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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Painting Instruction in 2010

Galerie Du Musée Napoléon, Volume 1 by Filhol, Antoine Michel
Itinéraire de la Ville de Venise Et Des Îles Circonvoisines by Moschini, Giovanni Antonio
Études Sur Les Arts by Planche, Gustave
Le Portrait Du Xvie Siècle Aux Primitifs Français: Notes Et Corrections Au Catalogue Officiel Sur Cette Partie De L'expostion D'avril-Juillet 1904 by Dimier, Louis
Pablo De Céspedes ... by Tubino, Francisco Maria
L'Art, Les Artistes Et l'Industrie En Angleterre, Discours. [followed By] Discussion [in Fr. and Engl.]. by Silvestre, Theophile
Estudios Críticos Acerca De La Dominación Española En América, Volume 9 by Cappa, Ricardo
Lectures on Painting: Delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy by Armitage, Edward
Les Idées Et Les Formes, Antiquité Orientale: Egypte, Kaldée, Assyrie, Chine, Phénicie, Judée, Arabie, Inde, Perse, Aryas d'Asie Mineur by Peladan, Josephin
Tone Relations In Painting (1922) by Pope, Arthur
The Jewels Of King Art (1906) by Connolly, James
The Gentle Art Of Making Happy (1902) by Morrison, George Herbert
The Polygraphic Apparatus: Or The Different Departments Of Art Carried On In The Imperial Court And Government Printing Office At Vienna (1853) by Auer, Alois
The New Art of Writing Plays (1914) by Vega, Lope de
The Bakers' Guide: And Practical Assistant To The Art Of Bread Making In All Its Branches (1899) by Blandy, John
Thoughts On Art And Life (1906) by Vinci, Leonardo Da
The Scottish Ale-Brewer And Practical Maltster: A Comprehensive Digest Of The Art Of Brewing Ales According To The Scottish System (1847) by Roberts, William Henry
The Principles Of The Art Of Conversation (1887) by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Ventriloquism: Contains Such A Full, Clear And Concise Explanation Of The Subject That Any One Can Readily Master And Practice The Ar by Olin, Charles Henry
The Picture: A Nosegay For Amateurs, Painters, Picture Dealers, Picture Cleaners, Liners, Repairers, And All The Craft (1847) by Hall, Chambers
The Expert Interior Decorator: A Manual Of Reference For The Expert Decorator And Instruction For The Beginner In The Art Of Painting (1917) by Kelly, Albanis Ashmun
Talks On Graphology: The Art Of Knowing Character Through Handwriting (1892) by Robinson, M. L., Robinson, Helen Lamson
Warwickshire: Painted By Frederick Whitehead (1906) by Holland, Clive
The Private Brewer's Guide To The Art Of Brewing Ale And Porter (1822) by Tuck, John
Publications Of The Municipal Art Society Of Hartford, Connecticut: Bulletins No. 10, 12, 16 (1908) by Municipal Art Society of Hartford
Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Kandinsky, Wassily
Die religiösen Einflüsse in Rembrandts Selbstbildnissen by Grubitzch, Julia
"Die Kreuzabnahme": Die Gemälde von Peter Paul Rubens und Rembrandt van Rijn - ein Vergleich by Lindner, Eva
Breves Apuntes Sobre La Antigua Escuela De Pintura En México Y Algo Sobre La Escultura by Villa, Agustin Fernandez
Chapu: Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre by Fidiere, Octave
Living With Wonder by Borienne, Jolainne
The Scottish Ale-Brewer And Practical Maltster: A Comprehensive Digest Of The Art Of Brewing Ales According To The Scottish System (1847) by Roberts, William Henry
The Month In Literature, Art, And Life V1-2: July, 1897 To August, 1897 (1897) by Gilder, Joseph B.
The Private Brewer's Guide To The Art Of Brewing Ale And Porter (1822) by Tuck, John
Notes Et Documents Sur Quelques Anciennes Faienceries (1908) by LaBadie, Ernest
Skizzenbuch Griechischer Meister (1919) by Reichhold, Karl
Michelagniolo Buonarroti Sein Leben Und Seine Werke V1: Michelagniolos Jugendjahre (1907) by Frey, Karl
Principaux Monuments Du Musee Egyptien De Florence, Part 1: Steles, Bas-Reliefs Et Fresques (1882) by Berend, William Berman
La Peinture En Europe: Rome Le Vatican, Les Eglises (1903) by Richtenberger, Eugene, Lafenestre, Georges Edouard
Quelques Mots Sur La Photographie Stereoscopique (1891) by Donnadieu, A. L.
