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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2014

Evolution of Sexual Reproduction in Marine Invertebrates: Example of Gymnolaemate Bryozoans by Ostrovsky
Biotic Interactions in Recent and Fossil Benthic Communities by
Strange beings by Barreto, Rafael M.
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume III: Mammalian Taphonomy. the Assemblages of Layers V-5 and V-6 by Kindler, Lutz, Rabinovich, Rivka, Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Sabine
Das Mammut: Mit Zeichnungen von Shuhei Tamura by Probst, Ernst
Techniques for Virtual Palaeontology by Garwood, Russell, Rahman, Imran, Sutton, Mark
Florida Fossils: Shark Teeth & Marine Animals by Marlowe, Scott C.
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain 3 Volume Set: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains Found in a Fossil State in This Country by Lindley, John, Hutton, William
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains Found in a Fossil State in This Country by Hutton, William, Lindley, John
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains Found in a Fossil State in This Country by Hutton, William, Lindley, John
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain: Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains Found in a Fossil State in This Country by Hutton, William, Lindley, John
Last Ape Standing: The Seven-Million-Year Story of How and Why We Survived by Walter, Chip
Mollusk Shells as Bio-Geo-Archives: Evaluating Environmental Changes During the Quaternary by Bayer, María Sol, Boretto, Gabriella, Gordillo, Sandra
Jurassic Mary: Mary Anning and the Primeval Monsters by Pierce, Patricia
Florida Fossils: Land Animals by Marlowe, Scott C.
My Beloved Brontosaurus by Switek, Brian
The Vertebrate Integumentvolume 1: Origin and Evolution by Lingham-Soliar, Theagarten
Florida Fossils: Mollusks by Marlowe, Scott C.
Fossils of All Kinds: Digested Into a Method, Suitable to Their Mutual Relation and Affinity by Woodward, John
An Echo in the Genes by Dye, David W.
Mystical Anthropology: Constituted As A Fundamental Vitalogical Science by Lovewisdom, Johnny
Late Cenozoic Climate Change in Asia: Loess, Monsoon and Monsoon-Arid Environment Evolution by
The Creation Dialogues - 2nd Edition: A Response to the Position of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Evolution, Christianity by Mitchell, J. D.
Le Monde Avant La Création de l'Homme: Origines de la Terre, Origines de la Vie, Origines de l'Humanité by Flammarion, Camille
The Phylogenetic System of Ephemeroptera by Kluge, Nikita
Riddle of the Feathered Dragons: Hidden Birds of China by Feduccia, Alan
Virginia Through Time: A Natural History Atlas by Burns, Jasper
Flying Dinosaurs: How fearsome reptiles became birds by Pickrell, John
Amphibian Evolution by Schoch, Rainer R.
Strati 2013: First International Congress on Stratigraphy at the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy by
Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms: Lessons from the Living by
The Trilobite Book: A Visual Journey by Levi-Setti, Riccardo
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design by Meyer, Stephen C.
Cambrian Ocean World: Ancient Sea Life of North America by Foster, John, Meyer, David L.
Devonian Floras: A Study of the Origin of Cormophyta by Newell Arber, E. A.
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution by
Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns: Profiles in Macroevolution by Valentine, J.
Frederic W. Harmer: A Scientific Biography by Kington, John A.
Bryozoan Studies 2010 by
Geomathematics: Theoretical Foundations, Applications and Future Developments by Agterberg, Frits
Essai de Géologie 2 Volume Set in 3 Pieces: Ou, Mémoires Pour Servir a l'Histoire Naturelle Du Globe by Faujas-De-St -Fond, Barthélemy
Essai de Géologie: Ou, Mémoires Pour Servir a l'Histoire Naturelle Du Globe by Faujas-De-St -Fond, B., Faujas-De-St -Fond, Barthelemy
Essai de Géologie: Ou, Mémoires Pour Servir a l'Histoire Naturelle Du Globe by Faujas-De-St -Fond, Barthelemy, Faujas-De-St -Fond, B.
Essai de Geologie: Ou, Memoires Pour Servir A L'Histoire Naturelle Du Globe by Faujas-De-St -Fond, B., Faujas-De-St -Fond, Barthelemy
Tertiary Frogs from Central Europe by Spinar, Z. V.
