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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Other Wars in 2024

Camp Fire Yarns of the Lost Legion by Hamilton-Browne, G.
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The Forts and Fortifications of Europe, 1815-1945: The Central States: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia by Kaufmann, H. W., Kaufmann, J. E.
Egyptian Soudan: Dongola 1896 & The Nile Expedition 1897-1898 by Alford, Henry S. L., Dennistoun Sword, W.
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The Historical Clashes by Rukh, Shah
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Liberty And Death At The Alamo by Clark, Dennis
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Breaker Morant by Fitzsimons, Peter
The Labyrinth We Walked: The Cold War Deconstructed by Jensen, Mark C.
Why War? by Overy, Richard
Children in War: A First-Hand Account of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Perry, Elon
The Royal Marines in Russia, 1919: Battling the Bolsheviks During the Intervention by Grant, Alastair
Florida's Negro War: Black Seminoles and the Second Seminole War 1835-1842 by Dixon, Anthony E.
Florida's Negro War: Black Seminoles and the Second Seminole War 1835-1842 by Dixon, Anthony E.
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Jamestown 1622: The Anglo-Powhatan Wars by Colby, Cameron
Palestinia Homeland for Palestinians by Sherrington, Howard
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The Year of Blood: Essays on the Revolt of 1857 by Mukherjee, Rudrangshu
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Ukraine - Option for a Confidence-Building Defence: Basics and Programme by Unterseher, Lutz
Tim Hetherington: Iwm Photography Collection by Brockett, Greg
Military Jet Aircraft: 1945 to the Present Day by Jackson, Robert
A Heart for War Victims: My Life with the International Committee of the Red Cross by Barth, Magne
Jusqu'au dernier Ukrainien: Récit d'un reporter de guerre by Le Sommier, Régis
The Home I Worked to Make: Voices from the New Syrian Diaspora by Pearlman, Wendy
Camps: A Global History of Mass Confinement by Forth, Aidan
Battle of Waterloo: Fascinating History of Waterloo Battle From StartTo Finish, And The Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte by Nakamoto, Hitori
Caesar's Gallic Wars: 58-50 BC by Gilliver, Kate
Making Monuments from Mass Graves in Contemporary Spain: Resistance Through Remembrance by Palacios González, Daniel
The Defeated and the Dead: Teaching About War Through Film by Pearcy, Mark
The Defeated and the Dead: Teaching About War Through Film by Pearcy, Mark
Penal Company on the Falklands: A Memoir of the Parachute Regiment at War 1982 by Neame, Philip
Women of the Jacobite Rebellions by Carradice, Phil
Journey Through the Spanish Civil War: The Hinterlands by Shneiderman, S. L.
Journey Through the Spanish Civil War: The Hinterlands by Shneiderman, S. L.
THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA With The Operations Of The "Army Of Occupation" For One Month by Carleton, James Henry
Historia de los sijes: Una guía fascinante sobre los orígenes del sijismo en la India, el Imperio sij, el colonialismo y los tiempos modernos by History, Captivating
La guerra de los bóeres: Una guía fascinante sobre sus causas, batallas y legado en Sudáfrica by History, Captivating
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Cold War Literary Cultures by
War and Violence in the Western Sources for the First Crusade by Kangas, Sini
Liberating Gaza: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Fundamentalism and Terror by F. Biran, Shraga, Saar, Tal
ROUGH SKETCHES OF THE LIFE OF AN OLD SOLDIER Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Leach by Jonathan Leach, Lieutenant-Colonel
The Iconic Warrior: Combat in the Philippine Islands by Klann, Gene
Buffalo Soldiers in California: Charles Young and the Ninth Cavalry, 1902-1904 by Shellum, Brian G.
Bright Eyes of Danger: An Account of the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1849 by Whitburn, Bill
THE MEMOIR OF A Cold War Communicator by Burk, William C.
Crafted Realities: The History of Propaganda in Shaping Politics and Warfare by Rukh, Shah
Battlefield Journeys: Travel to Historic War Sites by Jepson, V. Watkins
The Civil War on Film by Lamphier, Peg A., Welch, Rosanne
The Cold War on Film by Frazier, Paul
Officers, Entrepreneurs, Career Migrants, and Diplomats: Military Entrepreneurs in the Early Modern World by
The Baptist War: A Captivating Guide to the Origins, Events, and Legacy of the Great Jamaican Slave Revolt by History, Captivating
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare: The Usa, China, and Strategic Stability by Johnson, James
The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History by Plokhy, Serhii
Pancho Villa: A Revolutionary Life by Taibo II, Paco Ignacio
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