Notice Sur L'Ancienne Statue Equestre (1874) by de Montaiglon, Anatole
Das Kupferstich-Werk Des Wilhelm Hondius (1891) by
Recherches Sur La Ceramique (1863) by Greslou, Jules
Skopas Leben Und Werke (1863) by Urlichs, Ludwig
Memoire Sur Les Voyages De L'Empereur Hadrien Et Sur Les Medailles Qui S'y Rapportent (1842) by Greppo, J. G. Honore
Choix De Monuments Et De Dessins: Decouverts Ou Executes Pendant Le Deblaiement Du Serapeum De Memphis (1856) by Mariette, Auguste
La Photographie Mise A La Portee De Tout Le Monde (1867) by Robertson, T.
Apuntes Historico-Biograficos Acerca De La Escuela Aragonesa De Pintura (1863) by Gomez, Francisco Zapater y.
Deutsche Maler (1888) by Becker, Hermann
Dialogos de La Pintura (1865) by Carducho, Vicente, Villaamil, Gregorio Cruzada
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects: Tr. from the Italian of Giorgio Vasari. with Notes and Illustrations, chiefly Selected by Richter, Jean Paul
Las Reliquias De San Martin Y Su Iconografia (1899) by Quesada, Ernesto
Etude Des Lentilles Et Objectifs Photographiques (1889) by Moessard, Paul
Description Abrégée Des Dessins de Diverses Écoles Appartenant À M. Frédéric Reiset by Reiset, Frederic
Le Collezioni Veneziane D'Arte E D'Antichita Dal Secolo XIV (1900) by Levi, Cesare Augusto
The Complete Works of John Ruskin, Volume 6 by Ruskin, John
Opere Di Giorgio Vasari, Volume 5 by Vasari, Giorgio
A New Portrait of Shakespeare: The Case of the Ely Palace Painting as Against That of the So-Called Droeshout Original by Corbin, John
Beretning Om Den Almindelige Udstilling (1872) by Stift, Tromso
Das Problem Der Bindung In Der Bildenden Kunst (1908) by Krapf, Anton
Reflections of an Artist and Poet by Verhoeven, Alfred Prudence
Heaven: A Place to Imagine by Davis, C. K.
Barcelona Years by Moody, Elizabeth Thenia
Airbrush Bible by Remus, Timothy
Little Journeys: To the Homes of English Authors by Hubbard, Elbert
Tesoro De Bellas Artes: Contiene Un Resumen Histórico De Las Bellas Artes En Los Paises De Europa I America ... by Suárez, José Bernardo
Portrait Painting Atelier: Old Master Techniques and Contemporary Applications by Brooker, Suzanne
Velázquez, Fuera Del Museo Del Prado: Apuntes Para Un Catálogo De Los Cuadros Qu Se La Atribuyen En Las Principales Galerías Públicas Y Particulares D by Romanos, Manuel Mesonero
Apuntes Histórico-Biográficos Acerca De La Escuela Aragonesa De Pintura by Gomez, Francisco Zapater y.
