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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Parapsychology in 2013

'Power for Life': A Compilation of Twelve bestselling inspirational books by Wood D. Hp, Robert W.
Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife by Tymn, Michael
Paranormal Investigations: The Proper Procedures and Protocols of Investigation for the Beginner to the Pro by Stambaugh, Chad
Paranormal Investigations: The Proper Procedures and Protocols of Investigation for the Beginner to the Pro by Stambaugh, Chad
The Core of the Soul by Enochs, Sara
Wosstanowlenie materii cheloweka chislowimi konzentraziami (Chast' 2) (Russian Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
Scattered Glimpses: A Mosaic: Transcendental Joy and Earthly Suffering: The Life Story of a Renowned Psychic by Perlin-Zecher, Sondra
My Psychic Experiences by Power, Dotty
Dial Love: God's Planetary Guide for Attaining Happiness through Spiritual Fulfillment by Lynn, Donna
Dial Love: God's Planetary Guide for Attaining Happiness through Spiritual Fulfillment by Lynn, Donna
La Magie: Les Lois Occultes by Plytoff, G.
Live in Love: A Life Handbook for the New Golden Age by Cordeo Ph. D., Mikaelah
The Risen: channeled material by Kennedy, Jules
The 7 Lost Senses(TM): Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities by Jean-Baptiste, Alain
The 7 Lost Senses(TM): Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities by Jean-Baptiste, Alain
Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife by Perry, Paul, Moody, Raymond
The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy)) by Dawn, Jesse Anson
The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy)) by Dawn, Jesse Anson
How Therapists Dance: Poems and Essays by Cervine, Dane
Notes from John: Messages from Across the Universe by McMahon M. a., Marcia a.
Future Memory by Atwater, P. M. H.
Dance of the Ancient One by Mindell, Arnold
Haunted Ontario: Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places by Boyle, Terry
Haunted Ontario: Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places by Boyle, Terry
Old Wisdom for a New World: Selections from the Messages Channeled by Dianna Gutoski by Gutoski, Dianna
Tap Once for Yes by Parton, Jacquie
Atia Light Beings "The Freedom to Exist" Volume 1: An experiment in channeling consciousness by Santini, Elora
Your Psychic Self: A Quick and Easy Guide to Discovering Your Intuitive Talents by Alvarez, Melissa
The Secret Parchment: Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques by Cinamar, Radu, Moon, Peter
Forheavenstake by Cross, D. D.
Iwa-Pele: Ifa Quest: The Search for the Source of Santeria and Lucumi by Fatunmbi, Fa'lokun
Remembering Who We Are: Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition by Cullen Baird Smith, Pia Orleane, Pia Orleane, Cullen Baird Smith
Inner Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance, and Health by Gallenberger, Joseph
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi by Grabovoi, Grigori
Numbers for Successful Business by Grabovoi, Grigori
Revealing Heaven by Price, John W.
Contact: The Awakening by Dix, Peter, Dix, Judy
The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities by Quisling, Tori
Genuine Mediumship: The Invisible Powers by Atkinson, William Walker
Our Unseen Guest by Darby, Joan
50 Real Ghost Stories: Terrifying Real Life Encounters with Ghosts and Spirits by Wayland, M. J.
Haunted Ontario: Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places by Boyle, Terry
The Universe Speaks: A Heavenly Dialogue Book Two by Klein, Kimberly
The Universe Speaks: A Heavenly Dialogue Book Two by Klein, Kimberly
Psychedelic Visions from the Teacher by Morton, Bruce Eldine
Your Dreams Can Save Your Life by Mancini, Anna
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death by Kagan, Annie
Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook for Out-of-Body Travel by Ridgeway, Jonas
Isis Revealed by Miles, Kathryn
Methods of the Masters by Cobb, Blanca, Coleman Wheeler, Jillian, Orford, Kathryn
The Acts of Creation: a workbook for adults who work or live with children and young adults, to teach them intuitive, psychic and spiritual science sk by Ellison M. a., Don
The World Unseen by Borgia, Anthony
Modern Book of the Dead: A Revolutionary Perspective on Death, the Soul, and What Really Happens in the Life to Come by Tompkins, Ptolemy
Chislennye Koncentracii Po Produktam (Russian Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
Erschaffung Der Welt (Rette Dich), Band 1 (German Edition) by Petrov, Arcady
Earth Changes: Historical, Economical, Political, and Global by Cayce, Edgar
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Panchadasi, Swami
Gratitude and Beyond: Five Insights for a Fulfilled Life by Hunter, Allan G.
