• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Performance Art in 2017

Dancing, Playing and Bonding in Kala Vikash Kendra by Dandavate, Rohini
Joan Eardley: A Sense of Place by Elliott, Patrick, Galastro, Anne
Dickhead Series: Amusing Swear Words to Color For Stress Releasing by McJody, Queenie
Title Tk: An Anthology by
The Practice of Dramaturgy: Working on Actions in Performance by
Imaginative Bodies: Dialogues in Performance Practices by
The Book Of David by Williams, Lg
Pole by Williams, Lg
Mutter Erde Kunstwerke by Bardel, Rainer
Breakdance: Coloring & Activity Book: A wonderful introduction to this acrobatic streetdance. by Boaz, Idan
Music, Theater, and Society in the Comedies of Luiz Carlos Martins Penna (1833-1846): Amidst the Lundu, The Aria, and the Alleluia by Costa-Lima Neto, Luiz
Transmorphing Utopia by Waddell, Paul W.
Breakdance: Coloring & Activity Book (Extended): A wonderful introduction to this acrobatic streetdance. by Boaz, Idan
Robert Guédiguian by Mai, Joseph
Vibes by Darchis, Elise Marie
Motus: Hello Stranger by
Merce Cunningham: Common Time by
Renoir: Intimacy by
La plage des comediens - En souvenir de Simone Berriau by Pouliquen, Jean-Luc
Allan Kaprow: Yard by
Two Plays: What is the Answer, Sir Theatre? & the handmedownjacket by Hanck, M. P.
Hip Hop: Coloring & Activity Book by Boaz, Idan
Hip Hop: Coloring & Activity Book (Extended) by Boaz, Idan
My Name is Martha Motherf***ing Washington: One-Minute Female Monologues Based on America's First Ladies by Pratt, Dottie
Suzy Lake by
Marina Abramovic: The Cleaner by
Tilt Pause Shift: Dance Ecologies in India by
François Delarozière: Bestiary, Machines and Ornaments: Drawings by
The Door Is A Jar - Bill Hicks: excerpted from Mindful Artfulness by Robinson, Ben
One Act Plays That Have Nothing to do With Each Other: A Collection of One Acts by Dalgleish, Drake Allen
The Hurt(ful) Body: Performing and Beholding Pain, 1600-1800 by
Birgit Graschopf: Sur Face Depth by
Stephen Cripps: Performing Machines by
Touch the Reality: Rethinking Keywords of Political Performances by
Meanwhile... by
Street Ghosts. Zwischen Street Art und Medienkunst: Ein Diskurs zu den Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten der Stile und Techniken am Beispiel von Paolo by Gesing, Cornelius
Horror Magic Coloring books for adults: A Gift for people who love Black Magic and Halloween by Tiny Cactus Publishing
Tarek Atoui: The Reverse Sessions/The Reverse Collection by Vida, Andre
Steven Claydon by
Ten Huts by Sigman, Jill
Screenplay - Levi's Reverse Wave Absorption by Ryan, William J.
An Exercise in Necromancy by Roche, Patrick
Ernest Haycox and the Western by Etulain, Richard W.
Comment Souffler Ma FL by Ismero, Alex
Wael Shawky: Crusades and Other Stories by
Poetry: Volume One by Little, Mark
Phantom of the Opera: A Social History of the World's Most Popular Musical by Kendall-Tackett Phd, Kathleen
Hip Hop, Ballet, Breakdance: Coloring & Activity Book (Extended) by Boaz, Idan
Hip Hop, Ballet, Breakdance: Coloring & Activity Book by Boaz, Idan
Adult Gummies by Karivalis, K.
Christoph Schlingensief: Art of Wagnis: Christoph Schlingensief's Crossing of Wagner and Africa by
Collective Situations: Readings in Contemporary Latin American Art, 1995-2010 by
Collective Situations: Readings in Contemporary Latin American Art, 1995-2010 by
Perspektiven der Wirksamkeit des performativen Nichttuns am Beispiel von Marina Abramovics The Artist Is Present by Stickel, Ariadne
Alexandre Singh: Causeries by
Art and China After 1989: Theater of the World by Munroe, Alexandra, Tinari, Philip, Hanru, Hou
Dragon at the Edge of a Flat World: Portraits and Revelations by Keckler, Joseph
The Philosophy of Theatre, Drama and Acting by
How I Conquered New York: The Story of Darryl Lacy Productions by Lacy, Darryl L.
Evolving Synergies: Celebrating Dance in Singapore by
The Philosophy of Theatre, Drama and Acting by
Play with Purpose: Lessac Kinesensics in Action by
Doc/Undoc: Documentado/Undocumented Ars Shamánica Performática by Gómez-Peña, Guillermo
The Translator on Stage by Brodie, Geraldine
The Translator on Stage by Brodie, Geraldine