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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Parapsychology in 2019

Release into the Light: a Continuation of Life and the Soul's Journey by Chaplin, Annabel
Crystal Reiki: A Handbook for Healing Mind, Body, and Soul by Mitchell, Krista N.
The Secret: Of the Success of the Ouija Board by Perrin, Clarisse Eugenie, Walters, Nellie Irene
The Mediumship of Jack Webber by Edwards, Harry
Happiness and Well-Being: Wealth, Pleasure and Virtue in Good Life by Rajendra M. Chakrabarti
Il Potere Di Uno!: La Luce Della Comprensione! by Trombino, Reverend Felice
Instinct and Intuition: Our Pathway from Karma to Grace by Esko, Edward
The Spiritual Design: Channeled Teachings, Wave 2 by Henrie, Christine Kromm, Henrie, David
Leitsymptome in der Aurachirurgie Band 13: Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert by Künlen, Mathias
Leitsymptome in der Aurachirurgie Band 15: Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert by Künlen, Mathias
Leitsymptome in der Aurachirurgie Band 14: Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert by Künlen, Mathias
Child of the Brown Earth by Kelly, Penny
The Paranormal Surrounds Us: Psychic Phenomena in Literature, Culture and Psychoanalysis by Reichbart, Richard
Living To Die: Our Future of Being Born into Eternity by Favored, Tomi
Right Way by Journals, Uplifting
Have We Met?!: How To Identify Your Reincarnated Loved Ones! by Harris, Gillian V.
I Am Haunted: Living Life Through the Dead by Bagans, Zak
Awakened Conversations: A Family's Journey of Healing Sparks a Medium's Journey of Discovery by Dawn, Ashley
Awakened Conversations: A Family's Journey of Healing Sparks a Medium's Journey of Discovery by Dawn, Ashley
Gateway to the Fifth Dimension (Book One) by Teller, Ivan
The Prophets Return by Axelson, John
The Intuitive Awareness Method by Dodson, Frederick
Temples of Consciousness: A Spiritual Guide for the Great Awakening-the Ascension Teachings for Right Now by Toye, Lori Adaile
Borderland Phenomena Volume One: Spontaneous Combustion, Poltergeistry and Anomalous Lights by Proud, Louis
La Fase: Un manuale pratico per il Sogno Lucido ed i Viaggi Extra-Corporei by Raduga, Michael
The Divine and Master Zhang: The Astonishing Life and Powers of Spiritual Healer Zhang Ying by Pierce, Tanya Harter
In Times of War: Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife by Beecher, Jonathan
My Psychic Life, War and Peace: Journeying UK and Down Under by Rolls, Stuart R.
The Empath and the Dark Road: Struggles That Teach the Gift by Comerford, Bety, Wilson, Steve
The Twelve Poems Of Knowledge: The Key To Your Subconscious by C. Ht, Stephen Monk
The Twelve Poems Of Knowledge: The Key To Your Subconscious by C. Ht, Stephen Monk
Die Seele: Gespräche mit Seelen über das Jenseits und die Herausforderungen auf der Erde by Kertscher, Mario
Fate of a Persian Boy by Izadi, Mahmoud
Entrelazamiento cuántico y sincronicidad. No localidad, percepciones extrasensoriales. Las sorprendentes propiedades de la física cuántica. by Cajal, Vicente
A Supernatural War: Magic, Divination, and Faith During the First World War by Davies, Owen
Conjuring Harriet Mama Moses Tubman and the Spirits of the Underground Railroad by Utu, Witchdoctor
33 Keys to Ascension [With CD (Audio)] by Chandran, Rae, Pollock, Robert
Connecting with the Arcturians: Energy Fields, Higher Vibrations, and the Evolution of Humanity by Miller, David K.
Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine by Wells, Austyn
Auras: Aprende a leer y limpiar auras: Auras: Learn How To Read And Cleanse Auras / (Libro en Espanol / Spanish Book Version by Martin, Sarah, Rowland, Barbara
Unser 3. Auge öffnen: Wie wir mehr Hellsicht & Klarsicht erlangen by Hüls, Christian
Selbstvertrauen Selbstfindung Selbstliebe: Optimiert Lernen mit dem 3in1 Ratgeber Buch Steigern, entwickeln & verbessern Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit Das S by Herzig, Leoni
Deux: Uncover Your Story to Live an Intuitively Purposeful Life by Lynn, Dawn
Enchevêtrement quantique et synchronicité. Champs de force. Non-localité. Perceptions extrasensorielles. Les propriétés surprenantes de la physique qu by Aroche, François
Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth by Lembo, Margaret Ann
Entering Earth's Time: A Pleiadian Perspective for Planetary Awakening by Cottrell, Barry
A Life Lived Medium: A Psychic's Journey from Fearful to Almost Fearless by Bierma, Jennifer
Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality by
Fragmens psychologiques sur la folie by Leuret, François
Gift or cross to bear by Gillen, Charlie
New Awareness From Seth and Others by Risinger Msw, Sal
Walking for Breezes Together by Caulkins, James Nelson
Return trip to eternity: Journey into life after life by Freudenstein, Dagmar
Die 15 Körper für den Lichtkörperprozess: Das revolutionäre 15-Körper-System nach Thorsten Simon by Simon, Thorsten
The Mind Field: A Personal Essay by Ornstein, Robert
Psychic: The Ultimate Psychic Development Guide to Developing Abilities Such as Intuition, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Healing, Au by Moon, Kimberly
The Green Stone by Phillips, Graham, Keatman, Martin
Randi's Prize: What Sceptics Say About the Paranormal, Why They Are Wrong, and Why It Matters by McLuhan, Robert
High Above by Ali, Alicia, Amba, Sumaya
Energy Medicine for Animals: The Bioenergetics of Animal Healing by Budd, Diane
Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth by Wilson, Robert Anton
67 Lateral Thinking Puzzles And The King Of Riddles: The 2 Books Compilation Set Of Games And Riddles To Build Brain Cells by Bun, Karen J.
Psychology and Common Life by Hoffman, Frank Sargent
The Religio-Medical Masquerade: A Complete Exposure of Christian Science by Peabody, Frederick William
The Religio-Medical Masquerade: A Complete Exposure of Christian Science by Peabody, Frederick William
Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science by Tuttle, Hudson
Seelenregulierung Band 1: Neue Erkenntnisse über Verstorbene, Elementale, Seelenanteile und den Seelenverlust by Mondl, Josef K. H.
The Crime of Credultiy by Casson, Herbert N.
A NEW TERRAIN of STRUGGLE: For Ultimate Freedom by Lujabe, Bongani
Childhood Sexual Assault Survivor: Psalms 25 by Hodges, Lawrence E.
Personality and Telepathy by Constable, F. C.
The European Yearbook of Business History: Volume 2 by
Channel: How to be a Clear Channel for Inspiration by Listening, Enjoying, and Trusting Your Intuition by Ang, Jessica
Angels: Guides and Goosebumps: Spiritual Stories About Manifesting the Life You Truly Want by Kawena
Timeless Deja Vu: A Paranormal Personal History by Solheim, Bruce Olav
Occultism and Common-sense by Willson, Beckles, Barrett, William
Histoire Philosophique Et Politeque De by Fabart, Félix
A Little Bit of Shamanism: An Introduction to Shamanic Journeying by Campos, Ana
The Mediumship of Arnold Clare by Edwards, Harry
Occultism and Modern Science: Parapsychology and More by Osterreich, T. Konstantin
Movin' On: Using Moments of Challenge as a Springboard to Becoming More by Raymond, Rod M.
The Physical Phenomena Popularly Classed Under the Head of Spiritualism: With Facsimile Illustratio by Bennett, Edward T.