The Psychic Biker Meets the Extreme Ghost Hunter by Lambert, Stephen, Green, Paul
Wiederherstellung Des Menschlichen Organismus Durch Konzentration Auf Zahlen (German Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
Intuition for Beginners: Easy Ways to Awaken Your Natural Abilities by Brandon, Diane
Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality by Harner, Michael
Shiloh's Qabalistic Secrets by Romain, Dave S., Romain, Dave Starhawk
The New Sun: With Archangel Michael by Soliel, Mary
The Most Haunted Building in the World! St.Briavels Castle: Part One by Andrews, Ross
Wiederherstellung Der Materie Des Menschen Durch Konzentration Auf Zahlen (German Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
Encounters with Heaven: Stories of God's Surprising Presence by Gunderson, Karin J.
Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2 by
Discovering Your Essence Path, Book Two: Fear, Faith And Physical Reality -2: A Handbook To Higher Levels Of Spiritual Guidance by Nicolay, E. M.
When Horses Run You Will Know the Meaning of the Times: Prophecies for the 21st Century by Farley, B.
The Sacred Order of the Magi by Pegler, Dianne
The Sacred Order of the Magi by Pegler, Dianne
Book of One: -): Volume 1 Lightworker's Log by M, S. a., Meyer, Sharon Ann
The End of My Soap Opera Life: -): Book Two: A Change in Perception by M, S. a., Meyer, Sharon Ann
The Double-Blind Ghost Box: Scientific Methods, Examples, and Transcripts by Morgan, Daniel, Taylor, Shawn
The Double-Blind Ghost Box: Scientific Methods, Examples, and Transcripts by Taylor, Shawn, Morgan, Daniel
Subtile Wirklichkeiten - verborgen - aber aufgedeckt: Fakten und Erläuterungen im Überblick by Norden, Hartmut
Discovering Your Essence Path Book One: Your Essence Path And Other Quintessential Phenomena: A Handbook To Higher Levels Of Spiritual Guidance by Nicolay, E. M.
Échos Poétiques d'Outre-Tombe: Poésies Médianimiques by Vavasseur, Louis
Le Spiritisme Dans Ses Rapports Avec La Folie: Essai de Psychologie Normale Et Pathologique by Viollet, Marcel
Mesmer Et Le Magnétisme Animal (3e Édition) by Bersot, Ernest
L'Extériorisation de la Motricité Recueil d'Expériences Et d'Observations (4e Éd. Mise À Jour) by de Rochas d'Aiglun, Valérie
L'Extériorisation de la Sensibilité Étude Expérimentale Et Historique (6e Éd. Augmentée..) by de Rochas d'Aiglun, Valérie
La Psychologie Inconnue: Introduction Et Contribution À l'Étude Expérimentale: Des Sciences Psychiques by Boirac, Emile
Discours Récents Sur Les Recherches Psychiques by Crookes, William
Des Indes À La Planète Mars: Étude Sur Un Cas de Somnambulisme Avec Glossolalie: (3e Édition, Conforme À La 1e Édition) by Flournoy, Théodore
Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect by Peterson, Robert
The Cancer Path: A Spiritual Journey Into Healing, Wholeness & Love by Sherman, Paulette Kouffman
Swan on a Black Sea: A Study in Automatic Writing: The Cummins-Willett Scripts by Cummins, Geraldine
Quantum Medicine: True Stories Involving the Use of Time Travel in the Treatment and Prevention of Death and Disease by Italia, Peter James
The New Revelation by Doyle, Arthur Conan
A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife by Zammit, Victor, Zammit, Wendy
Guidebook to the Future by Caddick, Candace
Connection: Keep Your Light Burning Bright by Bright Nd, Katherine F.
