• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Performance Art in 2023

"I Am Jugoslovenka!": Feminist Performance Politics During and After Yugoslav Socialism by Tumbas, Jasmina
Hablemos de Contrapunto: Escribir melodías a 2 voces by Hernandis Martínez, Enrique
Dramaturgy of Form: Performing Verse in Contemporary Theatre by Lech, Kasia
Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore by
Israeli Theatre: Mizrahi Jews and Self-Representation by Shem-Tov, Naphtaly
中国戏曲考 by 文硕, 孙晓牧
Tacita Dean: The Dante Project by
Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression by Post, Tina
Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression by Post, Tina
Praxinoscope: Hours of the Day: PerformX Documents No. 3 by Eskandar, Xárene
Falling, Floating, Flickering: Disability and Differential Movement in African Diasporic Performance by Young, Hershini Bhana
Falling, Floating, Flickering: Disability and Differential Movement in African Diasporic Performance by Young, Hershini Bhana
Regarding Mrs. Carter: A monologue for stage performance by Dearinger, Kevin
Art and Expression: Studies in the Psychology of Art by Argenton, Alberto
Pilvi Takala: Close Watch: The Pavilion of Finland: 59th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale Di Venezia by
Milford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal by
Pam Gems Plays 9 by Gems, Pam
Pam Gems Plays 8 by Gems, Pam
Lovesong by Morgan, Abi
Antony & Cleopatra for Kids: 3 Short Melodramatic Plays for 3 Group Sizes by Kelso, Brendan P.
Journey of Kathak: In conversation with Dr. Puru Dadheech - Part 1 by Java, Kiran
Smith & Wisznia Collection by
Anarchival Practices: The Clanwilliam Arts Project as Re-imagining Custodianship of the Past by Zaayman, Carine
Sombras Blancas by Diazgranados), Jorge Luis Diaz Granad
The Creative Process for Variety Artists by Johnson, Bruce Charlie
The Creative Process for Variety Artists by Johnson, Bruce Charlie
Beauty and Truth: (Rock Music) by Nelson, Chris
The Neon Hieroglyph by Shani, Tai
Up Against the Real: Black Mask from Art to Action by Millner-Larsen, Nadja
The Way to Be: A Memoir by Smith, Barbara T.
Blacklips: Her Life, and Her Many, Many Deaths by Anohni, Wilkerson, Marti
Kunst Sehen Ist Sich Selbst Sehen: Christian Boltanski - Bill Viola by Janhsen, Angeli
Performance, Art, and Politics in the African Diaspora: Necropolitics and the Black Body by Beasley, Myron M.
Performance Art: Education and Practice by Avgitidou, Angeliki
Performance Art: Education and Practice by Avgitidou, Angeliki
Off Book: Devised Performance and Higher Education by
Up Against the Real: Black Mask from Art to Action by Millner-Larsen, Nadja
Joan Jonas: Moving Off the Land by
Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture: Connections in Motion by
Caribes 2.0: New Media, Globalization, and the Afterlives of Disaster by Arroyo, Jossianna
Caribes 2.0: New Media, Globalization, and the Afterlives of Disaster by Arroyo, Jossianna
Tomás Ruller: Perform Made: Resistant Moments by
Theatres of Architectural Imagination by
Theatres of Architectural Imagination by
Las Artes Escénicas - Teatro - Drama- Actuación- Arte by Hall Cajar, Sara Elizabeth
A Philosophy of Practising: With Deleuze's Difference and Repetition by Pont, Antonia
Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz: Stages by
Marinella Senatore by
Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services by
Forced Entertainment: Things That Go Through Your Mind When Falling by
Performances That Change the Americas by
Ventriloquism, Performance, and Contemporary Art by
360° Circus: Meaning. Practice. Culture by
360° Circus: Meaning. Practice. Culture by
Hermann Nitsch: Life and Work: Recorded by Danielle Spera by
Let There Be Light...Show by Rubinstein, Marc L.
Unbelonging: Inauthentic Sounds in Mexican and Latinx Aesthetics by Ramos, Iván A.
Unbelonging: Inauthentic Sounds in Mexican and Latinx Aesthetics by Ramos, Iván A.
