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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2021

Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles (third Edition) by
Depreciation and Taxes by
Palaeontology; v.41: pt.4 (1998) by
Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina: Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Polyparia, Echinodermata and Mollusca by
Prodromus of the Paleontology of Victoria; or, Figures and Descriptions of Victorian Organic Remains ..; 5 (1877) by McCoy, Frederick 1823-1899
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 12 = v. 18 1846/47 by
A Bibliography of Fossil Man; 2 by Fay, George Emory 1927-
Palaeontology; v.37: pt.3-4 (1994-1995) by
Additions to the Palaeontology of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin Regions of North America by Kellogg, Remington 1893-
In My Backyard by
Bulletins of American Paleontology; no.327 (1987) by
Field Notebook: USA 1958 by Ross, June
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains Found in a Fossil State in This Country; 1 by Hutton, William 1797-1860, Lindley, John 1799-1865
Field Notebook: California, Oregon, Washington, Texas, British Columbia 1926, 1927 by Schuchert, Charles
Contributions to Pennsylvanian Paleobotany Mazocarpon Oedipternum, Sp. Nov. and Sigillarian Relationships; Report of Investigations No. 75 by Schopf, James Morton 1911-
Dawn of Life: Being the History of the Oldest Known Fossil Remains, and Their Relation to Geological Time and to the Development of the Animal Kingdom by
Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina: Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Polyparia, Echinodermata and Mollusca by
Palaeontology; v.21: pt.1-2 (1978) by
On New Species of Fossil Sponges From the Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis on the Lower St. Lawrence [microform] by Hinde, George Jennings 1839-1918
Popular Conchology, or, The Shell Cabinet Arranged According to the Modern System: With a Detailed Account of the Animals, and a Complete Descriptive by
Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology [microform]: Volume IV by
On the Identification of Meckelian and Mylohyoid Grooves in the Jaws of Mesozoic and Recent Mammalia [microform] by
The Species Concept in Palaeontology: a Symposium by
Man in Search of His Ancestors; the Romance of Paleontology by Senet, André 1922-
A Monograph on the British Fossil Reptilia of the Mesozoic Formations by
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology by Anonymous
A Bibliography of Fossil Man; 2 by Fay, George Emory 1927-
A Bibliography to the Paleontology of Massachusetts, 1821-1849, by Johansson, Warren I.
A Catalogue of the Fossils of Indiana [microform]: Accompanied by a Bibliography of the Literature Relating to Them by
Description of Missourium, or Missouri Leviathan: Together With Its Supposed Habits and Indian Traditions Concerning the Location From Whence It Was E by
Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America. An Address Delivered Before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Nas by Marsh, Othniel Charles 1831-1899
The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald [microform]: Under the Command of Captain Henry Kellet, R.N., C.B., During the Years 1845-51 by Forbes, Edward 1815-1854
Palaeontology; v.30: pt.1-2 (1987) by
Palaeontology; v.24: pt.1-2 (1981) by
The Dinosaur Book: the Ruling Reptiles and Their Relatives; Handbook Series no.14 by Germann, John C.
The Pleistocene of the Middle Region of North America and Its Vertebrated Animals by Hay, Oliver Perry 1846-1930
N - Z by True, Frederick William 1858-1914
And Then Came Man by Bastian, Hartmut
The Relation of the Fauna of the Ithaca Group to the Faunas of the Portage and Chemung [microform] by
Description of the Fossil Remains of Mollusca Found in the Chalk of England. Cephalopoda by Sharpe, Daniel
Canadian Fossil Insects [microform] by
The Fossils and Palæontological Affinities of the Neocomian Deposits of Upware and Brickhill (Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire): Being the Sedgwick Pri by Keeping, Walter
Field Notebook: Florida. 1935, 1936 by Schuchert, Charles
Papers Concerning the Palaeontology of the Pleistocene of California and the Pliocene of Oregon by
Palaeontology; v.5: pt.1-2 (1962) by
Revision of the Caradocian-Ashgillian Cystoid Fauna of Belgium, With Notes on Isolated Pelmatozoan Stem Fragments by
A Lance Didelphid Molar, With Comments on the Problems of the Lance Therians; Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.10, No.36 by Turnbull, William D.
Australasian Fossils, a Students' Manual of Palaeontology by
Roentgenologic Studies of Egyptian and Peruvian Mummies by Moodie, Roy Lee 1880-1934
Synopsis of the Air-breathing Animals of the Palæozoic in Canada up to 1894 [microform] by
Diaries and Field Notes, 1915 - 1972 by
On Vertebrata of the Mid-Cretaceous of the North West Territory [microform] by Osborn, Henry Fairfield 1857-1935
Icones Fossilium Sectiles: Centuria Prima by
The Paleocene Pantodonta by Simons, Elwyn L.
Teilhard De Chardin by Rabut, Olivier A.