Études Sur Les Arts by Planche, Gustave
Annales De L'Imprimerie Des Alde V1: Ou Histoire Des Trois Manuce Et De Leurs Editions (1825) by Renouard, Antoine Augustin
Historique Et Description Des Procedes Du Daguerreotype Et Du Diorama (1839) by Daguerre, Louis Jacques
Exhibition Of The Works Of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1887) by London Grosvenor Gallery
Catalogue De L'Exposition Organisee (1913) by Societe Des Bibliophiles Liegeois
Catalogue Illustre Des Dessins Et Estampes Composant La Collection (1877) by Firmin-Didot, Ambroise
Catalogue Sommaire Des Peintures, Dessins, Cartons Et Aquarelles Exposes Dans Les Galeries (1904) by Moreau, Musee Gustave
Catalogue Du Musee De Peinture Et Sculpture De La Ville De Valenciennes: Et Du Musee Benezech (1860) by E. Prignet a. Valenciennes Publisher
Brevi Indicazioni Della Galleria De' Quadri Che Si Conservano Nella Centrale R. Accademia Di Belle Arti Dell' Emilia In Bologna (1867) by Di Bologna, Pinacoteca
Bericht Der Von Der Technischen Section Der Hamburgischen Gesellschaft Zur Beforderung Der Kunste Und Nutzlichen Gewerbe (1861) by Asher, Carl Wilhelm
Breve Dell' Arte Degli Orafi Senesi: Testo Di Lingua (1870) by Siena, Arte Degli Orafi, Russo, Michele Dello
Catalogue Des Oeuvres De Peinture Et De Sculpture, 1891 (1891) by Musee Communal Dunkerque
Annuaire De L'Ecole Francaise De Peinture: Ou Lettres Sur Le Salon De 1819 (1820) by Keratry, Auguste Hilarion
Bulletin Du Comite Historique Des Arts Et Monuments V1: Archeologie, Beaux-Arts (1849) by Comite Historique Des Arts Et Monuments
Ausstellung Der Konigliche Akademie Der Kunste Zu Berlin (1880) by Konigliche Akademie Der Kunste
Der Zophorus Am Parthenon: Hinsichtlich Der Streitfrage Uber Seinen Inhalt Und Dessen Beziehung Auf Dieses Gebaude (1875) by Boetticher, Karl
Catalogue Des Eaux-Fortes, Lithographies, Caricatures, Vignettes Romantiques Dessins Et Aquarelles, Formant La Collection Champfleury (1891) by
Anweisung Zur Oel-Malerei, Zur Aquarell, Fresco, Miniatur Und Holz-Malerei (1879) by Dietrich, Friedrich
Beschreibung Der Gemahlde-Sammlung: Der Universitat Zu Gottingen (1805) by Fiorillo, Johann Dominicus
Catalogue D'Une Collection De Manuscrits Enlumines: Et De Miniatures Sur Feuilles Separees (1898) by Weigel, Theodor Oswald
Catalogue Illustre Du Salon: Contenant Environ 400 Reproductions D'Apres Les Dessins Originaux Des Artistes (1882) by
Des Arts Graphiques: Destines A Multiplier Par L'Impression (1857) by Hammann, Jean Martin Hermann
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Dessins, Gravures: Objets D'Art Et De Curiosite Appartenant (1885) by Musee de Montargis
Altichiero Und Seine Schule: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Oberitalienischen Malerei Im Trecento (1898) by Schubring, Paul
Tafelbilder Lucas Cranachs D. A. Und Seiner Werkstatt (1900) by
Connaissances Necessaires A Un Amateur D'Objets D'Art Et De Curiosite (1879) by Oppenheim, Ancel
Aracnidi Artrogastri Birmani: Raccolti Da L. Fea Nel, 1885-1887 (1889) by Thorell, Tord
En Mediterranee: Promenades Dhistoire Et D'Art (1901) by Diehl, Charles
Versuch Einer Durer Bibliographie by Singer, Hans Wolfgang
The Painter's Palette by Ross, Denman Waldo
The Life and Art of William Merritt Chase by Roof, Katherine Metcalf
Oeuvres Complètes De Diderot: Encyclopédie, F-Logique by Diderot, Denis
Transparent Colors by Rodriguez, Ma Teresa Lapid
The Nile Portfolio: Collector's Edition by Roberts R. a., David
Airbrush Bible by Remus, Timothy
Conferences De L'Academie Royale: De Peinture Et De Sculpture (1883) by Jouin, Henry
Die Franzosische Malerei Seit 1914 (1921) by Grautoff, Otto
Catalogus Der Schilderijen: Miniaturen, Pastels, Omlijste Teekeningen, Enz (1903) by En Van Santen Publisher
Ein Jahrhundert Franzosischer Malerei (1901) by Muther, Richard
Die Fayencefabrik Zu Mosbach In Baden (1906) by Marz, Johannes
Beitrage Zur Entwickelungs-Geschichte: Der Maltechnik (1901) by
Die Kunstlerischen Grundsatze Fur Die Bildliche Darstellung, Deren Ableitung Und Anwendung (1905) by Baumann, Carl
Einfuhrung In Die Kunst Der Gegenwart (1920) by Kronacher, Alwin, Deri, Max, Dessoir, Max
