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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2023

Remnants of Ancient Life: The New Science of Old Fossils by Greenwalt, Dale E.
Heidegger and Deleuze: The Groundwork of Evental Ontology by Bahoh, James Scott
A Review of Blastozoan Echinoderm Respiratory Structures by Limbeck, Maggie R., Bauer, Jennifer E., Sheffield, Sarah L.
Paleogene Fossil Birds by Mayr, Gerald
Otherlands: A Journey Through Earth's Extinct Worlds by Halliday, Thomas
After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Prothero, Donald R.
After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Prothero, Donald R.
Paleoart Predictions by Scholars, Hjcs
Corals and Reefs: From the Beginning to an Uncertain Future by Martin-Garin, Bertrand, Montaggioni, Lucien F.
Treasures in the rocks by Hernández-Muñoz, Abel
A History of the Waco Mammoth Site: In Pursuit of a National Monument by Smith, Calvin B., Lintz, David O.
Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils by Lomax, Dean R.
Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils by Lomax, Dean R.
Flugsaurier in Deutschland: Von Dorygnathus bis zu Targaryendraco by Probst, Ernst
The First Fossil Hunters: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times by Mayor, Adrienne
Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Animals of Big Bend by Collins, Cindi Sirois, Elbein, Asher
Prehistoric Australasia: Visions of Evolution and Extinction by Archer, Michael, Long, John, Hand, Suzanne J.
Fossil Legends of the First Americans by Mayor, Adrienne
A Review and Evaluation of Homology Hypotheses in Echinoderm Paleobiology by Bauer, Jennifer E., Sumrall, Colin D., Sheffield, Sarah L.
Tuebingosaurus: Der verkannte Dinosaurier aus Trossingen by Probst, Ernst
Sea Monsters: A Terrifying True Story of Survival at Sea (The Mystery of the Seas and the Nightmare of Sailors) by Wilson, Eduardo
Megafauna: Giant Beasts of Pleistocene South America by Fariña, Richard A., Vizcaíno, Sergio F., Iuliis, Gerry de
Megafauna: Giant Beasts of Pleistocene South America by Fariña, Richard A., Vizcaíno, Sergio F., Iuliis, Gerry de
Life Sculpted: Tales of the Animals, Plants, and Fungi That Drill, Break, and Scrape to Shape the Earth by Martin, Anthony J.
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Brusatte, Steve
Sands of Time: Ancient Life in the Late Miocene of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates by
An Illustrated Guide to Dinosaur Feeding Biology by Nabavizadeh, Ali, Weishampel, David B.
El Lenguaje como Ventaja Evolutiva en Neandertales y Sapiens by Shi, Sangue
The Age of Mammals: International Paleontology in the Long Nineteenth Century by Manias, Chris
Understanding Body Shapes of Animals: Shapes as Mechanical Constructions and Systems Moving on Minimal Energy Level by Preuschoft, Holger
Paléontologie Lombarde Ou Description Des Fossiles De Lombardie, Publiée À L'aide De Plusieurs Savants Par L'abbé Antoine Stoppani, Volume 4... by Stoppani, Antoine
Paléontologie Lombarde Ou Description Des Fossiles De Lombardie, Publiée À L'aide De Plusieurs Savants Par L'abbé Antoine Stoppani: Mammifères Fossile by Cornalia, Emilio, Stoppani, Antoine
Paris Avant Les Hommes: L'homme Fossile, Etc... by Boitard, Pierre
Echinoderms From Lower California, With Descriptions of new Species by Clark, Hubert Lyman
The Bone Caves of Ojcow in Poland by Römer, Ferd
Microplankton de la mer Flamande: Ptie 2 by Meunier, Alphonse
Some Insects Of Special Interest From Florissant, Colorado, And Other Points In The Tertiaries Of Colorado And Utah by Scudder, Samuel Hubbard
Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Essex Fauna and Medusae: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.7 by Richardson, Eugene Stanley, Johnson, Ralph Gordon
The Ancient Fauna of Nebraska: A Description of Remains of Extinct Mammalia and Chelonia, From the Mauvaises Terres of Nebraska by Leidy, Joseph
North American Index Fossils, Invertebrates: Protozoa, Porifera, Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Scaphopoda And Gastropoda by Grabau, Amadeus William
New Crinoids From the Chicago Area by Farrington, Oliver Cummings, Slocom, Arthur Ware
Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories by Hayden, F. V.
