• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Performance Art in 2021

The Book of Allah by Al Qasimi, Shiekh Sultan
Daesh & Gabraa by Al Qasimi, Shiekh Sultan
Alia & Essam by Al Qasimi, Shiekh Sultan
Alexander The Great by Al Qasimi, Shiekh Sultan
Reality.. A True Copy by Al Qasimi, Shiekh Sultan
The ABCs & 123s of Breaking into Hollywood by Blackwell
Königinnen der Nacht? Zum Verhältnis von Schwarzen Frauen und Pflanzen in Otobong Nkangas Performance Diaspore (2014/2020) by Egger, Marie
Valentine Animal Coloring Book For Kids: A Fun Kid Workbook For Coloring and Relaxing Fantasy Sense with Lots Of Valentine Funny Animal Templates. by Press, Sporsho, Partho
A Pianist's Treasure of Christmas Songs: Volume One: Red by Cheng, Lisa Ruping
Painting in the Kangra Valley by Sharma, Vijay
Cose da Fare Mentre Caghi: Libro di Attività per Adulti con Giochi, Barzellette, Puzzle, Sudoku e Molto Altro by Capatonda, Mimmo
Word for Word: My Stand-up Act, Verbatim by Donovan, Mike
Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the 'National Bard' by
A Slow Burning Fire: The Rise of the New Art Practice in Yugoslavia by ILIC, Marko
Ewing Reviewing 2020: Standard B&W Edition by Cataldi, William J., Ewing, Jan
Little Wimmin by Wigs, Figs In
Transgressive Devotion: Theology as Performance Art by Wigg-Stevenson, Natalie
Transgressive Devotion: Theology as Performance Art by Wigg-Stevenson, Natalie
Clackamas Chinook Performance Art: Verse Form Interpretations by Howard, Victoria
美の香り by ラウザー, ロジャ&#
Dramaturgy of Form: Performing Verse in Contemporary Theatre by Lech, Kasia
Aesthetic Experience of Metabolic Processes by Förster, Desiree
La Machine: Machines de Ville by
Jean-Jacques Lebel and French Happenings of the 1960s: The Erotics of Revolution by Fredrickson, Laurel Jean
Square One: (Acting Edition for Theater Productions) by Bonham, Lavoye
Yoruba Oral Tradition in Islamic Nigeria: A History of Dàdàkúàdá by Na'allah, Abdul-Rasheed
Towards a Theatrical Jurisprudence by Leiboff, Marett
Law and Intangible Cultural Heritage in the City by Ross, Sara
Flower Coloring Book by Dr. Deuce: Relaxing Stress Relief Coloring Book for Adults and Kids by Jarboe, Duke
Fashioning Character: Style, Performance, and Identity in Contemporary American Literature by Cardon, Lauren S.
Fashioning Character: Style, Performance, and Identity in Contemporary American Literature by Cardon, Lauren S.
Liquid Loft: Shiny Shiny by
Lorraine O'Grady: Both/And by
Ästhetische Bildung in der Performance Art. Potenzial für ästhetische Erfahrungen by Rosellen, Elena
An Unstoppable Survivor: Memoir of singer/songwriter Judy Welden by Welden, Judy
Final Transmission: Performance Art and AIDS in Los Angeles by
Auntie at the Wedding and Other Cautionary Tales. by Michaels, Enna
Horizontal Together: Art, Dance, and Queer Embodiment in 1960s New York by Aramphongphan, Paisid
Self Representation in an Expanded Field by
Manon: Feathers by
Classical Music in a Changing World: Crisis and Vital Signs by
Double-Parked, with Tosca: Poems by Kaufman, Ellen
Trojan Women by Euripides
Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore by
Israeli Theatre: Mizrahi Jews and Self-Representation by Shem-Tov, Naphtaly
Hyper Effigy by
Poetry From Pain: A Black Man's Story by J, Maximus
Birth Advantages and Relative Age Effects in Sport: Exploring Organizational Structures and Creating Appropriate Settings by
Acting Action: A Primer for Actors by O'Gorman, Hugh
Performative Polemic: Anti-Absolutist Pamphlets and Their Readers in Late Seventeenth-Century France by Laporta, Kathrina Ann
Reza Abdoh by
Stunts of Late Nineteenth-Century New York: Aestheticised Precarity, Endangered Liveness by Smith, Kirstin
Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body by Greil, Mariella
Full to the Brim with Fizz, Ginger, and Fierce Determination: A Modern Guide to Independent Filmmaking by Butler-Hart, Tori, Butler-Hart, Matthew
Shattering Biopolitics: Militant Listening and the Sound of Life by Waltham-Smith, Naomi
Shattering Biopolitics: Militant Listening and the Sound of Life by Waltham-Smith, Naomi
The House Manager's Diary: A Guide to Customer Service for Regional and Community Theaters by Callaway, Mike
Theatre by Cheek-O'Donnell, Sydney
Improv Shaman: The Transformative Journey of Divine Play by Semelsberger, Keli
Timelines: Writings and Conversations by Marranca, Bonnie
Narrativity and Intermediality in Contemporary Theatre / Narrativité et intermédialité sur la scène contemporaine by
Embodiment and Disembodiment in Live Art: From Grotowski to Hologram by Shi, Ke
The Routledge Companion to Dance in Asia and the Pacific: Platforms for Change by
The Routledge Companion to Dance in Asia and the Pacific: Platforms for Change by
Narratology in Practice by Bal, Mieke
A Philosophy of Practising: With Deleuze's Difference and Repetition by Pont, Antonia
The Art of Resonance by Bogart, Anne
The Art of Resonance by Bogart, Anne
Dramaturgy: An Introduction by Franzen, Ricarda, Zangl, Veronika, Dieleman, Cock
Making Routes: Journeys in Performance 2010-2020 by Bissell, Laura, Overend, David
Cultures of Participation: Arts, Digital Media and Cultural Institutions by
The Dramaturgy of the Door by Wagner, Matthew, Andrews, Stuart
Performances that Change the Americas by
The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art by
King of Hearts: Drag Kings in the American South by Rogers, Baker A.
King of Hearts: Drag Kings in the American South by Rogers, Baker A.
Performance. Was ist Kunst an Performance-Art? Analyse der Performance "Rhythm 0" von Marina Abramovic by Steinitz, Edith
Neo-Burlesque: Striptease as Transformation by Sally, Lynn
Minority Stages: Sino-Indonesian Performance and Public Display by Stenberg, Josh
Brickwork: A Biography of the Arches by Innes, Kirstin, Bratchpiece, David
Institution is a Verb: A Panoply Performance Lab Compilation by
Digital Performance in Everyday Life by Gratch, Ariel, Gratch, Lyndsay Michalik
Digital Performance in Everyday Life by Gratch, Lyndsay Michalik, Gratch, Ariel
TANGO, The Structure of the Dance: The Matrix by Castro, Mauricio
Performing Truth: Works of Radical Memory for Times of Social Amnesia by Bogad, L. M.
Classical Music in a Changing World: Crisis and Vital Signs by
drawing with a torchlight by Missler, jean boskja
Teaching and Evaluating Music Performance at University: Beyond the Conservatory Model by
A Cruel Theatre of Self-Immolations: Contemporary Suicide Protests by Fire and Their Resonances in Culture by Ziólkowski, Grzegorz
"Our Mary": The Stage Life of Mary Anderson by Tracy, Ronald
Performing Resilience for Systemic Pain by Beitiks, Meghan Moe