: The National Security Policies of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway by
The Defence Industrial Base and the West by
NATO Arms Co-operation: A Study in Economics and Politics by Hartley, Keith
The Soviet Secret Services by Heilbrunn, Otto
Seapower in the Nuclear Age: The United States Navy and NATO 1949-80 by Sokolsky, Joel J.
Soviet Military Thinking by
Central European Security Concerns: Bridge, Buffer or Barrier? by
The KGB: Police and Politics in the Soviet Union by Knight, Amy W.
Arms Control and East-West Relations by Towle, Philip
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The Pattern of World Conflict by Arnold, G. L.
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Soviet Decisionmaking for National Security by
New Directions in Strategic Thinking by
Soldiers, Peasants, and Bureaucrats: Civil-Military Relations in Communist and Modernizing Societies by
The Soviet Far East Military Buildup: Nuclear Dilemmas and Asian Security by
Anti-personnel Weapons by Sipri
Arms Control Agreements: A Handbook by Goldblat, Jozef
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The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-1960: Volume One 1917-1950 by Fleming, D. F.
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Anthony Eden, Anglo-American Relations and the 1954 Indochina Crisis by Ruane, Kevin, Jones, Matthew
The Afghan Wars 1839-42 And 1878-80 by Forbes, Archibald
The Serbian Revolution: 1804-1835 by Nerds, History
The 1929 Sino-Soviet War: The War Nobody Knew by Walker, Michael M.
Soldiers as Workers: Class, Employment, Conflict and the Nineteenth-Century Military by Mansfield, Nick
Old Fort Jackson by Seifert, Laura
The Cambridge History of Warfare by Parker, Geoffrey
The Cambridge History of Warfare by Parker, Geoffrey
Black Hawk War Guide: Landmarks, Battlefields, Museums and Firsthand Accounts by Strand, Ben
A Black Hawk War Guide: Landmarks, Battlefields, Museums & Firsthand Accounts by Strand, Ben
Mission Command in the Israel Defense Forces by
From Slavery to Fighting for Recognition: Slavery by , Sylvester Caraway, Jr. Jr.
A World History of War Crimes: From Antiquity to the Present by Bryant, Michael S.
Royal Naval Biography: Or Memoirs Of The Services Of All The Flag-Officers, Superannuated Rear-Admirals, Retired-Captains, Post-Captains, And by Marshall, John
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The Art of Wrestling by de Relwyskow, George
The Household Knights of Edward III: Warfare, Politics and Kingship in Fourteenth-Century England by Hefferan, Matthew
Iranian Women and Gender in the Iran-Iraq War by Farzaneh, Mateo Mohammad
Iranian Women and Gender in the Iran-Iraq War by Farzaneh, Mateo Mohammad
The Art of Fencing; Or, The Use of the Small Sword by D'Armes Labat, Maître
On Guerrilla Warfare by Tse-Tung, Mao
Distributed Kill Chains: Drawing Insights for Mosaic Warfare from the Immune System and from the Navy by O'Donoughue, Nicholas A., McBirney, Samantha, Persons, Brian
Modeling Rapidly Composable, Heterogeneous, and Fractionated Forces: Findings on Mosaic Warfare from an Agent-Based Model by Gulden, Timothy R., Lamb, Jonathan, Hagen, Jeff
The Greatest Stories Never Told: Covert Ops by Yadon, Laurence J.
Other People's Wars: The US Military and the Challenge of Learning from Foreign Conflicts by Sterling, Brent L.
Cold War Veteran's Honor by de Santis, Gerard J.
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Bismarck In The Franco-German War, 1870-1871 (Volume II) by Busch, Moritz
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Scioto County's War with Spain by McHenry, John
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Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War by Reitz, Deneys
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The Struggle between Boer and Brit: The Memoirs of Boer General C. R. De Wet by de Wet, Christiaan
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War and State Making: The Shaping of the Global Powers by Rasler, Karen A., Thompson, William R.
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Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War by Hazkani, Shay
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The Adventures Of Captain John Patterson: With Notices Of The Officers, &C. Of The 50Th, Or Queen'S Own Regiment, From 1807 To 1821 by Patterson, John
Diagrams And Plans, Illustrative Of The Principal Battles And Military Affairs, Treated Of In Memoirs Of My Own Times by Wilkinson, James
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Buffalo Soldiers on the Colorado Frontier by Williams, Nancy K.
Buffalo Soldiers on the Colorado Frontier by Williams, Nancy K.
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Campaign For Petersburg by Wayne Lykes, Richard
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The Greek Genocide in American Naval War Diaries: Naval Commanders Report and Protest Death Marches and Massacres in Turkey's Pontus Region, 1921-1922 by
Why We Fight by Martin, Mike
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 2--The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: 410 A.D.-802 A.D. by Oman, Charles
A Great American Dick Punch: The Battle After the Fight by West, Cameron
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 2--The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: 410 A.D.-802 A.D. by Oman, Charles
Hostage on the Yangtze: Britain, China, and the Amethyst Crisis of 1949 by Murfett, Malcolm H.
Watchman at the Gates: A Soldier's Journey from Berlin to Bosnia by Joulwan, George, Chanoff, David
The Quiet Americans: Four CIA Spies at the Dawn of the Cold War by Anderson, Scott
Encyclopedia of Modern War by Parkinson, Roger
A Dictionary of Military Quotations by
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The Campaign Of Königgrätz: A Study Of The Austro-Prussian Conflict In The Light Of The American Civil War. by Wagner, Arthur Lockwood
Wait for Me: True Stories of War, Love and Rock & Roll by Gentile, Bill
Wait for Me: True Stories of War, Love and Rock & Roll by Gentile, Bill
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Queen Anne's War: The Second Contest for North America, 1702-1713 by Laramie, Michael G.
