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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Wars in 2022

Guernica: Painting the End of the World by Attlee, James
Borodino Field 1812 & 1941: How Napoleon and Hitler Met Their Matches Outside Moscow by Kershaw, Robert
The Rif War: Volume 1 - From Taxdirt to the Disaster of Annual 1909-1921 by Garcia de Gabiola, Javier
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Histoire de la guerre (juillet 1870-janvier 1871), avec carte by Sans Auteur
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London to Ladysmith via Pretoria by Churchill, Winston Spencer
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To Think or to March: a handy reference book for lovers of peace by Huinck, Jacques
Global Development: A Cold War History by Lorenzini, Sara
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A Bar on Adly Street: An Egyptian Memoir by Ghabrial, Medhat M.
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A History of War: From Ancient Warfare to the Global Conflicts of the 21st Century by McNab, Chris
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The Black Watch: Fighting in the Frontline 1899-2006 by Schofield, Victoria
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The Jacobite Rebellion: 1745-46 by Fremont-Barnes, Gregory
The Battle for the Swiepwald: Austria's Fatal Blunder at Koniggratz, the Climactic Battle of the Austro-Prussian War, 3 July 1866 by Ernst, Heidrich
The Shortest History of War: From Hunter-Gatherers to Nuclear Superpowers--A Retelling for Our Times by Dyer, Gwynne
The Shortest History of War: From Hunter-Gatherers to Nuclear Superpowers--A Retelling for Our Times by Dyer, Gwynne
The Chinese Civil War: 1945-49 by Lynch, Michael
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Saratoga Turning Point: The Shot That Gave Birth to a Nation! by Nazzaro, Andrew F.
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In the Crossfire of History: Women's War Resistance Discourse in the Global South by
They Said No to War by Livingston, Robert
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The Rorke's Drift Commanders: Gonville Bromhead and John Chard by Bancroft, James W.
Another Bloody Chapter in an Endless Civil War: Volume 2 - Northern Ireland and the Troubles 1988-90 by Wharton, Ken
7 Seconds to Die: A Military Analysis of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War and the Future of Warfighting by Antal, John
Warfighting: McDp1 by Marine Corps, United States
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Illustrated Guide to Military Vehicles: A Complete Reference Guide to Over 100 Years of Military Vehicles, from Their First Use in World War One to th by Ware, Pat
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How to Build an AK 47 by Trivett, Marshall
The War of Jenkins' Ear: The Forgotten Struggle for North and South America: 1739-1742 by Gaudi, Robert
Toward Understanding The Nigeria-Biafra War and Lingering Questions by Nnodim, Joseph
Toward Understanding The Nigeria-Biafra War and Lingering Questions by Nnodim, Joseph
Encyclopedia of Modern War by Parkinson, Roger
A Dictionary of Military Quotations by
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