Choosing to Be a Medium: Experience & Share the Healing Wonder of Spirit Communication by Farber, Sharon
The Everyday Empath: Achieve Energetic Balance in Your Life by Digitalis, Raven
The Physiological Effects of Artificial Sleep: With Some Notes on the Treatment by Suggestion by Roth, Mathias
Connected: The Emergence of Global Consciousness by Nelson, Roger D.
Jung Et Les Archétypes Du Tarot by Leffet Papillon, Editions
Subtle Spirits: A Handbook of Hauntings, Spirits, and Mediumship by Miller, Keith
I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier by Kohlman, Rob
I Am the Ghost of Chateau Laurier by Kohlman, Rob
The Shape of the Soul: What Mystical Experience Tells Us about Ourselves and Reality by Marshall, Paul
A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and by Blavatsky, Helena P., Hall, Manly P., Mackey, Albert G.
Psi in Psychotherapy: Conventional & Nonconventional Healing of Mental Illness by Tanous, Alex
Healer: 22 Expert Healers Share Their Wisdom To Help You Transform by
Invasion Revealed: Healing Alcoholism, Mental Illness & Drug Addiction by Harris, Nancy Lynne
Making Peace with Being on Earth by Michaels, Kim
The Vanished Friend: Evidence, Theoretical And Practical, Of The Survival Of Human Identity After Death by Thiébault, Jules
Spirites Et Médiums: Choses De L'autre Monde... by Surbled, Georges
Schreiben lernen für Einhorn-Fans: Schulanfänger aufgepasst. Tolles Heft im Einhornstyle mit Lineatur und grauem Hintergrund, um das Geschrieben besse by Aidaria
Schreiben lernen für Einhorn-Fans: Schulanfänger aufgepasst. Tolles Heft im Einhornstyle mit Lineatur auf weißem Hintergrund, um sich nicht ablenken z by Aidaria
Schreiben lernen für Einhorn-Fans: Schulanfänger aufgepasst. Tolles Heft im Einhornstyle mit Lineatur. Ideal für die 3. Schulklasse by Aidaria
Connections with the Spirit World: Revised Second Edition by Gene, Richard
Talking About Psychical Research: Thoughts on Life, Death and the Nature of Reality by Barrington, Mary Rose
Evil Archaeology: Demons, Possessions, and Sinister Relics by Lynn, Heather
Dragons: Guardians Od Creative Powers by Van Etten, Jaap
What Happens When We Die?: A Journey to Heaven by May, Patricia
The Quantum Mind: Can Science Explain Paranormal Phenomena? by Webb, Ian Andrew
Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science, Reality and You by Davis, Robert
Le Livre des Médiums: Contenant l'Enseignement Spécial des Esprits sur les Manifestations, Communication avec le Monde Invisible, Développem by Kardec, Allan
Le Livre des Médiums: Contenant l'Enseignement Spécial des Esprits sur les Manifestations, Communication avec le Monde Invisible, Développem by Kardec, Allan
The UFO People: A Curious Culture by Banias, Mj
Opening the Akashic Records: Meet Your Record Keepers and Discover Your Soul's Purpose by St Germain, Maureen J.
The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote: How to shield yourself from chemtrails, 5G, EMFs and other energetic warfare through alch by Pixie, Magenta
Evolve: A Near-Death Experience from Chaos to Clarity by Massey, Cindy
The Power of Gems and Crystals: How They Can Transform Your Life by Holbeche, Soozi
Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death by Allgood, Luther
7 Questions About Life After Life: A Collaboration between Two Souls, One Incarnate on Earth, and One on the Other Side Who Share a Greater Reality by Spring, Cynthia, Vaughan, Frances
Recovery by Hillis, Lacrecia
Conversations With Spirit: The Truth About Death and Reincarnation by Skye, Robert H., Skye, Bronwen
The Psychology of the Paranormal by Groome, David, Eysenck, Michael, Law, Robin
The Beyond is Part of the Here Now by Raleigh, June
Awaken the Master Within: Golden Age Teachings of Saint Germain by Toye, Lori Adaile
Strange coincidences in your life. Small curious events. Forebodings. Telepathy. Does it happen to you too? Quantum physics and the theory of synchron by Anderson, George
The marvels beyond science (L'occultisme hier et aujourd'hui: le merveilleux préscientifique): being a record of progress made in the reduction of occ by Grasset, Joseph
The Mediums' Book: containing Special Teachings from the Spirits on Manifestation, means to communicate with the Invisible World, Develop by Kardec, Allan
The Mediums' Book: containing Special Teachings from the Spirits on Manifestation, means to communicate with the Invisible World, Develop by Kardec, Allan
Lost and Found: An Adoptee's Astonishing Search for the Truth by Shapiro, Esther M.
