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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1970

Versuch über die Erkenntnis. by Brentano, Franz
Die Philosophie Salomon Maimons zwischen Spinoza und Kant: Akosmismus und Intellektkonzeption by Elon, Daniel
Constitution of Athens and Related Texts by Aristotle
Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia / Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia by Nikolaus Von Kues
Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia / Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia by Nikolaus Von Kues
Hegel in Berichten seiner Zeitgenossen by
The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Volume 1: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation, Third Revised Edition by Wolfson, Harry Austryn
Collected Papers by Lewis, Clarence Irving
The Major Themes of Existentialism in the Work of José Ortega Y Gasset by Díaz, Janet Winecoff
Sexuality and Class Struggle by Reiche, Reimut
Kants Moral Religion by Wood, Allen W.
Federalists in Dissent by Kerber, Linda K.
Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion: The Wofford Symposium by Christensen, Darrel E.
Die Unsachlichkeit Der Existenzphilosophie: Neun Kritische Aufsätze by Reidemeister, Kurt
Contemporary Philosophical Alternatives and the Crisis of Truth: A Critical Study of Positivism, Existentialism and Marxism by Rauche, G. a.
Naturphilosophische Streifzüge: Vorträge Und Aufsätze by Heitler, Walter
Olympiodori in Platonis Gorgiam Commentaria by Olympiodorus
Collected Papers III: Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy by
Robert Hooke's Contributions to Mechanics: A Study in Seventeenth Century Natural Philosophy by Centore, F. F.
Ethics by Spinoza, Benedict De
Morality in Evolution: The Moral Philosophy of Henri Bergson by Gallagher, Idella J.
Theological Reflections of a Christian Philosopher by Sikora, Joseph John
Creation and Metaphysics: A Genetic Approach to Existential ACT by Thibault, Herve J.
Beobachtungssprache, Theoretische Sprache Und Die Partielle Deutung Von Theorien: Diskussion Von Carnaps Signifikanzkriterium Für Theoretische Terme D by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Bakunin: Philosophy of Freedom by Morris, Brian
Essays in Pragmatism by James, William
Anarchism Volume One: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume One - From Anarchy to Anarchism by
Dasein und Raum by Gölz, Walter
Gottähnlichkeit, Vergöttlichung Und Erhöhung Zu Seligem Leben: Untersuchungen Zur Herkunft Der Platonischen Angleichung an Gott by Roloff, Dietrich
Language and Lewis Caroll by Sutherland, Robert D.
Die Einbildungskraft bei Kant by Mörchen, Hermann
Der Wahrheitsbegriff Bei Husserl Und Heidegger by
Das Pariser Nominalistenstatut: Zur Entstehung Des Realitätsbegriffs Der Neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft. (Occam, Buridan Und Petrus Hispanus, Nikolau by Paqué, Ruprecht
Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language by Searle, John R.
Critique of Judgement by Kant, Immanuel
A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural by Berger, Peter L.
Modellierung Und Philosophie by Stoff, V. A.
Jenaer Realphilosophie: Vorlesungsmanuskripte Zur Philosophie Der Natur Und Des Geistes Von 1805- 1806 by Hegel, G. W. F.
Naturphilosophie - Von Der Spekulation Zur Wissenschaft by
Von Lavater Zu Darwin by Brednow, Walter
Collected Essays by Bradley, F. H.
1785-1812 by
1823-1831 by
Hegel-Bilder: Kritik Der Hegel-Deutungen by Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
The Wisdom of the Desert by Merton, Thomas
Man, Son of Man: In the Stanzas of Dzyan by Ashish, Sri Madhava
Des Proklus Diadochus philosophische Anfangsgründe der Mathematik nach den ersten zwei Büchern des Euklidkommentars dargestellt by Hartmann, Nicolai
Die Wissenschaft Vom Guten Und Bösen: Interpretationen Zu Platons 'Charmides' by Witte, Bernd
Time and Eternity: An Essay in the Philosophy of Religion by Stace, W. T., Stace, Walter Terence
Language and Value: Proceedings of the Centennial Conference on the Life and Works of Alexander Bryan Johnson, September 8-9, 1967, Utica, New York by
Marriage and Morals (Liveright Paperbound) by Russell, Bertrand
Education and the Good Life by Russell, Bertrand
Søren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, Volume 2: F-K by Kierkegaard, Søren
Men in Dark Times by Arendt, Hannah
Men in Dark Times by Arendt, Hannah
The Recovery of Confidence by Gardner, John W.
Great Dissenters by Thomas, Norman
Ancient Aesthetics: Aus: History of Aesthetics, Vol. 1 by Tatarkiewicz, Wladyslaw
Kirke und Odysseus by Paetz, Bernhard
Écrits de Jeunesse 1816-1828: Suivis Du Mémoire Sur La 'Cosmogonie' de Laplace, 1835 by Comte, Auguste
Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie by Stammler, Rudolf
William James - American Writers 88: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Allen, Gay Wilson
God and the State by Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon by Peters, Francis E.
Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology by Husserl, Edmund
The Concept of Miracle by Swinburne, Richard
Geschichte und Kritik der Erkenntnistheorie by Nelson, Leonard
Die Schule der kritischen Philosophie und ihre Methode by Nelson, Leonard
Phenomenology in Perspective by Smith
Mundus Cognobilis and Mundus Causalis by Mes, G. M.
Person Und Dasein: Zur Frage Der Ontologie Des Wertseins by
Peirce's Theory of Abduction by Fann, K. T.
On the Problem of Empathy by Stein, Edith
The Expression of Emotion in the Visual Arts: A Philosophical Inquiry by Tilghman, Benjamin R.
Phenomenology and Social Reality: Essays in Memory of Alfred Schutz by
The New Materialism by Feibleman, J. K.
Person Und Dasein: Zur Frage Der Ontologie Des Wertseins by
Die Marxsche Theorie: Eine Philosophische Untersuchung Zu Den Hauptschriften by Hartmann, Klaus
Nominalistic Systems by Eberle, Rolf A.
Saint Thomas and Platonism: A Study of the Plato and Platonici Texts in the Writings of Saint Thomas by Henle, R. J.
Montesquieu and the Philosophy of Natural Law by Waddicor, Mark H.
L'Imagination Selon Husserl by Saraiva, M. M.
Epistemology II by Cormier, Ramona, Feibleman, James K., Gross, Sidney A.
Dialogik Der Verrücktheit Ein Versuch an Den Grenzen Der Anthropologie: Ein Versuch an Den Grenzen Der Anthropologie by Kisker, K. P.
Heidegger's Metahistory of Philosophy: Amor Fati, Being and Truth by Magnus, B.
Une Généalogie Du Spiritualisme Français: Aux Sources Du Bergsonisme: Ravaisson Et La Métaphysique by Janicaud, Dominique
Modern Philosophy of History: Its Origin and Destination by Murray, M.
Anthony Collins the Man and His Works by O'Higgins, James
Juan Luis Vives by Noreña, Carlos G.
Induction, Physics and Ethics: Proceedings and Discussions of the 1968 Salzburg Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science by
Genetische Phänomenologie Und Reduktion: Zur Letztbegründung Der Wissenschaft Aus Der Radikalen Skepsis Im Denken E. Husserls by Aguirre, A.
Vernunft Und Welt: Zwischen Tradition Und Anderem Anfang by Marx, W.
Copp'd Hills Towards Heaven Shakespeare and the Classical Polity by White, Howard B.
The Moral Philosophy of George Berkeley by Olscamp, Paul J.
Aesthetics I by Feibleman, James K., Cormier, Ramona, Dubose, Shannon
The Cult of Authority: The Political Philosophy of the Saint-Simonians by Iggers, G.
The Formation of Husserl's Concept of Constitution by Sokolowski, R.
The Problem of Certainty in English Thought 1630-1690 by Van Leeuwen, Henry G.
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1961/1962 by
Geisteswissenschaft und Naturwissenschaft by
Platons 'Staat' Und Die Demokratie: Historisch-Systematische Überlegungen Zur Politischen Ethik by Maurer, Reinhart
Charles Peirce's Theory of Scientific Method by Reilly, Francis E.
The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism by Chang, Garma C. C.
The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx by Avineri, Shlomo
Analecta Husserliana by
Nachgelassene Fragmente Herbst 1887 - März 1888 by
1768-1802 by Dilthey, Wilhelm
Hegels Lehre vom absoluten Geist als theologisch-politischer Traktat by Theunissen, Michael
Fichte by Janke, Wolfgang
Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek by Boman, Thorleif
The Freedom of the Will by Lucas, John Randolph
Existentialism by Warnock, Mary
Facing Reality: Philosophical Adventures by a Brain Scientist by Eccles, J. C.
Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: Volume 4: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965 by
Social Determinants of Moral Ideas by Ossowska, Maria
Plotin by Roloff, Dietrich
Kritik der reinen Vernunft by Kant, Immanuel
1668 1676 by
Scriptura Latina Libraria a Saeculo Primo Usque AD Finem Medii Aevi by Kirchner, Joachim
Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method by Hartshorne, Charles
The Methodological Heritage of Newton by
Social Science and Modern Man: Alan B. Plaunt Memorial Lectures 1969 by Gordon, Scott
Emery Bigot: Seventeenth-Century French Humanist by Doucette, Leonard
Essays on Sex Equality by Mill, John Stuart
Collingwoods and the Reform of Metaphysics: A Study in the Philosopy of Mind by Rubinoff, Lionel
Kant's Concept of Geography and its Relation to Recent Geographical Thought by May, J. A.
The Symposium of Plato by
1813-1822 by