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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2022

El Disco Celeste de Nebra: La Calve de Una Civilización Extinta En El Corazón de Europa by Meller, Harald
Plato's Labyrinth: Dinosaurs, Ancient Greeks, and Time Travelers by Carroll, Michael
Explorers of Deep Time: Paleontologists and the History of Life by Plotnick, Roy
Die Flora des Rothliegenden von Thüringen: Teil 2 by Potonie, H.
Esquisse d'une nouvelle classification de minéralogie. Traduit de l'anglois by Jansen, Hendrik, Pinkerton, John
Coquilles terrestres et fluviales recueillies dans l'Orient par M. le Dr Alexandre Schlaefli by Mousson, Albert
Sur Les Origines Et Le Développement de la Paléontologie En Suisse by Jaccard, Auguste
Paleontology: An Illustrated History by Bainbridge, David
Ice Ages: Their Social and Natural History by Mazur, Allan
Paleogene Fossil Birds by Mayr, Gerald
Pacific - Atlantic Mollusc Migration: Pliocene Inter-Ocean Gateway Archives on Tjörnes, North Iceland by
Étude Paléontologique Et Stratigraphique Sur Le Terrain Oligocène Marin Aux Environs d'Étampes by Cossmann-M
Étude Sur Les Variations Du Spirifer Verneuili by Gosselet-J
Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia, Supplement 2 by Glut, Donald F.
Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde: Heft 25 by Schmidt, Adolf
Ancient DNA: The Making of a Celebrity Science by Jones, Elizabeth D.
Discovering the Mammoth by McKay, John J.
Chasing the Ghost Bear: On the Trail of America's Lost Super Beast by Stark, Mike
Synopsis des échinides fossiles by Desor, Édouard
Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks in a Cold, Cenozoic Ocean: Neritic Southern Australia by Bone, Yvonne, James, Noel P.
Brazilian Paleofloras: From Paleozoic to Holocene by
Limnogeology: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: A Tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch by
Dinosaurs Behaving Badly by Schein, Jason C.
The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Identification and Macroevolution of Parasites by
The Geology of Greece by Papanikolaou, Dimitrios I.
Art and Science of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs by Michel, Ellinor, Witton, Mark
Excavación de Dinosaurios by Slepian, Curtis
Evolution and Palaeobiology of Flightless Birds by
The Princeton Field Guide to Pterosaurs by Paul, Gregory S.
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Brusatte, Steve
Sands of Time: Ancient Life in the Late Miocene of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates by
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art by Sykes, Rebecca Wragg
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us (Large Print Edition) by Brusatte, Steve
Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the Paleozoic by Secher, Andy
Travaux Pratiques d'Une Conférence de Paléographie À l'Institut Paléographique de Toulouse by Douais, Célestin
Understanding Body Shapes of Animals: Shapes as Mechanical Constructions and Systems Moving on Minimal Energy Level by Preuschoft, Holger
Acrocanthosaurus Inside and Out by Carpenter, Kenneth
Dinosaurs: The Textbook by Lucas, Spencer
Fantastic Fossils: A Guide to Finding and Identifying Prehistoric Life by Prothero, Donald R.
Dinosaurs: The Textbook by Lucas, Spencer
Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Two Volume Set by Goloboff, Pablo A.
From Observations to Optimal Phylogenetic Trees: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Volume 1 by Goloboff, Pablo A.
Lakes of Mongolia: Geomorphology, Geochemistry and Paleoclimatology by Uuganzaya, Munkhjargal, Davaagatan, Tuyagerel, Orkhonselenge, Alexander
Dinosauria and Prehistoric creatures magazine by LLC, Squatch Gq Magazine
Little Species, Big Mystery: The Story of Homo Floresiensis by Argue, Debbie
How Fast Did T. Rex Run?: Unsolved Questions from the Frontiers of Dinosaur Science by Hone, David
Mesozoic Stratigraphy of India: A Multi-Proxy Approach by
Plants and Palynomorphs Around the Permian-Triassic Boundary of South China by
Flowers in Amber by Poinar, George
When the Land Turned Green: The Maine Discovery of the First Land Plants by Bennett, Sheila, Bennett, Dean
Vanished Giants: The Lost World of the Ice Age by Stuart, Anthony J.
