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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Painting Instruction in 2016

Gumrah: 11 Short Teen Crime Stories by Trivedi, Ira
Catalogue Des Tableaux Modernes Formant La Collection de Me Boussaton by Sans Auteur
How To Paint & Sell Your Art by Muth, Marcia
Peter Panyoczki: Surface and Beneath by Panyoczki, Peter
Pop Painting: Inspiration and Techniques from the Pop Surrealism Art Phenomenon by D'Errico, Camilla
Coloring book by Barahona, Carlos
Paris: Adult Coloring Book Vol.3: City Sketch Coloring Book by Farr, Hector
How To Oil Paint: Your Step-By-Step Guide To Oil Painting by Javed, Manaal, Howexpert Press
Flower Painting in Oil by Reid, Charles
"Das Gastmahl des Belsazar" von Rembrandt van Rijn. Beschreibung, Analyse und Einordnung by Ellwardt, Kathrin
Flower Painting in Oil by Reid, Charles
Painting What (You Want) to See: "Forty-Six Lessons, Assignments, and Painting Critiques on Watercolor and Oil" by Reid, Charles
Painting What (You Want) to See: "Forty-Six Lessons, Assignments, and Painting Critiques on Watercolor and Oil" by Reid, Charles
Dream with Your Eyes Open (Pb) by Screwvala, Ronnie
Watercolor Meet The Brushes: Create The Stroke and Control The Flow by Parish, Barbara a.
Katalog der Gemälde-Sammlung des Herrn Hermann Sthamer in Hamburg by Heberle, J. M.
Jackie Shaw's Learn to Paint Flowers: A Step-By-Step Approach to Beautiful Results by Shaw, Jackie
The Natural Way to Paint: Rendering the Figure in Watercolor Simply and Beautifully by Reid, Charles
The Natural Way to Paint: Rendering the Figure in Watercolor Simply and Beautifully by Reid, Charles
Giotto and his works in Padua by Ruskin, John
How to Paint Flowers In Water Colors Step by Step Lessons by Usman, Fatima, Davidson, John
A Garden of Birds Volume 2: Paint It Simply Concept Lessons by Jansen, David, Studio, Jansen Art
Colouring book: The Magical City: A Coloring books for adults relaxation(Stress Relief Coloring Book, Creativity, Patterns, coloring b by Coloring, Link
The Gift by Chittilappilly, Kochouseph
A Journey in Nature: Paintings, Drawings and Calligraphy by Brendler, Jeannie
Pulling Your Paintings Together by Reid, Charles
Pulling Your Paintings Together by Reid, Charles
The Art and Adventure of Making Rubbings by Ames, Virginia W.
Encaustic Art in the Twenty-First Century by Lee, Anne, Rooney, Ashley
Abstract Explorations in Acrylic Painting: Fun, Creative and Innovative Techniques by Toye, Jo
Good Vibes Coloring Book: Coloring Books for Grown Ups by Suwannawat, Tanakorn
Swearing Cats: Cat Swear Word Coloring Book For Adults With Some Very Sweary Words: Over 30 Totally Rude Swearing & Cursing Cats To D by Books, Swear Words Coloring
The Casual Artist- Painting Roses Vol. 1 by Inoue, Tamae
Das Buch von der Kunst: oder Tractat der Malerei des Cennino Cennini da Colle di Valdelsa by Cennini, Cennino
Rubens, his life, his work, and his time by Michel, Emile
Different Techniques of Watercolor and how to use them in Backgrounds and Paintings - Step by Step Lessons by Usman, Fatima, Davidson, John
Painterly Days: The Flower Watercoloring Book for Adults by Rice, Kristy
Painterly Days: The Pattern Watercoloring Book for Adults by Rice, Kristy
Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes by Reardon, Michael
Easy Mandalas For Beginners Book 4: 30 Easy Coloring Mandalas For Adults by Bacon, Sandra
Techniques of Watercolor - Techniques for Painting Backgrounds by Davidson, John, Usman, Fatima
Different Techniques of Watercolor: How to use them in paintings and backgrounds Part 2 by Usman, Fatima, Davidson, John
Mandala Creative Coloring: Stress Relieving Patterns, Decorative Arts 50 Designs Drawing, Coloring For Relax, Making Meditation, Broader Imaginat by Raymond, Peter
Figurative Painting with Collage by Judkins, Rod
Lessons in Realistic Watercolor: A Contemporary Approach to Painting People and Places in the Classical Tradition by Robinson, Mario Andres
Rembrandt: The Painter Thinking by Van de Wetering, Ernst
William Carlos Williams and the Ethics of Painting by Diggory, Terence
The Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A.; With 9 Illus by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Mandala Coloring Book: Inspire Creativity, Reduce Stress, and Balance with 30 Mandala Coloring Pages by Art, V.
The Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Kt by Williams, D. E.
Coloring Book: Inspired: Wonderland: Stress Relieving Patterns by Coloring, Link
Illustrated Catalogue of 100 Paintings of Old Masters of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French and English Schools Belonging to the Sedelmeyer Gallery W by Sedelmeyer, Charles
Modern Painters ...: Pt 3. Of The Imaginative And Theoretical Faculties by Ruskin, John
A Picturesque Tour Through Holland, Brabant, And Part Of France: Made In The Autumn Of 1789, Volume 2 by Ireland, Samuel
The Works Of William Hogarth (including The 'analysis Of Beauty, ') Elucidated By Descriptions, Critical, Moral, And Historical: Founded On The Most A by Clerk, Thomas
Aims And Ideals Of Representative American Painters by Rummell, John
Treasures Of Art In Great Britain: Being An Account Of The Chief Collections Of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss., &c. &c by Waagen, Gustav Friedrich
The Artist's Craft: A Handbook by Esmann, Jan
Die mexikanischen Bilderhandschriften Alexander von Humboldts in der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin by Seler, Eduard
Raffaello Sanzio: His Sonnet in the British Museum by Fagan, Louis
Painters and Sculptors: A Second Series of Old Masters and New by Cox, Kenyon
The Barbizon Painters; Being the Story of the Men of Thirty by Hoeber, Arthur
Histoire de la Renaissance Artistique En Italie. Tome 1 by Blanc, Charles
Histoire de la Renaissance Artistique En Italie. Tome 2 by Blanc, Charles
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait Tome 4 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Nos Artistes Au Salon de 1857 by About, Edmond
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait Tome 3 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait Tome 1 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait Tome 2 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts. Tome 3 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Les Deux Cents Incunables Xylographiques Du Département Des Estampes, Origines de la Gravure Tome 1 by Bouchot, Henri
Vies Et Oeuvres Des Peintres Les Plus Célèbres de Toutes Les Écoles.Tome 5-1 by Landon, Charles-Paul
Eine thüringisch-sächsische Malerschule des 13. Jahrhunderts by Haseloff, Arthur
Die Landschaft in der deutschen Kunst: Bis zum Tode Albrecht Dürers by Kaemmerer, Ludwig
Art in America Before the Revolution; Address Before the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, March 12, 1908 by Balch, Edwin Swift
A Survey of the Evolution of Painting With Reference to the Important Pictures of the Louvre by Heywood, Florence
Illustrated Catalogue of Flemish and Dutch Paintings by Wood, T. Martin
Recollections and Impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler by Whistler, James McNeill, Eddy, Arthur Jerome
Florence Through English and American Eyes, 16 Original Lithographs by Betti, Dario
Discover Oil Painting: Easy Landscape Painting Techniques by Pollard, Julie Gilbert
Modern Painters: Pt. Iv. Of Many Things by Ruskin, John
The Children's Book of Celebrated Pictures by Bryant, Lorinda Munson
Catalogue of Pictures in the Tennant Gallery by Gallery, Tennant
Illustrated Catalogue of 100 Paintings of Old Masters of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French and English Schools Belonging to the Sedelmeyer Gallery W by Sedelmeyer, Charles
History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages; Volume 4 by Janssen, Johannes, Mitchell, Ma
History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages; Volume 8 by Janssen, Johannes, Mitchell, Ma
Illustrated Catalogue of 100 Paintings of Old Masters of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French and English Schools Belonging to the Sedelmeyer Gallery W by Sedelmeyer, Charles
Have we the Likeness of Christ? by Johnson, Franklin
Giotto and his Works in Padua: Being an Explanatory Notice of the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel by Ruskin, John
An art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe by Atkinson, J. Beavington
A History of the "Old Water-colour" Society, now the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours; With Biographical Notices of its Older and of all Dec by Roget, John Lewis
Materials for Permanent Painting: A Manual for Manufacturers, Art Dealers, Artists and Collectors by Toch, Maximilian
The National Gallery of Art: Department of Fine Arts of the National Museum by Rathbun, Richard
Lectures On the Works and Genius of Washington Allston by Ware, William
Some Account of the "Gibbs-Channing" Portrait of George Washington: Painted by Gilbert Stuart by Avery, Samuel Putnam
Picture Study in Elementary Schools: Primary Grades by Wilson, Lucy Langdon Williams
Great Lights in Sculpture and Painting: A Manual for Young Students by Doremus, S. D.