Souls of the Asylum by Lockhart, Doug And Berta
Souls of the Asylum by Lockhart, Doug And Berta
The Art of Galactic War: A Guide to Conquer a Humanoid Planet in 30 Steps by Goldentree, Brandon
Außerirdische: Sie sind hier!: Beweise für UFOs by Moschdehner, Herold Zu
Reaching Beyond the Veil by Slaughter, April
Things You Can Do When You're Dead!: True Accounts of After Death Communication by Robertson, Tricia J.
How to Predict the Future by Clark, Terrence Gene
Los Poderes de la Mente: Últimas Investigaciones En Psicología Paranormal by Parra, Alejandro
CRV - Controlled Remote Viewing: Collected manuals & information to help you learn this intuitive art. by Smith, Daz
Michael's Clarion Call: Messages from the Archangel for Creating Heaven on Earth by Soliel, Mary
Numbers for Successful Business by Grabovoi, Grigori
The Occult Anatomy of Man; To Which Is Added a Treatise on Occult Masonry by Hall, Manly P.
Book Four: The Awakening by AN: Channelled knowledge and information from ancient God Beings, Archangels, and the GODHEAD COnsciousness by Gilbert, Jacqui, Hall, Bridget
Teil 2 Wiederherstellung Der Materie Des Menschen Durch Konzentration Auf Zahlen" (German Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
Genuine Mediumship: or The Invisible Powers by Vishita, Swami Bhakta
A Talk to a Spirit... by Aliyev, Rafig Y.
Medium7: Evidence of the Afterlife and Predictions by Smith-Moncrieffe, Donna
Medium7: Evidence of the Afterlife and Predictions by Smith-Moncrieffe, Donna
The Sense of Being Stared at: And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds by Sheldrake, Rupert
Intuition, Cancer & Miracles: A Passage of Hope & Healing by Wiseman, Sara
Pleiadian Principles for Living: A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating with the Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times by Day, Christine
Psychometry and the Storage of Spiritual Energy in Crystals by Smith, Malcolm
Book of Guidance by
The Closet Channeler: A Guide to The Light by Hunt, Heather
Les Mystères Du Sommeil Et Du Magnétisme: Explication Des Prodiges Qu'offre CET État: de la Vie Humaine (2e Édition) by Debay, A.
Conclusions of a Parapsychologist: What Paranormal Phenomena Tell Us by Lewis, Michael
Psychokinesis by
Cultivating the Divine: Healing the Dark Masculine by Stone, John
Cartas para el despertar del amor: Mensajes del cielo a la humanidad. by Hernández Molina, Rafael
The Heart of Awareness: Selections from Jean Klein, HWL Poonja, Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharshi, Huang Po, and Swami Abhedananda by
Clairvoyance for Psychic Empowerment: Develop Psychic Clarity & True Vision by Slate, Joe H., Weschcke, Carl Llewellyn
Loitering at the Gate to Eternity: Memoirs of a Psychic Bystander by Green, Louisa Oakley
Loitering at the Gate to Eternity: Memoirs of a Psychic Bystander by Green, Louisa Oakley
Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Radin, Dean
Modern Miracles: The Story of Sathya Sai Baba: A Modern Day Prophet by Haraldsson Ph. D., Erlendur
Aliens: They are here!: Evidence for Ufos by Moschdehner, Herold Zu
Book of One: -): Volume 2 Lightworker's Log by Meyer, Sharon Ann, M, S. a.
Practical Mental Influence by Atkinson, William Walker
The Future of Human Experience: Visionary Thinkers on the Science of Consciousness by Hieronimus, J. Zohara Meyerhoff
A Lighter You! Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body by Stokes, Holly L.
The Gentle Messenger: An Authentic Psychic's Story by Bartlett, Rebecca
Human Personality and the Possibility of Its Survival by Broad, Charlie Dunbar
The Sinclair Experiments Demonstrating Telepathy: Bulletin No. 16 by Prince, Walter Franklin, Sinclair, Upton
Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal? by Robinson, Kirby
Wake Up!: Awakening to Your True Self by Gurpreet
The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Manual for Taoist Inner Alchemy by Chongyang, Wang
Angel On Board: Real Life Stories by Brock, Capri M., Thornton, Ej
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living: Vol. 3 by And the Council, Eloheim, Torres, Veronica
The Paranormal Tourist Guide to Gloucestershire - Book 1 by Andrews, Ross
Leif - Leben ohne Ende by Helen, Eva
Stay or Go: A Personal Insight Into the Near-Death Experience by Reid, Carolyn V.