Ancient Bones: Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human by Böhme, Madelaine, Braun, Rüdiger
Mineralogie: Eine Einführung in Die Spezielle Mineralogie, Petrologie Und Lagerstättenkunde by Okrusch, Martin, Frimmel, Hartwig E.
The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries: The Evidence and the People Who Found It by Prothero, Donald R.
African Paleoecology and Human Evolution by
Quaternary Foraminifera of the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors: Volume 1: Ponto-Caspian Foraminifera by Yanko, Valentina
Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils by Lomax, Dean R., Nicholls, Robert
What's Your Paleo IQ?: The Fossil News Book of Paleo Quizzes, Puzzles & Brain Teasers by Ricketts, Wendell
The Princeton Field Guide to Mesozoic Sea Reptiles by Paul, Gregory S.
200 verrückte Rekorde: cooles Wissen für smarte Kids by Verlag, Pmv, Frey, Michael
Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America by Flores, Dan
Patrons of Paleontology: How Government Support Shaped a Science by Davidson, Jane P.
Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea by Everhart, Michael J.
Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea by Everhart, Michael J.
Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 2: Laurasiatherians, Artiodactyles, Perissodactyles, Carnivorans, and Island Endemics by
The Osteology of the Reptiles by Gregory, William K. 1876-, Williston, Samuel Wendell
The Life of a Fossil Hunter by Sternberg, Charles Hazelius
The Osteology of the Reptiles by Gregory, William K. 1876-, Williston, Samuel Wendell
The Life of a Fossil Hunter by Sternberg, Charles Hazelius
The Age Of Mammals In Europe, Asia And North America by Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Elenco dei pesci dell' Adriatico by Perugia, Alberto
Old Bones, Or, Notes for Young Naturalists by Symonds, William Samuel
Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the West Indies by Vaughan, Thomas Wayland
Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the West Indies by Vaughan, Thomas Wayland
Recherches Sur Les Ossemens Fossiles Découverts Dans Les Cavernes De La Province De Liège by Schmerling, Philippe Charles
Recherches Sur Les Ossemens Fossiles Découverts Dans Les Cavernes De La Province De Liège by Schmerling, Philippe Charles
Mr. Cooper's Paper on Big-Bone Lick, Kentucky by 1798?-1864, Cooper William
Organic Remains Of A Former World by Parkinson, James
The Cretaceous Foraminifera Of New Jersey by Bagg, Rufus M.
Elenco dei pesci dell' Adriatico by Perugia, Alberto
A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean by Cushman, Joseph Augustine
Paleontology of the Coalinga District, Fresno and Kings Counties, California by Arnold, Ralph
A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean by Cushman, Joseph Augustine
Old Bones, Or, Notes for Young Naturalists by Symonds, William Samuel
Studii Sulla Flora Fossile E Geologia Stratigrafica Del Senigalliese... by Scarabelli, Giuseppe, Massalongo, Abramo Bartolommeo
The Cretaceous Foraminifera Of New Jersey by Bagg, Rufus M.
A History Of British Fossil Reptiles: Atlas 2; Volume 3 by Owen, Richard
Organic Remains Of A Former World by Parkinson, James
A History Of British Fossil Reptiles: Atlas 2; Volume 3 by Owen, Richard
Les Mammifères Fossiles: De L'Amérique du Sud by Ameghino
Les Mammifères Fossiles: De L'Amérique du Sud by Ameghino
The Genitalia of the Group Tortricidæ of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands by Metcalfe, J. W., Pierce, F. N.