Madame Medium: Unleash Your Inner Psychic with a French Teacher Turned Psychic Medium by Parker, Beth
Place 33, - Book 2 - Touched by Angie: While getting to know Joseph Campbell by Avalon, Sherilyn Bridget
Hessdalen Lights!: - What's happening in the Norwegian mountains? by Ofstad, Nils Magne
Héritage Du Livre d'Or by Bernier, Monique
Heritage from the Golden Book by Bernier, Monique
God Has Our Backs: Angels and Spirit Guides/Awakening by Mahimaidoss, Rosaline Bosco
Reiki and Your Intuition: A Union of Healing and Wisdom by Zion, Tina M.
A Girl Has No Age by Langdon, D. M.
Expressions Of Love And Light by Thomas, Deane
When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts by Wright, Sylvia Hart
Otherwhere: A Field Guide for Astral Travelers by Leland, Kurt
Evil in Exeter by Van Dusen, Elliott, Diraimo, Hayley
Evil in Exeter by Van Dusen, Elliott, Diraimo, Hayley
Simbolos magicos: Auto creación - Personaje - Libro de hechizos - Hechizo - Brujería - Bruja - Brujería - Hechizo - Magia - Mago by Burlager, Claudia
Simbolos magicos: Personaje - Libro de hechizos - Hechizo - Brujería - Bruja - Brujería - Hechizo - Magia - Mago - Auto creación by Burlager, Claudia
Cosmic Trigger III: My Life After Death by Wilson, Robert Anton
Nothing Better Than Death: Insights from Sixty-Two Profound Near-Death Experiences by Williams, Kevin R.
Secrets Of Abuse Survival by Woods, Gabriel
Positive Thinking: Experience the Magic of Removing Negativity With the Use of Five Elements of Habits, Confidence, Meditation, Attitude by Starbird, Jemma
What Jesus Wants You to Know Today: About Himself, Christianity, God, the World, and Being Human by Lake, Gina
Cosmic Answers by Everitt, Adrian
The Source and Significance of Coincidences: A Hard Look at the Astonishing Evidence by Rawlette, Sharon Hewitt
Can You Pray?: We Are All Here to Seek the Way by Lee, Ruth
Forrest Fenn's Treasure Remote Viewed: The Chest by Joe, Kiwi
The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes: One of the most disturbing cases in history. What really happened? by Willin, Melvyn J.
Tell Everyone by Johnson, Les
Awakening the Psychic Self: A Christian Perspective by Riddick, Deanna Marie
Tell Everyone by Johnson, Les
Proyección astral: Desvelando los secretos del viaje astral y teniendo una experiencia voluntaria extracorpórea, que incluye consejos par by Moon, Kimberly
Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience by Luke, David
My Random Death: A Memoir by Mossman, Myra
God is With Us: What Near-Death and Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences Teach Us About God and Afterlife by Vincent, Ken R.
Our Magnificent Afterlife: Beyond Our Fondest Dreams by Lundberg, Carl David
Nothing More Important Than Others: Why Loving People Is So Important in Near-Death Experiences by Williams, Kevin R.