The Elaborate Game by Lawson, Robert
Afterlife: Uncovering the Secrets of Life After Death by Eaton, Barry
Transforming Negative Emotions by Ingle, Peter
I See Dead People: How I Learned To Help Earthbound Spirits by Ross, Jane
Lessons of Enlightenment by Awareness, Cosmic
Who, In Fact, You Really Are by Awareness, Cosmic
A Talk to a Spirit... by Aliyev, Rafig Y.
Historic Haunts Florida by Roush, Jamie
Les Hallucinations Télépathiques (2e Édition Revue) by Gurney, Edmund, Myers, Frederic William Henry, Podmore, Frank
Mesmer Et Le Magnétisme Animal: (2e Édition Augmentée d'Un Chapitre Sur Les Tables Tournantes Et Les Esprits) by Bersot, Ernest
Mesmer Et Le Magnétisme Animal, Les Tables Tournantes Et Les Esprits (4e Édition) by Bersot, Ernest
Les Forces Naturelles Inconnues by Flammarion, Camille
Age of the Soul: A New Way of Living from Your Soul by Nelson, Jason
Age of the Soul: A New Way of Living from Your Soul by Nelson, Jason
Revolt of the Rebel Angels: The Future of the Multiverse by Wyllie, Timothy
There Are No Sad Dogs in Heaven: Finding Comfort After the Loss of a Pet by Fitzpatrick, Sonya
Freude der ewigen Entwicklung by Grabovoi, Grigori
Jimmy Dean Returns: Read His Own Words from the Beyond by Rave Publishing
Advances in Parapsychological Research, Volume 9 by
The Medium Chronicles: Lessons in Social Work and The Afterlife by Coombs, Laurie
Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Life's Journey by Armstrong, Jack
50 Real Ghost Stories 2: More terrifying real life encounters with ghosts and spirits by Wayland, M. J.
"Die Auferweckung Von Menschen Und Das Ewige Leben Sind Von Nun an Unsere Realitat!" (German Edition) by Grabovoi, Grigori
And the Angels Speak: Revised Edition - Volume 1 by Steiger, Rebecca J.
Love & Light, Elizabeth: An Autobiography of the Most Documented True Life Modern-Day Mystic of Our Time by Baron, Elizabeth
The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul by Hoffman, Danielle Rama
Eternity Is Just a Step Across the Threshold by Acquah, Maxwell Kobina
Invisibility: Mastering the Art of Vanishing by Richards, Steve
More Tales from Haunted Estill County by Patrick-Howard, Rebecca
Man Power God Power by Collins, Phillip Elton
Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories by Weiss, Brian L., Weiss, Amy E.
What Happens When We Die: A Psychic's Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul's Journey After Death by Bodine, Echo
Quick How-To Guide for Learning to Talk with Animals: Animal Communication Everyone Can Do It by Baker, Kim
The Spirits' Book by
Back to the Afterlife: Uncovering the Mysteries of What Happens to Us Next by Kastner, Bernie
The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel by Pavlina, Erin
learn How to be a Card reader: Workshop Workbook by Cook B. Msc, Molly C.
Shift: New Paradigms for a New Earth by Wallace, Heather
Ladell: Ghost of the Allen House by McLelland, Carl W.
The American Seances with Eusapia Palladino by Carrington, Hereward
You Do Take It with You: An Adventure Into the Vaster Reality by Miller, R. DeWitt
The Mind Readers: Some Recent Experiments in Telepathy by Soal, S. G., Bowden, H. T.
Mental Radio by Sinclair, Upton
The Clairvoyant by Lothar, Ernst
Psychic Experiences of Famous People by Muldoon, Sylvan
Christ in You by Anonymous
Laboratory Investigations Into Psychic Phenomena by Carrington, Hereward
The Science of the Initiates by A. Server
The Psychic Messages of Jesus by Randall, Louise Gould
Chinese Symbols and Superstitions by Morgan, Harry T.
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom: First Series by Besant, Annie Wood
The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomena by Powell, Major Arthur E.
Hidden Channels of the Mind by Rhine, Louisa E.
Mental Radio by Sinclair, Upton
Son of Perfection by Hotema, Hilton
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