Tiere der Urwelt: Leben und Werk des Berliner Malers Heinrich Harder by Probst, Ernst
Origine de l'Unique Couple Humain: Dispersion de Ses Descendants... by Béron, Pierre
Les Habitants Des Mers Anciennes by Guède
Étude Sur Les Fossiles Tertiaires Et Quaternaires de la Vallée de la Cettina En Dalmatie by Bourguignat, Jules-René
Dinosaurs and Indians: Paleontology Resource Dispossession from Sioux Lands - First Edition by Bradley, Lawrence W.
Extinction and Evolution: What Fossils Reveal about the History of Life by Eldredge, Niles
Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds by Pickrell, John
Biodiversity and Evolutionary Ecology of Extinct Organisms by Bose, Rituparna
Cephalopods Present and Past: New Insights and Fresh Perspectives by
Morphology and Evolution of Turtles by
Paleogene Larger Rotaliid Foraminifera from the Western and Central Neotethys by Hottinger, Lukas
Biopolymers: A Molecular Paleontology Approach by Gupta, Neal S.
Brontornis: Riesenvögel in Argentinien by Probst, Ernst
Harpagornis: Der größte Greifvogel der Neuzeit by Probst, Ernst
Dinornis: Der größte Vogel aller Zeiten by Probst, Ernst
Hesperornis: Der große Vogel des Westens by Probst, Ernst
Phorusrhacos: Der riesige Terrorvogel by Probst, Ernst
Argentavis: Der größte fliegende Vogel by Probst, Ernst
Pelagornis: Der größte Meeresvogel by Probst, Ernst
Dromornis: Der schwerste Vogel aller Zeiten by Probst, Ernst
Aepyornis: Der Vogel, der die größten Eier legte by Probst, Ernst
Biomechanics for bipedal dinosaurs: How fast Tyrannosaurus could run by Usami, Yoshiyuki
Vogelriesen in der Urzeit: Rekorde gefiederter Giganten by Probst, Ernst
Recherches Anatomiques Pour Servir À l'Histoire Des Oiseaux Fossiles de la France T2 by Milne-Edwards, Alphonse
Dodging Extinction: Power, Food, Money, and the Future of Life on Earth by Barnosky, Anthony D.
Discours Sur Les Révolutions de la Surface Du Globe Et Sur Les Changemens, 8e Édition by Cuvier, Georges
Échinides Fossiles de l'Algérie, Fascicule 10.2: Description Espèces Déjà Recueillies Dans CE Pays, Considérations Sur Leur Position Stratigraphique by Cotteau, Gustave
Nouvelles Observations Sur Des Traces d'Animaux Et Autres Phénomènes d'Origine Purement Mécanique by Nathorst, Alfred Gabriel
Raub-Dinosaurier von A bis Z by Probst, Ernst
Dinosaurs - The Grand Tour: Everything Worth Knowing about Dinosaurs from Aardonyx to Zuniceratops by Pim, Keiron
Computational Paleontology by
Tiere der Urzeit: Rekorde von Insekten, Fischen, Amphibien, Reptilien, Vögeln und Säugetieren by Probst, Ernst
The Philosophy of Zoology Before Darwin: A Translated and Annotated Version of the Original French Text by Edmond Perrier by Cook, Stanton, McBirney, Alex
30 Tiere der Urwelt: Bilder von F. John by Probst (Hrsg )., Ernst
An Essay Towards a Natural History of the Earth: And Terrestrial Bodyes, Especially Minerals by Woodward, John
From Fossils to Astrobiology: Records of Life on Earth and the Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures by
Hadrosaurs by Benton, Michael J., Eberth, David A.
Carbonate Depositional Systems: Assessing Dimensions and Controlling Parameters: The Bahamas, Belize and the Persian/Arabian Gulf by
Early Life on Earth: A Practical Guide by Wacey, David
The World Encyclopedia of Fossils & Fossil-Collecting:: An Illustrated Reference Guide to Over 375 Plant and Animal Fossils from Around the Globe and by Parker, Steve
52 Things You Should Know About Palaeontology by Martinius, Allard W.
The Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia by
Neanderthal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study by
Vergleichende Übersicht der urweltlichen Organismen by Rolle, Friedrich