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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2011

The Fossil Hunter: Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose Discoveries Changed the World by Emling, Shelley
Big Bone Lick: The Cradle of American Paleontology by Hedeen, Stanley
The Savage and Prehistory, the White Man's Mirror / Le Sauvage et le Préhistorique, miroir de l'homme occidental: De la malédiction de Cham à l'identi by Patou-Mathis, Marylène
Life, Letters, and Works of Louis Agassiz - Volume 1 by Marcou, Jules
Life, Letters, and Works of Louis Agassiz - Volume 2 by Marcou, Jules
Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context, Volume 1: Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment by
Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context, Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna by
Neogene Paleontology of the Manonga Valley, Tanzania: A Window Into the Evolutionary History of East Africa by
Neanderthal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study by
Biominerals and Fossils Through Time by Sorauf, James E., Cuif, Jean-Pierre, Dauphin, Yannicke
The Micropalaeontology of Oceans: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Cambridge from 10 to 17 September 1967 Under the Title 'Micropalaeontology of M by
Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life: Numerical Approaches to the Evaluation of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems by
Computational Paleontology by
Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study by
Fossil Plants 4 Volume Set: A Text-Book for Students of Botany and Geology by Seward, A. C.
Fossil Plants - Volume 1 by Seward, A. C.
Fossil Plants - Volume 2 by Seward, A. C.
Fossil Plants - Volume 3 by Seward, A. C.
Fossil Plants - Volume 4 by Seward, A. C.
Late Cainozoic Floras of Iceland: 15 Million Years of Vegetation and Climate History in the Northern North Atlantic by Grimsson, Friðgeir, Zetter, Reinhard, Denk, Thomas
Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence by
The Great Basin: A Natural Prehistory by Grayson, Donald
Stromatolites: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments by
Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: Understanding the Life of Giants by
The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study by
Chuckwalla Land: The Riddle of California's Desert by Wallace, David Rains
Atlas of Quartz Sand Surface Textures by David H., Krinsley, John C., Doornkamp, Krinsley, David H.
Paleontology by Turner, Derek
Paleontology: A Philosophical Introduction by Turner, Derek
The Fossils and Palaeontological Affinities of the Neocomian Deposits of Upware and Brickhill (Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire) by Keeping, Walter
Dinosaur Odyssey: Fossil Threads in the Web of Life by Sampson, Scott D.
The Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil: Window Into an Ancient World by Martill, David M., Loveridge, Robert F., Bechly, G. Nter
Palaeontology Invertebrate by Woods, Henry
Links with the Past in the Plant World by Seward, A. C.
Contributions à la faune malacologique de l'Afrique Equatoriale... 1.sér., [no.]1-72 by Germain, Louis
Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions: Methods, Theories, and Interpretations by
Manual Of Conchology, Structural And Systemic by Tryon, George Washington
Manual of Conchology, Structural and Systemic by Tryon, George Washington
Molluschi Borneensi by Issel, Arturo
Monographie Des Poissons Fossiles Du Vieux Grã(c)S Rouge, Ou Système Dã(c)Vonien (Old Red Sandstone) Des Iles Britanniques Et de R by Agassiz, Louis
Manual Of Conchology, Structural And Systemic by Tryon, George Washington
Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth by Hurrell, Stephen William
Note Sur Quelques Unionidés (Mollusques Pélécypodes) de la Normandie by Germain, Louis
Les cerithium et les cerithidae des mers d'Europe by Locard, Arnould
Systême Silurien Du Centre de la Bohême by Barrande, Joachim
Systeme Silurien Du Centre de La Boheme by Barrande, Joachim
Systeme Silurien Du Centre de La Boheme by Barrande, Joachim
Systeme Silurien Du Centre de La Boheme by Barrande, Joachim
Systeme Silurien Du Centre de La Boheme by Barrande, Joachim
Systeme Silurien Du Centre de La Boheme by Barrande, Joachim
Antarctic Paleobiology: Its Role in the Reconstruction of Gondwana by
Plants and the K-T Boundary by Nichols, Douglas J., Johnson, Kirk R.
Der Amerikanische Höhlenlöwe: Der größte Löwe aller Zeiten by Probst, Ernst
Past and Future Rapid Environmental Changes: The Spatial and Evolutionary Responses of Terrestrial Biota by
Eugène DuBois and the Ape-Man from Java: The History of the First 'Missing Link' and Its Discoverer by Theunissen, L. T.
