• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2024

The Trilobite Collector's Guide by Secher, Andy
The Naked Neanderthal: A New Understanding of the Human Creature by Slimak, Ludovic
A History of Life in 100 Fossils by Taylor, Paul D., O'Dea, Aaron
Corals and Reefs: From the Beginning to an Uncertain Future by Montaggioni, Lucien F., Martin-Garin, Bertrand
Paleontological Data Analysis by Hammer, ØYvind, Harper, David A. T.
Methods and Applications of Geochronology by
The Evolution of Techniques: Rigidity and Flexibility in Use, Transmission, and Innovation by
Plains Vizcachas: Biology and Evolution of a Peculiar Neotropical Caviomorph Rodent by
The Diaries of a Bonedigger: Harold Rollin Wanless in the White River Badlands of South Dakota, 1920-1922 by Evanoff, Emmett, Wanless, Harold Rogers
Past Environments of Mexico: Unveiling the Past Environments of a Megadiverse Country Through Its Fossil Record by
How Fast Did T. Rex Run?: Unsolved Questions from the Frontiers of Dinosaur Science by Hone, David
The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession with Human Origins by Geroulanos, Stefanos
Plant Fossil Atlas From (Pennsylvanian) Carboniferous Age Found in Central Appalachian Coalfieds Volume 1 by McLoughlin, Thomas
The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs Third Edition by Paul, Gregory S.
History of Cenozoic Mammals from South America: A New Model by Agnolin, Federico
Big Bone Lick: An Outline of Its History, Geology, & Paleontology by Jillson, Willard Rouse
Apogalacticon: A five act play about the extinction of the dinosaurs by Wickson, Steven
Reign of the Beast: The Atheist World of W. D. Saull and his Museum of Evolution by Desmond, Adrian
Reign of the Beast: The Atheist World of W. D. Saull and his Museum of Evolution by Desmond, Adrian
Hadrosaurus: Un nuevo género y especie de Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) de la formación Campanian-Maastricchian tardía, P by Corsolini, Rodolfo Pedro, Corsolini, Julian Agustin
Larger Benthic Foraminifera Through Space and Time by Saraswati, Pratul Kumar
Un Geólogo En Apuros: Un Viaje a Través del Tiempo Y Hacia Lo Más Profundo de la Tierra / A Geologist in Trouble: A Journey Through Time and Deep Into by Méndez, Nahúm
Extinctions: From Dinosaurs to You by Frankel, Charles
Reconstructing Olduvai: The Behavior of Early Humans at David's Site by Cobo-Sánchez, Lucía, Domínguez-Rodrigo, Manuel, Baquedano, Enrique
Luminescence Dating in the Natural Sciences by Lamothe, Michel
An Overwhelming Case For The Christian Worldview by Horn, Justin
Biology for Beginners: Understanding The Basics Of Life by Wilfred, Elizabeth
Atlas of Tropical Carbonates: As Exemplified by Facies of Venezuela: Past and Present by Méndez Baamonde, José, Méndez Dot, José A.
Geoheritage of the Middle Atlas (Morocco) by
Beast Companions: The Unsung Animals of the Dinosaurs' World by Foster, John
Microbiota from the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene Boundary Transition in the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Central India: Systematics and Palaeoecol by Khosla, Ashu, Verma, Omkar, Kania, Sachin
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway: An Epoch Tale of a Scientist and an Artist on the Ultimate 5,000-Mile Paleo Road Trip by Johnson, Kirk
Geology, Petrochemistry and Ore Content of Carbonaceous Deposits of the Kumak Ore Field by
Human Origins: A Short History by Wild, Sarah
Greg and Doc III, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands: The inner workings of two fossil hunter minds by Hagenston, Gregory
Radiogenic Isotopes Applied to Mineral Exploration: A Practical Guide by Gaeta Tassinari, Colombo Celso
Echoes of the Caves of Lascaux by Jones, Ripley
Silent Waters: The Underwater Archaeology of Doggerland by Ellis, Roberta
Dinosaurier-Faktenbuch Für Erwachsene: Dinosaurier aufgedeckt: 300 faszinierende Fakten für Erwachsene by Com, Skriuwer
Eons of Imagination: Prehistoric Humor and Facts by Clark, Braden Perry
Jay Matternes: Paleoartist and Wildlife Painter by Milner, Richard
The Foundations of Paleontology Unearthing the History of Life by S, Ary, Jr.
Unearthing the Past: A Journey Through the Fascinating World of Paleontology by Blanton, Hadley
Vertebrate Paleobiology: A Form and Function Approach by Vizcaíno, Sergio F., Bargo, M. Susana, Cassini, Guillermo H.
From Observations to Optimal Phylogenetic Trees: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Volume 1 by Goloboff, Pablo A.
Evolutionary Cell Processes in Primates: Bone, Brains, and Muscle, Volume I by
Macroevolutionaries: Reflections on Natural History, Paleontology, and Stephen Jay Gould by Lieberman, Bruce, Eldredge, Niles
Rooted in Time: Living Fossils and Other Tenacious Plants by Gee, Carole T.
Biology's Big Bang: The Cambrian Explosion by Chien, Paul K.
El Fin del Mundo: A Clovis Site in Sonora, Mexico Volume 84 by
Las Piedras Falaces de Marrakech: Penúltimas Reflexiones Sobre Historia Natural / The Lying Stones of Marrakech by Gould, Stephen
From Siberian Prisoner to Dinosaur Egg Detective: The Epic Odyssey of Karl Hirsch by Lockley, Martin
From Siberian Prisoner to Dinosaur Egg Detective: The Epic Odyssey of Karl Hirsch by Lockley, Martin
A History of Dinosaurs in 50 Fossils by Barrett, Paul M.
Senèze: Life in Central France Around Two Million Years Ago: Paleontology, Geochronology, Stratigraphy and Taphonomy by
Birds of the Mesozoic by Benito, Juan, Olivé, Roc
Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior: What They Did and How We Know by Hone, David
The Princeton Field Guide to Predatory Dinosaurs by Paul, Gregory S.
The Lost World of the Dinosaurs: Uncovering the Secrets of the Prehistoric Age by Schmitt, Armin
Evolution and Design: Logic and Evidence by Adil, Ammar
Molluscan Faunas of the Gulf of Mexico: Endemism in North America's Inland Sea by Petuch, Edward J., Berschauer, David P.
20 Säugetiere aus der Urzeit: Vom Urpferdchen bis zum Mammut und Wollnashorn by Probst, Ernst
Brazilian Paleofloras: From Paleozoic to Holocene by
Vertebrate Ichnology: Tetrapod Tracks and Trackways by