The Limitless Soul: Hypno-Regression Case Studies Into Past, Present, and Future Lives by Blankinship, Bryn
Reiki Healing for Beginners: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to Learning Reiki and Self-Healing TECHNIQUES: With an In-depth Exploration of Reiki PRINCIPLES, by Miller, Emily
Psychological Astrology An Introduction by Eastwood, Noel
Personal Power Through Awareness, Revised Edition: A Guidebook for Sensitive People by Roman, Sanaya
Do the Dead Depart? - And Other Questions by Bates, E. Katharine
Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud? - The Evidence Given by Sir A. C. Doyle and Others Drastically Examined by McCabe, Joseph
Mind-Reading and Beyond by Hovey, William a.
Nature's Secrets or Psychometric Researches by Denton, William
Our Hidden Forces (La Psychologie Inconnue) - An Experimental Study of the Psychic Sciences by Boirac, Émile
Personality and Telepathy by Constable, F. C.
Psychomancy - Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings Exposed by Page, Charles G.
Evidence for Communication with the Dead by Hude, Anna
Philosophy of Mystery by Dendy, Walter Cooper
Contact with the Other World - The Latest Evidence as to Communication with the Dead by Hyslop, James H.
Spirit Matters: Gateways to Healing and Higher Dimensions by Howell, Connie
Searching Spirit by Williams, Peter
Glimpses of the Unseen - A Study of Dreams, Premonitions, Prayer and Remarkable Answers, Hypnotism, Spiritualism, Telepathy, Apparitions, Peculiar Men by Austin, Principal
I Kissed a Ghost (and I Liked It): A Jersey Girl's Reality Show . . . with Dead People (for Fans of Do Dead People Watch You Shower or Inside the Othe by Bertoldi, Concetta
The Upper Darby Poltergeist: A PPA Investigation by Keyes, Mark Allan
Signs of Reincarnation: Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory by Matlock, James G.
Spirits Speak: Channeling the Life of Jesus by Strohm, Barry R.
Signs of Reincarnation: Exploring Beliefs, Cases, and Theory by Matlock, James G.
I Kissed a Ghost (and I Liked It): A Jersey Girl's Reality Show . . . with Dead People (for Fans of Do Dead People Watch You Shower or Inside the Othe by Bertoldi, Concetta
Off The Tracks: Cautionary Tales About the Derailing of Mental Health Care: Volume 2: Scientology, Alien Abduction, False Memories, Ps by Mosher, Paul W., Berman, Jeffrey
Afterlife: a modern guide to the unseen realms by Lawton, Ian
The Afterlife: What Really Happens in the Hereafter by Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Nothing Greater Than Love: The Scientific, Psychological, Parapsychological, Philosophical, Reincarnational, and Religious Evidence of the Afterl by Williams, Kevin R.
Awaken Ascension Guide: align to your true purpose by McLeod, Barrington
Urban Land Markets and Land Price Changes: A Study in the Third World Context by Kundu, Amitabh
True Stories of My Dabbling in the Occult: (and Other Weird Stuff) by Mobberley, William
Anxiety: How to Retrain Your Brain to Eliminate Anxiety, Depression and Phobias Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Develop by James, Ryan
The Lantern In The Skull: Consciousness and marginal zones of the extraordinary by Major, Hugh
People of the Earth: Ecology, survival and nurturing spirits by Bentley, Richard, Wren, Trisha, Calvert, Peter
Metaphysical Divine Wisdom on Psychic Spirit Team Heaven Communication: A Practical Motivational Guide to Spirituality Series by Hunter, Kevin
Thought-Forms by Besant, Annie Wood, Leadbeater, Charles W.
Thought-Forms by Leadbeater, Charles W., Besant, Annie Wood
Psychic Development: Psychic Development for Beginners, Teaching you to Unlock your Psychic Abilities and Open your Third Eye! by Komak, Kristin
Third Eye Awakening: The complete guide to opening your third eye, and developing your psychic abilities! by Komak, Kristin
Unlock the Zodiac: Discover Why You're Not Like Anyone Else with Your Sun Sign by Fenton, Sasha
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