Battle of Britain by Corfield, Paul
The Best Care In The Air: The Complete History of the 109th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (Minnesota Air National Guard) by Childs, Tsgt Richard
The Best Care In The Air: The Complete History of the 109th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (Minnesota Air National Guard) by Childs, Tsgt Richard
Forging the Modern World: A History by Warren, Richard, Carter, James
The Empresses of Constantinople by McCabe, Joseph
Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XIX by
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The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe by Ágoston, Gábor
The Bavarian Army During the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648: The Backbone of the Catholic League by Spring, Laurence
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The Decisive Battles of India by Malleson, Colonel G. B.
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Aeroplanes And Dirigibles Of War by Arthur Ambrose Talbot, Frederick
Defenseless America by Maxim, Hudson
The Fight for Dublin, 1919-1921: Urban Warfare in the Irish Struggle for Independence by McKenna, Joseph
The Cold War on Film by Frazier, Paul
The Antietam Journal, Volume 1 by Vermilya, Daniel J., Borders, Matthew
The First Battle of Manassas: A Captivating Guide to the First Battle of Bull Run That Took Place at the Start of the American Civil War by History, Captivating
The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80 (Part 1) by Forbes, Archibald
The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80 (Part 2) by Forbes, Archibald
Heroes or Traitors: The Irish Deserters of WWII by Harte, Cían
Europe's Cold War Relations: The EC Towards a Global Role by
Guernica! Guernica!: A Study of a Journalism, Diplomacy, Propaganda, and History by Southworth, Herbert
Guernica! Guernica!: A Study of a Journalism, Diplomacy, Propaganda, and History by Southworth, Herbert
Our Great War Heroes: Seven Param Vir Chakra Recipients - Vol 1 (True Stories of Seven Flaming Warriors of Indian Army) by Kumari, Shyam
Our Great War Heroes: Seven Param Vir Chakra Recipients - Vol 2 (True Stories of Seven Flaming Warriors of Indian Army) by Kumari, Shyam
Revolutionaries for the Right: Anticommunist Internationalism and Paramilitary Warfare in the Cold War by Burke, Kyle
Heroes or Traitors: The Irish Deserters of WWII by Harte, Cían
¡Vamos a Avanzar!: The Chaco War and Bolivia's Political Transformation, 1899-1952 by Niebuhr, Robert
My Father's Letters: Correspondence from the Soviet Gulag by Memorial Human Rights Centre
With the Dublin Brigade: Espionage and Assassination with Michael Collins' Intelligence Unit by Dalton, Charles
Fortescue's History of the British Army: Volume I by Fortescue, The J. W.
Fortescue's History of the British Army: Volume I by Fortescue, The J. W.
The Sword of Luchana: Baldomero Espartero and the Making of Modern Spain, 1793-1879 by Shubert, Adrian
Tank Battles of the Cold War, 1948-1991 by Tucker-Jones, Anthony
Governing the Dead: Martyrs, Memorials, and Necrocitizenship in Modern China by Vu, Linh D.
Middlebrook: The Encampment That Saved America by Mayers, Robert a.
The Closing Events of the Campaign in China: The Operations in the Yang-Tze-Kiang; and Treaty of Nanking by Loch, Granville G.
The Thames Torso Murders by Trow, M. J.
Red Star Versus Rising Sun: Volume 1 - The Conquest of Manchuria 1931-1938 by Fontanellaz, Adrien
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Mosul Under Isis: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in the Caliphate by Aarseth, Mathilde Becker
Operation Allied Force: Volume 1 - Air War Over Serbia, 1999 by Draganic, Jovica, Dimitrijevic, Bojan
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Our Great War Heroes: Seven Param Vir Chakra Recipients - Vol 1 (True Stories of Seven Flaming Warriors of Indian Army) by Kumari, Shyam
Our Great War Heroes: Seven Param Vir Chakra Recipients - Vol 2 (True Stories of Seven Flaming Warriors of Indian Army) by Kumari, Shyam
Beyond Repair: Poems by Todd, J. C.
Arming the Irish Revolution: Gunrunning and Arms Smuggling, 1911- 1922 by Kautt, W. H.
These Honored Dead: "Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11" by Jenkins, Chaplain (Colonel) (Ret ). J.
These Honored Dead: "Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11" by Jenkins, Chaplain (Colonel) (Ret ). J.
The Day That Shook America: A Concise History of 9/11 by Walker, J. Samuel
Conflict and Solidarity in a Guianese Plantation by Jayawardena, Chandra
The Soviet Secret Services by Heilbrunn, Otto
The Soviet Secret Services by Heilbrunn, Otto
Conflict and Solidarity in a Guianese Plantation by Jayawardena, Chandra
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare: The Usa, China, and Strategic Stability by Johnson, James
Saving Freedom: Truman, the Cold War, and the Fight for Western Civilization by Scarborough, Joe
Cyberspace in Peace and War, Second Edition by Libicki, Martin
Life of Oliver Cromwell by Southey, Robert
Falsche Freunde im Kalten Krieg? by Großmann, Sonja
"Das Europa der Universitäten" by Lehmann, Lars
Templar Succession: Establishing Continuity 1307-Present by Clausen, Daniel J.
Indian Wars: North Carolina: Cherokee War, Tuscarora War, Cheraw Wars, French and Indian War - With Original Photos & Maps by Lee, Enoch Lawrence
Mar Verde: The Portuguese Amphibious Assault on Conakry, 1970 by Matos, José Augusto
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