• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1966

Die Abkehr von Nichtrealen: Briefe und Abhandlungen aus dem Nachlaß by Brentano, Franz
Der Imam Al-Qasim Ibn Ibrahim Und Die Glaubenslehre Der Zaiditen by Madelung, Wilferd
The Essence of Faith by Schweitzer, Albert
Johann Georg Hamann Philosophy and Faith by Alexander, W. M.
The Fellowship of Being: An Essay on the Concept of Person in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel by O'Malley, John B.
Scheler's Phenomenology of Community by Ranly, Ernest W.
The Meaning of Education by Ross, Stephen David
Geschichte Des Deutschen Liberalismus by Luchtenberg, Paul
Essays in Phenomenology by
Moral Knowledge by Johnson, Oliver A.
Universals: A New Look at an Old Problem by Zabeeh, Farhang
Untersuchungen Zur Sprache Von Kants "Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft" by Lauter, Josef
The Domain of Logic According to Saint Thomas Aquinas by Schmidt, Robert W.
Beyond Scepticism and Realism: A Constructive Exploration of Husserlian and Whiteheadian Methods of Inquiry by Lásźló, Érvíń
Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism by Emmet, Dorothy
Primary and Secondary Precepts in Thomistic Natural Law Teaching by Armstrong, R. a.
Greatness and Philosophy: An Inquiry Into Western Thought by Vycinas, Vincent
The Just Wage, 1750-1890: A Study of Moralists from Saint Alphonsus to Leo XIII by Healy, James
John Grote: A Critical Estimate of His Writings by MacDonald, Lauchlin D.
Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy by Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose
Eighteenth-Century Philosophy by Beck, Lewis White
Philosophy of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Popkin, Richard H.
Twentieth-Century Philosophy by Weitz, Morris
Logical Positivism by Ayer, A. J.
Lebensformen: Geisteswissenschaftliche Psychologie Und Ethik Der Persönlichkeit by Spranger, Eduard
Einführung in ein künftiges Denken by Axelos, Kostas
Kant's Analytic by Bennett, Jonathan
Descartes und die Philosophie by Jaspers, Karl
Grundzüge Einer Metaphysik Der Erkenntnis by Hartmann, Nicolai
Studien Zur Transzendentalphilosophie by Brelage, Manfred
Der Übergang Von Fichte Zu Hegel by Buhr, Manfred
Tier Und Mensch in Goethes Naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht by Brednow, Walter
Wissenschaft Und Religion Im Vormärz: Der Briefwechsel Bernard Bolzanos Mit Michael Josef Fesl 1822-1848 by
Dinge, Eigenschaften Und Relationen by Ujomov, A. I.
Einleitung in Die Geschichte Der Philosophie by Hegel, G. W. F.
The Political and Social Ideas of Saint Augustine by Deane, Herbert a.
Religious Controversies of the Nineteenth Century: Selected Documents by
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus: From the Great Philosophers, Volume I by Jaspers, Karl
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus: From the Great Philosophers, Volume I by Jaspers, Karl
Metaphysics and Explanation by
God & Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion by Wiener, Norbert
Kant: From the Great Philosophers, Volume 1 by Jaspers, Karl, Jaspers
Europa by
Sartres Sozialphilosophie: Eine Untersuchung Zur "Critique de la Raison Dialectique 1" by Hartmann, Klaus
Ideenlehre und Paralogismen by Heimsoeth, Heinz
Einführung in die Philosophie by Leisegang, Hans
Kritik und Metaphysik by
Kants Metaphysik der Natur by Schäfer, Lothar
Man and People by Ortega y. Gasset, Jose, Gasset, Jose Ortegay Y.
Nationalsozialismus Und Die Deutsche Universität by
The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 2: Volume 2 by Schopenhauer, Arthur
The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1: Volume 1 by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Forschungen Zum Neuplatonismus by Theiler, Willy
Teleologisches Denken by Hartmann, Nicolai
The Communist Ideology in Hungary: Handbook for Basic Research by Laszlo, E.
Lebendige Gegenwart: Die Frage Nach Der Seinsweise Des Transzendentalen Ich Bei Edmund Husserl, Entwickelt Am Leitfaden Der Zeitproblematik by Held, K.
Philosophy, Religion, and the Coming World Civilization: Essays in Honor of William Ernest Hocking by
Regulæ AD Directionem Ingenii: Texte Critique Établi Par Giovanni Crapulli Avec La Version Hollandaise Du Xviiième Siècle by Descartes, René
Metaphysics and Belief by Merlan, Fr
Franz Brentano's Analysis of Truth by Srzednicki, Jan J. T.
Analysen Zur Passiven Synthesis: Aus Vorlesungs- Und Forschungsmanuskripten 1918-1926 by Fleischer, M., Husserl, Edmund
The Quest for the Absolute by
Provinzen und Zentralgewalt Persiens im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert by Röhrborn, Klaus
Judentum im Mittelalter by
Images of Authority: A Consideration of the Concepts of Regnum and Sacerdotium by Cameron, J. M.
Möglichkeit Und Wirklichkeit by Hartmann, Nicolai
Platon und der logische Eleatismus by Prauss, Gerold
Christian Wolffs Metaphysik Und Die Zeitgenössische Literatur- Und Musiktheorie: Gottsched, Scheibe, Mizler by Birke, Joachim
Right and Wrong in Foreign Policy by Eayrs, James
The Sixth Sense: Individualism in French Poetry, 1686-1760 by Finch, Robert
Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism by
Dualities in Shakespeare by Bodwell Smith, Marion
Erkenntnistheoretische Und Methodologische Probleme Der Wissenschaft by
Vom Nutzen Des Studiums Der Griechischen Philosophie by Albrecht, Erhard
Die Liebe (2. Teil). Klugheit: II-II: 34-56 by