The Relation Between Michael Angelo and Tintoret: Seventh of the Course of Lectures On Sculpture Delivered at Oxford, 1870-71 by Ruskin, John
First Steps in the Enjoyment of Pictures by Oliver, Maude I. G.
Veronese by Crastre, François
Little Journeys by Hubbard, Elbert, Collection, Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers
The Fantasy Artroom by Pocock, Aaron
A Hand-Book of the History of Painting: From the Age of Constantine the Great to the Present Time, Volume 1 by Kugler, Franz
Landscape in Art Before Claude and Salvator by Gilbert, Josiah
The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. to Which Is Prefixed a Memoir by H.W. Beechey, Volume 1 by Reynolds, Joshua
Cities of Northern and Central Italy: On the Rivieras, and in Piedmont and Lombardy by Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert
Modern Painters and Their Paintings: For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art by Tytler, Sarah
Recollections and Impressions of James A. Mcneill Whistler by Eddy, Arthur Jerome
A Biography of David Cox: With Remarks On His Works and Genius, Ed., With Additions, by J.T. Bunce by Hall, William
Art in America: A Critical and Historical Sketch by Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler
Modern Painters: Of Truth and Theoretic Faculties by Ruskin, John
Cities of Northern and Central Italy by Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert
English Society of the Eighteenth Century in Contemporary Art by Davies, Randall
A Series of Studies Designed and Engraved After Five Paintings by Raphael / With Historical and Critical Notes Composed by T. B. Éméric-David; the Wor by Bonnemaison, Ferréol, Émeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard
Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, and Curiosities of Art, Volume 3 by Spooner, Shearjashub
Ballad and Epic: A Study in the Development of the Narrative Art by Hart, Walter Morris
Vitamin P2: New Perspectives in Painting by Robecchi, Michele, Schwabsky, Barry
Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists by Hubbard, Elbert
A Tentative List of Italian Pictures Worth Seeing by Berenson, Mary
A Funeral Oration, Occasioned by the Death of Thomas Cole, Delivered Before the National Academy of Design, New York, May 4, 1848 by Bryant, William Cullen
Oil Painting Essentials: Mastering Portraits, Figures, Still Lifes, Landscapes, and Interiors by Kreutz, Gregg
History and Methods of Ancient & Modern Painting by Ward, James
Notice Des Peintures, Sculptures, Gravures Et Lithographies de l'École Moderne de France by Villot, Frédéric
THE ART IN MONOGRAPHY - Fabrizio Vatta: Italian Painters by
Learn Oils Quickly by Soan, Hazel
The Urban Sketching Handbook Understanding Perspective: Easy Techniques for Mastering Perspective Drawing on Location by Bower, Stephanie
Paint Yourself Calm: Colourful, Creative Mindfulness Through Watercolour by Haines, Jean
Japan Adventure Coloring Book: Japanese Inspired Sketches for Relaxation by Garcia, Marianne
Wesen und Technik der Malerei, Ein Handbuch fur Kunstler und Kunstfreunde von Ernst Kiesling by Kiesling, Ernst
London City Sketch: Adult Coloring Book Travel Inspiration by Jr, Annie
Wonderful Mandala: Mandala Coloring book for adult turn you to Mindfulness by Nice Publishing
Wonderful Mandala: Mandala Coloring book for adult turn you to Mindfulness by Nice Publishing
Billy Showell's Botanical Painting in Watercolour by Showell, Billy
Wonder Zoo Coloring Book For Children by Galaxy, Dustman
Symphony of Colors by Zhang, Cindy Xinrui
Clare Woods: Strange Meetings by
Die "Waldlandschaften" von Gerard David. Beschreibung, Entwicklung und kunsthistorische Einordnung by Wöss, Angelika
Die Destruktivität des Schönen. Eine Inszenierung des kontemporären Schönheitsbegriffs: Künstlerisch-praktische Studien mit den Mitteln der Fotografie by Schlapp, Mona
Hieronymus Bosch Masterpieces of Art by Ormiston, Rosalind
Vies Et Oeuvres Des Peintres Les Plus Célèbres de Toutes Les Écoles . Recueil Classique by Landon, Charles-Paul
Naari, Mard Banna Nahi Zaruri!' (Hindi) by Purohit, Apurva
The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century by
How to Paint Birds Using Oil Paints by Saghir, Rabia, Davidson, John
A Journey in Nature by Brendler, Jeannie
Europe Cities Sketch Vol.2: Adult Coloring Book by Jr, Annie
Oil Painting the Angel within Da Vinci's the Virgin of the Rocks: Unleash the Right Brain to Paint the Three-quarter Portrait View by Shirley, Rachel
Album of Painting and Calligraphy: Volume II by Fasheng, Liu
Simon Quaglio: Theatermalerei Und Bühnenbild in Der Ersten Hälfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Hübner, Christine
Lessons in Classical Painting: Essential Techniques from Inside the Atelier by Aristides, Juliette
Drawing for Art Students and Illustrators by Seaby, Allen W.