Applications of Palaeontology: Techniques and Case Studies by Jones, Robert Wynn
Early Flowers and Angiosperm Evolution by Pederson, Kaj Raunsgaard, Friis, Else Marie, Crane, Peter R.
Löwenfunde in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
The Fossil Chronicles: How Two Controversial Discoveries Changed Our View of Human Evolution by Falk, Dean
The Fossil Chronicles: How Two Controversial Discoveries Changed Our View of Human Evolution by Falk, Dean
The Paleogene and Neogene of Western Iberia (Portugal): A Cenozoic Record in the European Atlantic Domain by Pais, João
Long-Term Forest Dynamics of the Temperate Zone: A Case Study of Late-Quaternary Forests in Eastern North America by Delcourt, Hazel R., Delcourt, Paul A.
Comets and the Origin of Life: Proceedings of the Fifth College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland by
Cosmochemical Evolution and the Origins of Life: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Origin of Life and the First Meeting of the by
Evolutionary Protistology: The Organism as Cell Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology, Banyul by
Dinosaurs of Eastern Iberia by
Origin of Life: Proceedings of the Third Issol Meeting and the Sixth Icol Meeting, Jerusalem, June 22-27, 1980 by
A History of British Fossil Mammals, and Birds by Owen, Richard
Palaeogeography and Palaeobiogeography: Biodiversity in Space and Time by
Abbildungen Und Beschreibungen Neuer Oder Wenig Gekannter Conchylien, Unter Mithülfe Mehrer Deutscher Conchyliologen, Volumes 1-3 by Philippi, Rodolfo Amando
Monograph on the Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay: And of the Bracklesham and Other Tertiary Beds by Owen, Richard, Bell, Thomas
On the Extent and Aims of a National Museum of Natural History: Including the Substance of a Discourse on That Subject, Delivered at the Royal Institu by Owen, Richard
On the Anatomy of Vertebrates - Volume 3 by Owen, Richard
Les Odontocètes Du Boldérien (miocène Supèrieur) D'anvers... by Abel, Othenio
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume III: Mammalian Taphonomy. the Assemblages of Layers V-5 and V-6 by Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Sabine, Kindler, Lutz, Rabinovich, Rivka
Limits of Life: Proceedings of the Fourth College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution, University of Maryland, College Park, Marylan by
Die Steinkohlenflora Von Radnitz in Bohmen: Mit 29 Lithogr. Taf... by Ettingshausen, Constantin Von
Introductory Petrography of Fossils by Potter, Paul E., Horowitz, Alan S.
Biomineralization and Biological Metal Accumulation: Biological and Geological Perspectives Papers Presented at the Fourth International Symposium on by
The Bone Hunters: The Heroic Age of Paleontology in the American West by Lanham, Url
British Fossil Brachiopoda - Volume 2 by Owen, Richard, Carpenter, William Benjamin, Davidson, Thomas
British Fossil Brachiopoda - Volume 3 by Owen, Richard, Carpenter, William Benjamin, Davidson, Thomas
British Fossil Brachiopoda - Volume 4 by Owen, Richard, Carpenter, William Benjamin, Davidson, Thomas
The Gulf of Aqaba: Ecological Micropaleontology by Reiss, Zeev, Hottinger, Lukas
Wer ist der kleinste Dinosaurier?: Interviews mit dem Wiesbadener Wissenschaftsautor Ernst Probst by Probst, Ernst
The Study of Trace Fossils: A Synthesis of Principles, Problems, and Procedures in Ichnology by
Barnum Brown: The Man Who Discovered Tyrannosaurus Rex by Norell, Mark, Dingus, Lowell
Wer war der Stammvater der Insekten?: Interview mit dem Stuttgarter Biologen und Paläontologen Dr. Günter Bechly by Probst, Ernst
British Fossil Brachiopoda - Volume 1 by Owen, Richard, Carpenter, William Benjamin, Davidson, Thomas
British Fossil Brachiopoda by Carpenter, William Benjamin, Owen, Richard, Davidson, Thomas
On the Anatomy of Vertebrates - Volume 1 by Owen, Richard
On the Anatomy of Vertebrates - Volume 2 by Owen, Richard