The Hadrosaur Edmontosaurus From the Upper Cretaceous of Alberta by
Alabama, Georgia, Montana, and Washington, 1939, 1945, 1951, 1953 by
The Species Concept in Palaeontology: a Symposium by
American Journal of Pharmacy; Index v. 43-52 1871/80 by
Corals From the Chouteau and Related Formations of the Mississippi Valley Region; Report of Investigations No. 97 by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 4 = v. 10 1838/39 by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 17 = v. 23 1851 by
Palaeontology; v.7: pt.3-4 (1964-1965) by
Palaeontology; v.16: pt.1-2 (1973) by
Pennsylvanian Faunas of the Beardstown, Glasford, Havana, and Vermont Quadrangles; Report of Investigations No. 205 by
Palaeontology; v.41: pt.5-6 (1998) by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 1 = v. 7 1835/36 by
Palaeontology; v.18: pt.1-2 (1975) by
Bulletins of American Paleontology; v.17, no. 62-63 (1930-1931) by
On the Genus Lepidophloios [microform]: as Illustrated by Specimens From the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 7 = v. 13 1841/42 by
The Eurypterida of New York; 1. Text by Clarke, John Mason 1857-1925, Ruedemann, Rudolf 1864-1956
Illustrated Guide to the Collection of Fossils Exhibited in the National Museum of Victoria by
An Ancient Haunt of the Cervus Megaceros or Great Irish Deer [microform] by
Rubber Molds and Plaster Casts in the Paleontological Laboratory; Fieldiana. Technique; no. 6 by Quinn, James Harrison
Letter Addressed to Mr. Joachim Barrande [microform]: on the Rocks of the Quebec Group at Point Levis by
Prodromus of the Paleontology of Victoria; or, Figures and Descriptions of Victorian Organic Remains ..; 1 (1874) by McCoy, Frederick 1823-1899
Breviora; no.554 (2017) by Anonymous
An Annotated Synopsis of Paleozoic Fossil Spores: and the Definition of Generic Groups; Report of Investigations No. 91 by Schopf, James Morton 1911-
Breviora; no.548 (2016) by
Diaries and Field Notes, 1915 - 1972 (2) by
Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America. An Address Delivered Before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Nas by Marsh, Othniel Charles 1831-1899
The Neocene Lake Beds of Western Montana and Descriptions of Some New Vertebrates From the Loup Fork .. by
Monograph on the British Fossil Echinodermata of the Oolitic Formations; v.2 (1863-1880) by Wright, Thomas 1809-1884
Palaeontology; v.3: pt.3-4 (1960-1961) by
Dawn of Life: Being the History of the Oldest Known Fossil Remains, and Their Relation to Geological Time and to the Development of the Animal Kingdom by
A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America: With Coloured Models of the Species by Green, Jacob 1790-1841
Bone Wars: The Excavation and Celebrity of Andrew Carnegie's Dinosaur, Twentieth Anniversary Edition by Rea, Tom
Deep Time: A Journey Through 4.5 Billion Years of Our Planet by Black, Riley
Evolutionary Cell Processes in Primates: Genes, Skin, Energetics, Breathing, and Feeding, Volume II by
The Geology of the Egyptian Nubian Shield by
Age of Dinosaurs by Yang, Yang
The Story of the Dinosaurs in 25 Discoveries: Amazing Fossils and the People Who Found Them by Prothero, Donald R.
The Taphonomy of Echinoids by Nebelsick, James H.
Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 2: Laurasiatherians, Artiodactyles, Perissodactyles, Carnivorans, and Island Endemics by
Drawing and Painting Dinosaurs: Using Art and Science to Bring the Past to Life by Willoughby, Emily
Our Oldest Companions: The Story of the First Dogs by Shipman, Pat
Age of Pterosaurs by Yang, Yang
Megafauna: First Victims of the Human-Caused Extinction by Edmeades, Baz
Field Guide Book of Geology of Kutch (Kachchh) Basin, Gujarat, India by Chauhan, Gaurav D., Biswas, Sanjib K., Mahender, Kotha
Virtual Paleontology by Bauer, Jennifer E.
Dinosaurs: New Visions of a Lost World by Benton, Michael J.
Biological Consequences of Plate Tectonics: New Perspectives on Post-Gondwana Break-Up-A Tribute to Ashok Sahni by
Antarctic Climate Evolution by
Stereofotografie in der Paläontologie: Eine kurze Einführung mit Bildbeispielen by Sturm, Robert
Megafauna: First Victims of the Human-Caused Extinction by Edmeades, Baz
The Awesome Allosaurus Adventure: James Bone Graphic Novel #1 by
Age of Ancient Sea Monsters by Yang, Yang
Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 1: Basal Vertebrates, Amphibians, Reptiles, Afrotherians, Glires, and Primates by
Follow The Fossils by Bex, Richard T., II, Ocon, Samantha B., Lundgren, Lisa
The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Coevolution and Paleoparasitological Techniques by
Ichnology of the Lowlands of South America: Paleoichnological Studies in Continental Cenozoic Rocks by Laza, José Herminio
Rates of Evolution by
Evolution: The Origins and Mechanisms of Diversity by Bard, Jonathan
Evolution: The Origins and Mechanisms of Diversity by Bard, Jonathan