Grundprobleme Der Malerei: Ein Buch Fur Kunstler Und Lernende (1908) by Czapek, Rudolph
Friedrich Tieck: Ein Beitrag Zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte Im Zeitalter Goethes Und Der Romantik (1906) by Hildebrandt, Edmund
Die Photographie Farbiger Gegenstande In Den Richtigen Tonverhaltnissen (1885) by Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm
Aelteres Bunst- Und Gewerbesen In Bistriss: Und Schulnachrichten (1864) by Wittstock, Heinrich
Die Polychromie Der Griechischen Vasenbilder (1875) by Flasch, Adam
Die Bildarchitekturen, Vornehmlich In Der Italianischen Kunst (1900) by Volkmann, Johannes
Handbuch Der Photographie Der Neuzeit: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Des Bromsilber-Gelatine-Emulsion-Verfahrens (1884) by
Conferences De L'Academie Royale: De Peinture Et De Sculpture (1883) by Jouin, Henry
De Vlaemsche Letterbode, Part 2: Tydschrift Voor Kunsten En Wetenschappen (1844) by Karel Oberts Publisher
Catalogue Raisonne Des Editions Incunables: De La Bibliotheque Du College De Porrentruy (1858) by Imprimerie Et Lit V Michel Publisher
Die Darstellung Der Seifen, Parfumerien Und Cosmetica (1867) by Deite, Carl
Die Aegyptischen Denkmaler In St. Petersburg, Helsingfors, Upsala Und Copenhagen (1873) by Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carolus
Bolsward's Kunst En Kunstgeschiedenis (1888) by De Vries, Jakob, Van Der Meulen, Marinus Ernestus
Die Frau In Der Venezianischen Malerei (1899) by Schaeffer, Emil
Die Thier-Ornamentik Im Norden: Ursprung, Entwicklung Und Verhaltniss Derselben Zu Gleichzeitigen Stilarten (1881) by Muller, Sophus
Die Kunstbewegung In Oesterreich: Seit Der Pariser Weltausstellung Im Jahre 1867 (1878) by Eitelberger, R. V.
Die Moment-Photographie: In Ihrer Anwendung Auf Kunst Und Wissenschaft (1886) by Eder, Josef Maria
Die Gemalde-Galerie Des Freiherrlichen V. Brukenthalischen Museums In Hermannstadt (1844) by Brukenthal, Museul
Die Gemalde-Sammlung Des Grossherzoglichen Museums Zu Darmstadt (1885) by Hofmann, Rudolf
Farbenlehre, Part 1: Der Functionsprufung (1894) by Mauthner, Ludwig
Fleurs De Bretagne (1895) by Favre, Charles
Die Landschaft In Der Deutschen Kunst: Bis Zum Tode Albrecht Durers (1886) by Kaemmerer, Ludwig
Die Antiken Sculpturwerke Und Inschriftsteine Des K. K. Munz Und Antiken-Cabinetes (1866) by Sacken, Eduard, Kenner, Friedrich
Die Leydener Malerschule (1899) by Dulberg, Franz
Eros In Der Vasenmalerei (1874) by Furtwangler, Adolf
Il Martirio Di S. Sebastiano Quadro Del Signor Domenico Pellegrini (1828) by D'Este, Giuseppe, Serra, D. Giuseppe
Das Coloriren Und Decoriren Des Achten Porcellans (1853) by Brongniart, Alexander
Die Loggia Dei Lanzi Zu Florenz: Eine Quellenkritische Untersuchung (1885) by Frey, Carl
Die Griechische Tragodie Im Lichte Der Vasenmalerei (1900) by Huddilston, John H., Hense, Maria
Geschichte Der Malerei: Vom Anfang Des 14 Bis Zum Ende Des 18 Jahrhunderts (1894) by Reber, Franz Von
Basiliques Et Mosaiques Chretiennes V2 (1893) by Clausse, Gustave
Die Bildenden Kunste In Ihrer Weltgeschichtlichen Entwicklung (1857) by Springer, Anton Heinrich
Die Falschen Und Fingirten Druckorte V1-2: Enthaltend Die Deutschen Und Lateinischen Schriften Und Franzosischen Schriften (1864) by Weller, Emil
Arte Del Romance Castellano V1-2: Dispuesta Segun Sus Principios Generales I El Uso De Los Mejores Autores (1769) by Pedro, Benito De San
Zeichnungen Von Sandro Botticelli Zu Dante's Goettlicher Komoedie (1887) by Botticelli, Sandro
El Angel De La Guarda V2: Cuadros Copiados Del Natural (1875) by Selgas, Jose
Die Familie Preisler Und Markus Tuscher: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Kunst Im 17 Und 18 Jahrhundert (1886) by Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich
Florentiner Bildhauer Der Renaissance (1902) by Bode, Wilhelm
Discorso Artistico Letto Da Luigi Caroli in Ferrara Nel 1837 Sulla Scuola Ferrarese by Caroli, Luigi
Along with Simon by
Field Painting - Jasper Johns und die Theorie verschiedener Feldbegriffe by Coreth, Gioia, Adensamer, Sophie
Thoughts about Art. by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
How To Draw The Head by Foster, Walter T.