DaVinci's 9 Values: Revolutionizing your Painting with the new Neutral Near-Blacks by Arteno, Walter P.
Botanical Painting with Gouache: A Step-By-Step Guide by Williams, Simon
Celtic Alphabet Coloring Book: Volume 3 by Kaguri, Jeff
Best Coloring Book for Snakes: Snakes by Kaguri, Jeff
Menschen und Rechte - Menschen im Einklang: Menschen mit Liebe by Ericson, Marc, Wellmann, Wolfgang
Timeless Techniques for Better Oil Paintings by Browning, Tom
Born in a Shtetl: An Essay on Sonia Delaunay and her Jewishness by Sandqvist, Tom
Barthes/Burgin by
Artist's Painting Techniques: Explore Watercolors, Acrylics, and Oils; Discover Your Own Style; Grow as an Art by DK
De' Vivarini: Pittori da Murano by Sinigaglia, Giorgio
Modern Painters; Volume 4 by Ruskin, John, Cust, Lionel 1859-1929
Modern Painters; Volume 3 by Cust, Lionel 1859-1929, Ruskin, John
Modern Painters; Volume 2 by Cust, Lionel 1859-1929, Ruskin, John
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Sechster Band by Crowe, J. a., Cavalcaselle, G. B.
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Fünfter Band - Erste Hälfte by Crowe, J. a., Cavalcaselle, G. B.
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Zweiter Band by Cavalcaselle, G. B., Crowe, J. a.
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Erster Band by Crowe, J. a., Cavalcaselle, G. B.
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Vierter Band - Erste Hälfte by Crowe, J. a., Cavalcaselle, G. B.
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Dritter Band by Cavalcaselle, G. B., Crowe, J. a.
Painting Labour in Scotland and Europe, 1850-1900 by Morrison, John
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint by Jolly, Penny Howell
How to Loosen Up Your Painting by Dewey, Malcolm
Traité de la peinture by Leonardo, Da Vinci 1452-1519
People: His Finest Portraits by Rai, Raghu
M. S. Subbulakshmi: The Definitive Biography by George, T. J. S.
How To Watercolor: Your Step-By-Step Guide To Watercoloring by Howexpert Press
Wool Painting Tutorial "Red Bullfinch" by Ball, Jay, Ball, Oksana
Exploring Color Workshop, 30th Anniversary Edition: With New Exercises, Lessons and Demonstrations by Leland, Nita
Natur und Landschaft als ungleiche Begriffe im historischen Wandel der Landschaftsmalerei by Piontek, Carolin
Don't Sweat the Details: Easy Water Color Techniques for Beginners by Schulman, Davida
Garden of Flowers Volume 2: The Art of Painting by Studio, Jansen Art, Jansen Mda, David
Catalogue of Works of Art Suitable for School-room Decoration.. by Goodnough, Walter S.
AirCraft Coloring Book: Sketch Coloring Book by Hutzler, Anthony
Su Xiaobai by
Geschichte der italienischen Malerei: Deutsche Originalausgabe vierter Band, erste Hälfte by Crowe, J. a., Cavalcaselle, G. B.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Masterpiece Paintings by
Cartwheeling Through Life by Poll-Sorensen, Toni
Europe Cities Sketch Vol.3: Adult Coloring Book by Jr, Annie
A Rocky Mountain Sketchbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Watercolour Painting and Drawing in the Mountain Landscape by Massie, Donna Jo
The Joy of Mountains: A Step-By-Step Guide to Watercolor Painting and Sketching in Western Mountain Parks by Massie, Donna Jo
Catalogue Descriptif Des Dessins de Maîtres Anciens Exposés À l'École Des Beaux-Arts, Mai-Juin 1879 by Ephrussi, Charles
L'Art de Peinture, de Charles-Alphonse Du Fresnoy, Traduit En François by Dufresnoy, Charles-Alphonse
La Peinture Anglaise: de Ses Origines À Nos Jours by Dayot, Armand
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