The Pleistocene Vertebrate Fauna From Cumberland Cave Maryland by
The two Oldest Trees: One Dead, One Living by Briscoe, Rufus Janvier
Normale Und Pathologische Anatomie Der Nasenhohle by Zuckerkandl, Emil
North American Index Fossils: Conularida, Pteropoda, Cephalopoda, Annelida, Trilobita, Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Malacostraca, Merostomata, by Shimer, Hervey Woodburn, Grabau, Amadeus William
Voyage En Sardaigne, Ou, Description Statistique, Physique Et Politique De Cette Île: Avec Des Recherches Sur Ses Productions Naturelles Et Ses Antiqu by Marmora, Alberto Ferrero Della
Normale Und Pathologische Anatomie Der Nasenhohle by Zuckerkandl, Emil
Atlas Der Diatomaceen-Kunde; Volume 1 by Fricke, Friedrich, Schmidt, Adolf
Atlas Der Diatomaceen-Kunde; Volume 1 by Schmidt, Adolf, Fricke, Friedrich
Ancient Plants, Being a Simple Account of the Past Vegetation of the Earth and of the Recent Important Discoveries Made in This Realm of Nature Study by Stopes, Marie Carmichael
Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, Being the Fossil Zoology of the Sewalik Hills in the North of India, by H. Falconer and P.T. Cautley by Cautley, Proby Thomas, Falconer, Hugh
Notes on the Ancient Cattle of Scotland .. by Smith, John Alexander
Notes on the Ancient Cattle of Scotland .. by Smith, John Alexander
A Systematic and Stratigraphical Cataloge of the Fossil Fish by Philip de Malpas, Grey-Egerton
Preliminary Report on the Paleontology of the Black Hills by Parr, Whitfield Robert
Report of the North Carolina Geological Survey. Together With Descriptions of the Fossils of the Mar by Carolina State Geologist, North
Les Plantes Fossiles by Renault, Bernard
The Complete Writings of Thomas Say On the Entomology of North America; Volume 2 by LeConte, John Lawrence, Ord, George, Say, Thomas
Voyage En Sardaigne, Ou, Description Statistique, Physique Et Politique De Cette Île: Avec Des Recherches Sur Ses Productions Naturelles Et Ses Antiqu by Marmora, Alberto Ferrero Della
Osteology of Certain Scombroid Fishes by Starks, Edwin Chapin
On the Occurrence of Mammoth and Mastodon Remains Around Hudson Bay by Bell, Robert
Preliminary Report on the Paleontology of the Black Hills by Parr, Whitfield Robert
The Permian or Upper Carboniferous Flora of West Virginia and S.W. Pennsylvania by Fontaine, Wm M.
On the Occurrence of Mammoth and Mastodon Remains Around Hudson Bay by Bell, Robert
The Permian or Upper Carboniferous Flora of West Virginia and S.W. Pennsylvania by Fontaine, Wm M.
A Systematic and Stratigraphical Cataloge of the Fossil Fish by Philip de Malpas, Grey-Egerton
Fossil Lepidosteids From The Green River Shales Of Wyoming by Eastman, Charles Rochester
Fossil Lepidosteids From The Green River Shales Of Wyoming by Eastman, Charles Rochester
Osteology of Certain Scombroid Fishes by Starks, Edwin Chapin
Report of the North Carolina Geological Survey. Together With Descriptions of the Fossils of the Mar by Carolina State Geologist, North
On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain by Williamson, William Crawford
Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles... by Agassiz, Louis
On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain by Williamson, William Crawford
Studii Sulla Flora Fossile E Geologia Stratigrafica Del Senigalliese... by Massalongo, Abramo Bartolommeo, Scarabelli, Giuseppe
Description of the Fossils and Shells Collected in California by William P. (William Phipps), Blake
I. Molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della by Bellardi, Luigi, Sacco, Federico
Description of the Fossils and Shells Collected in California by William P. (William Phipps), Blake
The History of the Pelycosauria: With a Description of the Genus Dimetron, Cope by Baur, Georg 1859-1898
Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles... by Agassiz, Louis
Résultats Des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies Sur Son Yacht by Ier, Albert, Richard, M. Jules
Résultats Des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies Sur Son Yacht by Richard, M. Jules, Ier, Albert
Catalogue Illustré Des Coquilles Fossiles De L'éocène Des Environs De Paris Faisant Suite Aux Travaux Paléontologiques De G.-p. Deshayes, Volumes 1-2. by
I. Molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della by Sacco, Federico, Bellardi, Luigi
The History of the Pelycosauria: With a Description of the Genus Dimetron, Cope by Baur, Georg 1859-1898