The Seagull by Chekhov, Anton
Wheels of Light: Designs for British Light Shows 1970-1990 by
Orlan: Six Decades by
Have Tutu, Will Travel: The Dancing Years by Zide-Booth, Rochelle
Performing Human Rights: Artistic Interventions Into European Asylum by Marschall, Anika
Diversity and performance study by Raj, Baswant
Holler Rat: A Memoir by Liftig, Anya
Performance Generating Systems in Dance: Dramaturgy, Psychology, and Performativity by Hansen, Pil
Mimetic Desires: Impersonation and Guising Across South Asia by
Creative Catalyst by Ozier, Kile
Analívia Cordeiro: From Body to Code by
Insights in Applied Theatre: The Early Days and Onwards by O'Connor, Peter
Anishinaabe-Niimi'iding: An Anishinaabe Ceremonial Dance by Gonzalez, Chato Ombishkebines, Staples, Lee Obizaan
Have Tutu, Will Travel: The Dancing Years by Zide-Booth, Rochelle
Condición de cuerpo by Martínez Fiterre, Paola
The Makeshift Body: Mandy El-Sayegh by
Pawel Althamer: Lovis-Corinth-Preis 2022 by
Jr: Déplacé-E-S by
After the Miners' Strike: A39 and Cornish Political Theatre versus Thatcher's Britain by Farmer, Paul
Jewish-Muslim Interactions: Performing Cultures Between North Africa and France by
Walking as Artistic Practice by Mueller, Ellen
Inter-Asia in Motion: Dance as Method by
Hélio Oiticica: Parangolé by
Valie Export: In Her Own Words by
Hand, Shadow, Rod: The Story of Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre by Leo, Monica
Performative Images: A Philosophy of Video Art Technology in France by Nony, Anaïs
Risk Work: Making Art and Guerrilla Tactics in Punitive America, 1967-1987 by Gleisser, Faye Raquel
Staging Ancient Greek Plays: A Practical Guide by Ewans, Michael
Staging Ancient Greek Plays: A Practical Guide by Ewans, Michael
Becoming Audible: Sounding Animality in Performance by McQuinn, Austin
Gaëlle Choisne: Temple of Love by Leykam, Daniela, Tannert, Christoph
Alien Agency: Experimental Encounters with Art in the Making by Salter, Chris
María Teresa Hincapié If This Were a Principle of Infinity by
Performance Art and Revolution: Stuart Brisley's Cuts in Time by Perovic, Sanja
Mercedes Azpilicueta: Mestizos Tales by
The Theatre of Commitment: And Other Essays on Drama in Our Society by Bentley, Eric
Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Conservation and Care, Volume I by
The Theatre of Commitment: And Other Essays on Drama in Our Society by Bentley, Eric
The Weapons of Rhetoric: a guide for musicians and audiences by Tarling, Judy
Music Business Artist Development Volume 1 by Bruce, James
Robert Kusmirowski: Dustribute by
Breaking Protocol by
Unleashing Her Creativity: Women Embracing the Arts by Michael, Patricia
Marina Abramovic: A Visual Biography by Abramovic, Marina, Tylevich, Katya
The Routledge Companion to the Anthropology of Performance by
Lives in Motion: Celebrating Dance in Thailand by
Caroline Bergvall's Medievalist Poetics: Migratory Texts and Transhistorical Methods by
Figurations of Peripheries Through Arts and Visual Studies: Peripheries in Parallax by
Audience Data and Research: Perspectives from Cultural Policy, Arts Management and Practice by
Is This the Way the Universe Works?: (555 Verses / 77 Verses) by
Facial Choreographies: Performing the Face in Popular Dance by Dodds, Sherril
Beyond Mimesis: Aesthetic Experience in Uncanny Valleys by
Choreomata: Performance and Performativity After AI by
Choreomata: Performance and Performativity After AI by
Conceptual Performance: Enacting Conceptual Art by Kaye, Nick
Conceptual Performance: Enacting Conceptual Art by Kaye, Nick
Jean-Jacques Lebel and French Happenings of the 1960s: The Erotics of Revolution by Fredrickson, Laurel Jean