Ueber die Entwickelung der Schildkröten by Rathke, Heinrich
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...: 3 by Agassiz, Louis
Die fossilen insekten und die phylogenie der rezenten formen; ein handbuch für paläontologen und zoologen: V. 2 by Handlirsch, Anton
Mastodon, Mammoth, and Man by MacLean, John Patterson
Palaeontology: Or, a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and Their Geological Relations by Owen, Richard
New Crinoids From the Chicago Area by Slocom, Arthur Ware, Farrington, Oliver Cummings
Die Gefässformen Und Ornamente Der Neolithischen Schnurverzierten Keramik in Flussgebiete Der Saale by Götze, Alfred
The Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias Described From Nature by Simpson, Martin
Mastodon, Mammoth, and Man by MacLean, John Patterson
Paléontologie Française: Description Des Mollusques Et Rayonnés Fossiles; Volume 2 by Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines D'
Text-book of paleontology by Zittel, Karl Alfred Von, Eastman, Charles Rochester
Ueber die Entwickelung der Schildkröten by Rathke, Heinrich
Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of Geology: British Museum (Nautral History) the Jurassic Bryozoa by Gregory, John Walter
Petit Album De L'age Du Bronze De La Grande Bretagne by Evans, John
A Monograph of the British Fossil Sponges. Sponges of Palæozoic and Jurassic Strata by Hinde, George Jennings
... Vertébrés Fossiles Du Portugal: Contributions À L'étude Des Poissons Et Des Reptiles Du Jurassique Et Du Crétacique by Sauvage, Henri Émile
Traité De Paléontologie, Ou, Histoire Naturelle Des Animaux Fossiles Considérés Dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques Et Géologiques; Volume 3 by Pictet, François Jules
Paléontologie Française, Ou, Description Des Fossiles De La France by Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines D', Saporta, Gaston
Die Fossilen Insekten Und Die Phylogenie Der Rezenten Formen: Ein Handbuch Für Paläontologen Und Zoologen, Volume 1, Part 2... by Handlirsch, Anton
Thesaurus Conchyliorum, Or Monographs of Genera of Shells by Sowerby, George Brettingham
Description De Quelques Débris De Reptiles Et Poissons Fossiles Trouvés Dans L'étage Jurassique Supérieur (Virgulien) Du Jura Neuchâtelois by Pictet, François Jules
Crania Ethnica Philippinica: Ein Beitrag Zur Anthropologie Der Philippinen by Koeze, George Andries
Palaeontologia Universalis by
Fossil Plants: For Students of Botany and Geology: 1 by Seward, A. C. 1863-1941
A History of the Fossil Insects in the Secondary Rocks of England: Accompanied by a Particular Account of the Strata in Which They Occur, and of the C by Brodie, Peter Bellinger
On the Structure and Affinities of the "Tabulate Corals" of the Palaeozoic Period: With Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Species by Nicholson, Henry Alleyne
Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles, ...: Placoïdes... by Agassiz, Louis
Échinides Fossiles de l'Algérie by Cotteau, Gustave Honoré
Anthozen des Rheinischen Mittel-Devon by Schlüter, Clemens
Dragons of the air, an Account of Extinct Flying Reptiles by Seeley, Harry Govier
The Scaphopoda of the Siboga Expedition: Treated Together With the Known Indo-Pacific Scaphopoda by Boissevain, Maria
Systême Silurien Du Centre De La Bohême: 1. Ptie.: Recherches Paléontologiques, Volume 8, part 1 by Barrande, Joachim
Some Pliocene And Miocene Foraminifera Of The Coastal Plain Of The United States: Papers, Volume 8, Issue 676 by Cushman, Joseph Augustine
Some Pliocene And Miocene Foraminifera Of The Coastal Plain Of The United States: Papers, Volume 8, Issue 676 by Cushman, Joseph Augustine
A Contriution To The Paleontology Of Trinidad by Maury, Carlotta Joaquina
Catalogue of Fossils Occurring in the Cincinnati Group of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky by Ulrich, Edward Oscar 1857-1944
The Pleistocene of North America and its Vertebrated Animals Form the States East of the Mississippi River and Form the Canadian Provinces East of Lon by Hay, Oliver Perry
The Hell Creek Beds Of The Upper Cretaceous Of Montana by Brown, Barnum
North American Index Fossils, Invertebrates: Protozoa, Porifera, Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Scaphopoda And Gastropoda by Grabau, Amadeus William
Description of Coal Flora of the Carboniferous Formation in Pennsylvania and Throughout the United States, Volumes 1-2 by Lesquereux, Leo
Paleontology Of New York by Anonymous
Cro-Magnon: The Story of the Last Ice Age People of Europe by Holliday, Trenton W.
The Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife: Britain and Ireland between the Middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution by Raye, Lee
Upper Siluric And Lower Devonic Faunas Of Trilobite Mountain, Orange County, New York by Shimer, Hervey Woodburn
Observations On Belemnites: And Other Fossil Remains Of Cephalopoda Discovered By Mr. Reginald Neville Mantell In The Oxford Clay Near Trowbridge, by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories by Hayden, F. V.
The Mississippian Brachiopoda of the Mississippi Valley Basin by Weller, Stuart
A Preliminary List of Fossil Mastodon and Mammoth Remains in Illinois and Iowa by Udden, Johan August, Anderson, Netta C.
Fossil Plants: For Students of Botany and Geology by Seward, A. C. 1863-1941
Description of Coal Flora of the Carboniferous Formation in Pennsylvania and Throughout the United States, Volumes 1-2 by Lesquereux, Leo
Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Essex Fauna and Medusae: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.7 by Johnson, Ralph Gordon, Richardson, Eugene Stanley
Cro-Magnon: The Story of the Last Ice Age People of Europe by Holliday, Trenton W.
An Historical Disquisition on the Mammoth: Or, Great American Incognitum, an Extinct, Immense, Carnivorous Animal, Whose Fossil Remains Have Been Foun by Peale, Rembrandt
Cervalces Americanus, A Fossil Moose, Or Elk, From The Quaternary Of New Jersey by Scott, William Berryman
The Hell Creek Beds Of The Upper Cretaceous Of Montana by Brown, Barnum
Lakes of Mongolia: Geomorphology, Geochemistry and Paleoclimatology by Uuganzaya, Munkhjargal, Davaagatan, Tuyagerel, Orkhonselenge, Alexander
Evolution of Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas and Ecosystems: 25 Years of the Now Database of Fossil Mammals by
Plants and Palynomorphs Around the Permian-Triassic Boundary of South China by
Flowers in Amber by Poinar, George
Die Höhe des atmosphärischen Drucks bestimmt die maximale Höhe der Tiere by Amirmardfar, Ramin
Величина атмосферного д& by Амирмард&#10
La pression atmosphérique détermine la hauteur maximale des animaux by Amirmardfar, Ramin
From Stardust to First Cells: The Origin and Evolution of Early Life by Chatterjee, Sankar
Evolutionary Cell Processes in Primates: Genes, Skin, Energetics, Breathing, and Feeding, Volume II by
Quaternary Foraminifera of the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors: Volume 1: Ponto-Caspian Foraminifera by Yanko, Valentina
Type Specimens of Fossil Fishes: Catalogue of the University of Alberta Laboratory for Vertebrate Paleontology by Bruner, John Clay
Our Oldest Companions: The Story of the First Dogs by Shipman, Pat
Big Words for Little Paleontologists: The Dino Dictionary Every Little Explorer Needs by Gerry, Lisa M.
Life on Our Planet: A Stunning Re-Examination of Prehistoric Life on Earth by Fletcher, Tom
The Cretaceous by Standridge, Linda
The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World by Black, Riley
Dinosaur Behavior: An Illustrated Guide by Benton, Mike
Islands in Deep Time: Ancient Landscapes Lost and Found by Johnson, Markes E.
Islands in Deep Time: Ancient Landscapes Lost and Found by Johnson, Markes E.
Ocean Life in the Time of Dinosaurs by Jouve, Stéphane, Bardet, Nathalie, Houssaye, Alexandra
Paleoneurology of Amniotes: New Directions in the Study of Fossil Endocasts by
Advances in Petroleum Source Rock Characterizations: Integrated Methods and Case Studies: A Multidisciplinary Source Rock Approach by
The Stolen History of Palaeontology: a descent into the deep time of science by Maisch, Michael
Life's Great Unfolding: The Cambrian Explosion's Legacy: Unraveling the Dawn of Complex Life on Earth by Team, Chatstick
Hofmeyr: A Late Pleistocene Human Skull from South Africa by