• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2010

Caves of the Ape-Men: South Africa's Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site by Partridge, Timothy
Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants by Stewart, Wilson N., Rothwell, Gar W.
The Geology Of A Portion Of The Badlands: The Paleontology Of The Area, The Badlands As A National Park (1922) by Toepelman, Walter Carl, Ward, Freeman
Maniraptoran "Dinosaurs" by Burnham, David
Pennsylvania's Paleozoic Playground by Matt, Kerry
Beitrage Zur Anatomie Der Physiologischen Scheiden Der Pteridophyten (1907) by Mager, Hans
How to Build a Dinosaur: The New Science of Reverse Evolution by Gorman, James, Horner, Jack
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain: Or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of Those Remains of Testaceous Animals of Shells, Which Have Been Preser by Sowerby, James
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain: Or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of Those Remains of Testaceous Animals of Shells, Which Have Been Preser by Sowerby, James
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain: Or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of Those Remains of Testaceous Animals of Shells, Which Have Been Preser by Sowerby, James
Ueber Die Natur Der Stromatoporen Und Über Die Erhaltung Der Hornfaser Der Spongien Im Fossilen Zustande by Rosen, Friedrich
Beitrag Zur Petrographie Der Sudwestlichen Grenze Zwischen Minas Geraes Und S. Paulo (1887) by Machado, Jordano Da Costa
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain: Or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of Those Remains of Testaceous Animals of Shells, Which Have Been Preser by Sowerby, James
Catalogue of Californian Fossils by Cooper, J. G.
Recherches Sur La Vegetation De L'Ouest De La France A L'Epoque Tertiaire: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte. (1878) by Crie, Louis
Triassic Life on Land: The Great Transition by Sues, Hans-Dieter, Fraser, Nicholas
Barnum Brown: The Man Who Discovered Tyrannosaurus Rex by Dingus, Lowell, Norell, Mark
Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology Volume V.2 by Buckland, William
Dogs: Their Fossil Relatives and Evolutionary History by Wang, Xiaoming, Tedford, Richard
The Rise of Progress of Paleontology by Huxley, Thomas H.
Beiträge Zur Anatomie Der Nyctaginaceenfrüchte by Heimerl, Anton
Notes Sur Les Téléosauriens by Eudes-Deslongchamps, Eugene
Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins by Johanson, Donald, Wong, Kate
New Aspects of Mesozoic Biodiversity by Bandyopadhyay, Saswati
Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny, Ecosystems by
Cenozoic Mammals of Africa by
The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change Through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia by
Tables and Notes on Human Osteology, for the Use of Students of Medicine by Wimmer, Sebastian J.
The Link by Tudge, Colin
Carbonate Depositional Systems: Assessing Dimensions and Controlling Parameters: The Bahamas, Belize and the Persian/Arabian Gulf by
I Married A Dinosaur by Brown, Lilian
The Dawn Angiosperms: Uncovering the Origin of Flowering Plants by Wang, Xin
The William's Collection Of Shells: A Brief Account Of The Conchological Cabinet Of Mrs. Alice L. Williams (1908) by Chadwick, George Halcott
Anatomie Und Physiologie Des Menschlichen Stimm Und Sprach-Organs, Part 2 (1863) by Merkel, Carl Ludwig
The Story Of Evolution by McCabe, Joseph
Die Hydrometeore In Ihrer Beziehung Zur Reizung Der Sensitiven Nervenfaser: Ein Physiologischer Beitrag Zur Richtigen Wurdigung Der Hyperasthesien (18 by Buchmann, Otto August
On The Occurrence Of Mammoth And Mastodon Remains Around Hudson Bay (1898) by Bell, Robert
Beitrage Zur Anatomie Der Physiologischen Scheiden Der Pteridophyten (1907) by Mager, Hans
A Revision Of The Palaeozoic Palaeechinoidea: With A Synopsis Of All Known Species (1904) by Klem, Mary J.
Histoire De L'Astronomie Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle, Part 1 (1827) by Delambre, Jean Baptiste, Mathieu, Claude Louis
Mesozoic Fossils V1: Part 1, On Some Invertebrates From The Coal Bearing Rocks Of The Queen Charlotte Islands, Collected By James Richardso by Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick
On The Theory Of Indicators And The Reactions Of Phthaleins And Their Salts by Slagle, Edgar Apple
Petrifactions And Their Teachings: Or A Hand-Book To The Gallery Of Organic Remains Of The British Museum (1851) by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization and Chemical Attraction in Relation to the Vital Force by Von Reichenbach, Baron Karl
The Artist and the Scientists by Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Thomas H., Trusler, Peter
Earliest Life on Earth: Habitats, Environments and Methods of Detection by
Monographie de la Faune Lacustre de l'Éocène Moyen by 1871-1943, Roman Frederic
Woody Plants - Evolution and Distribution Since the Tertiary: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by Deutsche Akademie Der Naturforscher Leopoldina i by
Pollen Terminology: An Illustrated Handbook by Hesse, Michael, Halbritter, Heidemarie, Weber, Martina
Ecology and Behaviour of Mesozoic Reptiles by Cloudsley-Thompson, John L.
Mud and Mudstones: Introduction and Overview by Maynard, J. B., Depetris, Pedro J., Potter, Paul E.
The Mjølnir Impact Event and Its Consequences: Geology and Geophysics of a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Marine Impact Event by
Mass Extinction by
Anatomical Imaging: Towards a New Morphology by
The Wonders of Geology 2 Volume Set: Or, a Familiar Exposition of Geological Phenomena by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
The Wonders of Geology - Volume 1 by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
The Wonders of Geology - Volume 2 by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes by
Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa by
Atlas of Chrysophycean Cysts: Volume II by Zeeb, Barbara a., Wilkinson, A. N.
A Stratigraphical System of Organized Fossils: With Reference to the Specimens of the Original Geological Collection in the British Museum by Smith, William, Jr., Smith
Dendroclimatology: Progress and Prospects by
Catalogue of the Type Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge by Woods, Henry
A Catalogue of the Collection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils Contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge by Salter, J. W., Morris, John, Sedgwick, Adam
Plant Life Through the Ages by Seward, A. C.
Forbidden Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Magazine Columns of Michael A. Cremo by Cremo, Michael A.
How Vertebrates Left the Water by Laurin, Michel
Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time by
Current Developments in Bioerosion by
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Oldowan by
High-Latitude Bioerosion: The Kosterfjord Experiment by Wisshak, Max
Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology by
Biogeography, Time and Place: Distributions, Barriers and Islands by
Geomagnetic Field Variations by
Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Paleoanthropology by
Ostracodology - Linking Bio- And Geosciences: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Ostracoda, Berlin, 2005 by
Studies on Mexican Paleontology by
Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives by
Coccolithophores: From Molecular Processes to Global Impact by
Morphometrics: Applications in Biology and Paleontology by
American Megafaunal Extinctions at the End of the Pleistocene by
Isotopes in Palaeoenvironmental Research by
Written in Stone: Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature by Switek, Brian
Palaeoecology of Quaternary Drylands by
Fossil and Recent Biofilms: A Natural History of Life on Earth by
Applied Micropalaeontology by
A Manual of Practical Laboratory and Field Techniques in Palaeobiology by Green, O. R.
Extinctions in Near Time: Causes, Contexts, and Consequences by
High-Resolution Approaches in Stratigraphic Paleontology by
History of Insects by
Primate Biogeography: Progress and Prospects by
Jurassic and Cretaceous Floras and Climates of the Earth by Vakhrameev, V. A.
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of Ostracoda: Theme 3 of the 13th International Symposium on Ostracoda (Iso97) by