Les Plantes Fossiles by Renault, Bernard
The two Oldest Trees: One Dead, One Living by Briscoe, Rufus Janvier
Illustrations of Devonian Fossils,: Corals of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups by Hall, James 1811-1898
Illustrations of Devonian Fossils,: Corals of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups by Hall, James 1811-1898
A Monograph of the British Carboniferous Trilobites by Woodward, Henry
A Monograph of British Trilobites by Salter, John William
A Monograph of British Trilobites by Salter, John William
The Ants of the Baltic Amber by
The Fossil Turtles of North America by Hay, Oliver Perry
Monograph On the Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations by Owen, Richard
Paleontologie Francaise de Description Des Fossiles De La France by
Devonian And Carboniferous Fossils Of The Yellowstone National Park by Hague, Arnold, Girty, George Herbert
Devonian And Carboniferous Fossils Of The Yellowstone National Park by Hague, Arnold, Girty, George Herbert
Illogical Geology: The Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory by Price, George McCready
Descriptive Catalogue of Photographs of North American Indians by Jackson, W. H.
Notice Sur La Colline De Sansan, Suivie D'une Récapitulation Des Diverses Espèces D'animaux Vertébrés Fossiles, Trouvés Soit À Sansan, Soit Dans D'aut by Lartet, Edouard
The History and Description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade of Great Britain by Anonymous
A Brief Contribution To The Geology And Paleontology Of Northwestern Louisiana by Vaughan, Thomas Wayland
Manual Of Conchology, Structural And Systematic: With Illustrations Of The Species. Pulmonata, Volumes 21-23 by Hyatt, Alpheus, Tryon, George Washington
Manual Of Conchology, Structural And Systematic: With Illustrations Of The Species. Pulmonata, Volumes 21-23 by Tryon, George Washington, Hyatt, Alpheus
The Conard Fissure: A Pleistocene Bone Deposit In Northern Arkansas: With Descriptions Of Two New Genera And Twenty New Species Of Mammals by Brown, Barnum
Organic Remains of a Former World: An Examination of the Mineralized Remains of the Vegetables and Animals of the Antediluvian World; Generally Termed by Anonymous
Description Physique, Géologique, Paléontologique Et Minéralogique Du Départment De La Charente. (Imprimé Sous Les Auspices Du Conseil Général) by Coquand, Henri
Catalogue of Casts of Fossils: From the Principal Museums of Europe and America, With Short Descriptions and Illustrations by Ward, Henry Augustus
Programma Scolastico Di Paleografia Latina E Di Diplomatica: Paleografia Latina. 3. Ed. Accresciuta E Migliorata. 1901 by Paoli, Cesare
Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae Cum Viventium Tum In Tellure Tertiaria Fossilium, Quae In Itinere Suo Observavit; Volume 2 by Philippi, Rudolf Amandus
Contributions To The Tertiary Fauna Of Florida: With Especial Reference To The Miocene Silex-beds Of Tampa And The Pliocene Beds Of The Calooshatchie by Dall, William Healey
Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae Cum Viventium Tum In Tellure Tertiaria Fossilium, Quae In Itinere Suo Observavit; Volume 1 by Philippi, Rudolf Amandus
Odontography, Or A Treatise On The Comparative Anatomy Of The Teeth, Their Physiological Relations, Mode Of Development And Microscopic Structure In T by Owen, Richard
Descriptions Of Some Remains Of Fishes From The Carboniferous And Devonian Formations Of The United States: Descriptions Of Some Remains Of Extinct Ma by Leidy, Joseph
A History Of British Fossil Reptiles: Text; Volume 1 by Owen, Richard
Descriptions Of Some Remains Of Fishes From The Carboniferous And Devonian Formations Of The United States: Descriptions Of Some Remains Of Extinct Ma by Leidy, Joseph
Fossile Flora Der Bären Insel by Heer, Oswald
Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae Cum Viventium Tum In Tellure Tertiaria Fossilium, Quae In Itinere Suo Observavit; Volume 2 by Philippi, Rudolf Amandus
Mollusques éocéniques de la Loire-inférieure Volume; Volume 1 by
Die Geographische Verbreitung Der Thiere: Nebst Einer Studie Über Die Verwandtschaften Der Lebenden Und Ausgestobenen Faunen In Ihrer Beziehung Zu Den by Wallace, Alfred Russel
American Fossil Cycads, Issue 34; Volume 2 by Wieland, George Reber
Fungorum Fossilium Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum Iconographia Xxxi Tabulis Exornata... by Meschinelli, Luigi
List of the Fossils of the Upper Silurian Formation of Gotland by Lindström, G.
