• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1965

Thomas More and Erasmus by Reynolds, E. E.
A History of British Philosophy to 1900 by Sorley, F. M.
Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen by
St. Augustine and Being: A Metaphysical Essay by Anderson, James F.
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien by
Metaphysik Der Naturwissenschaft by Schapp, W.
The Anti-Christianity of Kierkegaard: A Study of Concluding Unscientific PostScript by Garelick, Herbert M.
Roman Ingarden: Der Streit Um Die Existenz Der Welt. Band 2: Formalontologie. Teil 2 by
Philosophie ALS Erfahrungswissenschaft: Aufsätze Zur Philosophischen Anthropologie Und Sprachphilosophie by Wein, Hermann
Aristotle's Theory of Practical Cognition by Andō, Takatsura
Making Moral Decisions: An Existential Analysis by Kattsoff, Louis O.
Forms in Plato's Later Dialogues by Schipper, Edith Watson
Proclus: Alcibiades I: A Translation and Commentary by Diadochus, Proclus
Franz Brentano's Analysis of Truth by Srzednicki, Jan
Freedom and Dignity: The Historical and Philosophical Thought of Schiller by Regin, Deric
Fables by Babrius, Phaedrus
Roman Ingarden: Der Streit Um Die Existenz Der Welt. Band 2: Formalontologie. Teil 1 by
A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume 2, the Presocratic Tradition from Parmenides to Democritus by Guthrie, W. K. C., W. K. C., Guthrie
Philosophy of History by Voltaire
Crimes of Passion by Sade, Marquis de
Philosophy of History by Voltaire
The Ironic Hume by Price, John Valdimir
The Blue and Brown Books by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Platos Thought in the Making by Raven, Raven, J. E.
1691-1692 by
Phänomenologie Des Geistes by Hegel, G. W. F.
Zur Frage Der Materialistischen Begründung Der Ethik Bei Demokrit by Luria, Salomo
Wissenschaft Contra Spekulation: [Vorträge Der Tagung Der Sektion Für Philosophie Der Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu Berlin Vom 9. April 1963 by
Hegel-Bilder: Kritik Der Hegel-Deutungen by Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Frühhumanismus: Seine Entwicklung in Böhmen Und Deren Europäische Bedeutung Für Die Kirchenreformstrebungen Im 14. Jahrhundert by Winter, Eduard
Isonomia by
The Logocentric Predicament: An Essay on the Problem of Error in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce by Skinner, John E.
Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science,1962-1964: In Honor of Philipp Frank by
Erste Philosophie (1923/24) Erster Teil Kritische Ideengeschichte: Erster Teil: Kritische Ideengeschichte by Boehm, Rudolf, Husserl, Edmund
Psychologie der kognitiven Ordnung by Herrmann, Theo
Epiktet und das Neue Testament by Bonhöffer, Adolf
Zur Grundlegung Der Ontologie by Hartmann, Nicolai
Theories of the Universe: From Babylonian Myth to Modern Science by Munitz, Milton K.
Six Existentialist Thinkers by Blackham, Harold John
Philosophical Essays by Bouwsma, O. K.
Die Geistige Situation Der Zeit by Jaspers, Karl
Die philosophisch-theologischen Hochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Baldus, Manfred
Li Ta-Chao and the Impact of Marxism on Modern Chinese Thinking by Sung-K'Ang, Huang
La Statistique Bibliographique de la France Sous La Monarchie Au Xviiie Siècle by Estivals, Robert
Philosophie - Soziologie, Gesellschaft by Lieber, H. J.
Der Andere: Studien Zur Sozialontologie Der Gegenwart by Theunissen, Michael
Allgemeine Metaphysik by Martin, Gottfried
Who Is Man? by Heschel, Abraham J.
Emotion in the Thought of Sartre by Fell, Joseph P.
Realismus und Apriorismus in Nicolai Hartmanns Erkenntnistheorie by Wirth, Ingeborg
Wissenschaft Und Planung by
Platos Logik des Seins by Hartmann, Nicolai
Der Logos der Dialektik by Marten, Rainer
Jalons by Dufrenne, M.
Erste Philosophie (1923/24) Zweiter Teil Theorie Der Phänomenologischen Reduktion by Boehm, Rudolf, Husserl, Edmund
The Early Reception of Berkeley's Immaterialism 1710-1733 by Bracken, Harry M.
The Problem of Truth by Feibleman, James K., Ballard, Edward G., Dubose, Shannon
L.H. Nicolay (1737-1820) and His Contemporaries: Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, Gluck, Metastasio, Galiani, d'Escherny, Gessner, Bodmer, Lavater, Wielan by Heier, E.
Zur Geschichte Der Teleologischen Naturbetrachtung Bis Auf Aristoteles by Theiler, Willy
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Volume 2: Mythical Thought by Cassirer, Ernst
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Volume 3: The Phenomenology of Knowledge by Cassirer, Ernst
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms Vol. 1 by Cassirer, Ernst
The Child's Conception of Number by Piaget, Jean Jean
Natural Right and History by Strauss, Leo
Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism by Lyons, David, Lyons, Louis
The Philosophy of Rhetoric by Richards, Ivor a.
Kunst Und Utopie: Studien Über Das Kunst- Und Staatsdenken in Der Renaissance by Bauer, Hermann