Berliner Kunstfruhling, 1893 (1893) by Servaes, Franz
The Art of Portrait Painting in Oil Colors: With Observations on Setting and Painting the Figure (1851) by Murray, Henry
A Color Notation: An illustrated System Defining All Colors and Their Relations 1941 by Munsell, A. H.
A Guide to Landscape Drawing in Pencil and Chalk (1848) by Harley, George
Die Gegenstandlichkeit Des Kunstwerks (1917) by Utitz, Emil
Die Anamorphosen Nach Jean Francois Niceron Dargestellt Und Erweitert (1866) by Auffarth, Eduard
Artt. 917, 918 En 920, 2e Lid. B. W. (1893) by Stoop, Hendrik Jacob Herman
Carlo Rainaldi: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschiche Des Romischen Barocks (1919) by Hempel, Eberhard
How To Draw Portraits by Wood, Charles
Dry Plate Photography: Or the Tannin Process Made Simple and Practical for Operators and Amateurs (1865) by Towler, John
How To Draw Ships by Anson, Peter F.
Impressions On Painting (1886) by Stevens, Alfred
The Gentle Art Of Making Happy (1902) by Morrison, George Herbert
Hints for Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers: Being a Selection of Useful Rules, Data, Memoranda, Methods and Suggestions by An Old Hand, Old Hand, An Old Hand
Indian Designs And Symbols by Whitney, Charles Frederick
Die Familie Preisler Und Markus Tuscher: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Kunst Im 17 Und 18 Jahrhundert (1886) by Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich
Le Arti Del Disegno In Italia Storia E Critica, Part 3: L'Evo Moderno (1883) by Paravicini, Tito Vespasiano
The Art Of Ancient India And China by Short, Ernest H.
Elemens De Perspective Pratique: A L'Usage Des Artistes (1820) by Valenciennes, Pierre Henri
Das Tier In Der Kunst: Mit 240 Abbildungen (1921) by Piper, Reinhard
Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts by Brinton, Willard C.
Weltausstellung In St. Louis, 1904: Amtlicher Katalog Der Ausstellung Des Deutschen Reichs (1904) by
Greek Refinements: Studies In Temperamental Architecture (1912) by Goodyear, William Henry
The Studio V8: An Illustrated Magazine Of Fine And Applied Art (1896) by Studio V.
Modern Athens! Displayed in a Series of Views: Or Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century (1829) by Shepherd, Thomas Hosmer
Art And Criticism: Monographs And Studies (1892) by Child, Theodore
Exploring Paper-Mache by Betts, Victoria Bedford
Die Wappen Der XXII Kantone Schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1866) by Grenser, Alfred
The Art Of Self-Control by Ingalese, Richard
Shiraz Painting In The Sixteenth Century by Guest, Grace Dunham
Cleveland Past and Present by Joblin, Maurice
The Oxymel Process in Photography (1856) by DeLamotte, Philip Henry
The Visual Experience: An Introduction To Art by Lowry, Bates
Modern French Masters: A Series Of Biographical And Critical Reviews By American Artists by
Pompeia Decrite Et Dessines (1876) by Breton, Ernest
Breton Folk: An Artistic Tour in Brittany (1880) by Blackburn, Henry
The Grammar of Painting and Engraving (1873) by Blanc, Charles
Painting For Enjoyment by Lee, Doris, Blanch, Arnold
The Secrets of Art and Nature by Read, R.
Light, Colors, Tones and Nature's Finer Forces by Stevens, Ernest J.
Art And Revolution by Wagner, Richard
Western Symbology by Seton, Julia
Beitraege Zur Siegelkunde Des Mittelalters, Part 1 (1850) by Melly, Eduard
The Place Of Beauty In American Life, The Paradox Of Art, Some Aspects Of Japanese Painting: Essays By Walter M. Cabot (1911) by Cabot, Walter Mason
Sulla Sotto-Confessione Antico Sotteraneo E Sulla Pala d'Oro Della Chiesa Di San Marco in Venezia by Giacchetti, D. Valentino
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