A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals. 2d Ser by
The Merycoidodontidae, an Extinct Group of Ruminant Mammals: V.3 pt.4 by Thorpe, Malcolm Rutherford
The Extinct Mammalian Fauna of Dakota and Nebraska: Including an Account of Some Allied Forms From Other Localities, Together With a Synopsis of the M by Leidy, Joseph
A Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the Genus Fusulina Excepted) by Brady, Henry Bowman
Ordovician Fossils of North China by Grabau, Amadeus W. 1870-1946
List of the Fossils of the Upper Silurian Formation of Gotland by Lindström, G.
A Monograph of the Fossil Insects of the British Coal Measures by Bolton, Herbert
Fossile Flora Der Bären Insel by Heer, Oswald
Notice Sur La Colline De Sansan, Suivie D'une Récapitulation Des Diverses Espèces D'animaux Vertébrés Fossiles, Trouvés Soit À Sansan, Soit Dans D'aut by Lartet, Edouard
Index to the Fossil Remains of Aves, Ornithosauria and Reptilia by Seeley, Harry Govier
Description of Some New Fossil Shells From the Tertiary of Petersburg, Virginia by Charles, Lea Henry
Enumeration of Fossils Collected in Niagara Limestone at Chicago, Illinois; With Descriptions of Several new Species by 1820-1899, Marcy Oliver, 1824-1891, Winchell Alexander
Enumeration of Fossils Collected in Niagara Limestone at Chicago, Illinois; With Descriptions of Several new Species by 1820-1899, Marcy Oliver, 1824-1891, Winchell Alexander
On a new Exogyra From the Del Rio Clay and Some Observations on the Evolution of Exogyra in the Texas Cretaceous by Böse, Emil
Die Radiolarien. (Rhizopoda radiaria.) Eine Monographie: Plates by Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August
On a new Exogyra From the Del Rio Clay and Some Observations on the Evolution of Exogyra in the Texas Cretaceous by Böse, Emil
A Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the Genus Fusulina Excepted) by Brady, Henry Bowman
Arii E Italici: Attorno All'italia Preistorica, Con Figure Dimostrative by Sergi, Giuseppe
A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals. 2d Ser by
A Remarkable Ground Sloth: 3 pt.2 by Lull, Richard Swann
History Of Labour In The United States: Introduction, By J. R. Commons. Colonial And Federal Beginnings (to 1827) By D. J. Saposs. Citizenship (1827-1 by Commons, John Rogers
Nouvelles Idèes Sur La Formation Des Fossilles... by
Paris Avant Les Hommes, L'homme Fossile, Etc. Histoire Naturelle Du Globe Terrestre, Illustrée D'après Les Dessins De L'auteur M. Boitard: Études Anté by Boitard, Pierre
The Paleontology Of The Niagaran Limestone In The Chicago Area: The Trilobita by Weller, Stuart
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay. Based on the Leeds Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), London ..; v by Andrews, Charles William 1866-1924
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay. Based on the Leeds Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), London ..; v by Andrews, Charles William 1866-1924
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